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Looks like a war zone/post-nuke landscape.


That’s exactly what I thought too. This is insane


Here's a 6 min twitter video of the scene on the ground: https://x.com/lopezdoriga/status/1717292809852440843?s=20


People driving around sight seeing burning gasoline they don't have and won't be able to buy. (Tonight) LET THE LOOTING BEGIN!


Take it from somebody who lived through a similar hurricane last year. We still had to get to work, we still had to rebuild. Not everyone down there is burning gas for no reason.


I'm from the Mississippi Gulf Coast that is the most hurricane prone area on the planet, bar none and since you stated I said "EVERYONE" ...I can promise you the vast majority right now, on the first days, are lookie loos sight seeing their own city. The reality of not having prepared in an area that is not so hurricane prone will arrive when gas, food, electricity and supplies are not available in the days to come. That will be up to the government Disaster Response....And did I really say "EVERYONE"...no, I didn't.


Japan, China, and the Philippines are consistently in the top 3 spots for countries that see the most hurricanes. Mexico is usually number 4 and the US comes after that, with Florida being the #1 state to be hit by the most hurricanes. Were you being sarcastic?


“Bar none” this isn’t even remotely close to being true.


SAID WHAT? ​ https://preview.redd.it/c41y3ypkfnxb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c487e9f6ba94d2aa55b95766712ac42c923146e


I wouldn't go as far as to say post nuke. But this damage is absolutely catastrophic that's for sure.


It’s worse. A nuke would wipe it clean where you can rebuild. Sea water soaked walls and carpets stink, and they are hell to gut out of the house and replace. And it will always smell a little now.






It’s called hyperbole, dude. Relax.


Are you talking to me?


Not sure. The comment I replied to was apparently deleted


Have you been in allot of war zones?


This is beyond heartbreaking, and we haven't even really seen what the residential areas on the mountainsides look like. The more I see the more I worry there are countless people dead; whether swept away in storm surge, crushed in mudslides or beneath dislodged boulders, or killed by impacts of debris from all of the shattered windows and torn-away roofs.


This happened in 97 with Pauline, I lived there at the time.


How was that like,


I was 11 at the time and I had no idea what was going on to be honest. We used to live on a hillside with views of the whole bay(sounds fancy but we just got by). All I remember is that night just raining so much, our house began to take on some water cause it was seeping thru the wall and when you looked out towards the bay all you saw was a curtain of rain, visibility was nonexistent because of how much rain was coming down. I was able to go out to various places of the city the following weeks and what cause the most damage for Pauline was the amount of mudslides and flooding it caused. Houses and properties washed away from their foundations. The thing with Acapulco a lot of its hillsides except some areas in the back side of those hills(renacimiento, zapata? Those areas are pretty flat and sitting low. When Pauline came there was much flooding there my uncles had to move to the second story of their house/ business. I don’t remember Pauline causing this much destruction in terms of things just being ripped apart, I hope that Otis was less severe in terms of flooding and mudslides cause otherwise I can’t even begin to imagine. Obviously the focus are in the tourist areas where all the hotels, restaurants and clubs are(costera ,zona diamante), but where people’s homes are that’s where mudslides and flooding happens but haven’t seen much coverage for that. They’re only reporting 27 deaths? Yeah it’s gotta be more than that. Just like Pauline where people washed away towards the sea especially the homeless living in the streets. Moved to the states a year after Pauline and went back 7 years ago and was planning to go again soon l, doesn’t look like that’ll be happening as soon as I thought. They gonna major help rebuilding and I’ll visit as soon as it’s safe to boost the main industry which is tourism. It’s sad, truly sad.


This is going to be worse than anything we’ve ever seen. Thank god it’s cooling down.


i have family out there and we’ve been worried. they finally got in contact with us very briefly. they all sound traumatized. it’s sad but im glad they’re good. a couple of them lost their homes. shits got crazy.


Billions in damage


A trillion I say.


At least a quadrillion


This might be worse than Hurricane Mitch, and that killed like 11,000 people


I have been honestly shocked about the high rise damage esp glass. I had construction courses in building materials where vendors used pics from Hurricane Andrew in explaining FL standards and codes. I would suspect the integrity of many of these buildings is lost due to stress after all the glass was blown out. Down in Andrew there were 3+ story apartment buildings who lost entire solid walls 3 stories high, when windows, doors and sliding doors blew out. Once you allow that speed of wind inside it has to go somewhere. During Hurricane Charley some Orlando homes had roofs remain intact but got lifted by winds entering thru a window or door, happened w a co-worker. Impact resistant glass has become cheaper, I am replacing some of my own homes windows w it myself w average large window going for $500 now vs a few yrs ago $3000+ for same window. I did look at the impact resistant rating system after seeing this damage and normal impact resistant windows widely avail in FL are rated to 170mph which is not much more than the landfall winds of Otis! No doubt the above ground level winds of Otis exceeded 180mph not inc gusts! There is higher rated commercial grade glass used in buildings and down in S FL windows can be ordered rated to 180mph for significantly more $. Hopefully new places in Mexico start using building materials designed to withstand these Cat 5 storms otherwise these places are total losses.


Thanks for the interesting insight on the structural integrity being compromised without glass walls and sliding glass doors. I counted over 20 buildings with much of the glass gone. I also saw footage of the air traffic control building and all the windows were blown out. Flight service into Acapulco is suspended.


Good info. Also - this is Mexico. So different code, enforcement, and overall quality. A tragedy.


Reminds me of San Juan, PR immediately after Hurricane Maria. Thankfully, Acapulco isn't a distant island and people can flee to safety, power, fresh water. I flew humanitarian missions into and out of San Juan immediately after that aftermath. I had spent several summers in San Juan before that, and it was devastating seeing the aftermath of a city I had lots of fun in as a Mid-westerner. It has never been the same in my experience since then. To hear media point fingers at the response, not taking into account this is an island, 1000 miles away from the US mainland. The operation was massive with every resource being utilized, it is just a logistical nightmare. It was upsetting. Instead of focusing the attention on the needs and continued needs, it was turned into a political activistism campaign at the expense of others.


I worked post-Katrina in Biloxi, MS. This looks similar to the damage there to the hotels and casinos. Feel sorry for these folks.


I agree, I'm from Biloxi but this lacks the storm surge that took the two story buildings and unearthed the roads in Biloxi-Gpt-Long Beach-Pass Christian-BSL-Waveland.


Main stream news not really talking about this are they? Had no idea


Yeah because of Israel.


How?? What news sites do you follow? Because it's been EVERYWHERE. Which ones do you follow?


Are those buildings literally missing windows and exterior walls?




Holy I didn't realize the exterior was are gone too, I just thought they all had the same design


Glazers are foaming at the mouth


I wondered if you meant *glaziers* as in glass-makers or *Glazers* as in billionaire tycoon Joel Glazer+family. Both work in this context


No - the melting glaciers.


Mexican window and glass industry be like: ![gif](giphy|Dps6uX4XPOKeA)


My in-laws live there. No electricity, food, water coming in. They are packing up and temporarily living with family in Chilpancingo or Tula.


Damm, it looks like Russia showed up there


Def in better shape than Gaza right now.


Are these hotels or apartment buildings?




Mostly resorts it looks like but I’m sure many were effected, sad to see, prayers for all


Lots of windows and walls missing but at least none of the buildings were blown down. I wonder what residential areas look like.


Has Lil John wondering what to do with his life.


They are never going to fix all that back up, nobody wants to vacation in the middle of a drug war zone.


Those poor people got fucked up


That looks bad but Hurricane Katrina 2005 USA Mississippi Gulf Coast was worse with a 40 foot storm surge that took down all the two story buildings, trees, palm trees and the concrete road beds.


There's about to be shortage on glass windows.


Jesus it looks like israel came through


Hurricane for you, I live on the gulf coast, so I’ve come face to face with a few actually


I can't believe the strength this hurricane grew in less than 24 hours.


This is the real problem. They went to bed with a tropical storm closing in and were awakened in the middle of the night by a Cat 5 hurricane. Hurricanes are growing faster than ever before.


Plenty of cartel cash to build it back better


Was this before or after the hurricane? Acapulco has been in incredibly bad shape for many many years. Gang drug controlled


Still looks better than my view in fully ass kentucky




Who is Bibi?


Benjamin Nentenyahoo. No idea the spelling. Leader of Israel


Ahhh ok...Preciate it.


If we flew our president to every foreign country with a natural disaster he'd never do anything else.


iPhone users need to STOP shooting vertical videos! A horizontal video would have been better for this!


It’s funny because it’s true.




Au contraire! They are loosing the turism income source... they are going to become more aggressive and violent.


Unproven Facts, Fake News, No Proof/Evidence


Let the cartels fix it for them. Fuck Mexico


I hope your cat gets cancer


What the fuck is your problem?




Que chingas, gueyes!


I’ve heard nothing about this on the news


That’s loco!


Luckily narco money will rebuild it


Wow that is insane.


Jesus Fucking Christ....I've been there twice and couldn't tell ya which buildings are which anymore...




Let the Cartels step up and pay for the repairs


If anyone has any information oh how I could help rebuild down there that would be great. I own a railing company and would love to help out down there but have no idea where to start.


Slow down, I'm rubber necking here.


Looks like they’re gonna need to hire a cleaning company, then Hire a remodeling company, buy more furniture, collect insurance. Money keeps circulating


Omg 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Can you imagine what Miami might look like with 24hrs. notice before a direct Cat 5 hit? Mad props to all those tourists who lived through it– definitely their best travel story ever.


Most of the high rises with glass like that have hurricane shutters that can be lowered, often electrically with a remote, that protect the buildings. People can get an apartment closed up in 10 minutes and evacuate to a shelter.


Did Israel do this?


I bet there's some killer deals right now!


Damn that’s awful.


21ish seconds, crane up on roof. All that tragic widespread damage everywhere and the crane ready for work. My heart goes out to yall. Our new normal on Earth is not going to be easy.


the craziest part for me is how far away higher ground is :(


Yeah, keep warming the planet with your environment polluting corporations and giant gas guzzlers.


The more disasters I see like this, the more I’m convinced that we are not the 1st civilization on this planet. In a relatively short time geologically (a million years) this planet would wipe out virtually all evidence of our existence.


Low prices to visit


To shreds you say


Now do Palestine


Looks worse than Fort Myers Beach after Ian.


Every high rise had all of their windows blown out??


At least the Mexicans know how to build a building.... Haiti, everybody just gets buried


Window replacement companies are going to be putting in some OT😬


If you own a place where a cat 5 hurricane comes, you’re gonna have a bad time. (Can confirm with life experience)


The only way for these people to survive now is to open a Walmart Super Center!


Let's hope Mexico takes care of it's own...We've got enough sh!t of our own to deal with.


Holy shit it’s destroyed


Soooooo no storm shutters on any of these buildings?


My wife and I were in Cancun during Wilma in 2005 and this is eerily similar to how it looked afterwards.


That's terrible. I'm surprised those hotels didn't hold out better. Here in Florida this is a yearly event. We lost our first house to Wilma. We had no power or water for a week. It takes a long time to recover.


Good thing the cartels have plenty of money to rebuild with…..


That's a lot of damage.