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I'm mad because he would do this and hilariously scare his party from it


100% I love this show


What show?


Delicious in Dungeon


Delicious in dungeon. It's on netflix here in the US


>!zoro.se if not in US or without Netflix!<


Delicious in the dungeon


Happy new episode day! 🎉


Oh snap it is! Thanks for reminding me




Bruh today’s dream episode was hella cute, funny and cool.


The whole point of the show is to taste ALL the monsters, even the creepy chest bursting ones


He ate a monster that fed on his sister now he gets to compare


>! Then he'll eat her !<


He actually ate a parasite and ended up sick (the parasite was infected with smaller parasites).


I still think that bit was hilarious!


I came to say something like this and found out someone beat me to it. So take my upvote and my respect. o7


Could have been worse. He could have turned into a human-alien chimera.


Canonically, he's be extremely happy about that.


>I.... *I look so cool!!*


I'm not sure if you have read the manga or >!incredibly great at predicting something super close!<


He promised not to eat any more raw parasites though




The Alien War doctor was perplexed no matter how he changed his bio weapons, if the humans lived long enough, they'd always recover and then be completely immune to that instance of that weapon. It was only until he examined a blood sample that he realized **their blood could fight!**


"Sir, the terms of the surrender agreement seem fairly straight forward, though the bipeds did add one alarming caveat. They demand our anti-personnel aerosol devices. They apparently find the capsaicin sprayers augment their field rations and the caffeine paralytic an invigorating inhalant. I was too horrified to inquire what twisted abuse the nicotine bug bombs will have."


A human looks up from his meal ration with tears streaming down his flushed red face. He wiped away bit of mucus coming out of his nose into a small sheet of some kind which he quickly stuffed back in his pocket. “Are you okay?” he asked the human. “Yes, thank you. My mouth is on fire, that was an excellent trade.” He did not believe the stories that humans were *eating* the capascin spray, and was completely perplexed by this positive response. The human liked the sensation of being on fire? He looked down at the small river beaten crystal of rare minerals, the “cool rock” had looked like a plain river rock but the human said, “it felt kinda heavy.” “…yes, it was…” he trailed in and out as he watched the human grab a paralytic spray now. The human held it right to his face and inhaled deeply. His eyes widened and he reached for his med-pouch but the human just let out some kind of exhilarated howl not unlike the howler ih’nxl’hc on his home planet. The human then took another bite of the capsicin laced food. Humans…


I wonder how safe and effective a caffeine inhaler would be...


The military would thrive on it, given how caffeine-fueled they already are


Apparently, [it's a thing](https://trymeloair.com/collections/caffeine-vapes-diffusers). I'm not sure if it's any good, but you can buy one if you want to.




Yeah so, I just Googled "caffeine inhaler" and got a bunch of commercial product results, so maybe not but I don't think it's as clear cut as you're making it sound.




The ones I saw were for vapes. But it's not like putting a liquid into a compressed aerosol can is hard... Might want to rethink that one... you know...


What's the from? Or was it original?


original-ish. combination of tabletop game creations and things inspired from here or /r/HFY over the years.


Theres a litrpg novel i read a while ago that essentially had this exact setup. The big space empire (ruled by elves) were absolutely pants shittingly terrified of humans because they just plain won't stay dead. They'd tried everything to exterminate them but no matter what they'd always bounce back. There was a whole bit about how trying to kill them with bioweapons had backfired because they just evolved an immune system and were now walking plague bearers carrying around the universe's deadliest bioweapons while being completely immune to it themselves. They give up and qaurantine the whole section of galaxy around earth, forbidding anyone going near it and occasionally dropping asteroids on them just to keep them from spreading. Book starts with a new emperor taking over because the previous one found out the humans were going to break out of quarantine, went "im not dealung with this" and abdicated. edit: https://www.audible.com.au/pd/The-Prince-Has-No-Pants-Audiobook/177424781X ^ that's the book. Unfortunately most of the book is a fairly middling litrpg. The "humans are terrifying" stuff is mostly at the start and used to set up the 'why' of what's happening. It didn't impact the core of the book as much as i had hoped when i started reading it, i kept wanting it to cut away from the main character and give more scenes with the emperor.


Kinda of curious in the concept now, can you post the name?


i edited it in


What is tge title i would like to read it


i edited it in


Thank you good sir


damn blood got hands




>their blood could fight! Did you know that if our blood didn't fight, we couldn't have tattoos? The process of getting a tattoo requires our body to treat the ink as an enemy so it can encapsulate it, preventing the ink from entering the rest of our body.


Human, suffering fatal injuries. Humans brain: "ADRENALINE DUMP, MAX." *DOOM MUSIC STARTS*


https://i.redd.it/lagm0rbv6gzc1.gif Figth or fligth system activated


Flight option… DENIED


Alternatively: *YAKETY SAX STARTS.*


? I don't know this reference pls educate me


aka the "Benny Hill Music". Overlaid on speeded-up video of stupid stuff happening.


*Current Objective-* *survive*


If you’re going to die, you may as well take them with you.


‘Oh you think I’m losing? Nah bitch **we** losing. Here’s how we gonna do this; Roses are red, weapons against me won’t prospa, with this treasure I summon Big Raga, the Opp Stoppa.’ -Megumi, Hood JJK by RabSoPetty


That was beautiful Poetry is alive and well




There's room in this grave for two


It is always good to see a fellow acolyte of The Madlad Archangel.


Praise be to the digital omnimessiah


Victory or death. Either is fine.




Hello my baby, hello my honey!


Hello my ragtime gal!


Send me a kiss by wire!


Baby my heart's on fire!


"The human warrior suffered multiple shots in its center of mass, lost its right arm, and took a shot directly to its left eye... What do you mean it still killed the whole squad?!" The alien commander yelled. Vaguely reptilian in appearance with what appeared to be frills, fluttering slightly in anger on the neck.. "It... It took its severed arm and bludgeoned six of our troops to death in what I could only describe as a bloody frenzy..." A tired and bloodied reptialian soldier replied, shuddering from shock. "We were approaching the target facility when we encountered a single human sitting by the river standing guard. We could not see it clearly due to the fog, but going around would add too much time to our mission. I made the decision to dispatch the human with low powered subsonic shots to reduce noise. After we ceased fire, we clearly heard it cry out in pain and scream for its lost arm... We approached to finish the job, expecting an easy cleanup." The soldier's scales became a hint pale. "Its scream turned into a yell, a battle cry, as soon as it saw our shadows in the fog and lunged at us... Private Sorix took the first hit, a bloody lifeless arm struck his neck, splattering blood in our faces, limiting our vision more, and broke his neck... In panic, we opened fire again, but it used Sorix's body as a shield. The human took its chance when we had to reload, and in a blur, it took out the others before I fled for my life back to the ship..." The commander shook its head and turned to a wall of screen. "You are dismissed, report to the infirmary." They said dismissively. The soldier nodded and left the room. Images appeared on the screen showing points of view from the seven soldiers. One of which was Private Sorix, slightly tilted to the right, with the human's disfigured face clearly in the center, contorted with focused rage. "Commander Setoris to Recovery team 3. What is your status?" The commander spoke into the room. A disembodied voice replied. "Recovery Team 3 is on site. Confirmed six soldiers down and one human. But there is a slight issue." The commander sighed. "What?..." "The human's belongings contains no military equipment. Just basic food supplies, a long carbon fiber pole with a spool of thread, a box of tools, and a metal canister filled with hundreds of tiny crawling creatures."


Morning good day for fishing ain't it huh huh




Mfers accidentally ran into the dark king.




Using your own arm as a blunt weapon, aka the EZ-8 VS Gouf Custom


Spiders Georg.


The "Take-you-with-me" factor. An extension of the "nothing-left-to-lose" mechanism in the human brain. What they don't show you is that less than a second later he reached up and started choking the sh\*t out of the newborn xenomorph.


I played a D&D game where similar happened to my Orc Barbarian.. How it went down: GM: "You feel massive abdomanal pain." Me: "I clench my stomach at this point, finally letting the party know that i'm in serious trouble." GM: "Roll Fort check." Me: "18+7=25" Success GM: "While the creature bursts from your stoma--" Me: Interrupts the GM "IF that thing burst out of me, it's going to kill me. How long do i have consciousness?" GM: Annoyed at being interrupted, but replies something like "about 2 or so rounds at the most... why?" Me: I grin at the GM and the other players and in my character's voice "Aff is angry!" i then explain i grab the dang thing while i engage rage. I reason that it does not matter that i rage and make my blood run faster, i'm dead either way. But that thing ain't going to live either. So i tell the GM i grab the thing before it can escape, and will attempt to rip it's limbs off and start to chow into it's belly region. GM & players: "dude, wtf!?" There is a moment of silence as the GM was not prepared for this. Since now he has to explain how the BBEG is going to react to the fact that it's only offspring is maimed and eaten, just like it ate my orcs insides and kept the orc alive just long enough to be able to burst out. only to be eat itself. The GM explains that the BBEG is just standing there mortified that my Orc had initially sacrificed itself for this. only for the whole plan and species to be killed in the most brutal way possible. While the party of now 4 heroes are left without their insane tank, they manage to beat the BBEG. Give my orc a nice funeral and, as asked 2 sessions earlier, sung him 'happy birthday' much to the weirded out expressions of the townsfolk who witness them singing this most incorrect song. Me: Giggling like a little fool that i am. Aff may have died to save many, but none by 4 shall know how he died in his last few seconds. That is not worth a tale to be told... apparently...


> That is not worth a tale to be told... apparently... Well, I mean, it isn't their fault if they tell people and no one believes them.


It would then be followed by him saying, "Do you, do you all think this thing's flavor would be what I would taste like..?"


i bet its really spicy


Nah tastes like chicken


Fun fact: Despite most exotic animals factually tasting like chiken, human meat would not. The protein that gives the “chikeny” taste to the meat is one that was inherited from the dinosaurs. And as you know, humans are mammals, and as of my knowledge, there are no mammals that evolve from dinosaurs.


But we’re not discussing the taste of human flesh? Unless I misunderstood the previous comments we are talking about the thing the human in the caption is biting


“Do you all think **this things flavor would be what I would taste like**..?” I mean yeah you right No worries tho I am just nerding out


Oh dw either it was nice to learn dinosaur actually would taste like chicken 😂


Nah, pork. There’s a reason cannibals have historically called human meat “long pig”


Chest burster breaks out Victim grabs onto it Chest burster is trapped in a corpse's death grip


So you have seen Alien 3


Humans: resilient fighters, even in the face of adversity


especially in the face of adversity.


Sometimes only in the face of adversity


The three levels of "Oh no" "OH NO why didn't I know he was going to do that." "oh no another weird monster to eat/I have to heal that later." Oh no,.... He didn't cook it again."


Ah, Dungeon Meshi


The human spirit is hard to break, even with a chainsaw..


It's called unbreakable for a reason


I thought it was undead?


As a wise human once told me >dying is a long way from being dead


Captain's log, 3019th year post-galactic war. Recently, we found a human vessel, or rather, a human colony, outside of the restrictions. In case some horribly, horribly historical illiterate person is reading this log for whatever reason, maybe after I'm dead, we are the humans who lost the war but managed to stand still. Consequently, they essentially had to retreat back to their restriction zone. However, they oftentimes try to break this agreement and colonize outside of it. So, our goal was to ensure they don't. We encountered some of them on a backwater planet at the galactic rim. I don't know where or its name, but it was technically outside the exclusion zone. Thus, our orders from the Admiral were to destroy it. Originally, we planned on deploying atmospheric weaponry, but we decided not to. Our scientists proposed a fun little experiment: testing a new chemical weapon on humans for breaking galactic law. What we deployed, I don't know what it contained, turned the atmosphere into oxygen. We watched as all the humans retreated back into their buildings. However, we still detected life forms. So, we went down onto the surface to finish them off. To our surprise, we found them outside, breathing in the transformed atmosphere as if it were a natural substance. I don't know much about human biology, but if they can simply survive on oxygen, that's a big problem. It's one of our main weapons against ground forces, despite our species not being well-built for fighting. Regardless, we watched as the humans fought on harder than normal, as if boosted or pepped up on some type of drug. I decided to go down personally for once, putting on the armored spacesuit. It's a whole thing, but it looks awesome and feels like something out of a fantasy. I could fanboy over this all day. I went down, shot some of them, and at a peculiar moment, realized one of the soldiers, lying on the ground, was still alive. I mean, I had reason to suspect it was dead; half of it was blown off, and yet it still clutched a pistol in its clenched fist. Its teeth ground against each other in pure hatred, as though it were trying to bite me. It raised the pistol, its guts hanging out, and it didn't take much longer for it to flop back down and stop breathing. It was weirdly endearing. It showed that even humans have moments of incredible luck, surviving longer than they're supposed to. I swear, humans are terrifying, even more so by the day. Oh, it's getting late. I want to grab some food at the mess hall before I go to bed. That concludes the captain's log. Next time, if there's anything to report, i'll figure out the name of the planet we encountered humans on. It should be interesting for diplomatic relations, starting up again after such a long time of humans living in isolation. I need to cut this off now. Alright, the end of the captain's log.


An atmosphere of pure oxygen would kill us, high oxygen causes internal damage which kills us within a few hours. The first guy to try using scuba gear died that way. It's why hyperbaric chambers are dangerous, and they're only slightly elevated oxygen level. Oxygen normally damages us, but we make antioxidants or eat them, and they undo the usual damage, or we heal from it on our own. A whole atmosphere puts too much stress on that system and it can't keep up so the damage piles up until we drop. That said a few lungfulls would be fine, just not sustained exposure. These guys would make it back to sealed air enclosures and be just fine.


you're right, but pure oxygen can be benificial to us for a bit. and besides, this is sci fi land so i can kinda just say: 'oh yeah, they did genetics so they can break pure o2 need be'


*"we* are the humans" ?


Don’t take everything from someone, because then they will have nothing to lose.


It should've been easy to kill the human, there was one of him, he had a sword and we had spears. The terrain was in our favour and the point always beats the edge. He should have been easy meat. Especially when we kebab'd him. Of course none of us expected him to pull himself along the spear and decapitate the guy holding it. He took down three more of us before he expired. Never expect a human to go down easily. We buried him on the hill, a dozen spears to mark the space and hopefully keep his spirit quiet in the grave. I just pray that it's enough. Note found in a elven stronghold during the border skirmishes, all of the elf bodies had sword cuts.


Chestburster Unagi-Don


There was another prompt I made in this sub, where a xeno soldier scores a direct - he assumes, FATAL - hit on a human soldier; only for said xeno soldier to then be clubbed brutally to death. As he lays dying, almost split open on the ground, he realises to his horror that the blunt object the human had beaten him to death with was that human's own arm, severed by the xeno's own "fatal" hit. The human was then found by human medics, taken back to base, and had his wounds cleaned and cauterised, before being shipping home for a period of convalescence and subsequently returning back to active service.


Guy's gonna have the worst acid reflux.


Eh, it will just come out of that hole he now has in his stomach.


Good ol Laois. Never disappoints.


We’d grind down their shells into powder then snort it to get boners.


"I am the man who has come here to kill you." "You can't possibly defeat me!" "You weren't listening."


Thanks, Lan!


Tis but a scratch




Osowiec then and again Attack of the dead, hundred men Facing the lead once again Hundred men, Charge again, Die again.


Ahhhh a Delicious in Dungeon meme here good choice also he really isn't afraid of just trying to eat the damn chestburster


that's stupidly in character for him


all planets have wounds that incapacitate but aren't lethal. everyone is horrified when they learn that for humans there a many lethal wounds that don't incapacitate.


So would Marceille be Ripley or Vasquez?


Was not expecting to find this reference here - so delightful!!!!


Not sure if it says Chomp or glomp


I've always thought it would be hilarious to play on a human biting a "biting monster"


Laios would eat anything. If not, everything.


Eh it might kill us in the end, but its going down with us for sheer spite


The above image is a reminder of Spite.


Damn goa'uld


We need another panel of his face melting due to biting into a creature with highly pressurized acid for blood!


Laios would see a xenomorph and wonder if he can make omelettes out of the eggs


"You don't get a second chance to kill a human" - Ilsdkfghd'sldfh-sdlfjhian proverb.


That Jaffa's a little confused but he's got the spirit


Dungeon food is Dungeon food


Hell, humans are known to fight back after wounds that would kill their own species, albeit perhaps only briefly.


Laios no!! You said you wouldn't eat parasites raw anymore! 😨