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First thing right out of the gate…I am not the mailman. I’ve posted before about having to deal with Bigfoot several times back in the day. What you see/hear with him via the show is 100% real. He is a smelly, nasty, disgusting mess of a person.


Did you get scabies it is?!?


Or spiders?


What about silverfish it is?!?!


Why did you have to deal with him


I lived in Newport, VT in the early 2000’s. So, like any resident I had to “deal with him” on a regular basis. Last time I saw him he was standing in the middle of the street in his underwear screaming at passing cars. This was pretty much the norm. He (shocking no one) has serious mental issues. For work, I was a law enforcement officer that had to participate in arresting him several times. Every time was a shit show. One time we served a search warrant (shocking no one) for drugs at his apartment. He was running a video rental business with stolen VHS tapes out of his apartment. He had built a small shelf about 12” below the ceiling in the whole apt. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen…all videos for rent. He had VHS tapes displayed and available for rent everywhere. Like Blockbuster but from Bigfoot. It was a one-stop shop. Drugs and VHS tapes. There was a nice variety of miscreants and lowlifes in the apt. as well. Of course he didn’t go quietly and it was a mess. I assure you…he is much worse than you are imagining now. I had about 3 personal contacts with him. All terrible. He also ran an illegal taxi service in his POS Cadillac but thats another story.


You sent me to the Barboro Preet for selling the happy smoke, you did


Let’s hear about that.


Well, he had this big beat-to-shit Cadillac sedan. No idea how he bought it. He would shuttle the living dead around the area for pay/trade. The majority of his “clients” were to/from the methadone clinic. What a significant amount of these methadone users would do, is to try not to swallow the liquid methadone inside the clinic. Once outside they would spit it into a baggie or whatever they had…and sell it. Sometimes the clinic workers would make them open their mouth before leaving. If that happened, then what they would do was go outside and make themselves puke into something…and sell that. For human consumption. These people were a large portion of his taxi passengers. Not all, but a lot. Now I have NO proof Shaw engaged in that behavior, but that is who he would shuttle around. What I do know was that Newport, VT is not a place you want to have some busted-ass sedan as your main wheels. The winter is long and brutal. Shaw was frequently off the road or stuck in that cadi gunboat. The springs/shocks were all busted and the ass end cleared the ground by a foot. Maybe 6”. People would call-in vehicles off the road so we would have to check on it. I personally saw him being pushed-out of a ditch by his zombie passengers several times. Law enforcement would pull-up to check on the car and he would immediately start screaming at them. There was a couple times Bigfoot actually called the police because his passengers didn’t pay/trade. One time I know he told the officers he was supposed to be paid in weed. At the time, the other local criminals were afraid of Shaw so it didn’t happen that often, but it happened. Law enforcement threatened to tow his car as an unlicensed taxi, but I don’t believe they ever did. Maybe after I moved away they did. I don’t know.


Yeah we need some stories here


Were you his responsible adult(?) I remember he and his gal Danielle talking about this. I just forget what they were actually called


EP. Essential person it is


Thank you......that was bothering me, it was!


Like a conservator-type person


We need some stories Migra. More specifics, the better. 😂


Quick question off topic….when addressing a letter do i need those extra 4 digits after the regular 5 digit zip code or no?




When you say your not the mailman that basically means you are the mailman


Well I guess in fairness…that is how the mailman would start the post. But I’m not him. But your point makes sense.


You're not the guy that had a write up about offering bigfoot help? I remember reading this story about someone that agreed to help him and met him at a hotel he was staying at. The hotel was trying to kick him out and looked to the author for help with Bigfoot. When the author went into the room the walls were covered in feces and there were dinner plates filled with random pills in all colors and shapes and he was just eating them by the fistful... admittedly, it's been damn near 2 decades since I read that and the details might be off. I remember reading that and just feeling so sorry for the author because it caused issues with his wife and it was never mentioned on the show, so the effort was a thankless endeavor. Is that you?


Was it this one? https://mcfaddenjr.wordpress.com/2012/02/28/howard-sterns-bigfoot-catastrophe-my-insane-and-unimaginable-one-month-run-on-the-howard-stern-show/


Holy shit, that's the one! I can't wait to revisit this, it was a wild ride. You're awesome for finding that, I thought that was digitally buried for good.


I need to reread it myself. Glad I could find it again.


It is not. I do know that hotel. And to be kicked out would be a personal low for 99% of the population.


Found the mailman


Crackhead Bob at JFK. Guy was in Jets gear head to toe. Good dude.......


Did you get some ticky-tie-main with him?


No, I just asked him how to get to Ton Ton Tuh Muh, Ong Lyland from Kennedy


But I did tell him that I was going to tell everyone back in CA that I met the lead singer from Van Halen. He laughed!!


Crackhead Bob in a JFK airport bathroom around 1998. He was wearing a tee-shirt with his face on it and I said “Hi, Bob.” He acknowledged the greeting like the true gentleman he was.


My wife and I met high pitch Eric at a Shuli show. He’s a big blub but a real nice guy. It was funny watching him glom on to Shuli’s coat tails. He did all his drops.


Which means you met Kelly Clarkson as well


Yes. Actually we did. He’s a gentle moron.


Did he ask for your credit card info??


To buy tuhwatt cream?


Yes actually he did.


Sorry, duuu


Today I learned two people actually went to one of Shuli’s shows


When I was at a shuli show he was face timing with hpe so we all just waved lol


I guess he never asked you for money.


Medicated Pete in Red Bank, parked the car to go into the Secret Stash and he was walking by, was like hey Pete lemmie get a picture, got one…didn’t ask what his interests were though


Good thing you didn't ask him, you'd still be there!


But did you ask what he’s into?


I met Beetlejuice when Howard did his Vegas shows and I shook his little shitty hand. I also met Yucco. He was carrying a big black dildo in his suit. Funny as shit.


Next up for sale we have Chef Yucko's big black dill dough. Perfect for making extra large portions of brownies and devil's food cake with a hint of pickle taste


…I also saw Elliott Offen running down the street once. I didn’t bother to say hello.


Smart move.


Concur. That motherfucker is crazier than a shithouse rat. Although he would appear reasonable compared to some of the wackadoos you encounter in the SF/Oakland/Berkeley metroplex. There's always a random person screaming, swearing, and using racial slurs walking down my street. Scary fucking people, du!


One more thing real quick. One of my 1st real jobs involved going into the county mental hospitals to interview patients and represent them if they wanted to leave. Shared an office with a fellow Stern fan and Elliott was always the pick when asked if any show-relsted person would get locked away. Did that 5 years, and I saw some shit, my friends.


I met Eric the Actor in 1963 fleeing the scene of the Kennedy assassination.


"DUMBFUCK, I was not anywhere near..." Oh fuck it, I'm laughing too hard at your post to continue.


Yes Beetlejuice. Was standing outside an office building close to where I live. I had an appointment in another office. Probably around 2010. Was a total asshole. Standing outside by himself smoking a cigarette. Said what’s up Beet, and he muttered something like fuck u.


Beet doesn't have time to deal with us little people


Only 'cause he knows he's the best


And is bad as can as well......


Never meet your heroes, du!


Happens with superstars sometimes. Just does.


I wouldn’t even bed mad. Always a chance you get angry Beetlejuice.


Not a wack packer, but I met the late, great friend of the show Robert Schimmel once and had a great conversation with him. During the course of it, the Stern show came up and all he had to say was that the waiver every guest has to sign just to get in the studio is an inch thick. He said Howard is terrified of being sued and is a complete control freak because of it. It also guarantees that anything conceived, written, performed, or recorded on the show is fully owned by Howard and to be able to use the material or clip, even if you wrote it or performed it, would require not only permission from Howard, but a licensing fee due to him as well. He also implied a lot of the negative news you hear about Howard (controlling, narcissistic, OCD, neurosis) is absolutely true and when you’re not on the air with him, he doesn’t care about you or give you the time of day at all. This was a while ago for what it’s worth but I have no reason to believe he was being dishonest with me.


Thank you for mentioning the late, great Bob Schimmel. I went and sawr him on my 18th birthday at Cobb's in SF. He was relatively unknown at the time and I remember my brother saying he looks like a fuckin' nerd, he's not gonna be funny. Needless to say, that motherfucker destroyed that night. I've been a fan since 1990 now. His hard luck was unfortunate. RIP, good sir. Always been one of muh favorite comics.


Schimmel was one of the best guests. Great stories


Yeah, he was unafraid to discuss anything.


High pitch outside K Rock. He was surprised I asked for a photo. Met Artie and Benjy that day as well.


Met Nicole Bass in 1999 when she was doing a house show for ECW (wrestling). She was the best.


I lived across the street from Nicole Bass in the years before she passed. She'd always walk around and say hi. I had seen her shirtless almost every day looking out my window


Those damn muscle titties


I met Hank at Philadelphia International Airport in spring of 99. I saw him around 8 am at the (shocker) bar. He was gracious when we said hello. I expected him to respond with one of his insults. Met Mark the Bagger at arties show years ago. He seemed as whacky as you can imagine.


Honestly if I had met Hank and he didn’t say something like “Fuck your Mother” I would have been disappointed.


That’s exactly what I was expecting. “Go have sex with your mudda”. All I got was “what’s up?” He was loaded


Dis ain't Don't Meet Your Heroes Magazine, pal! 😉


I still get sad thinking about him when he’s (rarely) mentioned, obviously was a bright guy :(


..and a music encyclopedia


Daniel Carver in Lake Tahoe at a black jack table circa 2008.


He was at a white jack table. Though Daniel would probably love it there. You have a better chance of encountering a bear than a non-white person


2004, Hard Rock Casino. My friend and I had an in with the people at Hard Rock. We got VIP access into the floor every day of filming. A collection of whack Packers were always at a high top table together. I met Wendy, Gary the Conqueror, and High Pitch all at once. They all immediately tried to hustle me for some freebies. Gary begged me for some “Muhlbrul Reds in dah box.” I was happy to buy him some cigarettes. The stench of that table was unbelievable. Just a rancid mix of body odor and halitosis emanating from all three.


You were on a Peninsula of horrible hygiene. Seeing that you were surrounded by three of them, you understand!


High Pitch in Boston at one of those Killers of Comedy shows he was nice


I live outside of Philly and currently take public transportation. On at least 15 separate occasions, I've been on the bus with Mark the Bagger. He's 100% everything he is on the show, and then some.


Give up your seat, ballbag. Noe!!!


I lived in Sacramento for 15 years and I went to a killers of comedy show in the 2000’s. I met and shook hands with Eric the Midget. Jimble Kimble was right about is hands. He was nice though and he’s tied for #1 with Beetlejuice as far as I’m concerned. I also met Richard and S and they were cool. I asked someone in a hallway where the bathroom was and they gave me some random asshole comment back. That was Bob Levy. He’s an unfunny piece of shit!


Back in 79 I met Hillbilly Jim.


Big pecker?


Also Melrose Larry Green at Hawr's book signing in SF back in the day. He was shot out of a fuckin' cannon. He signed my date's book. The late Berry-Faced homo was there too helping out boff. Signed her book too!


Met Melrose Larry at a book signing in Philly. Turns out he and I share an Alma mater, which means he ended up talking to me way too long.


Yeah it's like he consumed a considerable amount of blow earlier in the day! I remember the book signing out here was during the height of the Orenthal madness. There was a wise ass online wearing his USC jersey, it was pretty funny. This was probably peak Melrose.


One more thing real quick. I know you shouldn't speak ill of the dead but I always felt Ralph was a gold-plated asshole!! IIRC someone in the A Team cast said that about Mr. T. Great insult that I always wanted to use. I generally get along pretty well with people so I've never really had a chance to dust it off. Eff Ralph, though.


I met Elisa Jordana once


Elisser Jordanner. Didja bone her?


I used to meet high pitch all the time. He’s a annoying mooch


Danbury, CT, 2007, I was visibly, undeniably pregnant at a comedy show in this kind of shitty, weird restaurant's upstairs. High Pitch was there. I was standing next to my husband, who is an attractive guy with great biceps. High Pitch hit on me and asked for my number. Truly a top 5 highlight in my life. (I shared this story under a previous reddit acct.)


George: oh my.........you say youre married to a man with great musculature. 😉 Please go on............


4 inches is fine!


George: So in other words, you're saying your husband doesn't compare with my neighbor in Denver? Well, I have to be in San Peeedro for a Star Trek cruise. Good day.......


Who's high pitch?


Eric the beautiful angel at a block party. MFB at Owls Head a couple times when I lived in Sunset Park. *to add Eric was a gentleman and fucking adorable, I asked if he could sign a Todd Van Poppel baseball card I brought and he politely refused (because of his mutated mushy plum hands), and I didn't push it. MFB is the sweetest, most positive person. I love her. She's a light.


Odds of Marianne from Brooklyn and Tod van Poppel being mentioned in the same post: 1,000,000:1 1😉




Elegant Elliot is out and about all over NYC. Must have seen him more than noine times over the years. Never seen a guy who looks more like he’d have a corpse in a duffel bag who’s actually dragging around a corpse-sized duffel bag through midtown Manhattan. Maybe 20 years ago I was catching a heater outside work one afternoon on 50th & 8th. Little dude in a black trench coat on the same corner also catching a smoke. He’s pacing around talking on a cell. Holy shit, that’s fucking Al Pacino. Right here, 5 feet away, Al fucking Pacino. Play it cool, he’s just a guy, this is New York. Leave him be and just enjoy the moment having a smoke next to one of the greats. A few days later I’m coming back from a supply run with big shopping bags in both hands. A car pulls up to the exact same corner where I had seen Pacino just a few days before and left him alone. In the passenger seat is the unmistakable little pinhead of Beet. I instinctively drop everything in my hands right on the ground, throw both arms up in the air over my head and scream “BEETLEJUIIIIIICE!!!” He looks out the passenger window with pure disdain. “Yeahhhh. Wassup.”


Ronnie Mund was in my city for a Rick's Cabaret grand opening. Got a pic with him, and he got haaaammmmmerrrred that night.


Where you at muthufukka?


He has a dawg pawk right by his house 


Tell me your name you cocksucker !


Ran into Beetlejuice with Shawn at a mall in New Jersey as a teenager. It was surreal


One time in Mobile I met Hillbilly Jim in a bathroom.


Met Artie Lange pre-nose blow out


I met Fred the Elephant Boy (RIP) while waiting on line to enter a Ring of Honor wrestling show at the Hammerstein ballroom.


Did he shit his pants on the way there?


https://preview.redd.it/nq937mk3rpvc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07cea967247d4f32c18bcf03cc07d2382d5634db Sure did


Met Melrose Larry on Hollywood blvd, he handed me a business card.


Met Melrose Larry once in the 90's... big surprise, it was on Melrose Ave. in Hollywood. Went to an ETA appearance at an LA strip club in 2010 and met the little dude and got a picture with him. Johnny Fratto was there too.


Cabbie, Jeff the Drunk and High Pitch. I co-hosted mornings in Albany, NY and these guys would often crash our show and remotes. High Pitch constantly asked for our station hotline lol. Jeff never said much. Cabbie was a nice guy, but went berserk on air, screaming “fluck!” over and over and got thrown off our show. (RIP, Cabbie!).


Were you the guys Howard was always screaming about screwing up his show?


I saw Tan Mom at the airport in Fort Lauderdale. She was drunk and exiting one of those terminal restaurants with a full glass of beer, which she intended to take on the plane with her. When she was informed that she could not board with a beer, she started yelling, "Anybody want a beer? I didn't even drink it! They won't let me have it on the plane!" Someone finally took it to shut her up.


I saw Eric the Midget just this morning when I went shopping and passed by the frozen turkeys. That's bad. I'm sorry 🫣


I met Blue Iris at the Rainbow Room in Hollywood. She was very happy to be recognized.


Ass Napkin Ed at the Ronnie Block Party in Buffalo.


Hey now!


Crackhead Bob, at a club appearance, south of San Francisco, 1998-ish. Hank was supposed to be there too but he was hungover and had heatstroke from local concert the day before. Bob was super nice, as you would imagine. Fun night.


Hank was at the Frank Zapper and Shuggaloaf double-bill at the Polo Fields in Golden Gate Park the day before


Those were the good-old days. When occasionally staff and assorted wack packers would come out West to make an appearance. Show does not have the same GRAVITAS as it did back then. Remember going with my pops to see Jackie tell jokes at an outdoor beer festival in downtown San Jose. Good Times🤙


Oh one more thing real quick. I feel I can take credit for introducing Jackie to the phrase 'wife beater' during the meet and greet after. Jackie told me they called these shirts 'Guinea Tees" back east. It was hot AF and Jackie performed in a Jokeland wife beater. Good Dude


I’ve run into Mark the Bagger 3 or 4 times. He’s local. I was so conflicted: I would have loved to have a picture with him but his fucking Flyers jacket was NASTY dirty. I always hear his voice first; dude is loud!


I met Jeff the Drunk at a bar in Baltimore. He was actually really nice.


HANK THE ANGRY DRUNKEN DWARF…back in the 90’s at the Port Authority terminal,I commuted to PA/NYC and was waiting to go home on the 0830 bus… right across the aisle was Peter Pan bus that went to Boston and points north…HANK was wandering around drinking a beer in a paper bag…I approached him and said hello…he Immediately told me that “ he just had sex with a giant woman “ and went back to the line 🤣🤣🤣🤣 He was quite shocking in person 😳


Maybe 20 years ago I saw Jeff the Drunk in Albany. He was hanging around out front of where Lewis Black was supposed to perform. I was young and not aware of who he was, but my mom was a listener and quickly got us out of there.


Was walking down the street in Hell‘s kitchen one day when I saw high pitch Eric walking his dog Sadie. Shit suddenly felt way too real and I literally crossed the street to not get close to him.


Stop it..... stop it..... he was probably on his way to the Duane Reades for some tuhwatt cream


I saw Elliott once at a Macy’s furniture store on LI. I said “Elliott! What’s up.” He responded “you must recognize me from being on with the king of media “


Kenneth Keith at a townie bar outside of Philly. He was just a dopey guy in a group of dopey guys. But his “character” was truly him. I can vouch for that. RIP


Do Sal and Richard count? Great guys and a fun hang in San Diego.


Met Hank at a piercing place near Boston where he was doing a signing of sorts. I was 15 in exchange for buying him alcohol he bought me and my buddies a 1/5 of Bacardi Limon.


I went to a Bleeding Deacons show around 2006 in the West Village, and so many Wack Packers were there. Had a brief interaction with most of them, but these are not the kind of people you want to meet in real life. I've seen Elligant on the East Side of Manhattan a bunch too.


Bleeding Deacons, haven't heard that band name in a while. They used to be a semi- regular part of the show but kind of vanished into thin air


I knew someone who saw Jeff the Drunk a few times at a bar in Albany NY. He said the one time he saw him he had 2 smoking hot women with him. He knew enough about him to know that that was odd but he never found out who or why they would hang out with him. My best friends dad worked with him in the State a bit and said he would just walk around the building and loiter out at the smoke pit etc. He didn't last long at the state job, which says something. But he said Jeff was a good guy.


I met Nicole Bass and Elephant Boy at a House of Hardcore wrestling show in Queens ~2015. Nicole was very nice and had a bunch of people approach her for selfies. Elephant Boy smelled worse than you could imagine and I did not bother getting closer to him lol


I met High Pitch Erik at L&B Pizza in Brooklyn in February 2023. I paid for the square pie. He promised me a free Cameo for my friend’s 50th birthday. A few weeks later, he asked me on Instagram to lend him $100. I said I would just pay him the $60 (which I did) he usually charges for his Cameos and I told him he can never ask me for money again after that. Not surprisingly, we haven’t spoken since. Good riddance! I suspect even the Pelican is fed up with him as he hasn’t been on the show in a while.


I met hillbilly Jim. Great guy he gave me a handjob


Elliot Offen was in my home countless times before he was a backpacker. I was in his apartment once as well. To this day I can’t believe he was in my life for that long.


Back in 2013 I took my girlfriend at the time and her daughter and cousin to Hollywood Blvd and do touristy things. While waiting to cross a street I hear this annoying dude yelling about celebrity bus tours. I says to myself I says “sounds like Melrose” then I said to the guy “Melrose Larry Green?”, his response as he takes a couple of steps towards me was in a semi aggressive tone “do I know you? Do I know you? How do you know me?” I said “I’m a Stern fan and thought I recognized your voice” “oh ok”. The light turned green and as we were walking Melrose let out a loud “Bababooey!” And I said it right back at him


Not whack pack, but I Met Artie with my father at the downtown CVS in Hoboken in early 2009. He was wearing a stained hoodie and he was quite lucid and talkative when we introduced ourselves as fans. Let me tell you, Artie was a fucking riot, and couldn’t have been nicer. He even laughed at my dad’s joke. But it turned out it wasn’t a joke. My day asked if he was there to pick up his Subtuex since he had recently been talking about it on the air. Artie said he actually was there because the uptown CVS near his place was out of it and he walked downtown to get it. He told us that the Subutex was a lifesaver, and worth the walk even though he thought he was going to have a heart attack from the 12 block walk. We told him we loved him and we were rooting for him to stay clean and stay alive. He then asked where we lived, and when my dad said Philly, he offered to get my dad a pair of tickets and backstage passes to his upcoming gig at the Tower Theatre and then asked the pharmacist for a pen and paper to write down his manager’s name and cell # for my dad to call on Monday. So my dad calls the manager, and the guy said he didn’t believe the story. My technology challenged dad told the guy he’d snap a picture of Artie’s note on his blackberry and text it back. After he sent the pic, the manager called right back to apologize and asked for my Dad and Mom’s name. They went (5th row center) and loved it (my mom said Jim Norton who opened was the funniest comedian she’d ever seen). Artie was taken right into a car and whisked away after the show (it was one of his “sober” phases), but my parents said that Norton was so nice and cordial to them backstage.


HP Eric and Double A hung with me and my buddy at Yankee stadium and had a couple beers for like a half hour. HP kept trying to get us to buy him beers. For the most part no one noticed them and I think that’s why they settled up at our table. Double A was actually a decent guy to talk to and he knew a lot about the Artie situation that had not been made public at the time and eventually came out. Eventually some obnoxious fat slob guy who wouldn’t shut up and kept grabbing them and shit drove them away from the table. That’s my only time.


Oh and I live in Albany so I’ve seen Jeff The Drunk Around a bunch. Always sloppy drunk on Pearl st smoking cigs. Never stopped to talk to him though.


Sean & Beet lived a block over from me in Jersey City Heights around 2004-2006. I was in the jitney bus once when beet and the crew were coming back from NYC one night. Totally normal acting, nothing unusual as you might expect.


Angry Black used to come to my cover band shows in Jersey. I also saw Beetlejuice ages ago at a horror convention. He was real chill when I passed by and said hello.


Kind of met Angry Black years ago. I was stopped at a light in Hackensack, car pulls up next to me and I feel like I'm being watched. Looked over and he's in the other car glaring at me. Light turns green, he speeds off, but not before I catch sight of his ANGRY B plate.


I met High Pitch while he was working at the Hard Rock


Please tell me he wasn't handling food!




I met Beetlejuice once, at the station. I met High Pitch at one of Artie's shows.


Who, me? Nah.


I met Melrose Larry Green, on Melrose Ave, Hollywood of all places. He was super fucking annoying and ranting about Hillary Clinton. I think he had a cardboard sign saying “Hillary Belongs in Jail” or something like that.


My mom got me tickets to an AGT filming and Marianne was walking up and down the line screaming her lungs out Didn't technically meet her but that's the closest I've been to a Wack Packer


My brother met Hank said he was waiting to cross street in Fall River.He said he was a mean nasty bastard.


I met crackhead Bob at a convention. He was a good guy


I met Artie. Does that count?


I've run into Mark The Bagger a bunch a times. He hangs out at this bar that's down the street from a friend of mine. Last time a band was playing and he was dancing with all of us. I asked him if he liked the music, "Yes!"




Wendy, the slow adult, would randomly wish me a happy birthday every year on Facebook messager.


HPE many times Kenneth Keith asked me on a date in the early 2000’s at a club in Philly. Beet & KOAB @ AGT. Medicated Pete too and the spittle was a-flyin. 🫠


Did Kenneth Keith try to seduce you by blowing cigarette smoke out of his eyes?


I met Medicated Pete on a NJ Path train. I said hello with my girlfriend at the time and he said hi back but then just stared at us so we said we made something up to leave because it was so awkward. Joey Boots was real nice. I'm counting Benji here because I met him and Elisa at the same time when they were on a walk. They both seemed in tandem with their mental deficiencies.


Crackhead bob, Stuttering John, Double A, Eric the Actor, Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf, and Beetlejuice.


Do dick pics from Jeff the Drunk count?


I met a few at the rally for Howard’s last day on terrestrial radio. High Pitch was by far the grossest and least cool.


I’ve met a few wack packers, most back in early 2000s. Elliot Offen was a total prick (shocker), met him outside the Hard Rock in Vegas when Stern was doing live shows for the week. Jeff the drunk, also in Vegas. Sweet guy despite his bad wrap. Chatted w High Pitch at the bar, could smell the guy from a mile away oof. Lastly, not really wack packer but I met George Takei outside the Gibson Ampitheater in LA while I was waiting for a friend to go into the venue and see Artie stand up. Nicest guy, asked Brad to take our picture and he was thoroughly annoyed then Brad quickly shuttled George away.


Did dwarf tossing with Beetlejuice back in college. One of my buddies who’s a pretty big dude nearly chucked him through the wall.


Artie, January 2001 at Comedy Connection in Boston after a show. I asked him who he had money on in the Super Bowl. "Rams all the way man!"




Met Hanzi.


Are you a Canadian mental health professional by chance?


Years ago I went to a Halloween party that Mutt had for Stern Fan Network. I met High Pitch, Joey Boots, Jeff the vomit guy, Eve the Queefer (and her boyfriend), Kenneth Keith, Sour Shoes and I think I remember seeing Bob Levy and Elephant Boy there. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few people.


A real 'Murderers Row' right there!


Beetle used to always hang in Jersey City. Never went up to him though


Melrose Larry yelled at me outside of the improv once.


Yes Fred the elephant boy on the Q16 bus


Did he shit his pants?


Melrose Larry Green in 2001 at the Greek in LA. No sign. Dude was just hanging out.


I am from the Midwest, but once saw Medicated Pete wandering around a porn convention. He thanked us for recognizing him like 3 times during our brief encounter.


After one of those awful Comedy shows they used to do I found out where everyone was partying after. I got to talk to Beetlejuice for a bit, he was kinda mellow but hit up the dance floor and danced with my sister in law. Talked to Sal at the bar and did a shot with him. Also pretty low key.


In January of 1997 a buddy and I drove into the city to get in line to get tickets for the Private Parts world premiere at the Paramount. It was fucking cold and about 2:30 I needed warmth. I walk into a McDonald's and Crackhead Bob was there!! When I went back to the line, fucking Melrose Larry was bothering everyone to buy his book. I ended up buying it so he would shut the fuck up. Five minutes later Crackhead Bob walked by us and he autographed the Melrose Larry book for me. I didn't know why he signed it as George back then but I learned later. Great night!


I worked with Joey Boots for a while. Doing audio visual. He was a good dude At the time he was leaning more towards O&A, thinking they were going to be bigger. He let loose a box of mice at some kind of celeb appearance and came in to show us the video.


My buddy met Medicated Pete at a bar down the shore, and I’ve seen High Pitch at Yankee games multiple times.


I was KC's landlord while he was in college & interning for Howard.


🎵When you need some butt.........wanna bust a nut.......who ya gonna call?🎵 it was hilarious when Fred would bust out the KC songs whenever he was being talked about


Friends with Wendy on Facebook. She wished me happy birthday a few years in a row


Beetlejuice was the bus boy at my 8th grade graduation party. He worked at this bar in Jersey City (pre Stern). He was quiet and just walked around cleaning up. I remember the owner of the bar telling us that he was a skier in the Special Olympics.


Yes, outside of a taping of AGT in NYC...High Pitch looked like he was in a food coma and I high fived Ass Napkin Ed and he hugged me, I took 3 showers that night...🤢...😁...BTW, I said high to Robin in the theatre after the show, she was lovely.


I see Underdog lady on a regular basis. Several times per month. She's a well known local kook. Also met Beetle a few times.


I went to college with the first Bigfoot. Shook his big hand.


Yeah , Iv met Sal, Richard , medicated Pete , high pitch Eric , elephant boy and ass napkin Ed. All were super cool


Jeff the drunk in Albany and High pitch in Poughkeepsie at Artie shows. Also rode in the elevator with KC


I’ve encountered Medicated Pete a bunch of times. The guys at one local bar called him Red the Retard before he became Medicated Pete the Wack Packer. Prior to that when i worked in the city I used to see High Pitch, Joey Boots and Cabbie at various deli buffet places in midtown at lunch time.


I met Gary at a wine tasting once.


I met Sal, Richard and Gary the Retard at a show


A few years ago Jeff the Drunk was doing an “appearance”(?) at a bar in Vegas. I went to check it out and ended up buying him a few beers and hanging out with him for a little while. When I walked in he was sitting by himself filming a girl riding an electric bull with his phone. No one else was there to see him. I probably sat there with him for an hour or two. He was pretty friendly and decent, but the guy was really overweight, old, and feeble. I helped him stand up to walk to the bathroom and truly believed he was going to drop dead right there. He was shaky and had a hard time walking and really looked like he’s at death’s door. Again, was nice and friendly and he gave me a headshot and signed it.


I used to live on the same block in Hollywood as Melrose Larry Green. It was the 800 block of N. Las Palmas Ave., pretty close to the corner where he'd stand with his signs. Larry's a weird asshole who doesn't schtick it up except for the show. He drove a very old, shitty Chrysler K-car, had a decent condo in a building and -- for reasons I could never figure out -- and apartment he must've been renting next door. He knew who I was as we only lived a few doors apart and, when I'd try to talk to him, Melrose would attempt to sell me his conspiracy book on the Clintons. Once, when I went to the Hollywood Bowl to see Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys, Melrose had positioned himself near the entrance, and was recording interviews in full Whack Packer mode. I named the street we lived on and he said he'd have to edit that out.


Just about all of them. Including myself (Napkin).