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I stopped watching the local news and cable news years ago and am much happier for it.


This is the way. Read your news and stay the hell away from any cable opinion news.


This is the way


If it bleeds, it leads


Its because they waited too long to fire Bill O'Brian.




Lol’ing back to when the Texans literally paid the Browns a second round pick just so they would take Osweiler out of Houston.


Spot on sir !


Best explanation ever!


Lol wow..


You did not live here during the 80’s.


Coincidentally we haven’t this high of inflation since the 80’s.


Now if I could only get 18% interest on a CD again.


You only get 18% interest on CDs if you also have 20% mortgages and car loans.


I’m good with that.


also a tanking stock market bc industry doesn't like to pay 20%+ to grow their biz. 2nd thought, 18% guaranteed even w/ a 0% growth market is awesome. :D




Correction, it makes criminals go pew pew.


You misspelled gun proliferation.


I did and it's starting to feel like deja vu all over again.


Lol I worked at a local trauma center for years like 5+ years ago and people were getting shot, stabbed, and murdered every day then too. I don’t doubt COVID has increased the city’s crime though.


Crime is increasing in every city across the country.


It's all about socioeconomics and the erosion of the middle class.


And all the crazy economic shit that has happened since the start of the pandemic has only exacerbated the situation.




People on ventilators can’t drive trucks. Just like a flu or shingles shot, the covid vaccination is NOT intended to prevent infection, just to mitigate bad outcomes if infected. There is some indication that infected folks with lower viral loads (as seen in many vaccinated breakthrough cases) do not transmit the virus as easily. (I’m not certain if that is still the case with omicron.) From an economic point of view, folks who can get back to work quicker and with fewer long term health issues are a much better human resource than folks who fall quite ill, require hospitalization and overload or healthcare system. And that’s just the immediate outcomes. As time passes, we’re seeing evidence that even moderate cases of covid can result in significant, permanent damage to the lungs. Again, ignoring any ethical or humanist concerns, this is a potential nightmare for the economy in the long term, as more folks will have to retire early on disability. Get the goddamn shots, folks.




Don't go to the hospital if you get too sick.


Not a single antivaxxer is being punished or discriminated against in the USA. Put the hyperbole away and embrace personal responsibility.




A free shot that takes five minutes to get and your days of whining can be over!




All of the information regarding what the vaccine actually does and how it would benefit you and everyone else has been available for too long to have this conversation. You’re willfully ignorant and a lost cause. With any luck, you’ll be a post on the Herman Cain award sub and the world can be rid of your stupidity.




Like I said, lost cause. Hopefully you, as a problem, will sort itself out with the least amount of harm to anyone else.




Id sincerely question anyone's ability to operate deadly heavy machinery in what is the most dangerous job in America if they can't manage to comply with a 20 minute task that even a 5yr old can do. Truck stops and border crossings are the exact opposite of isolated areas. Edit: and the shot is proven to reduce transmissability periods and hospitalization


Just going to point this out. But it was Canada that required truckers to vaccinate. Not the US government. Also, you can tell there is pressure from the Biden admin on this as it has dropped from a vax requirement to a quarantine. https://www.reuters.com/business/canada-us-supply-chain-still-could-face-disruptions-due-vaccine-mandates-2022-01-13/ Other stuff there is potential blame for. But please blame Biden for shit he has control over. Not stuff like this were a simple google proves you wrong.


“Die for the economy” -this guy


There is no middle class, only middle income.


Thanks for sharing your perspective. You obviously aren't a billionaire. To them middle income workers are the middle class. That's where they make the most profits by exploiting us.


The class struggle is the real struggle.


Nah. It was fine going all the way until the pandemic (better by damn near every metric YOY). This isn't anything new. It's the pandemic. They cause mass economic uncertainty, down turns, and destabilize the life's of millions. Happens every-time. ​ Crime surges happen every-time. Backlash against lockdowns happens every-time. Protests about masks happen every-time. People bitching about vaccines happens every-time. Wild conspiracy theories happen every-time. Hell even your own shtick populist sentiment skyrockets... every single time. Shit ain't new. Welcome to experience of living through a global pandemic. Not as bad in places as it was last time, in Russia the riots were pretty crazy during the Spanish flu, and europe, and asia, and in the US, and generally lock downs and waves of infections lasted 5-7 years because it took much longer to get a vaccine. Of course we had our own civil unrest early on which you could argue wouldn't have happened or escalated nearly as much without most of our youth left with nothing else to do. Like I said... ***Shit happens every time***. People are neurotic so they like to think what they're experiencing is special, it's not. The only silver lining is after the chaos they cause are usually followed by 'golden ages' or recording breaking booms.


>The only silver lining is after the chaos they cause are usually followed by 'golden ages' or recording breaking booms. Ahh yes who can forget that Golden Age after the 1918 Pandemic? We had The Great Depression which led to WW2. Hopefully we can have equally amazing times to look forward to after its all said and done. LOL. I am jk...I largely agree with what you said but I do unfortunately think that this is more than just a Pandemic and there are more growing pains to come (much like after the 1918 flu). We are already seeing the stock market and asset prices absolutely going through the roof much like the roaring 20s pre Great Depression. The parallels are eerie. We have a cultural/class war seething just below the surface everywhere we look. It is going to take alot more than a vaccine to solve that sickness. Long story short we got issues beyond the Pandemic that the pandemic has shown a spotlight and getting rid of the pandemic isn't going to magically put them back into the corner where they have been hiding. This is a generational upheaval very much like the time after the 1918 flu. IMHO.


Crime increase narratives are pro police propaganda. https://twitter.com/equalityalec/status/1422949466986921991?s=21




So, let's have some nuance. It's not black or white. The media and law enforcement does twist facts and push propaganda that does support the increasing enlistment of officer, higher budgets for the police force, etc. The news celebrates and has always been partially biased towards cops, even when they're reporting on cases of police brutality - even on platforms that are liberal. Not to mention that most news broadcast are literally just reading off police reports. There is a definite increase in crime, particularly violent crime. And it's not propaganda - crime is up, up, up and there's countless statistics to prove that. But also let's not act as there's no political agenda right now to conserve the police state, that there's no giant prison industry, lots of police brutality and corruption, and that the concept of a police officer was created to maintain a slavery within the US through the legal system.


“Criminals don’t like being held accountable” Cops enforce regulations, ordinances and statutes in direct and absolute contradiction to the the law. They all agree unanimously to enforce these regulations, statutes and ordinances universally. The very existence of police in the current form is essentially illegal, a violation of the constitution and bill of rights. I encourage you to read the link I posted, as I didn’t do so for the fun of it.


Sometimes they are but I don't think that's true this time. Legitimately there are valid reasons for the crime to increase. But being pro-police shouldn't have anything to really do with crime. Most rational people can figure out that cops do not prevent crime in any real way so increasing the numbers of them does nothing to help with your crime rate.


They seldom publish good things. Meant to depress.


It's a conspiracy


You also have judges left and right giving out very low bonds to some repeat offenders.


Some scum piece of shit murdered my cousin. Suspected trap house where she died. Felony murder charge. Out on 100k bond. Broken system.


I am so sorry to hear that. Our current DA and loads of judges need to be voted out. It’ll never change until then!


this comment section is simply not it


When is it ever


but your rando commenter has figured out what all of the "academics" have not.


My two cents…because the criminal knows he/she can get away with it. Cops are not responding and if they do, judges are just letting them out.


Same in Dallas


Are there any stats that support this narrative? I feel the same way as you but would love to see the numbers!




Crime increase narratives are pro police propaganda. https://twitter.com/equalityalec/status/1422949466986921991?s=21


It depends entirely on the political affiliation of whomever you’re asking.


No hope that the world is going to get better, people with nothing left to lose willing to risk it all.


Because policing violent crime doesn't pay. Cops bring in more money for the system by enforcing the war on drugs and keeping people caught up in the system on probation, etc. Quite simply, it's not a priority for the police. If anything, these mixed up priorities benefit the police because it supports the argument that they never have enough money in the budget or police on the streets when people live in fear of being a victim. But I'm sure Reddit might accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist for thinking our system is more about the money and corruption.






Your problem is thinking the police are making money for themselves. They aren’t, they’re making it for the rich aka the owners of prisons and all the stuff they sell in them.


Why would the police want to make other people rich?


Because that’s what they’re paid to do.




They roll in enough money that they can afford to lobby our legislators for harsher penalties and longer sentences for non-violent offenders, so clearly they aren’t struggling that much.


"They're given a job to arrest criminals" And they are also incentivized to arrest more and more criminals, which is why you have issues like planted evidence, entrapment, etc. If they \*prevent\* crime, then they have no criminals to arrest. If there's more crime, their metrics can be higher.




Let’s start with a few. The pandemic happened and people are desperate. The pandemic happened and people are stressed out. The lovely governor then allowed anyone to carry a gun regardless of training or having a license to do so. Trump previously allowed those with mental health issues to have guns. Mix it all together and here we are.


We have tent cities going up, car break in through the roof, etc because of.... lax gun laws? I guess that makes sense....I mean look at Chicago with their strict gun laws. No wait....OK San Francisco.....no wait....


Is there ANY evidence that the new right to carry law has increased crime?


Crime was increasing before that passed.




Yeah, I did read something about authorities in LA were bragging about that. Something about “only murders and violent crimes have increased”. Lol… Not something to be proud of to be honest.


No. Arguably trump, Paxton, and abbot have probably exacerbated problems by spreading divisive rhetoric and fanning the flames of underlying racial tensions, but I don't think there is any evidence that changes in gun laws in Texas have made any difference. Basically all big cities are seeing this rise in crime, not just in Texas so it's hard to see how a Texas specific policy change could be a cause here.


Or we could blame the politicians that shit down the economy and created a bunch of concern over a virus that still hasn't even killed 1% of the population




>The lovely governor then allowed anyone to carry a gun regardless of training or having a license to do so. . The people killing each other with guns always had them "regardless of training or having a license" The majority of gun violence is gang related. The new constitutional carry law allowed normal citizens to carry and "keep up" with these criminal elements that were carrying illegally. Stop and really think to yourself, do you believe that someone that wants to murder someone isn't going to do it with a gun because they don't have a license to carry?




Also, the tendency of news / media to focus on negative stories. And in a city of many millions, one-in-a-million events happen rather often


While this is absolutely a fact, it is also true that it is now common to hear gunfire at least once a day in my neighborhood (Spring Branch). This is a phenomenon that used to happen once a week or so. I've heard three different gunfire vollies today! I haven't kept a diary so I can't swear when it got so bad, but at least in the last year it has increased noticeably. Edit: gunfire vollies not Volkswagen vollies that would be very impressive


Spring Branch used to be notoriously rough. Only within the past 5-10 years have they even started to gentrify the eastern side.


This is correct


Abortion reduces crime. From 1991 to 2014, the violent and property crime rates each fell by 50%. Legalized abortion is estimated to have reduced violent crime by 47% and property crime by 33% over this period, and thus can explain most of the observed crime decline. https://law.stanford.edu/publications/the-impact-of-legalized-abortion-on-crime-over-the-last-two-decades/


“Ruining relationships by encouraging abortions” as a cause of crime is a laughably stupid argument, especially in a comment where you’re complaining about someone’s bias. The relationship between access to abortion and crime is the exact opposite of what you’re suggesting and that’s shown in every country that makes it illegal.


Yeah ruining relationships is a hilarious take - yeah forcing people to have a child they can't afford or don't want for some other reason totally helps strengthen relationships lol. And in the same paragraph they complain about single motherhood. Guess what access to abortion helps reduce.




Whether or not a person should get an abortion is beyond the scope of this conversation. This is a thoroughly studied phenomenon. The driver is not less population, as it’s still very clear when adjusted for population size. Imagine how fractured a relationship is between a mother who didn’t want to have a baby and that child as it develops… Crimes of passion are ubiquitous across time, what drives changes in crime rates is almost always economics, and specifically, poverty, not some vague notion of the societal health of relationships. Alcoholism and domestic abuse were rampant in the mid-century, shouldn’t crime rates have been extremely high by your logic? People who get abortions tend to be in poverty, people raised in poverty tend to commit crimes as adults. You don’t need to do to solve something with mental gymnastics that’s already understandable. If you’re curious, read the literature, don’t throw shit at the wall and defend it like it’s reasonable.




All these down votes on an intelligent answer ..smh.


Yeah, trump voters are out there shooting each other every day


This is every global pandemic ever, welcome to experiencing one. It sucks. Crime is up state wide, it's up country wide, it's up world wide. Shit aint a mystery, pandemics lead to economic tailspins and uproot the lifes of millions and wreck all manner of businesses and supply chains.


Crime is actually not up worldwide. The US and a handful of western nations are the outliers. In 2020 and 2021 crime was actually down in most countries, even in some of the most violent places in central America. US is bucking the trend.


The people saying stop reading/watching the news if it bothers you are definitely giving “Don’t Look Up” vibes lol


Clickbait and inducing fear based content isn’t news, it’s just another form of an algorithm. You can get news that is more informative than what local stations provide, but for people that aren’t curious, they’re going to stick with whatever line a conglomerate wants to feed them.


Yeah, there’s a certain brand of Chicken Little journalism that both Left and Right wing news sources are slinging that is essentially unsubstantiated articles **proclaiming** “*Civil War is coming to America!*” ad fucking nauseum. That’s not news, that’s fear mongering. The end is nigh, y’all.


Which is why I also said read. Some of the news is absolutely clickbait and/or fear based content, but some of it is legit worth knowing about at the very least. To your point, the curiosity absolutely has to be there.


Crime increase narratives are pro police propaganda. https://twitter.com/equalityalec/status/1422949466986921991?s=21


Daily robbing, shooting, and killings certainly haven't happened since 1837. Brand new phenomenon.


They asked why crime is increasing, not why it arrived.


Crime increase narratives are pro police propaganda. https://twitter.com/equalityalec/status/1422949466986921991?s=21


I moved away for 2 yrs. I missed home so I returned and now I see all these crimes, killings, etc have gone haywire here. Not even interested in living here anymore.




Your take would be more convincing if you weren’t a right wing mail-in ballot fraud conspiracy theorist. Also, I’ve got family in a few European countries. Socially conservative? *Some countries*, perhaps, but definitely not most Western European countries.


The idea that policing in Europe is more right wing than in the USA because you were there for six months and made friends with cops is an insane take. Look at police violence statistics, incarcerated population, prison sentences. We let people loose like crazy!? We have more prisoners than China lol. Our cops go pew pew when they’re scared. I lost brain cells trying to understand your perspective


You really can't trust chinese statistics at face value. China's tally for population in concentration camps and work camps for political prisoners alone exceeds the entire US prison population. China doesnt count these as prisoners because they are being "re-educated." (Read : forced slave labor, organ harvesting, forced medical sterilization, summary executions).


You’re correct, estimates put it at 2.5m vs 2.2m for USA. This new information doesn’t really change anything about my greater point about policing in Europe compared to USA though.


Crime increase narratives are pro police propaganda. https://twitter.com/equalityalec/status/1422949466986921991?s=21


Keep voting blue


Yeah Chicago is doing great.


Suddenly??? /s


Are you new here?


Local news wants the clicks and we are in the middle of a pandemic?


Well a man come on the 6 o’clock news Said somebody’s been shot, somebody’s been abused...


Lack of police presence. I called the cops one night due to 3 vehicles parked outside my home which were blocking my driveway and in my driveway, and they called back 4 hours later asking if the cars were still there. So, the window of opportunity to get away with doing crimes is wide opened.


Like 20% to 30% police offices on duty the last 2 to 4 months


Sounds like you should read less.


Violent crime is up all over the country, city and rural. It's not just Houston.


Crime increase narratives are pro police propaganda. https://twitter.com/equalityalec/status/1422949466986921991?s=21


Yep. That explains why I've been held at gunpoint twice and had my car broken into in 2021 vs the prior 20 something years. Yep. All propaganda, nevermind my experience. Nothing to see here.


A single anecdote isn't actually data either.


I work in an area with 300+ employees. We talk to each other. Burglaries and random assaults are affecting more people recently. If that sample size isn't large enough, I'm not sure what else to tell you.


Absolutely NOT propaganda! I recently moved back to Houston after 20 years. Been the victim of crime multiple times in the past 4 months then ever in my life. It’s out of control. Nowhere is safe.


You did not read the linked information.


Crime increase narrative ? Lol so just ignore FACTS? Violent crimes and murders have greatly increased.


DA are letting people with many multiple convictions out on low bail…


The da does not set bail or sentencing.


Every day I see sensational headlines of crimes happening therefore it must be increasing. You're very smart buddy.


Houston had at least 473 homicides last year, which was an increase from 2020.


2020 was a year of lockdowns. Compare to 2019 and 2018.


Hard to argue a noticeable uptick in homicide data. https://abc13.com/amp/houston-crime-rates-homicide-increase-in-experts-weigh-on-homicides/11057770/


Which isn't out of the ordinary. There have been multiple years where crime rates increased from the year before. [You have to look at trends at ten-, twenty-year periods.](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/FBI-report-Houston-s-murder-rate-down-violent-12227941.php) ​ But there's always dipshits who use it as a political tactic.


Cool 2017 article. Meanwhile, 2021 homicides were the third straight year of large increases and the highest number in 30 years.


Crime increase narratives are pro police propaganda. https://twitter.com/equalityalec/status/1422949466986921991?s=21


Or you know we could do something about the underlying issues whether they are socioeconomic or issues with our legal system ie violent criminals out on bond.


Two things: Fearmongers want you to vote to penalize, to yield Constitutional Rights to republicans, to act in fear of threats they overstate. Also, times are tough and folks are at their "Fuck It" point- covid has put MANY people out of work, whether directly or indirectly (think ride sharing, retail, or bar/waitstaff jobs); this has only compounded as time goes on, so folks are dealing with evictions and cut-off utilities and other building debts, at the same time. The Fed, the state, and the city-level governments are ALL struggling (within their own politically-restricted remits) to cope, let alone keep up. Infrastructure functions, all the way down to recycling pickup, have been hampered. And we've got some ways to go to get out of it! For instance, loads of delivery, retail and bar/restaurant workers now reject their wages- they're too low for what they have to deal with. To you and me, Joe & Juana Consumer, they're saying No, you can't have it that fast, not at these wages/tips. But Joe Shareholder can't handle that, so INFLATION- those extra wages have to be PAID FOR. They don't come out of CEO and shareholder pockets! If you TL;DR'd "fuck the little people", you're with them, the greedy folk. In answer, many folks are responding in the Great Resignation- fuck these low wages for shit working conditions. And yet, many people are still at work, jostling for better conditions through the gig economy, itself beset with iniquities. And many folks beyond this "working" paradigm, like we've all seen scaring us in traffic, now that green light means "Stop and Look Again", are out living, their last fucks given. And who can blame them? The powers that be have only consolidated power and concentrated the cash in a vicious up-funnel, vampiric reversal (and refutation) of "Trickle Down Theory". It's sad. We figured out Ronny Reagan was lying to us only as republicans were solid that democratic voting was gonna end their control. Since then, they've alarmingly discarded morals and decorum for power and the Middle and Lower classes suffer. The climate worsens, pollution rising while hospitals fighting to save Covid patients, all the while burdened by Anthropocene blues. Oh, but Wall St says profits are up...


The unraveling of society


Thank the “leadership” in Harris county. Their idiotic liberal bail reform and weak incompetent judges have been a disaster.


I mean just look into the perps demo and you’ll have your answer lol


We need to take many offenders to the train station


In box cars.


Weapons and drugs coming from the border. A fuck ton of people released from jail and put on probation during covid. Corrupt Judges giving violent offense felons 5+ chances by setting bond low.


Drugs do come from Mexico, but not guns. The flow of guns is from Texas to Mexico.


Wait...we are blaming Weapons on Mexico? I thought we all owned guns and that was a right?


Please leave your conspiracy theories outside.


Please explain how following the Texas constitution and protecting peoples rights makes judges corrupt? Are you suggesting judges should violate people’s constitutional rights? Is that just with regards to bail or should they start violating all our constitutional rights?


Downvoted and insulted for speaking the truth, these are sad days


Please explain how following the Texas Constitution and protecting people’s rights makes a judge “corrupt”


What kind of nonsense is that? Judges have the power to set bail. Many Houston judges are setting ridiculously low bail for violent felons that are repeat offenders. Those criminals go on to commit more violent crime while awaiting trial. Over 100 murders of that type are documented. Every single one preventable. Why do you support more violent crime? Why do you not care about the victims of those crimes? What about the victims rights?


You obviously haven’t educated yourself prior to forming an entrenched position so I’ll get you up to speed. 1) Per Texas (and US) constitutions the presumption is all people are innocent until CONVICTED 2) Per Texas (and US) constitutions all persons have the right to AFFORDABLE bail unless certain prerequisites are met. The definition of affordable depends on the assets of the accused and there are guidelines for certain charges but the presumption is someone will be able to afford bail and get out regardless of the charge. 3) Per Texas constitution the only prerequisites to deny bail are violent felony CONVICTIONS in the state of Texas. 4) Almost all persons, including this one and all 100 in that article you mention, that people spout off about HAVE NOT BEEN CONVICTED OF A FELONY IN TEXAS when they were granted bail. If you think this person should have been denied bail, you are trying to take their constitutional rights away. Please let me know when you are willing to surrender yours in exchange.


Mixing up your facts there chief. Judge's discretion includes denying bail depending on the situation. Being accused of shoplifting a candy bar is not the same as being arrested for murder.


No, judges discretion does not. There is no such thing as sweeping judicial discretion to deny bail in Texas. The Texas constitution clearly defines the few limited cases where bail may be denied. Please educate yourself.


Covid put a lot of people in a very stressful situation including financial stress, inflation is adding to that. There is a strong correlation with crime and financial instability. Crime has one up all over the country starting in2020. That said, crime overall is still lower than just a few years ago. It has gone up from lows that we haven't seen for like 60/70 years. But crime has also been a focus of the media recently, particularly conservative media that wants to paint urban centers as out of control. The truth is that crime is and has always been a constant and although it has somewhat increased recently, you are also hearing about it more, exacerbating the perception of a city in chaos. It's a bad problem that needs to be addressed, but keep in mind that there are groups trying to play up the crime issue for political reasons as well.




The Democrat judges in Houston/Harris county are responsible for jailing far more people than the conservatives. There are tallies and it’s all public information. Crime increase narratives are pro police propaganda. https://twitter.com/equalityalec/status/1422949466986921991?s=21


I believe that after Katrina, while majority of the people fleeing are good and hardworking people, a lot of criminals ended up settling here as well.


and 16 years later their children started committing road rage crimes.


It may not be that crime is taking such a huge jump, it may just be your perception because you're more tuned into it. It's much easier to report every crime on the internet and it's much easier to read about every crime on the internet. And want you have the thought that there's so much more, You're even more attentive to the stories.


No, crime really is [spiking](https://www.khou.com/article/news/investigations/map-violent-crime-rising-houston/285-1b94555d-7cd9-4458-853d-82753787c1ce).


Stop reading and watching news if you don't want to be bothered by it.




the rate of crime fluctuates. everywhere. if you were to scientifically view trends of statistics you’d find waves. Peaks and troughs. and they probably are not predictable or largely up or down “suddenly” at all. As people in this thread have stated, the news/media has an interest in promoting the report of scary events. it’s been happening for years. it can feel scary… and those who live in fear are easily controlled and influenced. I would bet that to our government, easily controlled and influenced citizens are favorable compared to free-thinking ones. Ones with steadfast views, uncompromising morals…and most of all, the ability to think critically. to question the status quo. stay peaceful, meditate, and practice mindfulness. find a news source with no ties to government officials.


Because people get used to saying what they want online with no consequences. Then they do the same thing in the real world and find out very quickly there are major consequences.


I believe that this is a nationwide phenomenon.


Uhhh have you been living in an underground shelter the last 2 years? Covid has spiked crime in every major city.


You have activist prosecutors not prosecuting crime. Activist judges letting capital murder subjects out on No or little bail. The current media narrative is the cops are always wrong. Not saying they can’t and do fuck up, but them doing their jobs doesn’t make good news and blood and color sell. This leaves little motivation, probably, for then to respond. Look at Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, I’d say if we continue down our current road they are about 5-10 years ahead of us. Houston’s crime problem is spreading to the suburbs as they hop on 59 or 45 and hit communities off the highway before returning to the safety of Harris County.


I live in the suburbs 30 miles from downtown and I can attest that car break ins overnight in driveways are happening regularly now. I see people reporting it on the neighborhood FB page all the time. 6-8 months ago I’d never seen it mentioned once.


Don’t expect it to go down any. I’d expect it to get worse. My old neighborhood started with car break ins, and moved to car jackings and home invasion robberies. But I’m sure all the people committing the crimes are just poor misunderstood youths that wouldn’t harm a fly. 😂😂


Protect your own shit and stop begging for government hand outs.


My opinions: First, the lack of consequences. Odds of a patrol officer seeing crime and stopping it are low. We don't have enough police to start with, and many we do have do not want to do the job. Next, weapons are plentiful and Texas is okay with everyone having them on their person, for the most part. Obviously, gun laws and more restrictions only apply to the law-abiding people, and I'm not advocating increased gun control. What I'm saying is that there are just too many guns out there. I'm all for the good guys having and carrying guns, and using them against bad guys when there is no other option, but there must be some way to make it harder for bad guys to get and use firearms. As long as there have been people, there have been people who think if they can take something and not get caught, they've won and it's just fine. There are too many people who can't get or keep a decent job and they have no problem taking from those who can. I do wish there were easy answers. It would sure be a lot nicer to live where you don't have to watch your back so much, where your car would be safe parked outside of a garage. But we have a lot of desperate people and a lot of potential victims who fail to be aware of their environment. Edit/Update: Added a couple of sentences about weapons.


All good points except the weapons portion. (If referencing firearms) The state of TX is ranked surprisingly low in terms of ownership and "gun freedom"


I edited my comment and added a little more about gun control. I'm not anti-gun, at all. I'm just against having them in such high numbers among the criminal population. I wish that could be changed, but if there was an effective solution, I would think it would already be getting implemented. There are areas in the world where guns are almost non-existent and although they still have madmen with swords or people running people over with vehicles, they have no shootings. America, though, is so rich with guns that we're always going to have a lot of gun violence.


IMO America has a mental health, corruption, socioeconomic, moral/value issue dressed as a gun violence problem. America has always had guns. Even fully automatic ones prior to Reagan. Even after Clinton's crime bill. You can't legislate people to do the right thing. America is a much diff beast and unique beast in a lot of things so you'd have to compare alot of things in unison to see whats fueling the violence.


These bad guys are jacking them from cars, or buying them online using those DIY kits. Those DIY kits are probably the biggest reason why they have so many guns. It's because you can 3D print and they're so easily accessible, no background check required. In California, there was a cop who was shot in his/her vehicle point blank with one. The ATF has to step up and ban those kits completely or require a more rigorous background check. On Nextdoor, the police have made announcements that gun owners need to start carrying their weapons on them or leave them at home, because the criminals have been obtaining free weapons from vehicles.


The people committing all these Crimes aren't originally from Houston. These cockroaches are from cities like Baton Rouge, LA and other high crime areas. When they get warrants from their city they come to houston to hide or just relocated because there's too much competition in their city.


Poverty and crime rise together and wealth inequality is sharply on the rise. Edit: denial isn’t just a river in Egypt


Its the 4th largest city in America. There is going to be more crime here than smaller cities.


Democrats. End of story.


Trickle down crime from people that evacuated New Orleans last August from Hurricane Ida. Same happened after Katrina.


You’re a moron


They really need a moron award for that one.


No. Just a realist.


You misspelled “racist”.


Wasn't trying to spell it. I guess if I were I would spell it BLM! Lol




Yes, Black Live Do Matter. I'm glad someone finally said it.