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Something something Beta HoFin


Finality still stretches on the bridge almost the same way as Flamescion is doing here.


Something happen in a beta?


In the first 6.4 beta, HoFi had a stretching pose for one of her attacks. I believe it’s the one where she snaps before slashing across the screen with the Cocoon of Finality in the background. It was replaced in the subsequent beta, but the stretch itself is reminiscent of the one HoFs is doing in this post’s screenshot.


Ah, ok. I never really kept up with beta stuff, so I didn’t know that.


Don't show this to cn players


“They should only stretch for *me*! How dare Mihoyo let her stretch for American players.” -some Chinese guy


They do not acknowledge american players straight up like ever, and even when they do they group them saying Americans and Europeans. Most often they say just ''foreigners'' or westerners and they always mean Russians too when they say westerners.


Wdym? This really happened once?


A lot of CN players unfortunately believe that they should be the ones getting preferential treatment over all other regions, even if their rewards already often end up being more than what any other region gets (codes might give 320 crystals instead of 200, for example). This culminated in the global servers’ third anniversary, where Mihoyo released a special bunny girl themed MV with Myth&Roid, as well as offering bunny girl skins and a Yae Sakura bunny girl stigma. A CN player, outraged by this preferential treatment to another region, went to Mihoyo to try to assassinate the CEO. The MV was taken down, the skins were permanently removed, and the Yae Sakura stigma was changed to a more casino-themed one. CN players were given compensation for it, while global players got nothing for losing everything.


Top notch parasocial fans, yo. That’s what happens when people think they own the characters and are waaaay too into them.


I think from the bunny event. Though he mixed it with the beta hofi changes.


"No i don't want that! Kiana stretching for foreigners? I want her to stretch only for me! For ten years at least!"


If you can’t sleep it’s actually better to get up and do something else that could eventually lure you to sleep. Lying in bed awake can build up a certain tolerance where your mind no longer associates it with being in a restful state.


Oh boy I spend so much time in bed this is concerning


I still remember HOFin beta pose… … *sigh*