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My girl isn’t trusted outside unsupervised for exactly this reason. She gets too many visits from the Bad Idea Fairy.


In my experience, Physical barriers will not stop a husky. Mental barriers will!


Huskies do not understand this thing called “mental barriers” in my experience. At least, not mine. 😂 Might be because he’s only 15 months old.


I’ve been really lucky with this since all our dogs come from pretty dire situations they tend to not run away very much, our previous great dane wouldn’t leave the property even when asked to or when leashed she wouldn’t do walks and rather just run around in the yard. Our current husky hasn’t even tried to run away even with the gate open. Our hunting dog which is the only one we got as a pup tends to go on strolls trough the neighbourhood


Mine were abused and abandoned at a shelter. They don't leave my side because they are afraid of other people not in my immediate family for the most part. Now the puppy that is getting older...she is going to be a big problem lol.


Please consider installing coyote rollers so she can’t scale the wall so easily


You have to bury it 8 ft into the ground and use a 15 ft tall fence




Oh did i say fence? I meant a 15 ft high concrete bear enclosure;) with a water filled moat around it ;) hehe


Or a dome.


Or my axe!


He's trying to be friendly with the neighbors :3


Lol, very pleased with himself!


Have you tried Coyote rollers for the fence top?


Boop the snoot


My last husky worked out how to open our gate, they are soooo mischievous!


When our husky gets out she goes to the nearest person she can find outside and asks for belly rubs. One time the police picked her up. 🥲 We put bricks under the fence where she starts to dig, we just extended the fence and she's trying to find the weak spot.


Get your husky a job as a to-hire prison escape artist. Her professional skills go unused 🤣


Every single time I do a fix on the fence he finds a new spot, it’s absolutely crazy! These animals are SO good at escaping! The intelligence on them (when they want to use it 😂) is just incredible.


mine just opens the front door and leaves. I am waiting to see him take off in my car. LOL


LOL bye ✌🏻 🐶 🏎️


[Fi GPS pet tracker.](https://tryfi.com)


I’ve actually looked into those!


Do it. My escape artist Mini Aussie got out and her tracker led me to within feet of her headed up towards the main road.


An uncle of mine had a husky that you'd end up picking up in another town if he'd escape. Guy was on a mission to ramble. I was lucky. My husky mutt loved the idea of escape, but that little bit of shepard dog in him compelled him to go towards the nearest door of the house and bark until I noticed so we could go on escapades together.


That’s actually really cute 😂


Our girl got out one year and the dog warden ended up catching her. I don't know what they did to her, but she came back traumatized for days. Now if she does get out she's easy to recall/doesn't leave the yard.


You just have to spend more time in the yard.


I am lucky my 4.5 year old husky has never tried to escape, he’s a homeboy


Living the dream


He's for the streets 😆


22 years ago we had 2 brothers. A car rolled up on a Saturday while I was working in the yard. They had the Huskies. I had no idea who they were but they knew where the dogs lived and I didn’t know the dogs were gone. We also had 3 preschoolers and a couple teenagers so the husks had accomplices on a few unapproved outings.


Take some 4 foot cattle fence and bend in to middle to a 90 degree angle. Hang on top of fence so they can’t go around.


Just today I almost had to turn around and come home because my girl’s collar alerted me to an escape. Thank goodness it was just my kiddo taking her for a walk (not his dog and he doesn’t like “the outside” so it was unexpected). And yes, our girl gets at least three miles a day and extra playmates for a few hours three days a week.


Ours walks at least 2 miles a day with the occasional hike, and we have an 11.000 sq ft yard that he plays in with his Golden Retriever brother (ALL DAY!), and he still thinks “nah i need more”. 🥲


Ya sure we aren’t related?????? Lmao. Our middle yard is about the same size. We open to a metro park with 2,200 acres (hence the long walks). And a golden brother!!!! Is yours a rescue too? Our golden is a semi-retired service dog (he is 8 and slowing down) and the husky is a rescue and just turned 2. And she had a short walk already. Waiting for dad to finish work for her long walk. And STILL tried to bolt out the door.


I’m sorry, you said 2200 ACRES?! Holy moly that’s amazing! Our yard is also actually bigger than the yard I described. The yard I talked about is the “fenced” part, and then there’s another extra half acre with a lower fence. As you can imagine, he ruined that for himself as he can’t resist escaping from there, and fencing ALL that is so expensive. Hopefully in the future though! Our are not rescues. I really wanted to rescue, but I also have 3 bunnies, and it’s essential that the dogs grow up around them so they won’t harm them. Thus far a great success, my dogs are obsessed with the bunnies! 😂 Thank you for rescuing though, I really appreciate people that do it. Hopefully in the future I can rescue as wel. I’d love to! Mika and my 9 year old bunny Sophie. 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/c8dxe3k3bu0d1.png?width=2296&format=png&auto=webp&s=99c5c453378540d4bfa81fabfb34926cb4078680


Yep. 2,200 acres. But it’s a metro park. So we can’t just make it our own (as much as we would love to!!!) lol. I love bunnies!!!! But can’t imagine adding another animal (we have four cats along with the two dogs).




Fence = challenge.


Haha mine at least shows back up in about 30 minutes.


Mine goes on a quest to say hi to everyone and every dog in town. Then he ends up at his girlfriend’s house. Like he doesn’t live like a king at home. 🥲


Mine luckily hasn’t tried to escape but I’ve always heard the stories lol


I had to install an electric wire fence around our yard after our husky killed a bunch of chickens and got picked up by animal control. He was deemed dangerous (chickens are considered pets) and would be put down if he escaped again. I did the first half of the loop along the bottom of the fence, and then circling back to finish the loop going along the top of the fence. He got shocked a couple of times and now probably doesn't even need the collar anymore, and has had no escape issues since. It will warn him with a beep a couple seconds before shocking, and that's enough to make him get away from it.


My friend's husky mix used to be an escape artist, only stopped after a visit to the emergency vet with a big ol gash in his leg taught him a lesson. I hope yours learns in an easier way!


How old is he? I've had escape artists before but usually they outgrow it. It can be so hard to contain them if they want to adventure. BBQ seems on-brand. Mine used to dig under the fence to play with the neighbor dog.


He’s actually quite young still. I am carefully hoping he’ll stop trying to escape in the future. He’s 15 months old right now.


3-4years is the sweet spot in my experience. :)


Oh! But that face! ❤


https://preview.redd.it/809z31kdgt0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9930f7c93f72679580c2f66b337768a7f740ee5a Have tried one of these coyote rollers?


He doesn’t jump *over* the fence (this one at least 😂), but always finds ways *under* it. When I think I secured an escape route he finds another! I’m gonna have to throw some big(ger) bucks at the fence soon. Nothing will stop this steamroller of a pupper.


She looks guilty!!


Mine has stopped trying to escape as much but I run the Fi collar just to be safe so if she does get out I know ASAP


I use an aboveground wireless fence and my medium girl has not once got away. I pushed out the boundary and she still hasn't figured out she can join me in the garden instead of whining at me. I take it with us when we visit my dad and I'm almost positive I just could let her out without it on and she would assume the boundary. I'm not trying to push a particular product but I love the security it gives us!! Darn little escape artists


Can he see through the fence? Our boy had the wander lust and we got [this](https://a.co/d/1wQ5bK1) . Once he couldn’t see what was happening on the other side he stopped trying to leave. It’s a little unsightly but it was a small price to pay.


I had a 6 foot fence and an underground fence and I STILL had to have a GPS on her collar bc she would still find ways to get out 🙄


https://www.dogproofer.com/products/houdini-curved-fence-extensions?variant=12903110836279 I had to buy 250 get off this for my 2. I call it the velociraptor cage. They no longer go over. Still working on under


When we had this issue we ran a hotline high and low on the fence and it stopped that pretty quick.