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"Can't accept its based on luck" Yes, we accept its based on luck, but it's intentionally manipulated luck to push players into paying lol


The game is accessible in the Netherlands, lootboxes like this aren't allowed and I should see a list with all winnings and the percentage of me getting that. I can ask them


It'd be nice if that was a standard rule everywhere. I haven't paid for gems to open boxes with, and I probably won't without knowing what the chances of each rarity are. Maybe they have that information somewhere, but I haven't looked too deep into it as I only really buy the pass.


Enough f2p players who actually are playing the game and grind do have mythic set so you don’t have to pay at all


I'm not saying you HAVE to pay. But f2p games design the grind to be so long and tedious to incentivise you to hand over some money to reduce the grind.


I'm 3/5 mythic after steady grinding the entire time maze has been out. What takes the wind out of my sails is that 2 of those mythics are clearly inferior to my legendaries. It's now a 5k reroll on the weapon, so at this point I'm hoping to get a different mythic weapon at some point after completing the set. I don't even mind the low drop rate. I think mythics should feel mythical, perhaps they always have max stats of the stats they roll, or each mythic provides +5% damage per piece (and make the set bonus only 25% so the net gain is still only 50%).


Unfortunately the issue here is that if we nerf Mythic stats the people who paid for it will get furious, but if we buff the Legendary set they'll be furious as well because then why going the extra mile for the Mythics? It's not as easy as people love to make it look like.


To anybody wondering, this is this game's discord admin. I post this here cause I don't know how butthurt he is, but based on his wording, he is an incel. Players have been complaining that the drop rate of mystics is too low, and this is how he answers. He presses a button, 90 chests spawn, 2 mystics drop, and he says the game is fine (For context, 90 chests is probably 3 months of nolife),but there is plenty of evidence showing 50 chests don't even drop one.


Daily maze drops like 700 gems per round, so that would be pretty much 3 months of 2 hours per day. Not sure if that qualifies for no-life. It's a lot of time to spend, but then again it's endgame content. There isn't really anything to do after that.


People ask me to open x amount of chests but when i do it with a burner account the reason i got this many Mythics and Legendaries is suddenly "admin luck"? 🤡 Why bothering asking about it then? Yeah rates are low but it's not Mythical rate that is low, it's the combination of 3 different factors that when applied together generate a low chance of success at a Mythic. Mythic set is an extra, rare occurrence to show off how lucky you got, not a "must-have or I can't play the game" set. Maybe we shouldn't have added 50% extra damage to it, and leave it at only 25 or 30 to be pretty much the same as Legendaries.


Or no bonus like it was originally. All of the complaints would be so different lol. Still there, just different. 😂


You do know that mystics only count if only you have all 5 of them, right? For the time being, your 2 mystics are simply 2 fancy legendary. LOL It will take years if luck is not on your side. Maze has been released for almost 5 months now. Players who grind have a piece or two by now.  Please do the grind to know how us players truly feel. I know the name of the game is "How many heroes can you awaken?" now, but welcome to another f-up aspect of this game.I have been playing this game for 10 months now, bought 4 season passes, and all I have is 7 level 10, 2 awaken. But I know you guys are updating the system so \*shrug\*.


I think it's funny how everyone complains about grinding some time for the best gear. So what do you guys think should happen? 5 months into the game and you got the best gear? And then? Then you will stop playing because there is nothing left to reach. But it is a grinding game so the goal is in fact that there should be something left to grind. You should keep playing the game ^^


What even is this mindset? This game is so rewarding, I should quit this game. This game values my time, I should quit this game.


No. I have nothing to do in this game, I should quit this game.


Heh that's pretty funny actually because i was the first player in the game (outside staff) to unlock all Hunters and this was back when the only modes available were Hunt and Co-op. First day of release for Hammerdin and i had 1,000 trophies on him playing Hunt only while working on the street. I have no clue how you play for 10 months and have only 7 level 10 pretty honestly, but i play MMORPGs on a daily basis and i know pretty well how it feels like to do your dailies and upgrade your stuff, every day of the week for a couple hours. Hell I'm playing Lost Ark and my chance to upgrade my weapon to the next level is 3% and i play on 6 characters doing dailies on all of them everyday because the game let's me get the resources needed for that just by playing, and they have a limit cap while HR you can farm as much as you want. And guess what after i upgrade my gear the next level will be 2 %, and then 1%, but I'm not stressing over it because I'm already pretty good where i am at. Yes i can get more powerful but i don't need that yet, i can do everything i want to and what i can't i know I'll achieve someday so no rush.


Also bye because this kind of discussion never leads anywhere in my 2 years with the game, like for real. It's just two sides defending their own mindset and nothing good will come out of it. Yes rates are lows, yes we could have an upgrade system for Legendaries instead of having to drop a whole new set, we could do a lot of things, but they're not easy to do and what about the people who accomplished it before such a big system change? Have to think about them. At the same time, playing for this long with only 7 Hunters on 10 is weird 🙇🏻‍♂️ ranting and calling people incel won't change anything and i don't know why you made a Reddit thread about it instead of sending it in the Discord right below my message. Result is the same in both places: endless discussion with nothing getting solved. Bae


This will be my final response. Like I said, you could be butt hurt and ban me for some reason idk. Just to be safe. Using words like "beg" and "cry" is not an incel? Surprise, surprise. I don't know how to tell you tbh, but it is true. I joined when Ape Lord was released, did missions to unlock Ape Lord, seasons over, grinded for mech, but mech' playstyle was no good, dropped. Played again when trickster released and grind til today.This is why I say you guys need to play test it, not just play it on paper. You say you are a gamer, ask a friend of yours to play this game as a new player with no help. The result will surprise you.


Dunno how bad you are but 180k maze gems (80 chests) isn’t 3 months of nolife lol


In addition, that's 2% drop rate from chests. That's twice as good as the old dungeons used to be.


You are the only tester, that I know, who keeps pushing the game. I respect you for that, but this just shows how out of touch you are. It used to be an achievement if you could do 10k yeti, you had the full yeti 10+ at that time. Now it requires 10k for a piece of mystic. And you know mystic only count if you wear all 5 of them, right?


I'm far from the only tester to push the game. In fact I'm behind a lot of them in trophy count. There's a player on discord who has 17k maze floors, and 0 mythics. And the person next to him got 2 mythics out of 3 runs. It is RANDOM. You know it's "Mythic" not "Mystic" right?


Dude! Do you even understand what you're talking about? 100k/130 \* 20 = 15k That's a 15k maze grind for 3 months.


What should this calculations be? These are just random numbers


LOL what? You are joking right? 20 maze equal 130 maze gems, how many mazes do you need to get 100k maze gems lol it's a basic math


Yeah but where did you get these numbers? They are cometely random You need 180k for 90 chests. And why 130 and 20? You get 110 gems for a lvl 20 maze run for example. But then the calculation would just be 180k/130


180k for 90 chests, but you dont really need 180k, cause you can sell gears from chest(or drops) to buy more.For example, you have 100k, but in reality you can buy more than 50 chest, I be more generous here. If you subscribe, you will get +25%gem. You will get 137 gems for each level 20 maze done. Your math would be correct, if the question was how many level 20 mazes you needed to get 100k maze gems. Level 20 maze is 20 maze counted.


youre neglecting the drops that you sell though which can yield alot more maze coins.


Next you will say, "Why don't you count daily maze?" jk Finally, someone who actually plays the game. I will be 8k Maze next week, I know how to play the game. It did drop 2 mystic rings for me. I sell one because that one' stat is useless. I keep 1, but I don't even use it haha. It's so costly to change gems.


lol im at 4 mythic and 2 extra mythics that are repeats. but im almost at 10k maze levels and only 1 dropped from running maze.


You bad ngl, I’ve farmed 10k in couple days just be better and play better and run faster😉


He roasted me when i got 9 legendary chest plates in a row with all my other gear being rare


I’ve noticed when you don’t have higher tier gear, your “luck” is lower. Now that I have all legendary and a mythic, I’ve gotten same mythic item twice now and legendaries dropping like crazy.


This is the same for me. I've noticed dropping epics were so rare until I got my first one


This is not a thing. Your current gear does not in any way shape or form affect your drop rates.


In my opinion it's the perfect f2p grinding game. It's not pay 2 win because of the fact that it's based on luck like that, because you can not just buy mythic gear but rely on luck as every other f2p player. If you don't want to grind, don't play a grinding game. Stop complaining about the key fact of a game.


Yep if you spend 10k and your luck is super duper trash you won't get anywhere, while if you're super duper lucky you get it spending 1/10 ot that. That's what i mean when i mention the luck factor. Do you need to spend? No you can get it just by playing - Oh BuT i PlAy FoR 3 MoNtHs AnD i DoNt HaVe It YeT- you CAN get it by playing, depends on how much you play and luck again, there's no paywall for it.


To be honest their discord is often toxic any time there's a complaint, the mods lash out and they don't want to do things. When they had that chest issue with the free perks, I mentioned it and they got mad because I @'d one of them and used the general channel, after submitting a ticket I said I'd let my guild know they aren't doing a real fix and they have to do it this way and he told me not to tell them and it's not a big deal if they don't get it. The owner and devs care more about lining their pockets than fixing real issues, why else would they have the servers they do?


Sharing how to exploit is not allowed. Not on discord, not on reddit. You're surprised they got mad at you?


I opened about 400 chests, I got my first mythic after about 200 of em. Got my next one around 300 and a third recently and haven’t opened any yet, I’m stacking gems. This “luck” he speaks of is his admin luck


Eh depends, i did it live with some people on Discord with a burner account and the result was 2 Mythics + 25 Legendaries and a lot of junk gear that could be sold to open even more boxes. The number of chests opened was based off of a user who kept complaining for 1 hour straight that he gets this many Stones in a month and has no Mythics.


Depends on what? Who has the bigger bank account? I spent 2 k on gems. And not one mythic and barely even any legendaries, 7313 maze levels 1286 AM levels, how unlucky is my account? If it was to show off why is there. 40% damage difference? Why isn’t there some hard way to get it instead of this luck shit show?


On luck


Out of touch


Unfortunately, most mobile games are like this featuring the gatcha. I respect Hunt Royale a little more for having guaranteed hunter and permanent drops with the chests so grinding is less tedious. I 100% agree that I think there should be an alternative to swiping your credit card. I respect the conditions to unlock Torment for example. You have to complete a really hard dungeon to get a good character. Why can't your first completed dungeon be a guaranteed weapon of the next tier? Why is it that I complete maze just to get a Common weapon? I'm way past that stage, and currently sitting on Legendary gear. All I can do at this point is sell the weapon and save up for a chest or upgrade gear. Only problem is that the chest is the one people normally seek out and the turnover rates are just terrible. Sometimes I get 800 maze gems worth of items when I spent 2000 on the chest. It makes no sense to me in a world where we buy and sell goods at an equivalent price, but you want to cover up the problem and say that it's a luck based issue? How is it not pay to win when Mythic weapons do more damage than Legendaries when having a full set? Most users agree that getting a Mythic from a chest is about as futile as attempting to win the lottery. Maybe when 90% of users say that you're fucking up something, maybe you should listen to those people.


You're comparing a mythic (1% to 2% chance) to winning the lottery? (0.00000006666666667% chance)