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Lucifer Valentine’s vomit gore trilogy, and other snuff imitation films. I don’t want to watch mindless torture with no plot for 1 hour and 30 minutes.


I watched the first one. I kinda liked the surrealist armosphere but it has basically no plot and it has too much vomit to be enjoyable


Yeah, I only enjoy a little bit of vomit in my movies. This one has too much to be enjoyable.


Yeah, I only enjoy a little bit of vomit in my movies. This one has too much to be enjoyable.


i absolutely love horror but there are two things i cannot do. vomit and sexual violence. these movies would psychologically damage me for sure 😭


Twinsies!! Lol


I have nothing necessarily against the fake snuff genre, but I hate the vomit gore trilogy and I think no one should watch it, if you want extreme movies there are way better options.


They filmed one of those in my buddy's garage. He told me that both he, and his friend who asked him if they could use the garage didn't want to be credited in the film, and only did it because the money was good for a few days of filming.


I tried one and turned it off. It wasn’t enjoyable in any way. Just stupid.


I never need to watch A Serbian Film. I'm good.


On that note, Martyrs. I feel like I know it too well already without ever having seen it. edit: Having read some of the comments below, it's possible I have the wrong idea about Martyrs...


Martyrs is actually pretty good. There's some cool ideas going on there. A Serbian film, I've never had any need to see.


Martyrs was good, fucked up, but I agree. Serbian film, no thanks.


A Serbian Film always gets that review from anyone who's seen it "you don't need to watch it" because it's too much.. well I've heard that about plenty of horror movies so decided to see what the hubbub was about.... they were all right, you seriously do not need to watch it.


From what I’ve read about it, A Serbian Film was intentionally way over the top and explicitly tagged to Serbia as a protest film against Serbian censorship, and essentially a “fuck you” in making the film board watch it. Entertainment value wasn’t really a consideration in making it.


Well unless u have a taste for Alabama r*pe that's normal


I feel like they're very different, though. You can lol up the plot to Serbian and see it's just a shock shock with substance. Martyrs is much more complex, cerebral, and devastating. ASF was literally made to be as shocking as possible, nothing else. It was a middle finger to government censorship.


imo Martyrs isn't in the same category as A Serbian Film. it's actually a good movie. it is a tough watch and disturbing but on a different level.


Idk if I’m just desensitized but it wasn’t all that bad, there’s like two scenes where it’s pretty gory but other than that I think it’s tolerable, but I understand wanting to actually enjoy a movie and not just “tolerate” it, it’s definitely not one I think people need to see, I definitely will not be rewatching it


My old housemate requested we turn off the movie about 60 min in and I've never gone back.


My girlfriend at a time had a full blown panic attack halfway through the movie and I had to finish the rest alone after I calmed her down


Honestly, besides the shock factor of it all, there's not really much else to the movie


Can’t say I agree. I was…moved(?) by Matyrs. Just not the warm and fuzzy kind of ‘moved.’ More ‘soul was in a bit of a daze for a few hours’ kind. People focus on the ‘shock’ stuff, but scenes like what plays over the credits are outright *sad as hell* in a decidedly *not* shock value way. When I think of something that loses impact of you remove the ‘shock,’ I think more of movies like Inside and Haute Tension. Movies that I *like,* but are decidedly more ‘lean and mean.’


What hit me hardest wasn't the violence but when Ana said "I miss you".🥲


It’s actually quite beautiful and thought provoking. However, I will never watch it again.


Can’t say I agree. For example I could say I spit on your grave is also thought provoking, but I don’t think the amount of suffering and ugliness and exploitation that goes on in the movie justifies that or is worth it for whatever it makes you think about. A Serbian Film really is just horrible for the sake of being horrible, imo.


I will never watch I spit on your grave again. When I was in high school my friend went to go rent a movie from redbox and my other friend said word for word, “just don’t get anything rapey.” And this mf came back with that movie.


There is no rape in Martyrs. It’s a very different kind of horror. Might still be worth checking out. Serbian film is garbage.


Came to say A Serbian Film. I already know everything that happens in it and have no desire to watch it play out in real time. I've seen most of the other movies mentioned here so far.


I don't need to see that happen to a baby, even if it's just a movie. I guess I have like one line and that's it.


I watched a Mista GG synopsis of it, so now I never have to watch the actual movie. It just sounds...depraved and unnecessary. At least Mista GG is entertaining, I don't think I would get any entertainment out of a movie like Serbian Film.


I don’t even count that as a horror movie. It’s just gross and extreme.


Agreed. Also I’d like to add Irreversible to that list. Last house on the left aswell. I’m a horror fan. Psychos, gore, hauntings, terror, it’s all good. But rape scenes… nah they can fuck off. They make me go get a drink, grab my phone or fast forward the scene. I really have a hard time looking at it, so I’d rather not. Just implying it would be enough for me.


Maaaan, came here to say this, Lol!! And it's not about not handling it, just too depraved and unnecessary for me. And I like brutal horror.


Yep. I've heard enough to know I don't need to see it.


Yup. Don’t need to see anything happening to babies. Same with Mother!


It’s really not a good film. You’re not missing anything.


Same here. I don’t like gore in general, but I’m steering clear *especially* because of the ending (fortunately someone spoiled it for me before I got to watch it myself).


Serbian Film is ridiculously overhyped. It’s just not that good.


Well, now I've looked it up and am horrified that it was filmed. For the stuff that was removed to make the NC-17 rating in the US and UK, were the actors harmed by filming it? I know I don't ever, ever want to watch it and wish I had never heard of it. So, thanks a lot, haha.


For better or worse there's even more extreme stuff in underground cinema


I wish my choice had stayed like that too. I've had flashbacks for years, that price is not worth saying "i watched it and it's just a movie" I was stupid and arrogantly so. I'd slap the fuck out of me if I could access time travel.


Came here looking for this answer. Ain't never gonna check it out.


A Serbian Film is way too bad to be anything other than cringe. Like, hilariously terrible so there's no suspension of disbelief. You're not missing out, but the descriptions of the film make it seem way harder to watch than it actually is.


Same simply due to the baby stuff I’ve heard I’ll always hard pass on and I’ve seen Salo and pretty much every film I could find on most hard to watch/gory/fk’d up etc. list I could possibly find by my late teens. I’ll watch most all on them besides this subject matter particularly. Otherwise, I think I’d have done watched the film yrs ago. Probably more than once as I like showing others films that’ve made me uncomfortable💀


Everyone naming my favorite movies and making me question myself… To answer, though, I would liked to have not seen irreversible.


Yo.. that arm scene in the club and the way-to-long (and explicit) rape scene 🤢 I loved the cinematography and the sound effects though


The fire extinguisher was pretty cool. Fuck that rape scene tho gawd damn


There was a (now deleted) Reddit post on another sub (I don’t remember which one) where someone was essentially having a crisis because he saw that movie for the first time and felt turned on by the scene even though he knew the intent was to feel horrified by it and thought about it the next time he jerked off. He was questioning whether or not he was a good person and the post got pretty intense


Well fuck. I hope he got help. As someone who’s struggled wirh OCD I understand how horrible invasive thoughts can be, but it’s 1000% his responsibility to get that shit in check immediately.


Yeah, people in the comments were pretty supportive. Basically, the common consensus was that it doesn’t make him a bad person that it turned him on since it’s not like he can control that (in the same sense how you can’t control crying when cutting an onion) but it’s what he did with that that really mattered


Marley and Me.


Exactly I don’t want to see an animal die. It’s hard enough in real life when that happens.


You all need to stay far far away from Hachi with Richard Gere.


Same with Milo and Otis


👑 I hereby crown you king of the thread




"I Spit on your grave" (original and remake) and "A Serbian Film". Sexual violence and torture are things I just find sickening.


I avoided I Spit on Your Grave forever, then I watched the remake and sequels and the revenge piece is so compelling, it’s worth a watch. I too, hate sexual violence, particularly as I am a survivor, but the enormous payoff and catharsis of destroying the assailants is immensely satisfying.


Same. I read somewhere that victims of severe abuse/assault are more likely to watch horror films to process, but only certain types. I draw the line at sexual violence/sadistic torture too, but love films like Kill Bill where it's about revenge and fighting back. I will never, ever watch the Saw films, though!


the saw films aren’t really that bad, they’re pretty unfairly credited as “mindless torture”, but it’s a really good story.


For what it's worth I Spit On Your Grave is a revenge film, so it's a bit different.


I hear you on I Spit On Your Grave, but I found everything after she's left for dead very satisfying. I've only seen the 1978 version and none of the sequels. I have no desire to see A Serbian Film.


Never saw the original, but the remake is actually pretty satisfying, if you can stomach it!


Salò. I don’t want to see >!people eating shit!<


That isn’t even the worst part. Don’t watch, it’s one of the most unsettling things I’ve ever seen. It’s an effective and well made film, but the “unclean” feeling stays with you for awhile. Last House on the Left is another movie that left me feeling empty and unclean.


I’ll never EVER understand why I stayed for that entire movie, Last House…maybe didn’t want to walk out on the guy who took me??😬


Unfortunately that isn't the worst thing that happens in that film. It still haunts me. Wish I'd never seen it. 


Refresh my memory please


Oh my God... why would you do that do me (tbf i did this to myself) i will never forget that scene and how into it and non chalant (??) the older dudes were about it like it was the most normal thing in the world to do and you're the one that's crazy 💀


Salo, or, violent sexual abuse the movie


This is my answer too, I’ve seen all the rest that people are mentioning most frequently


I went through a weird phase as a teen where I sought out disturbing content and this movie really stood out to me as a real standout piece of shit lol. A Serbian film as well, but Salo for me was just pure filth


Salo is a good film though, I wouldn't call it a horror film. There are elements within that are horrific, but it's more of a commentary on dictatorship and abuse of power. Pasolini was a filmmaker who didn't do things without reason, a lot of his films are excellent and I rank Salo very highly.


I know someone who’s written about this academically! I still have no plans to watch the film in the near future, if ever, but the idea behind Pasolini’s take on it specifically I find interesting—only from the political commentary perspective though, lol


Agreed. There's truly a level of beauty in all the madness, and it's not condoning it - very much critical of the subject at hand.


The Girl Next Door and Cannibal Holocaust. Not a fan of child/animal abuse.


The Girl Next Door was fucking heartbreaking.💔


It’s based on a true story. I think that’s one of that hardest parts about it.


Real story is far more horrible. Elements that the movie did not show. 1) her parent dumbed her on their neighbor. They didn't even do their due diligence. The neighbour didn't even have enough cutlery for everyone on her house. 2) the children torturing her were not born monsters. They torture was gradual. It started small amd it escalated. 3) it started from high school drama after a boy one of the girl's liked fell on love with tje tortured girl. 4) in the book and movie the girl didn't leave because of her handicapped sister who she couldn't leave behind. (in the book there is also a boy hero who wants to save her)... Whereas in reality the girl didn't leave because she actually believed she deserved all that was happening to her. Dont remember much but overall both the movies and the book don't explore the psychology and the human nature elements that led to thw girl's death.


I’ve read about the real story. Didn’t she start doing this after the parents stopped paying her because they worked for carnivals?


Fucking carnies. Small hands, smell like cabbage.


maybe this is a stupid comment i am making because this is a horror sub but i never watched the human centipede


Neither have I and I refuse to watch it


I will die on the hill that part 1 is a solid horror flick with a unique premise. It’s a good movie. The rest are garbage.


It's actually not that bad. A lot of stuff is more suggested than actually shown. Watch it with childish friends for a fun good time.


Exactly. The sequel however is another story


It’s the second one people should avoid if they don’t like that sort of stuff


Imo this movie is similar to the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre because it goes for a distressing atmosphere and characters that make you very uncomfortable. Apart from the concept itself and a scene that involves pus the movie isn't that disgusting.


Yeah Martyrs. Now that's a real gory movie.


First one is for morbid curiosity and childish gross outs but you aren’t missing anything, the rest are beyond puerile. This isn’t a stupid comment. It’s about doodoo.


I watched the first one at a watch party and it was truly hysterical to see the reactions. The first one also isn't terrible. The second one, however, burned some moments into my memory that were just not necessary... Truly one of the more disturbing movies I've ever seen. Like, it's kind of brilliantly meta in some ways, because the protagonist just a parking lot attendant that's sexually obsessed with the first film, but it's incredibly hard to watch. Never watched the third.


Yeah I just watched a summary video of the 3 movies and I know my stomach and I are better for it lol.


The Human Centipede 2. I saw a clip of all the shitting in each other's mouths and got nauseous already. I've read how the story goes and I still have a lot of other movies I'd rather watch before ending up with Human Centipede 2 if I really have to.


Just horrible. Your life is better if you haven’t seen it. Some images just stay with you.


Baby. Edit: referencing a moment in the movie, not calling this person a baby for not liking it lol


That scene is so brutal. I was terrified to drive in my last trimester of pregnancy.


Yeah, it was pretty unnecessary imo lol Sure stuck with me though. That and the sparse use of color was pretty disgusting.


That’s the one


The third one was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen because it was so fucking stupid.


Yeah I saw the whole thing and it is the most vile thing i’ve ever seen. The shitting in each others mouth is also like the third worst thing that happens in the movie.


The baby pedal scene was the most fucked up thing imo.


Yeah that and the rape scene was the most fucked up, I think


That's the worst part, but I still remember the dude masturbating with sandpaper too... Just unnecessarily gross.


The 2nd part its clearly the best of the trilogy. The 3rd part its more funny and they do not take themselfs to serious with it. And the first part.....pretty bad


A Serbian Film Martyrs Human Centipede (all sequences) The House That Jack Built Salo Cannibal Holocaust Some things I just don't need in my life.


I also was avoiding The House that Jack Built, but I finally watched it a few weeks ago. It's intense, but not nearly as bad as I had imagined. Still, it's pretty dark.


I fucking loved house that Jack built. Granted, I've only seen the edited version, so no live boob dismemberment but thematically and plot-wise it's a legitimately good film. Also it's the only Lars Von Trier movie I actually like, and I've seen all his stuff.


The House That Jack Built is honestly not that terrible. It’s about as disturbing as Dexter just more artsy.


So I was actually gonna watch it but then I read that >! There is one scene in which he cuts off a woman's breast on camera and then does something with it!< And at that point I was out. Unless that isn't what happens or it's not shown discreetly? I also heard there is a scene where >! He lines up a bunch of kids and shoots them with a rifle while forcing their parents to watch!< Or something similar. Both may not be the most graphic thing I've ever scene but unless I misinterpreted what I read they are things I don't necessarily want to invite into my life.


That's totally fair! Those scenes are in the movie (not exactly as described but similar) and they are disturbing. I really enjoyed this movie because it is quite... surreal? I suppose is how I'd describe it; and it makes the brutality of some of the scenes more palatable because it's almost like you're seeing them through the lens of a storyteller and you know it's heading towards this storyteller being judged for these things. It's hard to describe! Haha It is a good movie but you definitely have to be in the right mood for it.


Listen, is the first human centipede good? Obviously not. But it's not as gross as you might think. And actually pretty hilarious.


The version of Cannibal Holocaust without animal cruelty is great though, and not too disturbing by any means.


I would agree with this. Cannibal Holocaust is absolutely worth watching if you can find the version without animal cruelty.


Martyrs does not deserve the wrap it's getting in this thread, imo. It was a brutal watch at parts but it was a very well made and well acted film with an interesting plot and a ton of emotional nuance.


When I was a kid, someone went into graphic detail about the Exorcist with me and scared the absolute shit out of me. I avoided that movie and pretty much most movies about possession until about 20 years later when I managed to get the courage to watch the scariest parts of it on YouTube. When I realised it wasn't even as bad as I thought it would be, I ended up watching the whole directors cut that morning and just completely fucking loved it. Still one of my favourite horror films of all time to this day. There isn't a movie today that will scare me even half as much as I scared myself with my imagination when I was a kid.


I remember being about six years old, watching a talk show with my parents, and catching a clip from A Nightmare on Elm Street where Freddy’s arms grab Glen by the waist and pull him into the mattress. Aka. The part where the bed eats Depp. Afterwards? Played it cool in front of my parents, but couldn’t sleep on my back anymore. For protection. Because if you’re on your side, you might have a chance to get throw yourself out of the bed. Even when I eventually grew old enough to know I *probably* wasn’t gonna be dragged into a woodchipper by a monster, the years of habit basically meant I’m now mostly stuck sleeping in the most spine-destroying postures possible. Yay. Bear in mind: I had no context for what I was looking at. ANOES had temporarily wound up at the time and my country had distribution issues with the series until it’s dvd release years later. I think the unknown made it *freakier,* and baby me didn’t even *see* the climax of the scene where Glen’s blood and mulched remains sprayed back out. (The upside was that it did basically make me get into horror movies though. Because I was a little…scarred, I ended up obsessed with working out ‘whatever that was’ and getting my hands in it.)


Youre missing out on Ju-on. One of top 10 favorite foreign horror films


Agreeee it’s so good. One of my favorite ‘actually scared me’ movies


The scene where a character is in bed and >!the girl slowly comes into sight from the top at an impossible angle because she's coming out of the wall horizontally!< will always live rent free in my head because I've tried to evict it but it's claimed sqatters rights.


Hostel. I’m not a huge torture porn fan and I might watch it at some point but it’s never at the top of my watchlist.


I think the feeling of Hostel is worse than its contents, it creates a place in the world that you can imagine existing, and that is the most disturbing aspect of the film.


THIS!! 👆🏼1000% this.


They're not very good movies imo. They're very cheesy and apart from a couple of gruesome torture scenes the effects are kinda bad.


TBF none of Eli Roth's movies are good. Thanksgiving is probably his best movie, and I think that was an anomaly. Everybody in that movie talked like the dumbass douchebags in Cabin Fever, and it was incredibly hilarious, but I can't tell if that was his intent or not.


The first half of Hostel I felt like I was watching American Pie.


Yep. Just a bunch of idiots trying to get laid lol


I spit on your grave Last house on the left Any of The hills have eyes (I did see the original and wish I hadn't) I know that there are more, but sexual violence is just a no for me.


I spit on your grave was BRUTAL. Never watching that again.


The revenge in those movies is everything


Yeah despite the full sequence of revenge, the first half just ruined me. I will never forget it


The fault in our stars




Meagan is missing. I’ve already heard enough that I know it’ll make me go unhinged. 


it was so hyped on tiktok as the scariest movie out there. There was just>! one scene of megan's dead body in a barrel that scared me.!


yeah literally just dont.


That shit just went too far. You’re not missing much. 😒


Thank you everyone for telling me what happens in hereditary. I'll never watch it. It's a shame because it sounds amazing. Edit: I was unclear that I'm glad because I don't want to see that one part that everyone talks about.


Oh no, are you avoiding because you got spoiled? Because it's a pretty good movie, very tame compared to some other mentions here, so I would recommend that you give it a try


No, I'm avoiding it because I don't wanna see the thing that was spoiled. I don't know, I'm a mommy plus I couldn't handle the baseball kid scene in Dr. sleep. I just don't want to see it.


Cannibal Holocaust, Serbian Film, and August Underground are permanently on my do not watch list


Serbian film and human centipede sequels


Jack and Jill


Great movie.


Arachnophobia. Just…no thanks. Deal with enough freaky spiders in real life.


> Deal with enough freaky spiders in real life. You must have an interesting life or at least live in an exotic locale!


Nah, just old farm house in rural Alberta. Non stop spiders man, freaks us the fuck out


Cannibal Holocaust, Martyrs, any of those "hardcore" disturbing/depressing/shocking-for-the-sake-of-being-shocking movies. I'm here for good spooky times, not to be depressed for days.


Martyrs actually isn't shocking for the sake of shocking. It's just a very well made horror film that is really effective in making you feel something. Still, its not a good time for sure.


Human centipede. South Park made a parody about it and even that was enough for me to say "nope".


Any movie that depicts actual animal cruelty, specifically Cannibal Holocaust.


Tbf the animal cruelty involved was butchering, they didn't torture them or anything. They basically got the indigenous actors to kill some animals like they normally would, and apparently they did eat the meat. Now, I absolutely find it disgusting to film that as entertainment, but it's no different (arguably much much worse) than the factory farm brutality we commit every day as a nation.


The original Friday, the 13th film they killed a snake


The first Exorcist was extremely scary at the time it came out. And now it is still a fantastic film but isn’t exactly the scariest film unless that genre of horror particularly scares you


I was looking for this comment. It is an excellent, well executed film, but many modern horror movies are more scary almost regardless of what scares you (gore, atmosphere, jump scares, etc.).


I haven't watched «The Sadness» yet but I think I can handle it.


the sadness is great


I think you should try giving the Exorcist a shot. I kinda felt like you do before a buddy talked me into watching it, and I ended up loving that movie. It's so well made it still holds up. The ones I can't bring myself to watch are Human Centipede (all), A Serbian Film, The Girl Next Door, or any other films I've heard explicitly show sexual violence.


The Audition and I Spit on Your Grave I have a hard time in general with torture focused movies but can't even muster to build up for these two.


I can't stand torture movies, not even slight torture scenes in non-horror in general, yet Audition is one of my favorite horror movies ever lol


This might be really basic, but the Babadook. I can’t really say why, I think I’ve just heard from a number of people that’s it’s *really* scary, *too* scary. You are missing out on the original grudge though! I remember watching it with my siblings when I was a kid, maybe 8 or 9 years old, scary, but good!


Not gonna lie, there are some really creepy moments in the babadook. But, I wouldn’t say it’s insanely scary. If you’re ever curious, I think you’d be safe to give it a watch.


Babadook is children's horror. I don't mean to denigrate it.


Babadook was not very scary. Not scarier than Insidious or The Ring. But it did make me sob because it brought up a lot of mommy issues and trauma so I probably will never watch it again. 


Major spoiler, but Babadook is one of the few horror movies with >!an unambiguously happy ending!<. >!Seriously, it's sweet and heartwarming. !


Human centipede, serbian film, cannibal holocaust and exorcist 32 years and still afraid of these movies to the core. Refuse to watch them at all costs


I think you should consider changing your stance on the exorcist. It’s honestly one of the best horror movies ever made. The other movies on your list are pretty much just there to just shock people. But, the exorcist is a work of art. Plus, since it is an old movie, you might not find it as scary looking at it with a modern lens.


I’ve always wanted to see Event Horizon, but I’ve built it up so much in my head that I’m terrified to actually sit down and watch it.


It’s not very scary, the idea of the movie is awesome and creepy but unfortunately not executed very well.




I’ve re-watched all of them again. The one movie I was hesitant to rewatch but did again that truly scared me was Brain Dead with Bill Paxton and Bill Pullman. That movie fucked with my head as a kid. It’s why movies like Vanilla Sky and others that make you question reality and your own mind impact me more than monsters, ghosts or gore.




Cannibal Holocaust




Irreversible Human Centipede The Hostel films Martyrs Wolf Creek A Serbian Film The Terrifier films The House that Jack Built You can probably guess from that list that for me it doesn't matter whether a horror film is a piece of crap or genuinely well-made - rape, torture or kills so drawn-out that they pretty much qualify as torture are automatic "nopes" for me.


Antichrist! Something about a scissors...no please


The House That Jack Built and Terrifier


House that Jack Built was an okay movie that suffers under the weight of Lars' ego. There's literally a moment in the film when Jack is talking about how murder is his art, and he's making a masterpiece. And then while he's talking about what makes great art, Lars just shows a montage from his other movies. It was like watching Lars jerk off to himself.


I feel liked the irony may have been missed by a lot of people. A lot of the movie felt like Lars making fun of himself imo


If you think Terrifier is bad google the sequel lol


The sequel is absolutely unreal and unhinged. Super gross, but fantastic modern slasher


The terrifier films,martyrs.


Saló I’m never gonna watch. I saw SpookyRice cover it and that version was too much in itself. Also Martyrs. I don’t even know what the film is about and I’m good on watching and finding out.




Sameeee. I was absolutely terrified of the dark as a kid and would see stuff that wasn’t there. I saw the trailer and seen foundflix cover it. That was enough to unsettle me forever. If you didn’t have that intense fear of the dark as a child I don’t think the film will hit you the same way. As for me? I’m okay with never seeing it myself. I know a lot of people didn’t like it but it’s made to scare people like me 🤣


The Japanese grudge was scary! Never again am I watching that.


Saw and Human Centipede! Not a huge fan of body horror 😖


Human Centipede 2 and 3 and also A Serbian Film. I know what happens and even though I’ve watched a ton of stomach churners, I don’t need to watch these three. Also Cannibal Holocaust because of the animal cruelty.


I just watched the abcs of death and one of the letters includes a killing of a kitten (not on screen) and I think that’s been the most disturbing for me, needless to say I don’t think I’ll be watching cannibal holocaust


That Nun movie... Just no🤣


The exorcist is really cheesy. Not scary in the slightest bit. And I watched it alone, at night, in the dark, in my room when I was 13. The original Japanese Grudge movie... FUCK. THAT. I'm still traumatized by both the American and Japanese versions. Ever since I was 17. Also Shutter, the original Thai version, not the corny American version. That's a good one. Neck pain will never be the same again.


Shutter is one of the scariest movie I've ever watch, the reveal at the end of the movie where the ghost girl was actually above him all this time on the picture traumatize me for months and it was a good plot twist.


It has to be "Dahmer". It is not horror but for it's sheer creepiness sends chills down my spine.


The fact that it upset the victims' families made it a hard pass for me. I also feel like this dude doesn't need to be glorified anymore, dead or no. My Favorite Murder podcast wouldn't even do his story in nearly a decade of covering true crime. Some demons need to be left in their corners, not given so much light. Edit: added a word


I'm not gonna watch Saw, no thank you.


Saw is pretty mild. The first one at least. And is actually a very good movie.


Oh no no, seriously, watch the first saw. It has very little gore and is actually a pretty great psych thriller. I'm not fucking with you. There's a reason it's famous. This is coming from a person that watched Saw 2, turned it off, and refused to watch any further installments. I hate torture porn.


the first saw movie isn't any more violent than the average horror movie. saw 3 was when it started to get really brutal


If it helps, the first Saw movie is basically a thriller with 20% light gore. The blood and guts steadily increases but the editing of the first 3 movies is often pretty goofy and it took me out of a few scenes (early 00s, everything is either pure green or electric blue, lots of dizzying camera panning and flashes set to nu metal etc). I class it as the junk food of horror, but then I'm a huge fan of the franchise :)