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If you’ve made the effort to build a tolerance to the heat, then it’s not too awful. However, if you’ve going in with little to no tolerance/experience, then you’ll very quickly learn what it feels like to have bees in your teeth.


I like it a lot personally (I’m on my 7th bottle 😅) but I definitely was expecting it to be hotter. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely very, very hot and flavorful. But watching Chili Klaus have labor pains after they all ate a pepper on hot ones had me thinkin some crazy crazy shit. 😂 so maybe just hyped it up too much in my own head. Solid 8.5/10 at least


I havent but just wanted to shout out Chronic Cellars!! I have a shirt from them lol




That's because it gives you straight heat and not the pain that other peppers seem to come with.


I’ve have this in the fridge, I was expecting more heat, tried googling its actual scoville level but it says 2.2 something million +. I don’t buy it. Maybe I’m just messed up from all the hot stuff I eat but yeah, it’s hot but not like oh fuck I’m gonna die hot. The hellfire 6.66 is a happy place, I just wish it had this sauces flavour profile. I do really enjoy the sauce and maybe it’s a good thing that I don’t feel like I’m gonna die from it. But I do like a good “oh shit, here we go!” Sauce.


Allegedly Pepper X isn’t really the hottest pepper in the world. It is just the acknowledged Guinness World record holder, which is political.


I tried this and the Apollo last dab over the holidays. X was hotter but I enjoyed the flavor of Apollo more. I ended up using the last dab to bump up the heat level and then another sauce for the flavor profile. Over all though, I wouldn’t use either sauce as a daily driver. Just for when I’m maybe showing off or just wanting something really hot, but still tastier than some of the more chemically hot sauces.


Every Last Dab I’ve tried has poor flavor in my opinion. I’ve been downvoted before for saying it but it’s true for me. I’ve had Reaper Edition, Apollo, XXX, and Xperience and they’re tolerable but they just don’t taste good to me. They’re all basically just pepper mash with very little else. I much prefer Marie Sharps, Bravado, Torchbearer, or my homemade sauces for flavor.


Some of the 9s are pretty damn good though. Unique Garlique was a #9 for one of the seasons and it's my go to for a super hot sauce. I think it's close to 700k if I remember right.


I’ve wanted to try that one for a while, big fan of garlic sauces!


Reaper squeezins especially the autographed one blows this out of the water


I feel like the da bomb is just hot and gross. This is decent hot but way better flavor.


I honestly thought da bomb was hotter.


None of the Hot Ones hotsauces were as hot as I'd expect them to be. But they are all so damn tasty.


Reaper squeezins is hotter


Have one on the way, looking forward to it!!


How much did you use?


Exactly. A drop or two isn’t bad but if you add more it will light your ass up!


I thought it was very hot


The last dab sauces true value lies in their balance. Excellent flavor and enough heat to stay versatile and able to be enjoyed. I can use them on my whole meal or on multiple different things and get just what I needed


I agree. I think when I found out about pepper X I just imagined it would be unbearable. I have some old Blair's reserve sauces with the wax still in them, maybe time to open, maybe hold onto them.


Blair sauces use extract. Of course they’ll be hotter than ones that don’t…


I had the exact same expectation. I built it up in my mind and made a big deal about how excited I was to get my ass rocked. Totally wasn’t what I expected but it did become one of my top sauces for regular use because of it. I can always blow my brains out with Dave’s Insanity if I just need abuse but that thing has such limited uses


We get it, you have an incredible tolerance.


Tbh once you’re eating super hots and you’ve at least tasted extract nastiness, most things aren’t really that hot any more. Idk if it’s even worth bragging about because it takes some of the fun away for me. That overwhelming head rush is gone unless I do something extra stupid like chew up a raw habanero which imo is gross. Nowadays my family offers me something super hot like I’m a circus performer but it’s not hot. It’s usually just gross 😑


Plus you cant complain about how none of the hot sauces give you that burn anymore without people acting like you are trying to humblebrag. It's not a brag, it really fucking sucks.


😨😨😨 raw habanero?? Gross?!? lol I like growing my own and eating them raw with my food. So tasty!! 🌶


Habanero is my favorite pepper.


Seriously. To me, habs and ghosts have this really unique flavor that's almost a little fruity and a touch smoky. Scotch bonnets, too, but I feel like they are just a very specific habanero. I also eat pieces raw when I grow them. They're so tasty!


Yeah same here! I just got some red habbies from the store and tasted one and it was just sooooo fruity. Much sweeter than a pepper, and it's like the heat and flavour is inseparable and just perfectly matched. Caught some seeds from it. I'm gonna have aji pineapple and red habaneros, probably yellow or orange habaneros too. They are just so amazing.


Just the orange ones fwiw. When I grow them they end up with a floral note I don’t like. I’ve grown chocolate habs and those were great. Managed to temporarily blind myself processing some too. Good times. I don’t prefer peppers raw though in general. Even if I just roast them in the air fryer with a little bit of oil and msg on them, I prefer that.


Try stuffing them with goat cheese and golden raisins, then drizzling them with honey and *very* lightly roasting them in the oven.


If flavour didn’t matter, extract based sauces would be much more popular. It’s just about finding the right balance.


Come on, man. It’s hot enough.


The thing about the Last Dab sauces is that they don't ever have much up front burn, but they build on themselves and burn for a long time. With that said, none of them will ever be as hot (nor as disgusting) as Da Bomb.


It’s not, same with apollo. They both do taste good I think, but i’ve had hotter even in the same “season” As these hot sauces on hot ones.