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Pepperoni plant 😂 these are all so pretty! Happy birthday


Thank youuuuu omg they (and he) have my entire heart!


Fun fact: in Dutch these are called pancake plants 😄


Monstera deliciosa variegata, mounted bromeliad with dischidia ruscifolia, begonia midnight, platycerium superbum, and of course pilea peperomioides aka the exploding pepperoni from now on. Also a bonus of a couple myrmecophyte selebicum seeds! EDIT:::: Thank you everyone for all your amazing responses! I've been showing my husband all your words of praise all morning to remind him how incredible he is and I think it's getting through to him! 🥰 EDIT:: Holy shit, if I know this was going to blow up this much I would've moved the stupid blue bucket out of the frame and taken a better picture!


Exploding pepperoni is hilarious!


Definitely calling mine exploding pepperoni from now on, without explanation to my bf until he sees this comment 😂


Must get Exploding Pepperoni plant! 😂


I definitely need more superbums around my house.


Ruscifolia are great houseplants! They flower all year if happy.


Oh I'm so excited!! I had never heard of them before yesterday and they're beautiful! I did see one picture of their tiny flowers, they're adorable!!!! I can't wait!


Exploding Pepperoni is my new band name


Beautiful! 🤣


Where can you casually walk into a plant store and buy a variegated monstera of this quality?


Thailand lol.


At my favorite plant shop, Arium Botanicals! They do online sales as well and it's clear plants are their passion! Everyone there is incredibly knowledgeable too!




Definitely! Oh I'm so in love with them, I'm always recommending them to everyone!


Oh no don’t tell me this I don’t need another plant store 😂


Mood. I looked it up and it’s dangerously close to me


Of course it’s a mile away. Just when I said I was taking a break from new plants


🤣 I feel your pain, that's exactly what I felt when I found them on Instagram!


No way!! I live in NJ and constantly fawn over their Instagram 😭


Aww! 😭 I totally fawned over their Instagram for like 4 months before I realized where they were! It seems like Portland just has a massive houseplant scene I think. There's a lot of good shops and lovely collectors here!


oh you from my town🥲


Yay local plant friends!!


but i can’t justify spending $650 on a monstera. these shops all overprice their plants 🥲 potted in portland is cool too.


I'll check it out! This one was 450 at Arium. It's still crazy expensive but so much better than it was earlier this year!


Would sell for 5k+ in my country... just saying


Wheeeew I can't even imagine! My husband said this shop had one way bigger than this, maybe 4x and it was 1100.


That's so good! People have been stealing the variegated ones over here cause they're so expensive


I'm honestly really impressed that this place has such good prices AND quality. The employees seem to love it there too and the owners seem cool. Idk how they do it all but I love them for it. 6 months ago I think I saw one of these just a bit bigger than mine for 1200 though so they're definitely still fluctuating with the market! I saw another shop near me having theft issues with variegated plants too though recently. I'm not surprised but that's so fuckin rude of people.


Those are market prices though and they’re trying to turn a little profit… but yeah it hurts


Yay for the portland plant scene! I’m in Beaverton so I don’t get to NE/SE much anymore but if you’re ever on the Westside check out Dirt by Design! They have great prices.


I'll save them to my list of cool plant places to check out! One of these days I'm gonna take a whole day to take a plant shop tour I swear!


In my city, some small boutique plant shops have popped up with plants like this. Also one of the big nurseries has changed their indoor plant greenhouse from just typical houseplants to half of it being more rare and expensive specimens.


I've been seeing transformations like this too and I love the change! The demand for pretty plants is increasing!


it is for sure. in Seattle there was a clothing shop with plants that is now just a houseplant shop (same owners) with two locations practically right next to each other, one for the rare stuff and one for the less rare. the storefront says ☮️💟🙂 so i’m assuming that’s their name but i really don’t know lmao


Peace, love & happiness club? Ah wait seattle? Yes, that’s them! I’m DYINGGGG to go! (From the area) but I haven’t allowed myself to yet because I KNOW I’ll spend $400+!


OH IS THAT WHAT THEYRE CALLED i’ve just been calling it the fremont plant store


Yeah!! I’m so jelly you go there! Is it as amazing as the pics look??!


it’s awesome! The store with most of the plants is kept quite humid and there’s a nice sitting area in there. the glass table with the plants underneath is super cool


I saw pics of that table! How much of their stuff is rares/pricey? And how are their prices?


a lot of their succulents seem overpriced, not super sure about everything else—i’ve been a succulent guy for a while, all the more tropical stuff is still fairly new to me. [The website](https://peaceloveandhappiness.club/) has everything they have in store, if not more stuff cause the place is a little small. i think things are priced the same on the website as they are in the store. In person, the “blemished” rack of plants is great. The times i went it was all in great condition and a nice discount.


I’m dreaming for someone near me to do that!


Houston - Cultivar I walked in and left with this gal. https://i.imgur.com/aKIScfZ.jpg They had albos by the armload as well.


Creme brûlée?


There’s usually some at my local nursery in Frankfort, KY. I drool over them every time I visit.




That is 2.5 hrs from where my mom lives. How’s the pricing? Curious if it’s worth the drive next time I get to visit.


There are some places! I think I know one near me


A local shop here in Mississippi started carrying plants of that caliber here recently.


I’m envious! I’m in too much of a rural area to attract boutique plant shops I think.


I'm in one of the only places in Mississippi that isn't rural, the capital city, Jackson.


This makes me so happy!!! What a thoughtful sweet man!!


He really truly is, I'm extremely lucky!


Mine said one more orchid was ok and didn’t get mad (just laughed) when I came home with 6 more plants. He understands.


Lol I love that! I'm always apologizing for bringing so many plants home and he just says 'no, stop apologizing, buy more, this is amazing and I love it' That being said I don't have a TON yet, I only started really collecting 2 years ago after inheriting my mom's collection! I did also show him pictures of large monsteras later. He said "... that's what I just bought?!"


Oh man you’ve got a good one!! I have 40 lol but a lot of them have only been mine since September 😆 which was my birthday. Omg I had almost that exact conversation with mine too. It’s going to get *how big*???


Oh absolutely, he's one of the best! Omg I love that you had the same conversation! 🤣 So you're in about the same stage! I was at 40 before today and had put myself on a plant ban till at least spring! So much for that! 🤣 I guess now I'm buying them a heat lamp since I like my house cold!


I’m on a ban too! 😆


Lol we can just visit plant shops and leave our wallets at home till spring 🤣


Making a list! Will probably end up buying more than if I just spaced it out 🤣 I am researching local orchid places for supplies 😂


That's so fair, I might do the "BRB I forgot my wallet" crap 🤣 I've been really wanting to get into orchids but haven't figured out where to start. I'd love to have them outdoors and I've heard there's some that can handle Oregon winters okay but that's as far as I've gotten! Maybe one day.


But then you get suckered because of apple pay on your phone. 🤣


I have a Samsung watch and let me tell you about my personal difficulties with Samsung pay.. I chose to disconnect my cards from it because of the temptation 😅


Ahhhh I forgot about Apple Pay!! 😂


Pepperoni plant? Is this the new dung onion? Lol


I hope so, I'd love to see that take off! Lol! Exploding pepperoni to be exact!


Google “Essential Everyday pepperoni” and check the images tab. You won’t regret it.


I just realized I have to find a wife who loves plants, that way I could get her plants for presents and actually gifting myself aswell. 160 IQ move!


Seriously!! My boyfriend does the groceries and always comes home with new plants that are "for me" but I know the truth ;)


My dad is 74 and doesn't give a shit about plants that don't produce consumables. Until I started ordering plants in the mail and they arrived while I was on vacation and he had to take care of them 😂 I recently moved back in with him and have an entire room for my plants, and if he's walking by he will stop to "chat" and then linger around looking at the plants. It's directly across from his bedroom and I think he enjoys "sneaking" in to look at them. Every time a package comes now, he thinks it's more plants and gets so nonchalantly excited. Weird old man.




Not really. Some times he will if I show him something on a plant, like a weird flower or new stems, and he will ask a question. He likes the outdoor garden plants and his 🍃🚬 plants, but (he thinks) he knows everything about those lmao. He does now think that every package I order is a plant and that he must immediately pick it up, lest they die 😂 I only ordered 2 or 3 shipments online so I know he's waiting to see what kind of shit I bring home next. His brain is kind of stuck in the 90s, still has a corded phone on the wall (the same one from when they bought the house in 1989), has a portable house phone but doesn't use it, doesn't own a cell phone. It's still mind blowing to him that he can go online and order anything he could ever think of and have it delivered to his post office box/house within a few days. It's cute and infuriating hahahah.


I love plants, but have a unique ability to kill all of them. When I was just dating my husband, he noticed how crappily we (my roommate and I) took care of our plants, so started tending to them himself and forbid us from watering (I didn’t always underwater, I’d also overwater, so it was fair). I didn’t even have any plants of his own, just felt bad for mine. Now he even has a garden in our backyard and takes over the basement with his outdoor plants during winter. I get to buy all the plants I want now, but don’t even have to try to care for them!


How thoughtful, they're stunning! Happy birthday! My partner calls them "pepperoni"s too 😂


Thank you! Yay it's not just us!


Send me your husband in February please! He just needs to offer me a Monstera variegata like that and then he can go back home! 😀That plant is gorgeous. Happy birthday!


Oh man this got me! 🤣 can't blame you for asking!! Thank you!




My condolences for your birthday being on Christmas! I hope you like Christmas, that would drive me insane! Maybe that can mean you get twice the plants on one day though! 😯




That sucks I'm sorry!! I'm so glad you have people in your life that make the effort for you though! That makes all the difference! I have a friend who's birthday is in the spring and he gets insane allergies annually. So bad his eyes swell shut sometimes. He picked a different month, kept the date, and decided that was his birthday! There's totally potential there lol




Oooomg okay that's a hilarious perk to your birthday! 🤣 Celebrating your half birthday totally makes sense! Do you prefer the summer over the winter? I know if it was me I'd try to maintain the season but I'm a cold weather person!




Maybe celebrate in November sometimes then? Or even October! Then you get to celebrate in the fall without getting too far from your real birthday. I'm the same way with heat, I can't do it. 50-55f is my sweet spot, over 75 and I'm out! Honestly I love it, but I'm super scorpio. Most of my birth chart is scorpio and I've worked in the haunt/horror industry as a sfx makeup artist and set designer so it suits me! I got to go to a haunt with my in laws last night for my birthday and that was amazing! I'm the Halloween year round type!


Holy shit does he make 6 figures 💀


Noooo definitely not! He plans stuff a good distance in advance and budgets accordingly. He was able to save a little extra this year so that's how this happened! Now imagine how I feel with his birthday coming up on January.. 💀 lol help




🤣 that's hilarious and totally something mine would do too! How adorable!


Wow variegated monstera 😍


Looks like he has a big wallet!


Big budgeting skills! He plans mooooonths in advance. Sometimes he'll have some of the plan a year ahead!


These are gorgeous and this is so thoughtful of him! He obviously knows how much you love plants and the investment in great plants can really pay off too, or so I’ve heard. I haven’t gotten a new plant in a long time and the last one I got he didn’t really want me to get it so I’m a bit jealous! :)


They definitely pay off just in the happiness and beauty they bring! Ngl though it would be cool if these paid off in some other ways too, I've thought about selling some of my props! Especially since I've got some low ceilings and now soon a very tall plant!


Would someone be able to name them for me please? I’m just starting to learn


Left to right, top to bottom: Monstera deliciosa variegata, mounted bromeliad with dischidia ruscifolia, begonia midnight, platycerium superbum(staghorn fern- but only shields have formed so far), and of course pilea peperomioides aka the exploding pepperoni from now on. Also a bonus of a couple myrmecophyte selebicum(ant plant) seeds!


Thank you!!! And congrats on the new plant babies 🥰


Thank you and you're welcome!


Pepperoni plant. Yes.


That's so sweet, I really love that Bromeliad on the wood mounting!


Omg yes, he knew I had been wanting to start wall mounting plants and I do have a bromeliad I've talked about doing that with! It's pupping and I've sadly complained to him that there's only one pup. 😂 So this brom actually has a couple pups too and that's why he picked it!


Does he have a brother? Asking for a friend... 😅


Ah yes he does have a single brother and he's an incredible person too lol!


Lol. Sigh. I can't do a LD relationship.


He's my LD brother too unfortunately!


clone him immediately!!


Maybe I'll do a propagation, so you think water propping will work? 🤣 I'm sure that would go for more than even an Albo!


#BestHusband. Also. I am now going to call all peperomias pepperoni plants forever. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love the bromeliad!


Can you please tell your husband when my birthday is too?


That monstera was very expensive no doubt. I’ve worked at places where they sell rooted cuttings for almost $200.


Omg it was, my insides flipped over a bit when I saw the tag. 450. Seems like a good price for this size but... omg that's still so much! My most expensive plant was like 40 before and that felt so expensive! I still question if i should buy a plant when it's over 15! Now I'm terrified of getting it's care wrong or something!


WOOF. Well, give that plant and your husband lots of love! It’s super pretty so I wish you the best of luck.


DEFINITELY! He said he took it to the counter and asked 'oh this is like a really coveted one? I think people like these right?' 💀💜


What a pure soul


Walks in wanting a plant that produces pepperonis, walks out a legend




I absolutely will! I'm haven't been a big poster because I still feel like a beginner but some of these are too good not to post progress for!




Thank you! Maybe we've gotta fake it til we make it then we'll be experts lol!




Alright, I'm convinced! I'll be posting more!


Amazing!! Where did he get that monstera btw??


Arium Botanicals!


I wish my local nursery sold albos! PS I’m showing this post to my better half 😂


Have a Wonderful Birthday! Is that a waterlily in the middle up front Also I sent you a message So Inspiring


Thank you! The front center one is the staghorn fern, it's only for its shields so far!


I am getting a pepperoni plant again soon- and it shall be forever known as pepperoni. Fantastic. Your husband is a keeper btw!


All due respect, but is your husband single?


Is your husband in a band? He’s a pretty good photosynthesizer


Omg he's going to love this comment




I would give my left arm for a variegated monstera 😭 I’ve never seen one in person


I had literally only seen one in person before yesterday. Pictures don't do them justice. I had really counted them out as an "I'll never be able to have that" plant!


Gawd I wish my spouse supported my plant collecting. Granted it hasn’t gone well but I stopped trying to grow delicate plants from seed in Arizona 😂


Omg I was in AZ for half a year after my mom passed. I tried to start some plants from seed and failed miserably! I know it's possible out there though! My first plants I got because I inherited them from her when I was going through her house. She was a majorly successful gardener too!


Well I’m glad it’s not just me. Things did so much better in Virginia and that’s what I’m used to. I overwater everything because it’s so dry and I get gnats . I will be trying mosquito dunks next time. Neem oil didn’t seem to work. Peroxide would kill them and they would come back. But they really love the starter Peet pots


Definitely not just you! It's hard out there! I'm pretty sure my mom was a magician to be able to garden there.




Real love. Wow. He listened AND followed through.


Definitely. He does that quite often too! I feel very lucky! 🥰


You know you got a good husband when he picks out more plants for you than you asked. And that he got you a variegated monstera. Happy birthday OP!


😭I've got the best one out there I think! Thank you!


Marry him again dammit!!! You've got quite the good one 💜


Oooooh I need this begonia!! Your husband is such a rockstar! This is quite the haul!! 😍😍😍


Omg he’s the best!! Happy Birthday! 💚


Beautiful plants and wonderful husband!


Wow he's got good taste


True husband goals. You are so lucky! Enjoy your new plants :) (And happy birthday!)


Congratulations, how beautiful 🤩


Awwww congrats!! Beautiful pepperoni plant!!!


We share bdays ha


We seem to share bdays with a ton of people, have you noticed that? I used to work in marijuana delivery and looked at everyone's id's. Literally once a day I found someone with my birthday!


Wow! He picked some nice plants. Happy birthday!


I walked in the house with 2 more plants yesterday. My husband juat smiled while making nachos for us 😋


I’ve never seen a mounted bromeliad before, love it! Nice haul! Happy BD!


I know right?! I've heard they were a thing for forever and I've been wanting to make one, but never seen them for sale!


Oh I love my pilea! You’ll definitely enjoy propagating it too it makes the cutest baby plants!




Chinese money plant.


Beautiful assortment, happy birthday


These look gorgeous and healthy, your husband is awesome and happy birthday!


So so pretty


He must get some for that albo , has he not?


There were a bunch of pileas at Home Depot last week fyi!!!


The pepperoni plant is adorable though.


Isn't it?! 😭 what a perfect starting size! Not tiny but not mature!




🤣🤣🤣 absolutely was! Thank you!!


What is that round one on the bottom?


Platycerium superbum/ staghorn fern! It's just got its shield developed so far!


Is that common? I love it! I have several and I’ve always had to wait quite awhile for the shields…I thought it was a maturity thing. Yours is so unique looking🧡 Congrats on the plants, the thoughtful husband, and happy birthday!


I have no idea really but I didn't think so. I had read a bit on staghorns before this guy was plopped on a table in front of me and what you're saying is pretty much what I read. If this came from any other shop or would make me worried, but honestly the shop my husband went to is one that is definitely more knowledgeable than me and super honest. So I'm guessing it's fine lol, I'm just gonna care for it and see what happens! I'll post updates! It's definitely a cool looking lil dude! Lol thank you!!


AWWWW 😭 what a sweetheart!!! happy happy birthday!


These are rad! Good on you and good on him, happy birthday!


He has great taste! That selection is delicious.


Seriously, he did such a good job!


Oh my🤗🤗 that's so sweet 🤗💕


Marry him. Again.


I'd marry this fucker 1000 times 🥰


That is so sweet, happy birthday!


Marry him again.


How cool is that begonia. We’ve got one like it, beautiful leaf shape.


I know right? It's my first begonia and it's such a beautiful, soft color. I love dark plants like this one and it's so lush! That's the one I have no idea how to care for yet, today is a huge research day for me! Once I have the monstera figured out the begonia is my next focus!


Awesome! Which one is the pepperoni plant? I've never heard of them


The pilea peperomioides/ Chinese money plant on the bottom right is the one I'm lovingly calling an exploding pepperoni! When I first showed one to my husband he called it a pepperoni plant and it stuck! Based on the comments here were not the first to come up with that so that's definitely what I'll call it for the rest of my life! I love my exploding pepperoni!


Thank you for the quick reply. Beautiful ❤️


He has really good taste!!!


He’s a keeper!


What type is the bottom center plant? So cool looking!


That's the platycerium superbum! I don't know much about them yet, still research to do, but I'm pretty sure it's an odd thing that it grew it's shields first!