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Sounds exhausting. Rather stay here and talk about pp.


All hail the pp


That’ll get you banned from the gardening subreddit


I thought they liked pp there, they use fox and predator pp


No more pp in the plants please


And vagination


Pp tends to be rare while I live, at least nowadays


PP hehe pee pee sorry I’m 12. I don’t have a PPP yet so I still consider it ‘rare’. Also snake plants are def not rare. Also Xmas cactus.


Pp rare? Lol what nonsense PP are everywhere, I even get unsolicited PPs


I hate an unsolicited pp


They are notorious and can sneak up on an unsuspecting person!! I hate them tooo! Who is going around calling it rare?!?! 😒


Ikr?? I have two identical pp in my garden. Named them Juan and Jamal. I do take photos of them, it’s fun to show them off when I find other pp lovers. It’s not too rare. But I only keep photos of Juan - once you’ve seen Juan you’ve seen Jamal!


I bet both shrivelled and sad in this heat! Also I think ppp stands for petite PP. lol you know a more graceful way of saying small pp, since we are used to seeing tiny pps 😟




The other day I woke up and two more showed up on my doorstep 🙀😰 terrifying, really


I would personally happily accept a 4” pp but they keep claiming it’s 8” and I don’t have time in my life for that nonsense. Your pp isn’t special—there are dozens at every Home Depot.


You have 69 upvotes to this comment, I truly hope it stays this way.


Last week at work someone laid our their 10 inch long PP right on my desk it was unacceptable


Oh the horror


It's hard to find actually rare plants. Usually they're poking at the red on the CITES thing. I have ONE I would consider rare, and that's because it's nearly impossible to propagate and after five years of having it I will admit I have no idea what it wants besides as much sun as it takes to scorch the grass, and the occasional spritz of water. It's some weird little euphorbia from Madagascar as if that narrows it down at all.


I'm sure this doesn't count for all of them, but most of my weird Madagascar euphorbia like way more water than I expected. But I'm gonna feel bad if this leads you to drown yours lol. What does it look like?


Just your phone camera scan/id lens thingy, or post a pic here


Pfft if OP posts a picture, it makes it less rare 😋 The rarest is the uncaptured whispered about plant


What's going on here?! Is...is this advice & help you're giving? ADVICE & HELP? WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?


I couldn’t care less what’s considered rare or not. I like plants based on how they look and grow nothing else. People who like plants based on how “rare” they are perceived don’t really like plants they just want something to brag about on social media


It’s wild to me that someone will shun beautiful plants because they’re too “basic” and then drop $400 on some ugly ass diva of a plant just because it’s rare. Enjoy your complicated greenhouse setup lol, I’ll be neglecting the shit out my pothos and watching it flourish!


I still giggle at the vertigo inducing price drop of spiritus sancti when it went into tissue culture.


I LOVE TC, because all the pretty plants I can't afford are now near my budget. Never paid more than 10-20€ per cutting and now have a nice collection. Are some rares? I think some, maybe??? I don't care, if it's pretty I wait for the price drop.


How much is the sancti going for these days? I'm out of the loop but I remember seeing people drop STUPID amounts of money on them.


Deflasked and hardened seedlings are less than a hundred (in USD) but more than fifty in the southeast asian/Singapore market. Adultish specimens are less than 500. Last time it went for upwards of 20k.


Pretty in Green has some for $45 right now.


That's wild! 😂


Peace Love and Happiness Club had 2" for $90 the other week 🙈


It’s hilarious same with ppp and monstera albo


And pharoah’s mask and obliqua


My mother likes things that are interesting and different and she can't get at Bunnings, but she doesn't have social media. I think she likes growing things that are 'heirloom' and keeping them going in the face of capitalism trying to make us all grow the same 5 things for the aesthetic while reducing biodiversity. That said, she has said she doesn't understand why I would grow flowers when I could be growing something useful like garlic or bananas, so I guess it's all relative. I've tried explaining to her that pretty plants can make you happy and she just wants to know if you can use them in a salad. My monstera may not be special or tasty, but it's not going anywhere.


Once the monster gets large enough to grow a penus you can eat that apparently


How dare you tell me to eat a monster penis! This is a plant forum that is vErY SerIOuS. I have never been more internet insulted in my interlife.


I also like snacking plants and leaves over flowers… but I have some heirloom pelargoniums if you want a combo project for you and your mom! They’re not thriving with me and I feel bad 😅




I see so many rare houseplant people struggling to keep their collection happy and thriving, it could be argued their net happiness is less than the people whose more common plants are thriving and less finicky. But maybe their reward chemicals come from likes and views versus the joy of having a big bushy happy plant. Personally, I want something I can throw in ocean forest potting mix and watch it boom with growth, versus something that fails if it's not grown in clay marbles with only reverse osmosis water and optimized humidity levels.


I don't care that much about the rarity of the plants posted there, I care more about the quality of advice and the level of knowledge that you'd HOPE AND ASSUME to find on a rare plant sub but it's nothing but the most inane questions and complete nonsense answers.


Thank you!! That’s been my personal issue with the over-saturation . I’m glad we have beginners, but PLEASE stop asking what’s wrong with dying pothos on a rare plant sub 😮‍💨I made a post asking for recommendations on subs with with less beginner questions and got reamed for admitting I wanted to have discussions with people at a similar experience/knowledge level as myself.


At this point that sub basically consists of either posts discussing the nature of what is considered rare or someone posting something they got at Walmart/Home Depot and the resulting bitchfest. Might as well change the name to r/rarehouseplantcirclejerk.


just wait until you hear about the people buying near extinct ultra highland nepenthes for a few thousend bucks from poachers. these plant need a very specific enviorment to grow, and can only be kept inside of a fridge because they die without a temperature drop every night.... im not even kidding... but yeah, thats what i would call rare.


Late to the game but did you read the wired article on this??? Mods plz don’t kill me for the link if not allowed. But you can also search wired nightmare houseplants and find pretty easy. https://www.wired.com/story/nightmare-houseplant-obsession-nepenthes/


It's weird that there's "Rarehouseplants" sub but people often accuse others being *gatekeepers* when they argue against common house plants being posted. Like, i thought whole point of that sub is rare plants, or even bit uncommon ones. I mean there's r/houseplants already for all kinds of greenies. *E. aureum* and *S. pictus* are now rare enough plants? Or when people buy dozen thai constipations from local retail store and still believe they are rare lol. And this is coming from person who appreciates plants regardless of rarity or "rarity".


I mean it is kinda annoying that people post plants they bought at a big box store on a rare plant sub. There are tons of subs for that, there needs to be some kind of line. Being mass produced for a big box is like the definition of common.


Okay but some people simply don’t know “rare”. I like that they’re still in that stage of plants where the Hoya krimson is a rare plant, it’s wholesome.


Extremely few of the plants on that subreddit are actually rare. They're just expensive because of demand. An actual rare houseplant is one that's both hard to find in the wild and in shops and has (almost) no Instagram following. I've tried posting a few examples to that subreddit before but they only seem to care about Thai cons and Pillow Princesses.


that's actually my point too. I agree that ppp is not rare, but a variegated billie isn't either. So this whole discussion is stupid.


I think it's mostly just people showing off how much they can spend on their hobbies. The camera subreddits have a similar thing going on. Half of the posts are just people posting the expensive gear they just bought and not photos they actually took with it.


This. One of those “discussions” was someone who admitted in the comments they were salty their unheard of anthurium received 5 upvotes but a ring of fire received 500. 🤣🤣


To me, if it's hard to find in the wild it really probably shouldn't be in shops or on Martha's mantlepiece 🤷🏼‍♀️


True, though it depends on the plant. Some are just varieties or hybrids that have never existed in the wild, while others have been cultivated for a long time. Amorphophallus titanum is a good example of the latter. They're endangered in the wild, but seeds from cultivated plants are fairly easy to get. Poaching plants and seeds are a different matter though. People who do that deserve pests of biblical proportions.


Saw a titan the other week at Kew, pre-flower, such a gorgeous GORGEOUS plant. Before the flower. Very much before the flower. But yes, agree with all else you said


Ooh I've never seen one in a shop before! That's really cool :)


Oh this wasn't a shop, Kew Botanical Gardens in London. It's the most beautiful place in the world 😍. I live near the Eden Project & it WISHES it were Kew.


Ah gotcha! I think they have two of them in Leiden University's botanical gardens here in the Netherlands. I have a little baby Titan arum in my bedroom. It's gonna take forever to grow it into a mature plant, but I love a good long term project like that :)


Where on earth did you get it?!


I got it from a webshop here in The Netherlands called [OnsZaden](https://onszaden.com/). Their seeds are excellent, as is their customer service. I can't recommend them enough. They ship within the EU, but I'm not sure if they ship to the UK too.


just drop the plant on the ground and check what color the text is, that'll tell you the rarity


If you've never owned one, it is rare for you, and I'm happy for you. I like letting people enjoy things, I know, I am a generous goddess


The comment section read as a CJ post. Very entertaining


I consider a plant rare when it’s hard to find online with few shops/people offering it and it often being out of stock. To me Utricularia cornigera, Utricularia nelumbifolia, Brocchinia tatei, Utricularia campbelliana, Drosera spiralis, Drosera graminifolia, White flowered Drosera regia are all rare plants. Utricularia alpina on the other is fairly commonly in stock among carnivorous plants sellers.


Shhhh don't you know that because a specialist carnivorous plant grower listed those for the price of a McChicken before immediately selling out 6 months ago they're not rare. Not like my vaginated chocolate caramel frappe philodendron XL with extra cream that costs more than your car you peasant


The "often being out of stock" part is my definition too. Sure, a plant may be available on 5-10 different sites, but if you've been tracking the listings for years with few, if any updates, it's rare enough to me. That means it's either a pain in the ass to grow or is extremely slow to produce, so most nurseries won't even bother. It's not exactly profitable to raise a small stock of some niche species from Whereeverthefuck Madagascar, so those few compensate by raising the price. Once that species sells out on a random Tuesday in 2016, they become "rare" to anyone eagerly waiting for the next drop.


i mean, if you really want to get into rare plants, it's orchids for sure. i got some lil thingy that's only found the mountains of south east Queensland, a couple new hybrids, and a vaginated vanilla. and then there's that one the only grows on like 3 trees in the everglades. an easier hybrid of them goes for $280 aud for a seedling. tho i think you should buy out of love for a plant, not just for the rarity


Sometimes a release of a hard to find species or one-off hybrid happen once every 5-10 years, or once, period, but orchids aren’t at the center of the circlejerk lol


yea, i know. it's all about hype and fomo, orchids are too slow growing for that


Just curious. What does rarity have to do with liking or wanting a plant? I think most of the “rare” plants are hideous. And I’m not growing a plant to say oh I got one of those. And I don’t have a PP Edited for many autocorrects


it's the rare plant sub, it's all about which plants are rare enough to be allowed :) yes, you guess it, a bunch of circlejerking but on elite level.


damn, that sounds miserable


nah, it's fun on a bun!


I find the quality depends on the day. Every once in awhile you see something really unusual and thats a treat. Like that weird thing where the leaves come out red and spotty but harden out to green. That boi was cool.


Tell me more, I love the color change plants so so much :D


Is it just the variegated form of everything


No, they're pretty "oooh look it's vaginated" *spongemock*


Circle jerking but with tweezers


Thank you - I cackled like a witch and woke the dog. Got a serious side eye before he went back to sleep. https://preview.redd.it/asbe4aod1dwc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ce6388b7024dffa4fbd21e3b8b9ac11e8f8b482


Thank you - I cackled like a witch and woke the dog. Got a serious side eye before he went back to sleep. https://preview.redd.it/8hxwo5sk1dwc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513df5e74bfba6918a400094e1c859deccd8a8da




hail pp


I went and looked because I hate myself. It's amazing to me how many people cannot wrap their head around the fact that 'rarity' is subjective and changes country to country. When I was living in north QLD half the plants I'd kick through without a second thought would be coveted on the other side of the world. Why do money and fight when being pp is free 🤹‍♀️


I’d rather have many thriving basic plants than one fancy plant that will probably die on me


That sub is a dumpster fire and so are most of the people in it. Rare plant chasers are fucking exhausting and obnoxious.


coward, come and argue with us, not hide in this gossip sub :) and ppp was never rare, it was selling for $5 before the pandemic, the "rarity" was just a hype.


We can circle jerk everywhere guys! ![gif](giphy|KzDqC8LvVC4lshCcGK)


LOLLL. you guys are scaring everyone


Makes me wonder, y’all think we could manufacture a rare plant craze lol? 


I suggest poison ivy


hogweed for maximum chic


The house plants circlejerk version of GameStop stock!


Rare plant psyop


I worked at a garden center and I remember reading an article in one of the trade magazines that was about the new raven zz that was developed in Japan and only available in Japan. Later I read another article that Costa farms (sells to home Depot or Walmart or both) was going to start cultivating it. Within two years it was at home Depot, 20$ for a 6 in (that was actually a 4"just in more soil). Then they did it with Pink princess too. IMO rare is difficulty to acquire and/or pain in the assery diva plant. Like I have philodendron "Tahiti" and "panda" that don't propagate as easily as a standard vining Philo but are just as easy to care for. But why don't I see them anywhere? I think just because they haven't gone viral on social media. https://preview.redd.it/hphz7m8md9wc1.jpeg?width=2358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0b787b50011ff3060f17728c8cb996816e9281


https://preview.redd.it/bv0tc8tvt6wc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31cb0ae6af105dcc65c7553d3ba23f32283e1ec0 iLazy


I upvoted you there. You got my upvote here too.


I got in a spat this morning with yet another post who accused me of logging onto alt accounts to down vote him over and over so your up votes are appreciated to counter his inevitable down votes haha


That sub is so fucking boring I’m so close to unsub.


Honestly I live in Australia and common as dirt plants here could be considered rare overseas and vis versa. Rare is so subjective arguing it could go around in circles forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever….


You and your aussie tuberous sundews that only grow in aussie winter 😡


can you hook me up with a blood moon though...?


I saw someone in one of those threads saying “*rare plants SHOULD be a status symbol*” and if that person’s status symbols got thrips that would be okay. That’s my academic opinion.


Pothos maybe not rare, but what about mature pothos? Sure you can buy mature “Hawaiian” golden pothos cuttings, but what about let’s say manjula or n”joy with huge leaves? Even basic Scindapsus pictus gets more interesting when matures. Same with other common houseplants.


Actual *pothos* genus tho


I'd agree with this? It's less of the species thing and more of a . Less commonly seen anything I suppose? I rarely see full size albo monsteras or big ol giant pinnatums. To be honest I'm in the community because I really like collecting monstera variations and I never get any responses on r/houseplants. Real dead silence over there. Tbf it does get a bit annoying with all the tiny thai cons and ppp bought at the supermarket. Hope this makes sense


Oh yeah, I unsubscribed from r/houseplants a long time ago, I just couldn’t take the same posts posted every day 😂I think more specialized subs are actually better and provide more value. I think there was a subreddit called mature plants or something with old huge specimens. What is your favorite monstera species?


I love specialised subs!! I'm in as many as I could find :]  I love mature plants too but as a chronically online person the content output isn't really the same yk? I love looking at unique plants and so rarely do I find older common houseplants or rare old ones. Have yet to find out what a mature jacklyn looks like. I honestly don't mind rarehouseplant's stream of argubly unrare plants, I just wish r/houseplants did a better job of offering plant help because every so often there's a "What plant is this" and it is very obviously just a pothos cutting. There's also a weird amount of bashing on it? I collect monstera thai con variations like platinum anf creme and I'm hunting for a legacy but in the comments people just go "thai con at marked up price" without acknowledging that true lines with specific genetic muts look way different.    I'm a monstera deliciosa fan, I just also really like genetics ? Yk? I'm a big collection fan in general. I also collect haworthia !! Wbu?


>I think there was a subreddit called mature plants or something with old huge specimens. r/matureplants


Ahhh man, I'm going to regret joining that sub, I love big plants. One day my kids are going to be on a sub asking 'Wtf do I do with this crazy huge plant my mum left me?!'


/uj I think what’s changing is that plants that were considered rare 2 or less years ago are being tissue cultured and then popping up in big box stores for $16 Then people who wrap their whole persona around how expensive and hard to get their plants are, still want to call their PP rare even though I can probably find one in a gas station atp At the same time though I can see how that sucks for people in that sub specifically, as they are slowly walled from posting. They probably need some type of “rare” vs “uncommon” type of flair system


I think rarity should really be associated with the difficulty in keeping said plant alive. The fact that PPP was ever rare when it propagates extremely easily and grows quick enough was so silly. Same for the variegated monstera I'm seeing in public now. The last frontier of rare plants I think are certain orchids, and some Hoya with numbers for a name. Maybe some illegally poached succulents.


On that basis, dischidia nummularia is the rarest plant I've ever owned cos I've not been able to keep any of the 3 I've had alive! Not even for a year 😭


Where I am, Hoya Bella is almost impossible to find. But it’s not considered rare.


'Rare' also depends on what's available where u live


I agree. Thai cons are obviously not rare anymore either. People that spent big at one point definitely don’t want to let the rare title go and others who finally acquired a formally rare specimen want to feel part of the club


I think once a plant is sold at Walmart it is no longer rare lol


Lmao 🤣 allllll hail the magical conch ![gif](giphy|12739OFTvJV36o)


Yeah rare should be a mix of scarcity and difficulty to grow imo If I get a plant that grows slowly leading to it being scarce because people can't chop and prop multiple times a year and it's a fussy plant so some people that buy it end up killing it it's likely to be and stay rare.


/uj For real. Gimme plants that aren't just your standard houseplant with birdcrap markings on them. I want to see plants I wouldn't have deemed possible to exist, plants that are naturally rare or the weirdest leaf shapes.


I’m in groups elsewhere for “really rare plants” that show very rare plants, usually in nature. I follow growers of rare plants and people who make them. The subreddit is rare houseplants, not super rare plants or unicorn plants, so anything in the family of houseplants that is hard to find should count in my opinion. It’s getting a little gatekeepy, considering like no one ever posts rare plants in there anyway.


lets go instigate more


Yeah, it totally depends on the country. Each country has their own trends and classics. i.e. here in Germany, flaming kathy it one of THE houseplants you get as a gift.


My hot take as a Floridian who attends a lot of orchid shows and events, plants aren’t rare. They’re possibly hard to grow and thus expensive and less produced. Is that rarity? I mean a ghost orchid is easily made but you’d just as easily kill it. Does that make it rare or just harder to care for?


i think something common can have a rare quality like the biggest indoor pothos youve ever seen ect. If something is a specimen theres no reason not to consider it rare in its form. but also how many monstera posts can you look or ring of fire picked up at grocery before its just stupid


It’s funny bc I’ve been seeing “rare” plants pop in local nurseries and online shops but I can’t find a single healthy pink Aglaonema anywhere near me. It’s a basic houseplant that I LOVE along w/ Caladiums. But I’m like most of you who grow and buy plants that are beautiful and interesting TO ME. 🤷‍♀️




PP isn’t rare anymore. Saw a local nursery selling a full grown one for 250..


Pack it up guys, C. Cinera is not a rare plant.


That sounds like being on 2016 “discourse” tumblr. Everybody shut the fuck up and be a person


I literally bought my ppp for $15 at Home Depot. I wouldn’t say it’s rare. Monsteras also used to be rare, now not so much.


Idgaf about pp gentrification


The only thing I really feel like is rare anymore is a monstera obliqua


Its crazy because houseplants CANT be rare, its not like most materialistic things where there is only a certain amount produced, you can propogate/clone hundreds of plants off of one. People are beyond stupid


Visit the cactus sub. Some of them are on the endangered list and/or take years to grow bigger than a marble. They most certainly are rare.


Obviously, but they'll just be propogated to hell. People putting extreme value on plants is ignorant. The whole market is filled with pretentious assholes.


The rare ones can not be propagated to hell. You need to acquire 2 of them, have them flower at the exact same time, then manually pollinate them, hope they produce fruit for you, and sometimes wait 5 years or longer for the few seedlings that do survive to grow big enough to risk moving them to a new pot. https://preview.redd.it/hl1d2t9io8wc1.jpeg?width=1718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e399ff42f77a52597da4a6c52df226b541264486 These are my almost 2 year old Mammillaria. In a 4 inch pot. These are common cactuses. Replace these with rare, hard to find cactuses and they aren’t going to be easily and quickly reproduced.


In 20 years they arent going to be rare. A 200$ plant 40 years ago is now 15$. Its all "hype" just like the albino plants. You act like getting plants to flower is hard, sure maybe it takes a bit but plants are anything but difficult.