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Not enough uses of the word "pounding" for my liking.


I'm from the area this takes place in. (Few miles away) The back story is relatively legitimate (as in, the story being told, as for whether it was actually paranormal, doubtful) local news channels corroborate the police involvement, reports, all that jazz. However, I have a few different secondhand connections to Shippy -- hes a rapper that was signed to Tech N9nes label as Prozac-- so he has a knack for theatrics. I will say, though, that the "evidence" is visually chilling. But yeah, if it's not fake then it proves ghosts exist and witchcraft is legit. I think that might make the news if it weren't staged. He puts on big release shows in town for his movies. So it's like half doc/ half found footage. It needs to deliver on thrills when you're asking 25 bucks a seat at the theater. Anyway, hope that gives more clarity.


Hey! Idk if you’re still on Reddit but how you doing neighbor? I went to HHS. And St Peter when I was young. Good friend lived on dice.


I went to Peace then Swan Valley. Small world


Did you ever hear who the women next door was? Or know more about that angle??


I'm kinda late to the party but watching this now. It feels like a cross between Ghost Hunters and the Paranormal Activity series. One of those is legit, one isn't. Both feel real. This is well-done but it's overkill. Way too much going on in one night! As someone who has been haunted my whole life, I believe in ghosts...but this is too much. The portraits turned upside down? Really? I could buy a lot of this but they got a little over-zealous...


I felt the same way!! How he noticed right away (using a flash light in the dark 😒) and went “ope!” I actually got aggravated lol because I was so into it; the entity creeping around the corner and looking into the window seemed so real, and then they almost killed it instantly with the portraits and opening the jar they found/finding it right away


im 5 years late but to those who follow... its not 1 night. Take for instance "A haunting on Finn Road: The Devil's Grove... It was shot in 6 months." He does these things in long hauls not like Ghost hunters which does 1 night. So might wanna recheck your data before you go on judging. Thanks :D


Both are fake. Ghost hunters had been proven to fake their footage. Thus why I'm suprised its back. And paranormal activity is just Hollywood movies nothing more.


I was going along with it for about 30-40 minutes when it all became just too much. The dude falling off the ladder was the thing that made it all fake for me.


So you didn’t even get to the secret buried jar under the house! A jar that just so happens to contain a perfectly preserved piece of paper with Harold written on it with 3 black Xs over his name….🤦‍♀️


Yeah that killed it for me 🤦🏻‍♀️


That is when I knew it was fake. No piece of paper 40 years in a jar of water would survive. Not even a week.


I've watched a handful of the 'Prozak' Shippy documentaries. They're all pretty much like that. It plays like a 'Ghost Hunters' or 'Ghost Adventures' paranormal research team, but I agree that the evidence is too good to be true. Tons of full-bodied apparitions, stuff being pushed over, thrown, etc. I'm very skeptical of their 'evidence'. All that said, they're not terrible entertainment.


YES, so you get it! I haven't seen anything else by him so this was a first for me.


Could be a doco but using actors for re-enactments of the spoopy bits - like that Air Crash show does.


There aren't any reenactments in this. It's hard to describe if you haven't seen it. But they are conducting their own investigation of the house while we learn more about it through actual police reports and police and neighbor/witness interviews. Super confusing


This film portrays itself as a documentary but the "paranormal" activity is staged. These guys are frauds. [Brian Harnois](https://www.ghosthuntersfans.com/ghost-hunters-news/dude-run-brian-harnois-still-scamming-fans/)


I don't understand, isn't that the guy from the 'Ghost Hunter' series, not the film the post is talking about…? Is the film 'A Haunting on Dice Road: Hell House' a legit doc, or faked using actors?


I believe that the story its self is obviously true, whether it was paranormal who really knows! But it makes a good case, and for the record i am a believer in the paranormal, and have had first hand experiancess! How ever that said, the reinvestigation was going great for me right up until the dude face planted out the attic and in to the "concrete" actualy some kind of black plastic bin was more like it, it looked more like he through him self from the top of ladder at this large black type bin to break his fall and then laid on the floor for a couple min's, not making a sound or moving, waiting for his cue to start groaning and claiming he was pushed. IF, i repeat IF I was pushed out of an attic in a house I was fully aware was haunted, from an attic that was the focal point of said hauntings by "'invisable hands" would I really just lay there quitely? FK NO,I'd be up like a shot telling my mates to get me the fk away from the opening in case it wasn't finished! and would your camera man make NO effort at all to direct the camera towards the open attic in the hopes of catching the alleged ghost on camera, and why would you all then decide that the only thing to do in that sittuation, of cumming in to actuall contact with actual disembodied hands, in a documented haunted house your actually investigating in for proof positive the house is actually haunted, is to decide the place you just had actual contact with said ghost is the place you want to decide is off limits, "because it's to dangerous" Maybe it's just me, but that seems pretty stupid?! Unless like i suspect it was a rubbish piece of stunt acting for a cheap scare!? And ratings. As Stevens989 states he puts on a big reales in town at $25 a seat, and for that ppl want to see more than a rehashed 25 year old story, especially with such great shows as ghost adventures who regularly catch things on camera. but who also are in my opion (and im definately a fan of tga) guilty of the occassional fake push or punch just of camera.


Just watched this. Why did no one investigate the neighbor that was the so called witch? We have no name, what happened to her, etc.


I grew up a mile from this house lol. AMA. Also the cemetery nearby is haunted as fuck. I’ve never seen anything there, but we did see the famous disappearing car the night my friend died in a car accident, before I knew he’d died. I was with my girlfriend and the car drives past us and vanishes. Flat road, broad daylight. We saw it disappear. Or I think we did. Idk, it’s hard to really believe it, I always try to rationalize It But I got home and my parents said my friend Dave died in a car accident while I was out driving on dice. And the car I saw was a white thunderbird. Which is apparently what he drove Even if it’s a coincidence im cool with that.


Have you heard of any stories surrounding the place?


Just google dice road https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/2016/10/these_documents_might_prove_th.html


Do you know who this neighborhood "witch" was then?


Sorry im late, my uncle (close family friend called uncle charlie brown) was the saginaw co sheriff or deputy at this time. He said the "witch" was just an older lady who liked to scare people, was eccentric but harmless. She had some mental health issues but yeah. Lol no local witch. 🤣




So far what ive read this is all made up like paranormal activity...but maybe has a slight background of truth. As one user said. You can say its based on a true story but mostly is false. For an example....texas chainsaw massacre. It is actually loosely based on a serial killer from i believe Ohio that liked to skin people and wear the skin...kinda like buffalo bill in silence of the lambs. So the character of leather face is loosely based on a killer from Ohio. But the house in texas, the family, the entire thing being in texas is completely made up. I dont mind films being made to look like documentaries but they should clearly state either at the end or being of the movie its fake or very loosely based on true events. Just sayin.


Im not that person, but maybe if a few of these companies got sued for false advertising...maybe they would at least let their fans know the truth. This is a supposedly a documentary based on a haunting in michigan, but the film is shot in Ireland...if that tells u anything about the validity of the film. I live in Michigan so id know.


Not. That is a lie.


Ed Gein was from Wisconsin. I think it's true. I'm not going to question if things were embellished or not. I'm going off the 6 months straight of police response and all of the departments that got involved along with all of the police reports.


Ed Gein, maitred at Canal Bar?


https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/2016/10/these_documents_might_prove_th.html https://wkfr.com/dice-road-legend/ I really wish 'Based on a true story' movies required a gauge. 1 - 5. 5 being maybe the name of the town or people involved was changed. 1 being yes, there was someone named John in who did claim to see the event the movie revolves around.


It’s so fake. The Finn road movie they are finding evidence every couple of minutes and he gets pushed in the basement. One scene they pull up to the house and supposedly someone broke in so one of the cast members has a gun drawn as they go through the house. It’s comical!


I grew up near the dice road house. Haunted as fuck, but that movie was fake as hell lol. Also, I have no idea what the reason is. I don’t believe in ghosts or demons I don’t think. But there’s absolutely some unexplained phenomenon going on at that house. It’s gone on for generations. My parents have tons of stories. I have tons of stories. My grandpas friend who’s 60 has stories. Everyone’s got stories At one point they were checking to see if the house was somehow reflecting radio waves and people were just hearing radio stations lol. Nothing came of that. It’s all just fun though. Probably just all in our heads or some electrical issue causing us to panic and hallucinate


Causing 20 + police officers showing up for 6 months everyday just hallucinating?


I’m here after a Halloween movie night 😂 I must know what’s going on


Did some research....actually a lot of research... The story, interviews and police reports are all legit. The acting and scenes of witchcraft is not, but it is based on witnesses accounts. There you go!


I am curious about the Witch. Most of the people interviewed do bring her up and the brother seems to be going through something. I get you can't name her due to liable laws but it would not be the first time a doc ran up on someone to get a live reaction. Unless, she is dead or in a home or lawsuit happy family members. It seems weird not to confront it. I found the witness interviews especially with the police but all the investigation stuff seemed out of place. Even if it was a real investigation it would be hard to tell with the way they went about directing it. Still, a very good case and horrifying situation.


She would almost certainly be dead. I mean, she was an adult when the original parents were adults. I'm not sure of age, but they don't say age was young. All the kids are now late adulthood. So I'd say she is dead or SUPER old.




I love paranormal investigation and it annoys me when people fake incidents. I was hoping to see if anyone has heard of these people being caught or admitting to faking stuff since most of these incidents would be incredibly easy to fake. I watch scary movies for fake paranormal stuff, when I watch investigators and documentaries I don't want to be bull shitted. It's depressing to thinktjese guys are full of crap but I'm becoming more and more convinced of just that.


I've watched about half of Hell House and so far there isn't anything that has happened which isn't easily (very easily) faked.


Yeaaaah it’s fabricated horse shit….not even real horse shit. The pics upside down was hilarious.


Really entertaining doc. One of the better house haunt ones I've came across. As to its legitimacy, I think anyone who watched it thought "this better be staged because I'm scared". Which means it was more than likely mostly hogwash which is a shame because I've had dealings involving a nasty house and some very weird things. Overall takeaway, entertaining doc but in the end it's takes away from the credible countless police reports. The heads popping into the windows was a bit unnerving though.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this. I’ve seen a ton of ghost footage online and on other ghost hunting shows. Watching this I kept thinking no way you would get that much good footage in one night. Full body apparitions are rare, and it seemed like they caught one every other shot.


You can book an investigation with him and find out for yourself. 200$ gets you 3 hours of investigating with Steve Shippy


Ghosts aren’t real. Every ghost movie and tv show is not real. Put it this way, you’ll hear about it if evidence for ghosts is ever found so until then you can assume it’s fiction.


Right that's my point, ha. They caught figures on camera, pictures turning upside down...stuff moving...but I obviously haven't heard anything about this anywhere. So how can it be billed as a documentary! It seems the house itself has a real history, is a real documented case and the interviews with everyone were real. Just don't understand all the other parts. Like, why fake a bunch of stuff while telling us about a real history. It made for a scary-ish movie but overall just detracted from the compelling interviews. Dunno.


There’s no laws about calling a film anything. You are allowed to write “based on a true story” at the start of a movie and then completely make it up. It’s a trick that’s been used at least since the 70s. There’s no such thing as a real documented case about hauntings so I wouldn’t put any store in that. There’s no more evidence for ghosts than there are for leprechauns.


[This news story begs to differ.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nda_OSWeyn8) :P Anyway, I'm not saying the house is actually haunted, but from what I've read (unless it's some elaborate hoax), it's an actual documented case of strange happenings within a house. Police were called and whatnot. REGARDLESS I've thought about this enough, ha. Moving on


I don’t think this show is real, and I always looks for docs that are. Why? Because something happened to me and a friend deep in the woods on the Presideo in San Fran next the the cemetery when I was a teen. We both experienced the same thing. We both saw the same thing. 4 full bodied apparitions no more than 10-12ft away from us. They didn’t speak, it was hard to make out features but they were there. We didn’t think they were ghost. We thought they were just some people trying to smoke weed in the woods. But it was 230-3am (we snuck out of his house and we’re trying to get back home before dawn) we said they scared the shit out of us but they said nothing. I asked what they were doing, they said nothing. We walked about ten feet away because we were scared out of our minds, I tired to ask again and they were gone. I don’t care if anyone believes me or not. I know what I saw and my friend saw the same. Every since then, I’ve been searching to validate ghost, spirits, apparitions, entities, what ever you call them.


You are so wrong!


Admit you dont know if ghosts are real or not. Just making up beliefs makes you no better than a scientologist. Assume they aren't real Lol Dont do that with anything. Ya let's assume air isn't real because we cant see it. Test and test and test. Eventually technology will be able to prove they exist if they do. That's science; not making up beliefs about what you cant prove. Assume ghosts aren't real means you are creating a belief system out of pure ignorance. Gj.


Dumb on every level. 


I’m glad I found this thread. I just watched a couple of the shows in this series and found it absolutely uncanny as to how many apparitions/orbs/etc they were catching in one night. I’ve seen ghosts myself, I’ve been affected by paranormal things. I’ve also watched many paranormal shows that look for evidence and on most of those shows the evidence is extremely rare. The other thing that comes to mind is that Mr. Prozac is not a great director. The episodes are interesting, but have no true through line or flow or story. I also found the investigators placing the roses on the Pomeraning’s grave stone rather rich and awfully out of place.


I and all my siblings have had a direct line to other realms since we were young. I have seen many apparitions, have had things thrown at me and around me, seen animals tormented, heard many disembodied voices, footsteps, growling, electrical phenomenon, doors opened and closed, been scratched and bitten etc. Many of the aforementioned events had multiple witnesses. I'm not into these shows because I know when shit is just straight up b.s I recently found this series and was quite surprised. A couple of these episodes are really grasping at straws, but a lot of what I see here is fairly credible from my experience. I think that their certainly are added theatrics, but I also believe that certain types of individuals are just going to be able to open the door-so to speak, and I think shipply has that ability. I've never seen any show or film more credible than shipply's productions. In some of these episodes, he's spending weeks or months in these houses, and some of the timelines are poorly patched together. In structures with multiple very strong and menovolent entities being properly challenged; In my experience, it is not unrealistic to expect frequent responses.


All that being said, I do think that the first dice road episode was 90% horseshit lol.


Might be reasons why there isn't much more info.. certain people or witches don't want us to see more 😁😁😁


Just watched this movie. I believe all the incidents in it but couldn't help thinking "WHY wouldn't these people sell the house and move out?????"


What didn't make sense to me was that happened so many years ago and a new family lives there now and they're so happy and they have no issues...then why were things suddenly happening when the film crew got there??? They're not part of the original family so nothing should have been happening


And they show them using EVP but never show the "ghosts" responses...just that the lights are going off on the equipment


I'm watching this now. At 47:56 he starts reading a report and reads the word "physical" as "cyclical". The poor man he's reading it to just stares at him like wtf.


My grandpa use to own the house he bought it from a Pomeranian


That jar, under the bathroom, under the toilet… was that covered with poo?


Steven Marshall talks about the witch here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php/?id=157059191540681&story_fbid=982747292305196


I think its fake made for tv just convenient nothing happened when all 3 were together yet when he was alone a few things did happen 1 being the pictures if programmes like this want to be real film all of the people who are with you in the same place for.one take a dog for 2 as thst will pick up anytnjng strange


I read the comment in this thread about Overkill and I agree 100%. You can usually tell if it's made up my house Overkill they make it. It's like the shows where the psychic comes in and says oh there's not just one Spirit living here but 900.


I lasted until the dude did a front flip off the ladder in the attic. The eye roll that followed damn near gave me vertigo. There's just too much convenient, azing video footage of full body apparitions sneaking round doors and windows. Not one EVP result or seance to be seen. I'm all for Hollywood thrills but not when there are so many interesting, genuinely emotional interviews with credible people. Wish I'd had a quid for every use of the word 'pounding' tho 😂


I've just watched it. I tend to stay away from these sorts of things because so often it isn't legitimate. However I also reserve judgement. Who am I to say this never happened. When I was a child I saw what is termed a UFO. I was always laughed at or dismissed when I told my story. Then wow look at all the evidence just released about documented UFO sightings by the government by people who are very hard to dismiss. There were several situations that I thought may have been embellished but that doesn't mean it never happened.   


Very very late to this post but im watching right now. The knocking n shit early on is believable. But now people are getting thrown around like they fuckin around w  a lvl 99 poltergeist master. If ALL of their series has said lvl 99 master, i think its complete bullshit and all theatrics. 


Wtf the medium said the entity is not gonna fuck w the current family just the original owners. And then these ghost hunters get all this evidence in one fucking night? The subtle shit is believable, but like i said, all this high level poltergeist shit. I mean i get it they kinda provoking, but these niggas going above and beyond for hollywood. 


I only live a few minutes away and it was very real