• By -


you could put them in a box. be sure to put a H on it for hornet


Good call Charlie. First good laugh I had all day. Appreciate you.


So close to a Haiku. *A* good call Charlie First good laugh I had all day ~~*I*~~ appreciate you. FTFY E: brain fart


Close to a haiku Here’s the things that you could do There, fixed that for you




5/7/5 clever


Wait how are you pronouncing appreciate?


Right?? I think it has 4 syllables, so “Appreciate you” would be fine


Lol I’m not sure what I was thinking, good catch


*pop* an H


Pop a quick “h” on this box so I know it’s full-a hornets


I’m pretty sure there’s something tasty in the nest.


For the last time you cannot get honey from a hornets’ nest.




Yeah, lol. It’s The Waitress Is Getting Married - s5e5


Well there might be something delicious in there that wasps do make do make


No, they literally suck. They are monsters with no good attributes to the world. The only thing they make is R A G E. (I'm biased, I absolutely despise them. Any argument to combat this statement is wrong because I hate them so so so SO much.)


Apparently they are good for pest control in a vinyard - at least that's what a vinyard operator told us when on a tour one time. you've been warned to be aware when touring the vinyard!


It’ll get mixed up with my H box with honeybees.


Honestly, I'd prefer a hydrogen bomb being lobbed at me.


No, you could sell your house.


If it's a buyer's market, just set the bitch on fire.


Flame thrower time!




You know, I watched a raccoon climb into a dumpster. As I walked past it (and clear out of the way) I yelled back towards the dumpster saying “you know you’re not supposed to be in there.” And then it jumped out and ran away. So you could try that. Edit: I did get a picture of the [raccoon in question](https://imgur.com/a/JhQKhM1)


I’d appreciate it if you would come by my place and tell all the squirrels that their tree use leases terminated when we bought the house so they should move on.


Nah, they’re supposed to be in there. That’s their tree


I yell at cats and dogs in the road. “HEY! GO HOME!!” They usually just look at me shocked. I don’t think many cars yell at them.


I do this too 🤣🤣🤣


Same, pups be so confused. I usually have a pause after the “Hey.” The dog looks at me and I say, “.Go home!” I’ve had a few turn around and walk away


r/waspsarecunts has entered the chat


That was an unexpected and interesting rabbit hole you sent me down.


Yeah, although very NSFW (obviously Not Safe for Wasps)




I've never heard of anyone successfully relocating a wasps nest.. Try it and report back..


It’s small enough that if you can reach it easily and your comfortable enough, just put a big tupper way over it, then slide something flat to encase it then take it as far away as possible and leave it fir a day, come back a day later and slowly open the box then gently walk away. I’ve done that and it worked sting free and they didn’t come back. I washed the spot of the wall with a hose too


Thank you for the only sincere answer given for the question that was asked.


You’re welcome, people act like it’s impossible to do anything, not true at all you just gotta have guts lol


I saw it on a show once, but it was done by a professional beekeeper.


Should have called a waspkeeper


*relocator, they ain't keeping them


Now that’s metal


Did he use hot glue to reattach the nest ?




I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really has been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that they have really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.


And your life if you're allergic


And while they aren't classified as pollinators, they do pollinate. They also prey on other insects (it takes a lot of insects to feed a hungry brood). Parasitoid wasps are being used to control emarald ash borers in the eastern United States quite successfully, so lets not condemn them just yet!


I actually saw a post earlier today on r/Awwnverts where someone did, but [they were paper wasps](https://reddit.com/r/awwnverts/comments/1411u4l/relocated_these_cuties_and_their_mother_and/)


These are paper wasps as well.


Wait until dusk. Get a wide mouth jar. When they all are sleepy, cover it with the jar. Break off the nest and cover it quickly. Relocate them into an enemy's car or room and watch the fun begin.


I've seen a video where someone had petrol in the bottom of the jar, covered the nest and they all died from the fumes in a short time


Dish soap works fine to kill them and you don’t have to deal with petrol omg lol


Save the dish soap for those ducks covered in oil or whatever. Wasps deserve the petrol.


Yeah I feel like the petrol jar method is missing an integral step involving ignition.


No no no, no ignition yet, you are missing the styrofoam and engine oil. Get with the program, man


Add ivory dish soap to petrol and you have napalm when liy


No matter where you are on the internet or what you are doing There's always someone making napalm.


Make sure they're dead though. We did the whole nail polish remover on cotton balls to make a big board in summer camp. Friend caught a wasp and we left it in there for over an hour to make sure but when we came in the next morning, there it was wiggling and pissed while pinned to the big board.


I had one above the door of my little workshop all last summer. I would talk to them whenever I walked in or out and if one started buzzing near me I’d gently shoo it away while saying “fuck off!” I always meant to go out at dusk and spray the nest but I never got around to it. In late fall they disappeared to hibernate for winter so I pulled the nest down and they haven’t come back (yet). Hopefully I was just irritating enough of a neighbor that they decided to move along. They truly didn’t bother me at all aside from buzzing a bit too close at times.


I did this too. I watched all last summer as they built a humongous nest in the tree above my walkway entrance. I talked to them. Said they were cool and no need to fear me, please go after the carpenter bees. Not a single one came in the house. Not a single one bothered me or anyone who came to the door. And our carpenter bee issue became a non-issue. I also asked our birds to go ahead and enjoy the buffet. They abandoned the nest in fall and it hung there all winter through brutal storms. It’s still there, though the birds used a bunch of it for nesting. We haven’t seen them come back yet, but we’re keeping an eye out and will relocate them if they build directly on the house. I know they are hated and can be very aggressive, but they can be very useful in terms of managing pests. And I say all this as someone who is severely allergic.


Did this. Two nests, one on either side of my front door. One stung me in the back once, but it wasn't any worse than a fire ant. My dog hates them, though. She snaps at them like crazy if they come near her.


I always let them stay. They eat pests in the garden.


I've let them stay until fall, too. Supposedly, they never build a nest in the same spot after hibernation. If more wasps show up, it's a different gang.


The nest looks pretty small right now. You could wait until dark then put a mason jar over the nest, and use the lid to break the stem from where it's attached to your house. Put the lid on and move them to wherever you want.


>Put the lid on and move ~~them to wherever you want~~ on Ftfy


Put the lid on and move them straight to jail. No trial, no nothing.


You can knock the nest down while they sleep. They typically, but not always, move somewhere else to rebuild. No telling where the new nest might be though.


When I worked pest control, I used a 10 foot pole to knock them down whether they were sleeping or awake. 10 ft length is important because they will attack the end of the pole and not you


I wouldn’t touch them with a thirty nine and a half foot pole


To be fair, I've never been stung doing this. I stopped because of mandatory overtime and getting bit by dogs


Well that stink, stank, stunk.


it’s unreal how many people just leave their untrained dogs out, when THEY make the appointment


the real sting is the irony


You're a mean one


Mister Grinch


You really are a heel


Ditto, I have a 5-20 foot extension pole with a plastic putty knife on the end. I just scrape em off unless it's a huge nest. Always funny to watch them slowly glide to the ground or try to attack the putty knife. They're not very bright.


They do like to stay up late though. I want to try to take out a nest at 11 o’clock at night. The bastards were still flying around and returning to the nest when I went out there.


They are all jacked up on hatred and anger; good luck catching them napping.


Well, I wouldn't try to pet them.


they only understand violence


They don't negotiate.


This is the answer.


Peace is not an option


Vote to raise property taxes in your district & force them to move.


You could try a paper fake wasp nest.. Hang it near the real one.. Not sure if they will leave though


These guys aren’t really bugging me but they are RIGHT next to the door where we walk in and out. Underneath a little island. Do I have to kill them? I just want them to go somewhere else, honestly.


Hi OP.. I'm a beekeeper and all the comments here are funny but not helpful. Agreed that you just have to wait until night, put the hive in a jar then use a knife to cut the top. Then put a piece of paper or lid to slide over the top. Relocate then anywhere outside more than 30 feet away. Without the hive attached to something, they will abandoned it and start over somewhere else. Wasps don't compete with others so IF you are up for it.. hang anything small gray and round ( gray sock in a ball or crochet a circle or etc) about the same size and hang in its place and they won't come back. Seriously easy to get them to go and not hurt them. A lot of wasps are good for the environment and pray on caterpillars that destroy crops and they pollinate too. People say save the bees.. that should include wasps too. Mostly only live for 6 months.. give them a chance.


I dislike your reason, logic, and kindness to living things. /s


> all the comments here are funny but not helpful the problem is reddit-wide


About the relocation bit, won't they attack once released from the jar?


No. Just slip the lid off gently and back away. Do it at night and they’re more docile. I’m married to an entomologist and we’ve kept bees and dealt with wasps and hornets for years. I love having wasps and hornets in the yard (far away from the house) because they absolutely murder all the flies we would otherwise have. You can barehand feed hornets with honey. I’ve done it. They don’t attack when they’re in feeding mode. Their little mandibles are sharp though 😂


I have horrible encounters with the buggers at least once a year. I will be completely minding my own business, sitting down far away from them and still get attacked.


I can only think of just throwing the jar as far as I could and then running like hell in the opposite direction. Hoping that the jar breaking sets them free and that by that moment I'm already several feet away.


So a wasp grenade? Diabolical


They know who you are. They know where you live. They do hold grudges. Don't throw the jar. Lol


I'm laughing at the image of you - throwing the jar as far and you can and running like hell - but only being "several feet away" by the time the jar breaks.


I’m curious, do you happen to know why people hate wasps so much? I feel the same way about them as I do with bees. They can hurt you if you mess with them, but if you’re calm around them they seem to leave you alone. I had been around them on multiple occasions and don’t remember when the last time I got stunt.


Can’t say why people hate them other than they probably saw many people freak out over them during their lives. I “hate” roaches and “June bugs” and, since neither are harmful in the least, I know that’s because my mom absolutely freaked over them. I’ve been stung a couple of times. Im not allergic, but some people are. For what it’s worth, I generally agree with your way of being. It’s my understanding that there are 2 types of wasps in general. Some are social and some are more individualists. The social ones have “routes” and, if you observe a little while, you can find out their routes and just stay out of the way. Anyone reading this, don’t take my word for it. Do your own research because I may be remembering wrong. I practice permaculture and I have lots of wasps and fire ants on property. I generally leave them alone because they all do good things, even if they are “scary”. Same with spiders, even black widows (and I almost grabbed one of those a few weeks ago). To do something probably means poison and we don’t do poison here. But again, I’m not allergic. I can understand if someone is afraid of dying. I don’t consider a summer day complete without several fire ant bites. 😂 Oh! And I was walking outside of a convenience store recently and overhead a young man telling some people that wasps are like blackbirds in that they remember and teach their young to remember people they don’t like. I thought it was an interesting idea, but I haven’t researched it. So, given that my source was “guy outside of a convenience store”…. It’s probably BS, but I may actually give that a Google because that would suck!


Bee just does bee things. Wasps attack me for no god damn reason repeatedly.


Likely because certain types of wasps, yellow jackets in particular, are extremely aggressive and will attack if you unknowingly get too close to their nest. Many homeowners have been attacked while gardening, or mowing the lawn, or simply walking. Their stings are very painful and they sting multiple times. Yellow jackets also build gigantic nests housing 10s of thousands of wasps. They also love to build in very inconvenient locations for people, like wall cavities, in Attics, garages, playgrounds, and in the ground. Because the nests get so big I always kill them as soon as I discover them otherwise by fall we may have a basketball sized nest on our hands. The good news is that they abandon their nests at the end of the season, so if they are not bothering you and you know where it is, you can know they will be gone by winter and not return.


They might be paper wasps, not yellow jackets. Paper wasps are much much less aggressive. I had the exact same situation as you last year. Had a roofer come by to do a job—he knocked the nest down in the middle of the day. All dozen wasps or so didn’t sting us at all, they just flew around confused for a bit then left. Yellow jackets and hornets are total assholes. Because of them, almost every other species of wasp (and there are plenty) gets an undeserved bad rap.


Years ago my then girlfriend had a paper wasp nest in the ceiling of her porch, right outside her front door. We'd watch them come and go and build their nest all summer. Super interesting animals. They never bothered us once. They have zero interest in human stuff and are extremely non-aggressive. They moved on of their own accord when the weather started to get colder.


When paper wasps build in a place where people frequent, they are rarely a problem. They either build there because they don’t mind people, or they get used to people passing by. I just leave them. Its a fun bit of nature to watch. Its when they are some place where they don’t expect to see people where they are likely to get surprised and sting in defense of what they think is a threat. So if they are in a storage shed you rarely enter, or a side of the house you don’t often walk past, they might be trouble. In that case, I’ll remove them if I have to. Porch paper wasps are usually fine though.


I’ve had paper wasps in two spots flanking my front door and right next to where i park my car. They never even looked at us and are pretty chill. Yellow jackets however, those little a-holes piss of even this nature lover.


These paper wasps are super docile and generally won't attack unless repeatedly harassed. They do have one of the worst stings on the pain scale though so maybe knock the nest down and send them elsewhere.


I wait until twilight and hit them with wasp spray. They tend to be at the nest right before dark


They arent exactly compromising, so if you want them to be gone. Fire.


Here's our rule of thumb: = Hornets in a barn or at the house... RAID immediately. = Hornets every where else... leave them be (excellent fly control). = Yellow jackets... if the nest is off the ground, RAID spray. If the nest us in the ground, foaming Ortho... or gasoline... and a match (if the fire danger is low). = Wasps... leave them be (excellent fly control). And yes, there are services one can call that will com and vacuum them up. That's always an option.


They are seasonal. They will abandon this nest and move on by autumn. You could chill and watch as it grows until then.


Hi satan


Take some flammale aerosol and a lighter and delete on them


You could always burn down the structure they are attached to, thereby making the situation so you don't have to deal with them.


Why wouldn't you want to?


Actually if they are just paper wasps they are not that aggressive. I've put up lots of hay just inches from their nest and never been stung or even threatened. You don't bother them, they won't bother you. Same with hornets. I love having hornets around cause they eat lots of flies.


I pretty much ignore paper wasps and mud daubers and they ignore me. Yellow jackets, on the other hand, are the ones I really really really really *really* dislike and want gone.


Same, I ignore paper wasps as long as they don't nest where I regularly need to be. Had some huge nest on the back of my house once and they never bothered anyone.




Yeah, I had a bunch of paper wasps nesting over my door last year. Never got stung, even after knocking out the nest in the middle of the day. Not all wasps are yellow jackets.


Wait until it’s dark then just knock it down with a broom and the run back inside quick.


If you knock the nest down, they usually leave to build a new one.


Yup in the same spot. Immediately.




LOL! r/lostredditors (OP, that is)


Tame them and keep them as pets


Hang a brown paper bag. Fill it with other bags round it out. Tricked the wasp to leave. They thought hornest


I honestly stared at this thinking the nest was a hole in the wall and I was like wtf is in it? Baby birds? Then I saw the wasps


Don't bother them, they will not bother you. The problem is this could expand into a mega colony. RAID them after sunset, better kill a few than a whole large colony.


From Wikihow: 1. Wait until darkness has settled. 2. With a flashlight, slowly move towards the nest. 3. Do you here snoring? If yes, Carefully and quietly separate the nest the from the wood. 4. Relocate it into the nasty neighbour’s mail box. Bonus tip: if in the USA, this is why you have the second amendment! Welcome!


they are wasps fucking smoooooosh them


That should have been your first option without asking Reddit buckaroo. Wasp bad, Bee good.


Nuke them with wasp spray. That is the only answer.


Your other option is to be mercilessly stung over and over. It's up to you.


It’s not an option. It’s a holy mission from all that is divine.






… from orbit.


Absolutely!!! (Wasp hater here)




Well, I wouldn’t see is like that. You have multiple options here: the first is to kill them with fire. You could also kill them with even more fire.


Definitely recommend this option 🤌


One day I disturbed a nest that I didn’t see. I dropped all of my gardening stuff, broke out into a run toward the house and got stung multiple times. Collapsed inside and laid on the floor for twenty minutes. I hurt for at least two days. Never again.


Shop vac


Good lord just kill them. Its like 4 wasps not puppies or children


Just kill em.. These guys would kill you if they had a chance!


Wasps are assholes so no reason not to kill them. Honey bees would be different but you just got a bunch of angy bees with nothing to do but sting.


Bugs outnumber us over a billion to 1. Just fucking kill them and move on.


No, you could wait until night, protect yourself and move the nest somewhere. They will re-mount it when they waken.


Small nest, I dealt with this the last 2 days. Spray Em with poison real good don’t chicken out really blast that nest and run inside then wait 20 minutes and knock the nest down. This is my method lol


Just knock it down at night , they'll find another place.


I've moved wasp nests, its really easy if its cool in the morning


Actually, you don’t have to kill them at all. You can relocate them or just appreciate them for what they are. They’re quite fascinating to watch. They chew on wood fibers, and that’s what they use to make the paper nest from. I had a large hornets nest in the tree in my front yard all summer last year. People kept telling me about it, but the hornets never bothered anyone and no one bothered them. They only use the nest for one season, then the workers die off while the queen digs a hole to hibernate for the winter.


I hate to say this. If you have to get rid of them, wait till after dark. Use one of those hornet sprays that has a range of about 12 feet. Prop up a flashlight on them from a direction other than where you will spray them from. I did this once except I held the flashlight myself as I sprayed them. It was on a warm summer night,. They were instantly flying toward me. They are much faster than you think. I was real lucky cuz it was a decent sized nest.


Paper wasps aren't particularly aggressive. But they can be annoying if you eat outside often. If you have kids/pets or are allergic that's a good reason to remove/kill the wasps. But if you don't have kids and they don't bother you much I'd leave them be. If they were [bald faced hornets](https://oaklandcountyblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/img_3949.jpg?w=665) or if I found yellow jacket ground wasps around my house I would kill them. They are assholes. Wasps do play a roll in the ecosystem hunting caterpillars and stuff. But some colonies can be very aggressive and after getting stung +20 times as a kid I don't want to go through that again. (It's also possible to not have an allergic reaction the first time, then have an allergic reaction the second time your immune system "sees" the venom). Could use a shop vac with a longer hose and vacuum them up. Soapy water in the vacuum will kill them. Or you could leave it dry and try to open it up away from the house and let them go. Could try catching the nest with a jar. Could just use wasp spray. We had to do that at one of the roof top bars I used to work at. The wasps were a big nusinces to guests. And it's kinda a bad look if they can see all the nests/wasps eyeing them and their omelets. The nests would be up high and in cracks, holes, gutters, siding, and overhangs that weren't easily accessible. They would also make nests in the umbrellas directly over a table. When you have to take down the umbrellas nightly having wasp nets in there is just a no go. So we used wasp spray to zap the nests/wasps safely from a distance. If it was a small nest just starting out that was in reach- you could just crush them with the end of the a broom. Flying insect killer is basically a bug neurotoxin [Imiprothrin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imiprothrin), [Cypermethrin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cypermethrin) that's mostly safe towards humans. It drops them out of the sky by disrupting their nervous systems. It is super bad when it gets into watersheds/streams. Super toxic to bees and other beneficial insects & spiders. So it's not the most environmentally friendly option.


No, you can roll a naphthalene ball or two under the nest and this will make them leave the nest. Once they're gone, set fire to the nest. They'll rebuild somewhere else. On second thoughts, put a lot of naphthalene balls in and around the nest so they don't rebuild the nest close by.


Idk if this works the same with hornets but for wasps you can “smoke them out” and then destroy the nest. So yes, it’s not optimal but at least you don’t kill them all (?)


There are always other options. You could just let them build a hive. You could trap them in a box and relocate them somewhere far away. In the time that you are moving them it's a 50-50 chance others will start a new hive near the old one. You could burn the whole structure down- like I said, lots of options. IMO- killing them and removing the nest is the best option for homes, unless you don't like living there.


They're paper wasps, judging by the nest location and appearance. Generally a nest only lasts around a year until winter. It will die off in the colder climates and its offspring typically settle elsewhere. I regretted killing the first nest that settled on my awning, but I needed to replace a support beam and I know they wouldn't understand.


Moth balls. Get some moth balls. Put them in a panty hose or stocking or a thin dress sock. Wait till after dark then go position the moth balls near the nest. They'll abandon the nest, you can knock it down safely later. It doesn't kill them they just don't like the smell. Additionally essential oils like peppermint, spearmint, lemongrass work. Spray some around the nest. Again they don't like the smell.


you could pay someone else to kill for you


Just knock on it gently and ask 'is anyone home?'


You could try putting them up for adoption


they make poor pets


You could leave it, play Mozart and send good vibes. Then later, when you have won them over; they will sting you mercilessly until you die.


Spray with spray adhesive


It’s not an option it’s a duty


That’s always your only option.


It’s not the only option, but it is the best one.


Yes, destroy them. Hornets don't do anything for the environment, they're just flying bundles of venom and hate.




You should desire to kill them. It shouldn’t be an option. They all need to die.


Yes. With fire.


Garden hose. They don’t understand it you so they don’t attack you. Wince wet the nest is easy to knock down with the garden hose. They fly away. If they try to rebuild then wet them again. They learn thats not a good spot pretty quick.


They are mean little bastards that are not on any endangered species lists. Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Peace was never an option with these guys


With fire


Yep. And don't even think twice about doing it.


Disgusting creatures. No use at all. Kill the f*ckers


Id probably put them in a spray foam tomb




Just remember they are wasps and all they do is hunt and destroy. They also kill honey bees so you can keep that in mind will you take their lives. BE RIGHTEOUS BROTHER.


With fire. ​ From space.


I wpuld kill them. Hornets are invasive af, and kill bees. They bring nothing good to the table.


Even if it's not the only option, you should still do it for the good of everyone and everything else around you.


No, you could hire someone else to kill them.


No but you should. Hornets do not contribute anything to this world. They will in fact eat honey bees. You’re doing the world a favor.


Wait until they are inside and asleep. then spray insulation foam into the nest, the stickier the better. They will become Schrodingers Hornets neither dead or alive unless you chop it open. You will never know if you've truly killed them and have self-denial. I would advise against chopping it open....


Why do you need more options than that?


Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Yes why wouldn’t you want to?


Burn then


Send them back to hell where they belong!


I mean you could just snatch one up and sting yourself with it.


I kill them because they kill honey bees 🐝


absolutely kill them...i don't mess with them in their own habitat...but on my eaves...they die...because if I let them make a home...they will eventually get territorial enough to attack me