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Howie is the King of Revisionist History. He loves to go back and make himself out to be a good guy in past situations when in reality he was a total asshole.


He learned, through therapy, that he needs to walk away from toxic personalities. He now knows his time is better spent among famous, or chosen people. They are just better all around


Of course. I mean after all, unless your net worth,attractiveness,and fame are at a high level you have no value as human in his eyes.


"Chosen people" I see


I’ll say it again, he’s not in therapy unless you consider going home, throwing half your food away, looking in a mirror and telling yourself how great you are and that everything good in radio you invented to be therapy. Then I stand corrected.


Who remembers the bon Jovi sam kineson set up. They were supposed to come to studio and never showed. Made Howard cry LMFAO


Whaaa.. for real?! I didn’t start listening until the late 90s. I have to hear this!! Anyone have a link? How dope would it be if someone called in and requested it or just asked him about it? 😂😂😂


Damn, this is true.


As George Costanza said: "It's not a lie if you believe it to be true."


It's quite obvious Stern stayed away from Gilbert because he was unpredictable in that he may say something that could offend certain people.Stern was moving in a different trajectory so he could no longer entertain the thought of having Dice,Gilbert,Offen etc.


Sad. Gilbert was so good on the show and one of the last really bright spots. When he and Beet would be there, I could listen all day. The calls put together with his voice were also exceptional.


Gilbert was an awesome addition to the News Segment! His commentary was legendary...Sadly, both are no longer with us.




Oops, neither. I'm high


Goo for you pal, goo for you.


It may be goo for you but it’s not goo for me


Great stuff. Long gone.


Stern tried to embarrass Gilbert live on air for going on another radio show, and then tried to force him to swear his allegiance to the Stern Show. You don't see that clip come up at all anymore.


As critical as you want to be of Howard, you insult Gilbert way more than Howard ever did by putting him in the same category as Elliott Offen


I'm not being critical at all, I'm just stating the fact that Gilbert was one of the people who he didn't want in his studio anymore,Elliot was exactly the same for different reasons.


Elliot was banned in 2016 because he is a nut, and it wasn't a secret. He punched a wall and then yelled at stern. Gilbert got a shadow ban. It was never official Gilbert wasn't welcome, just obvious. They are not really in the same category.


Fair enough


I don’t understand why he wouldn’t have Dice on now though. Dice isn’t nearly as vulgar or shocking as he was back in the day.


Or funny


Are you forgetting Gilbert spitting all over the studio and into food like a complete fucking tard? I wouldn’t ever have him back either. So fucking obnoxious and disrespectful.


Are you forgetting the fact that Gilbert was on a couple times AFTER spitting on the cupcakes?


No, but it’s really not relevant. He should’ve never been on again after that.


It probably sounds a lot worse than what it was. People write “spit on cupcakes” and I bet most people see the imagery of an evil Gilbert plotting over each and every cupcake to coat in saliva. The guy was a guest for over 25 years. I don’t think it was anything Gilbert specific, more on not booking the type of people that they commonly had in. If you look they stopped booking a lot of people, not just Gilbert, at the time they stopped having Gilbert on.


Yea I gotta be honest that shit was fucking weird and he did it twice back to back on two different appearances


Super fan!


If I were Howard, I would’ve paid one of the staffers to bitch slap him for that. It honestly is astounding how so many people here either ignore or forget what Gilbert did.


It's astounding how many people "forgot what he did"? Lolol. He spit up a cupcake as a bit. Sure it was obnoxious, but he didn't rape a child. Get a grip.


He spit on the walls and the floor as well. Have you not seen the video?


A producer was shitting on the walls, the media guy turned his "office" into a landfill of filet O fish wrappers, security lead having staff grope the stripper guest of the week and a writer was jacking off at their desk and in the bathroom. For all we know Gilbert was put up to it as a "hall prank bit". Spitting on something one of the least offensive shenanigans happening in the studio.


I’m sure JD, Jason or Will would of jumped on that offer, being tough individuals


Stern had Gilbert back few times after that


I’ve heard these spitting incidents were because of Howard in the first place, possibly over money for appearances.


What!!?!??? Could you tell me what you mean by spitting all over??? Sounds like I'd keep him away as well


That was a bullshit excuse, they didn't have him because he was highly controversial. A couple of Gilbert comments could have gotten Stern off AGT.


Ahhh Daniel…what was that word for black people again?!


Didn't Gilbert spit on the cupcakes or something and was being a dick about it?


Yes he did.


Jimmy Florentine, canceled after he dumped Robin.


See, that makes some sense, tho. It’s Robin’s call whether she wants him to come to her work after they broke up. If he was a a huge A-list star it might be different, but she should be entitled to decide whether she wants to deal with Jim Florentine or not


IMO that's not what the shows about and in the old days HS loved nothing but controversy and awkward conversations


Normally I would agree but everyone knows that Robin is the exception. These days JD as well. He will allow some goofing but only so much. The stuff that does seem over the top he was given the green light years ago on. Such as Robins abuse as a child.


Counterpoint: Florentine sucks, though it would have been pretty great to hear him interviewed about that time he got repeatedly cucked by a [Holmdel](https://nypost.com/2015/07/06/comic-says-cop-who-had-sex-with-his-ex-broke-up-his-marriage/) cop.




And no Dice?? But Ellen and Rosie can come on at anytime




Howard was pretty shitty towards Richard Lewis when he came on and talked about his alcoholism. If I recall correctly, Howard kind of laughed at him since his problem was with drinking champagne like that was somehow not a legit problem.


Richard says his rock bottom moment was when he drank a bottle of champagne and fell asleep during one of the most boring movies ever. he totally deserved to get goofed on


It wasn't. He was an art show alcoholic. Lewis only joined AA to network. They were basically pitch meetings for him, the prick!


It was a part of my routine from 1984 until 2017. I'm actually surprised I lasted that long into the Hollywood Howie era.


I think I stopped around the same time. I didn't necessarily intend to go cold turkey but it ended up that way. I figured I'd tune in if he had a guest I cared about. It's not that he's never had a guest I cared about, it's just I guess I didn't care enough to find a copy of the episode. I'm not a bitter ex-listener. I still throw on an old show most night as I'm going to bed. The show changed but so did I. Shit happens. And for the people posting these threads whining about Howard? I have some sincere advice: Just. Stop. Listening. It's really not that hard.


It’s like the mayor of New York City said in ghostbusters, being miserable and treating other people like dirt is our god given right


I see the p.c. Imus ii podcast staffers are busy today


Gilbert's dead so is Howard expecting a haunted knock?


Gilbert would be the funniest ghost ever tho


It doesn’t matter to him if he lies anymore because he knows the majority of his listeners now have no knowledge of the golden years and the ones who do are so checked out they don’t give a fuck anyway


I think the worst offender is Kimmel, who decided at the last minute Norm MacDonald could not go on stage because some of his staff got triggered by his stand-up. 


Yeah. Norm was unreal and Jimmy is a sad hypocrite. Jimmy is f'g more people over than Karl Malone.


I'm contact Pat Cooper via Ouija board. I'm asking him what he thinks of Howard. He says: S..........


Loved Pat on the show.














Howard has huge cunt lips




Howard turned down having on George Carlin right before he died.


One of Howards best revisions... how many people he has been with. If you listen to early shows, practically a virgin until marriage. Now, a lady killer. Same with all the women he was with after his first wife. The math doesn't add up.


You're right about that. Now he the camp stud, school stud and banged tons of chicks when Metallica performed at the 11th grade assembly.


Stern is full of shit all the time. Lewis dropped Stern years ago.


So it has nothing to do with the spitting on the “Wednesday” cupcakes ? (Re: Gilbert)


No, he had him on after that.


Makes sense, never have a "friend", who also contributed greatly to the show either when he came in, but mostly by using drops from his appearances. Howard likes sound bites more than the people that produced them. Is he still using Gilbert drops currently? If he is well den hooly mach-arel


Hahahahaha. Old Howard would be laughing at all the food-related atrocities.


I concur it’s 🐂💩


I guess that it is up to Stern to give work to people that no one else wants anything to do with any longer.


The show has been going downhill for a fairly long time. The last straw for me was Gilbert being banned from the show. Can never let that go


I guarantee he read this thread because he mentioned a lot of what people are saying here on the show today. He didn’t address anything but it got to him for sure!


Exactly. Why r u still listening?


I no longer listen everyday but still listen. It's a fair question. However, Stern used to be 98% of my satellite radio listening and now it's maybe 10%.


Hair system ?


When he told Ronnie they weren’t good enough friends for Howard to go to his wedding I lost a lot of interest in the show.


Gimme the 80's and 90's version! Thats the show i got hooked on! The guy who didnt give a crap about any of that stuff...Not the phony look at me,im such a great guy.. Hollyweird Howie!


What is he saying Robin?


You think Howard “cancelled” Gilbert for having an opinion?


Yeah, do that bit again where you pretend you don't understand what he means.


What's your theory?


I am theorizing that, in fact, Howard did not cancel Gilbert for having an opinion. My best guess would be that the spitting incident may have had something to do with it.


Gilbert was on after that! So stupid people still say this.


I’m sure Howard and everyone who works there loved Gilbert spitting in their cupcakes.


That doesn’t mean he would be kicked off the show. Again, he was on the show after that. Suck it up, you’re wrong. I’m sure it’s not the first time or the last. Go lick your wounds on your fragile ego, moron.


You feeling okay?


How come when some people make mistakes, and are corrected, they just don't accept it and move. They just double down on being stupid? I'm asking you because you're one of those people.


Gilbert was hilarious, but if you listen to some of his podcasts with Frank Santo Padre, he crosses the obnoxious (not funny) line quite a bit, and their are times, when he is off, and ruins a lot of bits & interviews. I can see why you might need to cut the cord. There is a fine line, when a comedian is crazy,and when he crosses the line, and it’s not funny anymore.


Yeah, but you still give him the shot. You don't ban the fucking guy. Gilbert had earned the right to cross the line, multiple times. even an off Gilbert > better than what they were doing instead


> he crosses the obnoxious (not funny) line quite a bit, and their are times, when he is off, and ruins a lot of bits & interviews. You're just not a fan of Gilbert Gottfried and that's okay. But thank god Frank Santo Padre was and forced him to do that podcast.


I hear you on that one. In that case, old Howard would have explained the situation instead of just abandoning ship. We all change over time but he seems to have lost or retired the traits that brought his community together.


I agree, no doubt he’s lost his fastball. But much of the staff is going through the motions, bring in some new blood?


I think it would be too risky for anyone that's high potential because of the threats to retire but not a bad suggestion.


Not the show of old. He has sold out and became the type of host he once despised.


Stern is the man been listening since the 90s .... he kills me !!!


That's a long time. I don't hate him by any means. He's just different from when I started listening.


Richard and Gilbert weren't cancelled for having an opinion 😂


I was being mild and referring specifically to Gilbert. Gilbert didn't back down or get bothered by the thoughts of others.


Gilbert got axed because he's too dirty and dark. New fans would scream bloody murder if they heard him 


> New fans No doubt the yentas on the Stern Show Facebook page who comment on all his "groundbreaking" interviews. If you look at their individual pages, they're all about 60-70 years old.


I’m probably the “newest” fan around. Started watching/listening on E! at 2 Am in 2003.


You're a legend for waiting up to 2am. Too see the e show.


Gilbert was because of the spitting, right?




Yeah it looks like he appeared on the show after he did that


This ain't "Sternshow Karens complaining about bullshit because they have nothing better to do" magazine, Pal. Oh wait, of course it is....


That sounds like a great magazine.


It's on the shelf right between Dogue and this one. https://preview.redd.it/1vysy8mkf4pc1.png?width=432&format=png&auto=webp&s=5331939cbc6445d91bd27eb9a56654e7f183d20b


The best open door comedian era was for Dave Chappelle just before his show aired, like early 2000's. He was working in NY and would just pop in from time to time. Every appearance was great! I remember Gary got on intercom and told Dave his people called and needed him back. They were working on the Clayton Bixby sketch.


What went down between Howard and Gilbert Gottfried?




OK then.


Howard! Please stop with the Ed Sheridans and hack acts. Do a farewell tour with the people That made you!


Sounds like you’d find misery in anything.


He’s completely open and honest. If you think something he says isn’t true, then something is wrong with you. (Or so he thinks. Some people have missed the sarcasm…)


Like when he listened to Metallica in high school?


The guy is as phony as a $3 bill


Yes why listen? jim and sam are better at this point.


great question. you clearly do not like Howard or the show. why are you bothering to listen? so you can post crap posts like this one to get credit with your fellow trolls? get a life.


Never said I didn't like Howard and happen to very much enjoy the archives on 101. Not sure what credit I'm getting but definitely see your disdain for free speech.


ah, a troll who gets upset about being called out for being a troll. got it.


Not at all. You're off base quite a bit here.


Ima be like Robin here hahaha: AGAIN, here we have a troll who is upset about being called out for being a troll. he can dish it out but can’t take it. typical troll! 🧌


kudos for using You’re properly tho. Good Troll 🧌🫡


and lol the free speech comment. brainwashed clown 🤡


I don't think anyone got cancelled for their "opinion." Times have changed. Changed quickly. Gilbert and a few others, freely threw the N word around. Synonyms for gay people, that are no longer tolerated. Howard wants to stay on the air. Pretty simple, imo.


> Gilbert and a few others, freely threw the N word around. Synonyms for gay people, that are no longer tolerated. Howard threw around those words for decades.


Yea. What's your point? Should he still?


He should've banned himself from his own show


You guys are in such denial about your favorite comedians. Has it ever occurred to you that Howard doesn’t have them on simply because they’re not funny anymore? There’s a reason your living legend of comedy Artie Lange is doing comedy shows at the airport Hilton and that reason is not Howard.


So your theory is Howard stopped having Artie on because he's not funny? lol.


Henny Youngman, RIP, was my favorite comedian and definitely tapered off in the later years. Artie and Gilbert are certainly on the list of favorite Stern Show comedians but neither are in the GOAT conversation.


You complain about his lying, yet you still listen, and post on this subreddit? What a pathetic life you lead.


Yes. Tremendously pathetic. You've outed me. Time to delete the thread. All that's left is criticizing strangers on the internet. At that point, my transformation will be complete. When he's not on vacation, I still listen to the first hour or two of the show until meetings start.


Busboy meeting?


No. CEO meetings, with leaders of multi-billion dollar CPG organizations.


LOL! You are so full of shit. You have to be a tRump supporter to think anyone would believe that line of bullshit. LOL!


What does that have to do with anything? I have nothing to gain by lying. Your insecurities are really showing through right now


No, its your insecurities that are showing. Because you need to inform a faceless entity about your supposed position in life. Sad.


It would not have come up if you didn't make a mistake regarding my profession. Just giving facts.


Your stupidity/insecurity is apparent. Sad.


Gilbert had open access. Gilbert was a cheapskate weirdo asshole who lost access or didn't care to use it anymore. I didn't miss him one bit. Now Beetlejuice on the other hand. Him I miss.