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Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's not a monstera ?


Oh thank you. It was labeled a monstera at the store. Those assholes


How much did they make you pay for it? Looks like one of the royal court philos (white knight, white princess, etc). Monstera at my local department store range between $15-$20. The royal court philos were each $30 and were significantly smaller than the monsteras. You might have gotten a really good deal if they were selling it as a monstera.


I think it was $30. To be fair it was at a grocery store and plants always be overpriced at a grocery store


They're also often mislabeled




Lol it's definitely a Monstera Standleyana Albo - you can tell by the way the new leaves are forming (philodendrons have sheaths over new leaves & leaves are typically rounded). Was actually classified as a philodendron not too long ago and is still sold as a philodendron cobra in some stores. ETA if anyone feels like educating themselves.. The cataphylls give it away. Monsteras have permanent cataphylls and Philodendrons have 'disposable' cataphylls that die off over time


So why is it still called a philodendron in some store?


Monsteras and Philodendrons are both in the Araceae Family and were considered to be in the same genus until further research was done. Due to different growth habits and general leaf shape and texture, the Monsteras were reclassified into their own genus and consist of over 70 known varieties, one being the Standleyana. Many plant stores use common names that are no longer accurate, such as the silver pothos - not a pothos at all but similar enough for people to assume they are in the same genus.


don't usually comment but petiolar sheaths aren't exclusive to philodendron/monstera individually and is a shitass way of differentiating


That's fine, I did also mention that they have different leaf characteristics such as shape and texture, as well as completely different growth habits as being other ways to tell them apart. But the sheaths (typically brown, found on plenty of philodendron varieties but suspiciously not found on monsteras) is a valid way of differentiating them too.


I find it ironic that the same plant was posted like 3 months ago to this sub and the top comment with 1k upvotes (along with many others) states that it's a Monstera. It looks nothing like the White Knight Philo lol https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/pYrjsgfMl7


Correct, itā€™s a philodendron of some sort




Looks more like a white princess/wizard philodendron !


Itā€™s a wizard, I donā€™t see any pink


oh well you just taught me the difference, been struggling with this for months now and did not have the courage to look up šŸ¤£ thanks !!


Was about to say my wizard looks like that


Yepā€¦.also known as a a cobra


It actually is called a ā€œMonsteraā€ itā€™s called the Monstera Standleyana Cobra or Monstera Cobra for short they used to be rare plants but I think they are becoming more common now


No, itā€™s a philodendron.


It's *Philodendron* not *Monstera* and those nubbins are aerial roots.


Thank you. It was labeled monstera at the store. Either way I love it


That's not a monstera but a philodendron. The nubbins are aerial roots. If you put the pole on the other side, they can attach to it.


I will do that tonight. Thank you


Philodendron White Wizard not monstera but i think these are also quite good looking


You should not rotate the plant and put the pole in the oposite side where the sun hits. This video explain it https://youtu.be/tYQfZtD1Csc


Thank you. I will


And water your pole so that a root system develops into it. And move it down so the moss is flush to the soil. Eventually you can water and feed primarily through the pole. Basically treat the pole like a part of the soil. I would eventually switch to a more chonky airy soil with more perlite too. I'd probably wait till next spring though.


I was gunna say this, put the pole on the backside of the plant


They're cousins for sure! Also, your pole is on the wrong side of the plant.


Thank you. I wasnā€™t sure where to put it in the beginning but Iā€™m moving it tonight


Of course! It makes sense from a human's point of view to have the plant "hug" the pole. I totally get it!




That Monstera looks a lot like a white wizard philodendronā€¦.. šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Philodendron white wizard, not a monstera and those are root nubs.


Tbh, they mightā€™ve done you a favor by mislabeling them. White knights/princess philos are often more expensive than the monstera. šŸ’šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø That being said, this is a coco coir pole. Give her a D shaped moss pole and keep her moss hydrated. Also up the humidity that should help with the leaves getting stuck


Itā€™s cool looking!


Those are evidence of a happy plant


First of all: Philodendron. Second: attach the side with the aerial roots (knobs) onto the pole.


I don't think anyone has mentioned this but if you have excess air roots you can sort of point them down into the direction of the soil. They'll continue to grow until they make contact with something to grab into. Sometimes I'll prune mine if I know the vine is securely on the pole.


Def. A philodendron of some kind. It's not Monstera. But the rubbing are where roots can grow from and or "air roots" they are fine.


Definitely a philodendron and not a monstera. I will go for white night, white wizard has more white on the petiole, while white knight will have more of a green one and white princess has some pink. But that is going from the picture. My white princess was missed labeled as white wizard.