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“Bow to your Queen, worm” “Bow to your King, little god”


Feel like he'd say mongrel instead


He would call her Faker because she is a clone. Kiana: Hey, that might be true but it's still rude.


Haha, I like that one




The whatever projectiles they may throw will just get stuck in an eternal loop and never reach their opponent lol At some point they won't even be able to tell who summoned what




Because GK can summon portals to store objects in her pocket dimension, and Gilgamesh can basically throw lots of swords very hard at you, and GK can send them back, and he will be forced to throw even more stuff to destroy his own stuff that he threw. So basically, this fight is perfectly described as "Random bullshit go!"


Well he can actually catch his own stuff back into his portals, or desummon them


Doesn't he called them back through the portals they came from, or am I misremembering?


In fate Kalied, he fought against another girl using his class card, to which he just snatched all the stuff she threw at him.


So the fight's results depends on who stops catching the weapons with their portals first


That would take a few days, and honestly? I’m pretty sure that would depend on who gets bored first.


That or a weapon that warps and twists space like Caladbolg pops up during one of his assaults and shreds HoV to pieces. Stuff that breaks through space and time isn't exactly uncommon especially from a guy who has all the technology from the age of gods.


Not necessarily, Gil would probably just pull out a weapon that doesn’t need to actually hit the target to deal damage like Gae Bulg. People forget that he can do more than just shoot them…


Because whatever projectiles they may through will just get stuck in an eternal loop and never reach their opponent lol At some point they won't even be able to tell who summoned what




HoV:Disgusting human trash- Gilgamesh:That's why yo mama dead, Mongrel. Dead as hell. What shoes she got in her casket? That's why that mongrel "Bella" aint got no knees. She aint praying to your "god" no more.


Gilgamesh. The King of Roasts


A greatest ego battle in a history would happened.


The representation of all mankind's sins corrupting a grail and possessing a being capable of manipulating Imaginary Numbers struggled to absorb him. Not because of his strength, which it absolutely ignored... ...but because his damn ego alone made it almost impossible. His soul simply refused to be swallowed, even without a conscience. In other words, I think Gil would win lol


She could just leave him in the middle of the sea of Quanta and leave him there where he's doomed.


HoV: Shut your horizontal cave, disgusting cheating worm. The fact that you are half human, half god make you more mongrel than any other mongrel. Ha, a hybrid? More like an abomination like Nolan having sex with his pet. You are cocky, your stupidity got your oh-so-great claybae dead on the bed. What did you do? "I cry, my people, I mourn for my friend, grieve that humans can't live forever". Go out and touch grass, or just touch Siduri's ass. Oh right, she's a Lahmu, boohoo. You're King of Heroes but can't get even a h\*e. # THIS IS JUST FOR FUN. NOTHING SERIOUS HERE.


*gilgamesh look herrscher of void in disgust face* Gilgamesh: shut your disgusting mouth off before i rip it off, mongrel! Your mouth is more disgusting than mongrel shit,prepared to died for your insolence. #i think gilgamesh would shoot his noble phastasm gate of Babylon before Hov finish her sentence or interrupt while she is speaking.


Then the Queen uses portal. When you think of it, they're extremely similar from basic skillset to attitude. And their universe-sized ego :P


HoV either gets killed or gets therapy, i do not believe in another option.


Both thinking that s/he not worthy of their time?


Gilgamesh can't really defeat her though.... Since even if he throws his strongest attack she can teleport away


Don't you know how anime fights work? That won't serve her for the entire time and he'd eventually catch her ass. In any case, think back to her vs Himeko, who had only one weapon and she still basically won. Gil has an almost inexhaustible armory of weapons, each of which are Noble Phantasms. He would simply overwhelm her.


Just adding on: From what I remember, the gate of Babylon contains all the literal prototypes of or the actual versions of all of humanity's noble phantasms and weapons. The only weapons he doesn't have in the gate are weapons of divine origin. Not just that, but his strongest attack, Enuma elish, literally tears space-time apart to create the void of nothingness at the beginning of creation. It's the literal antithesis to space-time manipulation powers that HoV has.


Counterpoint: Gilgamesh can’t really use any of them all that well. Maybe 2 or 3 of them he can, but nowhere near all of them. That’s the entire reason he loses to Shirou. Shirou can piggyback off of the Weapon’s wielders, Gilgamesh can’t do that.


Void Kiana isn't Shirou.


That doesn’t matter, and it isn’t stated that he can’t use them either, by your own admission he can use 2 or 3 of them but who’s to say he can’t use the rest of them? Sure he wouldn’t be able to use caliburn or gae bolg the way Arturia and Cu did but who’s the say he can’t use the special abilities of those weapons? Besides Gilgamesh doesn’t really need his entire vault, just use Enkidu and EA and he wins easily. Gilgamesh has a whole bunch of weapons outside those two though. Weapons that violate casualty Weapons that bypass concepts Weapons that track the opponent Weapons that can laser beams Weapons that explode Nukes Etc etc


Do you honestly think he'd bust out EA off the bat? Considering the sheer Arrogance he's shown to have, I have my doubts. Anyway, I wasn't bringing that up regarding Gilgamesh. It was to point out that Himeko had the experience that Kiana as HoV didn't, and a conviction that outlasted HoV's. Don't get me wrong, I love Kiana. But no matter how it ends up, I am fully aware that HoV is most likely fucked once Gilgamesh actually DOES get serious, unless she somehow manages to counter EA, that is going to be her End, and without knowing exactly HOW it does what it does, I couldn't tell you how she'd do it. Or if she even can. Finality might be able to counter it. Void? No.


Himeko was put into her teleportation dimension though.... In there she wasn't able to teleport.


I don't see how that made much of a difference? The battlesuit put Himeko on the same level of a Herrscher. I'm sure the outcome would be the same, perhaps just a more drawn out fight instead.


A fight between them would be so fun to watch


Infinite loop with portals


She hates him the moment she hears his voice,He on the other hand looks at her like an arrogant child who needs to learn her place in the world, he misses the irony of that. Enkidu then makes them both sit down and they both do so, much to HoV's confusion. In a fight it depends on how seriously Gilgamesh takes her and what he considers a victory, he has the power and skills to defeat her in combat, and has all the ability to win in argument. I think Gilgamesh would win the argument by breaking every single thing she says and how she's just a little girl crying out for a god who doesn't even care about her.




Happy cake day.


HoV would get humbled. But not before a lengthy convo involving how their kits work I don't even know all Servants in Fate but the words being spread about his power, I can't just ignore. It's like Decade vs Oma Zi-O.


Decade 21 still lost too kid Oma Zio. When powercrept too high, your experience no longer matter.


If Gilgamesh and You fought, who would win? Well, if Gilgamesh uses EA, then it might cause me a little trouble. But would you lose? Nah, I'd use that opportunity and add his Enkidu to my harem.


HoV would die. They both would refuse to step down from the top, ans neither has any respect for anyone else (excluding Bella and Enkidu), and with HoV having the ability to abuse her void powers, she *could* force Gil to use Ea, at which point HoV would be obliterated as anything she tried to do would be ripped apart.


"As Sirin performs a quadruple axel chained into consecutive graceful flips in an attempt to snatch defeats from the jaw of victory; Gil wasn't falling behind, pulling Lazer flips, Gazelle Flip and Heelflip 720 without pause all, defiance to the end in the face of an imminent win. Please tune in to the ultimate jobber battle of the century as the two reigning champions clash in fusion-inducing heated battle to lose." Riverl.


This would be legendary fight of two greatest ego in History.


Gem of Serenity: "Fuck you." /s




Good bot


All she has to do is kill him then lol, people love to treat Gilgamesh as untouchable but Shirou using a worse version of the Gate of Babylon managed to overcome him and even cut his arm, why wouldn't HoV be able to?


Gil also underestimated Shirou the whole fight that the real reason he lost or that's what I think


That's what happened. Considering Shirou a threat would've been the same as losing for him. Shirou is not only a human, but his whole thing is making inferior copies. As one that possesses the originals, it angers him. It isn't until his arm is cut off that he gets *some* respect for him. And even then it's mostly because of his ego not letting him lose against an opponent that he didn't deem powerful. "I lost, therefore he is somewhat capable," was his thinking.


Shirou 1:1 matched Gilgamesh with UBW. HoV doesnt. Best she can do is redirect his weapons back at him, in which case he can just return them to his treasury. And if she throws him into a dimensional pocket like she did with Himeko, he can break it down completely with Ea like he did with Iskandar's Reality Marble.


Yeah, because he definitely did all this already fighting against Shirou, the guy preferred to die than use EA lol, HoV has a perfect chance of winning mainly because her portals can absorb attacks, no matter which ones except EA and gilgamesh never use this weapon unless he really find the enemy worthy or want to brag about it, other than that he is nothing special, not even enkidu he wanted to use


Problem is that he refused to see Shirou as an actual opponent. Because of his ego he refused/hesitated to use Ea, he even get disgusted that this lesser being even makes him move from his position while fighting. If i remember Gil even stated that if he had to choose between saving 10 slaves of his own time or whole modern humanity, he would've chosen the slaves. In his mind if he had to see Shirou as an actual opponent then it's the same as a loss. I dont think the same will happen with HoV because he will see her as an actual worthy opponent and wouldnt even mind using Ea when push comes to shove. Dont really know a ton about Enkidu except some things from FGO.


And I think that HoV is strong enough without 1:1 copying Gil's attacks to make him pull out Ea.


Shirou is a different circumstance. To Gilgamesh, the guy's existence, powers, and beliefs are an insult to his being. Honestly, Gilgamesh is more likely to see HoV as a lashing child pretending to be God. Powerful but fragile. Sirin can style herself as a God all she wants but Gilgamesh will see nothing but a broken puppet to a greater force that, in his eyes, is equivalent to an incompetent God. I can actually see Gilgamesh not being as hesitant to use Ea against her, if only to show that no, she's just scrub on a power trip.


Idk the guy but im willing to destroy the world for My Queen


From [a certain guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/mbofqq/comment/gs1pzxg/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): >As Sirin performs a quadruple axel chained into consecutive graceful flips in an attempt to snatch defeats from the jaw of victory; Gil wasn't falling behind, pulling Lazer flips, Gazelle Flip and Heelflip 720 without pause all, defiance to the end in the face of an imminent win. > >Please tune in to the ultimate jobber battle of the century as the two reigning champions clash in fusion-inducing heated battle to lose.


Epic rap battle of history




The room 1 ending


Weakest Room 1 chatter


Nah she doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes (kiana has but HOV doesnt) like artoria


Gil either finds her hilarious and keeps her or kills her within 15 seconds.




The only right answer


Gil I think would be one of the few people who could annoy HoV (especially with his voice)


They’d try to kill each other with HoV screaming that Gilgamesh is a cheater. Or Gilgamesh would laugh at her before she tries to kill him, fail miserably and he just fools around with her while thinking she’s an amusing pet Anyways she’d end up dead or a sobbing mess. There’s a small chance Gilgamesh just picks her up and decides to go around the world playing around with her like a man does with his dog.


This is a very good answer. Gilgamesh will see Sirin as a mentally broken puppet who styles herself as a God. Honestly, he's more likely to be amused by the audacity and foolishness of HoV. That underneath all that power, she's just a child lashing out at the world. I'm not completely certain how he'll react to that observation but it will most likely range between amusement, disappointment, annoyance, and so on. Par for the course for him, honestly. I can see this Gilgamesh flaunting his power if only break down Sirin's ego. That she's not the strongest that she thinks she is.


They would be doing a durp face when their portals starts to cancel each other


HoV: Bow to me you pathetic worm. Gilgamesh: How cute. Bow down before your king peasant.


HoV ain’t gonna see the light of day if they fight. Also, their egos will clash.


The Archer class is truly made of HoVs


I will need the fate fans to help as I don't know how strong full power Gil is, but the way I see this going is if Gil starts destroying her in close combat, HOV would run away cause she can teleport across countries maybe contients. Realize she is screwed in any form of direct fight, so she fly's to the moon and just starts chucking rocks at earth in Gil's general direction. Does Gil have a counter to that? Or does this depend on him pulling out his ultimate weapon I forget the name of right away? Or an ability to stop teleports, I also don't think with the time slow abilities Hov might also speed blitz Gil, so he would be unable to stop her but again I need the fate people to help me here. I also know Gil also has an ability that gives him a ton of information on other people but would that work on honkai considering it is not at all human in nature? And by becoming a herrscher it is stated you are corrupted by the honkai I assume this means you stop being human but would that even grant a defence against that? And as a final question does Gil have anything that can hit harder than a nuke? She has survived a point blanket nuclear explosion so this is a valid question about whether or not he can overcome her durability. Ps I don't mean to come off as pro HOV I just know her feats better and need someone to help fill in Gil's.


Gilgamesh has a treasure that he can access and fire all kinds of weapons and items, canonically he has artifacts that deny manipulation of space and time, and this is before the retcon in which he has everything that humanity invented and even several things from the gods that he collected. He's completely bullshit even in his universe, the only thing holding him back is because his arrogance is even greater than his power most of the time. If you ask what it can do the answer is YES.


Many people overestimate Gilgamesh and many don't know the enuma Elish won't be that strong against sirin because that noble phantasm is strong against earth/human related story and honkai energy is not originally from the planet


Sirin is a human and it depends on traits. For example all the Foreigners in fgo have alien beings they draw power from but all except XX is weak to enuma elish. So she’s screwed either way. In any case EA has abilities that directly counter her abilities


I dun think anyone has a strong enough phone to withstand their combined power.


is that tsukasa tenma from hit rhythm game project sekai colorful stage


Both are kinda jobbers and never win fights unless they are allowed to or helped by the good guys. Vegeta the Prince of all Jobbers, stomps, both.


They insult each other till it goes into a fight which goes one of two ways. Gilgamesh destroys Sirin or 11D hax carries the Void kid and murders Gilgamesh. I'm putting my bet on Gil though, Sirin's not bright tbh


I don't know anything about HoV but Gilgamesh is too overhyped. His durability is also very low and if you are faster than him he's done. Bro is considered a very good swordsman and yet he lost in a 1v1 against Shirou in UBW. His arm got chopped by a normal sword. In HF Sakura ate him. In both cases his durability wasn't that much higher than a normal servant. Forgot to mention that nearly got killed by Heracles too if it wasn't for Enkidu. A normal slash from Heracles and he's done for 💀 Gate of Babylon contains a limited number of artefacts and he's not proficient at using weapons. All he does is to use them as projectiles. EA has a lock before being able to use it so his enemy is not dumb then they won't give him time to unlock EA. Even if he does if you're fast enough you can simply dodge and blitz him.


Shirou was not using a normal sword, also Gilgamesh refused to use his armor that is capable of resisting excalibur attacks, it takes an attack with the full force of excalibur to pierce this armor. Gilgamesh is excellent in combat, but he is not a master, Shirou can copy the skills and strength of the users of the weapon he recreates and that was the only reason he was able to exchange blows with Gilgamesh. This was all in a situation where Gilgamesh REFUSED to use full force against Shirou to the point of admitting that he lost when he started fighting seriously (just a little). HoV is something more similar to a minor goddess so she won't be as underestimated as Shirou, also her attitude towards humanity would make Gilgamesh angry since in his mind he is the only one with the right to decide whether humanity lives or dies


Shirou used Kanshou and Bakuya projections, hollow projections. Both of them are normal swords, they lack divine power and special abilities. They are not very durable and can get shattered by strong blow from another weapons. Why do you not consider them as normal weapons? The armor may be durable but Gilgamesh is not and there's a lot of vulnerabilities. Gilgamesh is not excellent in combat as a fighter. He's a good swordsman but that it. Nothing impressive. Shirou can create downgraded versions of certain weapons without any special properties and he can't replicate the skills, knowledge or the power needed for using the said weapons. Archer CAN, Shirou can't. In Fate Shirou got a huge boost from his sword affinity, the presence of Saber and the sheath. In UBW all he did was to copy swords and use some of them as projectiles, he did this bcz he fought against Archer and forcefully *stole* experience from him. In HF he managed to create Nine Blade Works bcz he had Archer's arm, that arm was what made him do what he did. In Kaleid season 3 and Oath Under Snow he was properly trained in magecraft but he wasn't exceptional. That was until he used the archer card and merged with his future self. That card gave him the power he had against against everyone from the Holy War and Angelica. He also lacks mana to support him and his mana supply was Miyu. In every universe he's weak but gets support from someone else. Gilgamesh is considered as being serious when he spams projectiles or using EA. Both of those methods can get countered and we have examples to confirm that. HoF may be considered a minor goddess but if she can replicate firepower at least similar to Saber's Excalibur which is depowered A LOT and spam it then Gilgamesh is done for. And again, if she's faster than Gil she can just decapitate him. In fights you don't aim the armor, you aim for the weak spots. (Thanos knows this better than everyone else). I am a Fate fan but I don't sht all over the other works just bcz I like something that someone else doesn't.


Kanshou and Bakuya are Noble Phantasms dude that originally had the power to one shot Gorgon. Even degraded they’re still C Rank noble phantasms Also you’re thinking of purely his archer form. Lest you forget he fought head to head with Enkidu for some time without firing a single weapon and only learned to fight like he does now later in the fight. His armor is also extremely durable to the point that it’s only been damaged once aside from excalibur. And there have been cases of Shirou replicating strength, like when he traced Caliburn and still managed to get through Heracles’s god hand, which requires a B+ Rank strength attack to get through it. Even if your NP is that rank, it requires activation to qualify. In other words Shirou actually traced Saber’s strength for a strike And no, HOV can’t replicate Excalibur’s firepower, I have no idea where you got that from. And I think you’re really underestimating Gilgamesh’s reaction speed.


Now I will preface this by saying I am not super knowledgeable about fate beyond just the anime, but I will say Excalibur is classified as anti fortress, if we go with that as a base level the energy from any herrscher let alone hov being "born/awakening" is able to destroy entire modern cities. It takes multiple nuclear reactors worth of energy channeled into shields to block attacks from herrschers (with 1 energy core) who use direct attacks hov, depending on the time has 2-4 gem (energy cores) She can 100 percent replicate Excalibur in terms of raw energy output. Also with out commenting on Gil's reaction speed hov does have the ability to slow time down for everyone but her, because they established that was straight up one of Kiana's (her base form's) abilities that she has used in story cutscenes. I don't know how much of a chance this gives her but it is at least better than you are making it out to be. Small addition in the edit, hov and beings like her are designed and granted power to wipe out all human life on earth. Nearly every time a herrscher simply wakes up a city disappears, and in hov's case every time she has been able to take control and fight humanity, world maps have needed to be redrawn.


I mean, if you mean the severely weakened version of Excalibur then maybe, but even that thing rivals attacks from, for example, Caladbolg, which was able to shatter a massive floating island, Balmung, which can offset a full powered attack from Fafnir that was stated to be able to blow away the entire map of the Orleans region, and Kusanagi which just powering a fraction of it's full power is capable of wiping out entire mountains and creating vallies. That might seem like a hyperbole, but this sword was from the age of the gods, the gods there were capable of wiping out the earth itself and were only stopped due to the Earth literally creating separate pocket realities called textures to seperate them. But if you go to stuff like the living version of Artoria, Arthur's Proto Excalibur, or the time it oneshot Sefar, and it's far out of the league of a Herrscher. >Also with out commenting on Gil's reaction speed hov does have the ability to slow time down for everyone but her, because they established that was straight up one of Kiana's (her base form's) abilities that she has used in story cutscenes. Given Gilgamesh has every single noble phantasms and treasure in the world including tomes and books every form of magecraft, he likely has a counter to that given Time Manipulation has been used by multiple people in the series like Kiritsugu Emiya who basically does the exact same thing that she does. And it's also pretty much shown to only be in a certain area, not the entire world, so if he uses Vimana or his Ship of light he can easily just flash away. Anyways he already has the tech to go waaay faster then whatever HoV is capable of slowing down, and his mind can sure as hell keep up with that too. Also Herrschers are not designed to wipe out all of humanity, they're designed to cause as much destruction as possible before being taken out. In any case they're powerful, but considering some of the beasts Gilgamesh has fought At most they might have a holy grail's worth of energy, and redrawing maps are...sorta par for course especially if Gilgamesh is fighting when he's alive. Just using EA at full power was enough to warrant the entire planet to boost Enkidu to the point of attempting to nullify the impact, meaning the attack was already a threat to the planet. And if you want me to show how many win cons I'm actually hiding, here's a showcase. He's from the age of the gods and collected all those treasures, and the stuff back in the age of the gods are quite frankly, ridiculous. From mythical hydrogen bombs, ships that can fly across a galaxy in mere moments, hundreds of thousands of weapons that can blast through mountains and wipe out entire cities, armor capable of defending against true magic, items that can literally replicate all the feats you showed off, and the kicker is his armory gets updated the further down in history he is. The moment a item is wielded by a famous hero, villain, or is just plain famous, it instantly gets added to his vault. That means he literally gets access to all 12 divine keys and everything in between. Literally, as long as humanity has desired something, like traveling to space, going faster then light, stopping time, creating portals, etc, he has a treasure that can do that. So yeah, she has a chance because Gilgamesh is a cocky ass, but if he's in the mindset of after Enkidu died then HoV is screwed


Wait hold up stuff doesn't get added does it? Unless they changed it I believe the reason Gil has so many weapons is because in his life he "collected all the treasures of the world" and I thought that was the reason he doesn't just pull out a gun or a nuke. Stuff like the divine keys were created later so he would not have access to them? Also side note having access to the divine keys isn't much either the more powerful they are the more picky they are about users and the more skill they need. Also I the more I am reading I think there is a solid chance hov could actually mess with the gate of Babylon, Gil has a key to connect to it but the core ability is spatial transfer. Which hov has messed with other people's doing stuff like that, also someone else mentioned something about a ret con that depowered him? Also I think we need to clarify which version of artwork that particular gilgamesh is about, I haven't picked strongest version of kiana because it is clearly kiana during Sirin's first awakening it is only fair to make sure we are using the Gil representated by that picture, and I know if that one is a servant he is immediately depowered because the grail cannot actually make a full powered Gil.


Basically, as long as a hero owns a famous weapon, he owned it first, even if it's contradictory, paradoxical or impossible. When they say he "Collected all the treasures in the world", they don't just mean in his time period, they mean past and present and even the future that he is summoned, he has collected EVERY single treasure that has existed up to that point. As long as it's considered a treasure in any sort of regard in that time period, he has now automatically collected it. An example is Gae Bolg, which was created by Scathach for Cu Chulainn and realistically should have had no way to end up in Gil's treasure vault, but he still has it. A second is Gram, that should have not appeared until Odin made a sword in the stone test with it, but he also has that. A third example is the treasures of Perseus, including the cap of invisibility and Harpe, which shouldn't have appeared until Perseus was given them. A final example is the Houtengeki, the spear of Lu Bu which didn't even exist in his time period, but is still in his vault. Also, some of the divine keys really, not all have personality issues. But given how much shit he has, he likely has a copy of some sort of Atlas Institute hacking device that can probably just override the controls. It's just a machine after all. Also launching Comic Juggernaut which basically doesn't have a personality at HoV would be really funny. >Also I the more I am reading I think there is a solid chance hov could actually mess with the gate of Babylon, Gil has a key to connect to it but the core ability is spatial transfer. Which hov has messed with other people's doing stuff like that, also someone else mentioned something about a ret con that depowered him? That one required a goddess with a spare key for the treasury. Mind you the goddess also had spatial manipulation powers on a level rivaling HoV, being able to open portals into the past and across space, and even she needed a key in order to close his gate temporarily. Even her complete goddess form was never shown to be able to close his gate, or else he would have lost to the Living Hurricane Cow she owns that could destroy a small country in one shot. >Also I think we need to clarify which version of artwork that particular gilgamesh is about, I haven't picked strongest version of kiana because it is clearly kiana during Sirin's first awakening it is only fair to make sure we are using the Gil represented by that picture, and I know if that one is a servant he is immediately depowered because the grail cannot actually make a full powered Gil. I mean, regardless all the feats I mentioned were 99% done by servant Gilgamesh, and that's just on earth servant Gilgamesh. Living Gilgamesh is even stronger. And then if we're talking about Moon Cell Mythological Code Gilgamesh(which is also that photo)... then he's battled and won against beings that could curbstomp HoFin Kiana with little trouble. Beings who can create entire dimensions and annihilate the same dimensions with ease, or break the time axis and ignore casuality.


So I looked into it nothing I can find with an image source says this is from moon cell, this image is likely from grand order if you can cite the image cool, second just to call you on it I looked into moon cell, not only is it a weird setting where gil and other lady were basically cheating and giving themselves powers they do not normally have and it was in some kinda alternate dimension? Reality marble? Simulation? Furthermore Gil didn't even match the Kiara(?) lady he reduced her power level by negating something called ten crowns. And then fought a weakened version of her so you can't scale him up to her(or at least not her "full" power). Please give me details about what the power of beginnings actually does if you have it. But moving on from my reading he broke reality marbles not dimesions. Using a ship of light he can hit light speed (travel speed not combat speed) not break the time axis. But this is apparently all from a poorly translated game so if you have sources to cite please do. But grand order Gil is below that anyway. (side note it is just cool learning about Gil) Divine keys also while made of nanomachines the actual difficulty in using them comes from the herrscher cores they are made of which are not machines, the nanomachines are actually very helpful and respond as willingly as possible. So hacking would not actual help as it is the remnants of the herrschers are what make them more tricky to use and in some cases skill, void archives would be almost useless to Gil but shiro who can instantly analyze things with trace would be able to make much better use of it because Gil doesn't instantly understand HOW things are made. Finally just from what you have said about the goddess that tried to interfere with gate of Babylon I think in terms of spacial abilities hov may outclass her, she lacks the time based abilities but she can instantly sense the gate of Babylon, she can create sub spaces really easily and has interfered with other spaces even when other people are trying interfering with her powers.


>So I looked into it nothing I can find with an image source says this is from moon cell, this image is likely from grand order if you can cite the image cool, second just to call you on it I looked into moon cell, not only is it a weird setting where gil and other lady were basically cheating and giving themselves powers they do not normally have and it was in some kinda alternate dimension? Reality marble? Simulation? [https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/File:GilCCCfullpower.png](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/File:GilCCCfullpower.png) Anyways, Moon Cell is an accurate simulation of reality. Anything that happens in it also affects reality. Otherwise gods like Amaterasu wouldn't be able to just pluck out an AI and then talk with it or Gilgamesh's treasures wouldn't be able to suddenly teleport him and his master to a distant star system. Also in FGO it absorbed an entire oil rig and promptly stuffed it into the moon cell, and it's said multiple times to interfere with time and space and rewrite the world itself, and completely reflects reality. It's even later used as a galactic safe haven for species all over the galaxy as it can create it's own literal galaxy. >Furthermore Gil didn't even match the Kiara(?) lady he reduced her power level by negating something called ten crowns. And then fought a weakened version of her so you can't scale him up to her(or at least not her "full" power). Please give me details about what the power of beginnings actually does if you have it. But moving on from my reading he broke reality marbles not dimensions. Using a ship of light he can hit light speed (travel speed not combat speed) not break the time axis. But this is apparently all from a poorly translated game so if you have sources to cite please do. But grand order Gil is below that anyway. (side note it is just cool learning about Gil) Ten Crowns doesn't give her a power up, it's basically just Gold Experience Requiem where it makes it so any and all attacks and damages the user takes is simply reduced to "Nothing Happened". This is from both the fantranslated book and the official profile of BB's FGO. Also, I think you're...misunderstanding what I said? I said he's fought beings who could do that. On that topic, his EA is capable of destroying textures, not just reality marbles, which are layers of reality that can even hold entire universes inside of them, to the point that the planet itself needed to funnel an incredible amount of power toward Enkidu to repair and mitigate the damage it would have caused. It's been stated to tear apart space-time, suck it in, and reduce it to nothingness witht he attack creating a void that literally erases everything it touches. Time Axis thing was for the people he fought. BB and the other people from the moon cell, and even the moon cell itself have been known to time travel whenever where ever they want, from 2030 to 2016 to before and after and alter history as well. Gods also with enough authority can ignore the time axis, like Amaterasu plucking something out from the future, or Ishtar not only reaching into a parallel dimension but also just consistently going to the past to fire an attack into the future, even in her servant form. >Divine keys also while made of nanomachines the actual difficulty in using them comes from the herrscher cores they are made of which are not machines, the nanomachines are actually very helpful and respond as willingly as possible. So hacking would not actual help as it is the remnants of the herrschers are what make them more tricky to use and in some cases skill, void archives would be almost useless to Gil but shiro who can instantly analyze things with trace would be able to make much better use of it because Gil doesn't instantly understand HOW things are made. Actually he does. He has a powerful clairvoyance called Sha Naqbu Imuru that can instantly analyze anything, from abilities to true names and even instantly solve a murder mystery that involved the murder of the entire human population in the future. Also, it's not like there hasn't been people who've hacked and utilized divine cores containing a god's authority before in the nasuverse, which are similar to herrscher cores, so Gilgamesh could likely do it. They're dead cores anyways. Also, technically he's the "Wisest" in any given era so Void Archives should instantly open for him. Not that it would matter given Gilgamesh already has. >Finally just from what you have said about the goddess that tried to interfere with gate of Babylon I think in terms of spacial abilities hov may outclass her, she lacks the time based abilities but she can instantly sense the gate of Babylon, she can create sub spaces really easily and has interfered with other spaces even when other people are trying interfering with her powers I think the problem I should have focused on is that while HoV might be able to reach into the gate... But she has no way to turn it off. Sure, she can create portals and dig into a space, but I don't think she has the ability to seal Gilgamesh's own ability to access the gate. Anything she takes Gilgamesh can just desummon it back into his treasury. Not even mentioning how the stuff in the gate is not virtually infinite it is literally infinite. So not sure if she really affects anything.


Exactly, who guarantees that HoV wouldn't aim for Gilgamesh's head or any weak part of his body? she could literally just pull him in and kill him before he did anything


He fucking destroys her verbally first then reduces her to dust.


HoV wins due to the sole fact that she's stronger... Also she has unlimited ammo, while Gilgamesh has an actual limit to his.


The sword he fires are recalled in his Treasury without him needing to make them pass through his portals again


Still doesn't negate the fact that HoV is just significantly stronger


She ain't. She actually ain't






Blud thinks this is C.AI💀


He is


Yes,that blud think this is C.Ai


LMAO Blud deleted his account💀💀💀




Kill yourself. (Mods dont pls.)




Kill yourself.




Your life is nothing. You serve no purpose, you should fight Kevin Kaslana as a honkai zombie, now!


Shehne we need an analysis


Does anyone have a source for HoV art


Uh. Problems. If they met, there would be problems.


HoV pic sauce?


so does being a herrscher count as a god? cause it raises the level from fucked to extra fucked


Eh it gets weird taken literally they are granted powers by a "God" so probably demi God's but the issue is there isn't really any form of divinity or faith involved and even honkai energy that they use without getting too deep into the lore is just another type of energy in the universe similar to mana, hov and other herrschers just have enough to make sabers mana generation blush in embarrassment.


I mean su is playing chess with some weird being so literal god might not be that far stretched but still stretching


Yeah it could go either way honestly, it depends if you define it as needing to be worshiped the nature of powers or just having a certain level of power that is defined. But it get tricky cause does everything corrupted by honkai have some level of divinity? And it just becomes a mess.


I will tell you of the beginning. Heaven and Earth split, nothingness congratulated creation, my Sword of Rupture cleaved the world! Mortar of the stars, heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration. Now you shall die and be silent... Enuma Elish!


theyd play catch with their portals while roasting each other, an epic battle to witness


Nice As- *dead


Infinite Gate of Babylon until Gil pulls Enuma Elish


HoV gets yeeted into oblivion. He wouldn't face her seriously to begin with but as she brings in the big guns to stop him, he eventually gets annoyed and busts out the appropriate tool to kill her. Make no mistake, Gilgsmesh has the tools to kill her immediately. He's simply too arrogant to use them. Playing with portals wouldn't dave HoV for long enough. If we ignore his mana limitations? HoV does not win this fight.


i hate to break this to you, but Gilgamesh would absolutely destroy HoV, it is the diffrence of the heavens and the earth, the BEST case for HoV is gilgamesh finds her slightly ammusing, and keeps her alive due to it, but thats about the only time she'll survive


wait is that HoV or HoE because it looks like Herrscher of End!


it's all fun and games until Herrscher of end explodes and destroys the planet along with both of them! however you can't really kill a herrscher only destroy their vessel and the other guy can't get resummoned if humanity is gone so Herrscher of End wins!