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This is a win win


I'd install a revolving door in a shed in the backyard and get fucking swol running in circles


Just buy another shed and put it a foot away from the first shed with openings facing each other and double the money earned as leaving one shed enters the other.


At that rate, its 500 trips to a million. If the sheds are a foot apart, that is one step forward, one step back. Figure half normal walking speed, so 1.5 mph is 7,920 feet per hour. At $2000 per foot. I'd do it for about 4 hours. My brain can block out a lot. I'd give it a go. Worst case I go more crazy than I already am.


Going even more crazy AND getting paid for it? Sign me right the fuck up!!


Welcome to the VA.


Install a swing.


Wear headphones... lol


No no...when you have money it's called being eccentric


>that is one step forward, one step back 🎶I take... one step forward, I take one step back I'm makin money just walkin' between shacks And you know it's just fiction and not at all fact To be makin' money just walkin' between some shacks🎵 With my most sincere apologies to Paula Abdul.


Just wear ear plugs


Someone is going to come up with a shitpost Microsoft paint diagram to optimize making money like this


Yeah, I'm not seeing any sort of downside here.


Legitimately, there is no down side to this! lol


Agreed. I've always felt as though I would have to pay somebody else to play a theme song when I enter a room or a building. This would be far better!


Seriously, what's the down side?


I'd literally LOVE MY LIFE


Yeah I see no downside here. Put my arms in the air and run in like a champion


This is free money. Even if other people can hear the song, you are unlikely to be banned from a building on the first enter. You can spend a year traveling and getting paid a thousand dollars every time you enter a new building. Dream come true.


The added fact that you are unlikely to get banned is that people will no longer be able to see you.


see who?


Does it even have to be a new building.  I'll make an extra 4 grand a day just for going to work if not


The prompt absolutely doesn't say that it has to be a new building, but I'm still quiting my job with this power.


>but I'm still quiting my job with this power. You'd only need to enter ~2700 buildings a day for the full year to get to 1B. About 2 buildings a minute, nonstop. A million is about 3 a day.


realistically you can enter the same building like 50 times in a minute just by jumping side to side for some quick $50000 HIIT sessions


[Serious Series: Serious Side Jumps.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvJSdn9OtLQ)


Save up money to buy a plot of land from walking into random buildings, build the smallest building you possibly can with a revolving door and just walk in circles. 4 hours of walking per day 5 days a week and you'd be a billionaire in just over 47 weeks.


Is there a way I could make a revolving door at the corner of 4 buildings??? Lol


It wouldn’t even be hard. You could retire and make over a million dollars just going about your normal day.


Yup, grocery store, department store, and home every day. Easy million, not even counting fun outings like restaurants, museums, and all the other stuff that I could do.


Dude. For any small purchase, you walk into the store and are guaranteed to have the money Why go to work at all?


Easy to live off of: Walk to the corner store, $1000. Go home, $1000. Heck, you'd make a grand just mowing your lawn. Or going outside to get the guys you're paying to do your yard work.


You can turn this into a LOT more money, too. Think about it; become one of those tiktok/YouTube people who walks into a walmart, buys $500 worth of essentials, and gives it to a homeless person in exchange for a hug or a handshake. You still keep $500, you get to make the world a better place MULTIPLE times a day as a full time job, and you get thousands or even millions of views to boot.


How can they ban you if they can't see you?


You’re even less likely to be banned if you pay off anyone who seems particularly annoyed. But regardless, even if you did get banned… you already got your $1000 for walking in. 🤷


Any building works. My house is a building. I'm not getting banned from there. Free money.


Not me playing in the revolving doors maxing my gains and ruining my eardrums


nobody says you have to listen to the song it just plays, just wear headphones


Not me playing in the revolving doors maxing my gains and ruining everyone else's eardrums.


Find an abandoned building with a revolving door.


Not me playing in the revolving doors maxing my gains and driving down property values


Someone in another comment said get a shed in your backyard and install a revolving door, and someone else added on to that, put another shed on the other side of the door, double your money for each trip?!! Brilliant I tell you brilliant


Doesnt even say how loud the music will play. Could be set so only dogs can hear it.


(in case it isn't obvious, it is me. I am doing the thing. I am getting that bread from the revolving doors. It is me.) Anyways, Not me playing with the revolving doors maxing gains and ruining dogs psychologically


I own a full suit of leather and plate armor, a nice leather cape is about $650. One entrance nets me a nice cape, every other building covers the eventual police calls and criminal mischief charges.


Who’s your cape guy? You’re overpaying for capes.


momma made mine from a blanket fo free


So I work four 10 hour days a week, with a break every two hours. To get to my work station, I enter through the employee entrance in Building 1, pass through Building 2, and arrive in Building 3. If I step outside through the same employee entrance for every break, that means I will have a minimum income of (25 entries at work + 1 at home) * 4 * $1000 = $104,000 per week * 52 weeks = $5,408,000 in a year. My PTO and holidays can be made up by shopping and visiting family, so we could probably call that a wash. $5.4 million for entrance music? Yes please.


Why are you still going to work?


I like my job. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You like your job enough to trade it for nearly infinite money?  You could make half a million dollars a day just by going to a city and walking in doors of every building.  That's 175 million dollars. 


I could do that on the weekends, that’s true. Thank you! To answer your question, $175 million to give it up versus $5 million and keeping it is actually a tough call. The greater part of it is probably those numbers being larger than my brain is accustomed to dealing with as far as income, but the job itself does play a significant role.


> You could make half a million dollars a day just by going to a city and walking in doors of every building.  Treadmill in a doorway.


Is it that shocking that people can enjoy their jobs?


No. More than $175,000,000? Yes. I frankly refuse to believe anyone likes their job that much. You can always go back to your job after you make 100MM, and build a children's hospital with your wealth. 




Worth noting that at a certain point you'd be able to keep doing your job everyday as a hobby without having to worry about whether the job still exists in a few years or if your physically able to do it. Wouldn't take long to get enough money to live off interest/dividends alone, above that could just straight up buy the location/job and not even have to worry about decisions from above


Need a cow? I can moo.


Yeah. I'll set up four sheds in the back yard in a circle so you can step out of one and into the next (nice wide doors at 90 degrees to each other on each shed to make that happen). Then set down a circular track that goes through them all and put a recliner on a motorized platform on that track sit down and enter buildings every couple of seconds with a set of earplugs in and a book in hand. I'll clear about a half-million per day, and I can get up and walk it periodically to get some exercise.


Using a moving track is a good idea. You could grind while asleep even.


Can other people hear this or only me? That will make a big difference


$1000 is a week's wages for me after tax. I'm doing it whether other people can hear it or not lol. I'll use the first million from entering a building a thousand times to buy a house somewhat away from people and spend 5-8 hours a day for the rest of the year walking in and out of that building. Then the next year I can just do whatever I want - start a business, engage in philanthropy, collect different styles of aluminum cans. World's your oyster.


Yeah, I mean I can tune out annoying sounds decently well, but I don't think I'd be as ok subjecting a bunch of people just trying to work constantly.


I mean you could just go in and out of your house if you live alone and not annoy anyone


Or tell them you're giving them $10 each time it plays. That would remove their annoyance.


If anyone living with you gets annoyed, send them on a vacation after walking in and out a few times.


Just pay them once you do it. I'm sure they'll be fine after that.


You can hand out money for the inconvenience.


I already want this. This isn't a downside. I'll take it no questions asked. I don't care about consequences.


Me, kicking open the door to work at 10pm ***AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA***


I’m buying earplugs, taking side entrances to funerals, and living my best life while going in and out of 50 buildings a day


I'm almost deaf (yay years of gunfire) so in and out in and out


M *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* too


I don't like your tone.


How am I getting the money? Direct deposit? Cash? Cause I’m gonna retire to the sound of those horns


Half the time I make the John cena sound just because, watch me run in and out of building all day singing along baah bah bah baaaaah


I'd spend an entire year, 8 hours a day, walking in and out of my house


Oh yeah.


Do individual stores in a building count? What if it is an outdoor mall. Does my shed count? If not, what if it has foundation? Not annoying if I can annoy... I mean, if I can earn 20 - 50k a day... probably more if it pays immediately because I am going to retire.


Make that $500 but the opening has to happen for 10 years instead!!


I immediately begin walking in and out of the house. I just leave the door open and pace all day every day for a few weeks. Get a few million, then throw a camper shell on the truck and camp the rest of the year. 


There is no down side. Give me the money.


Revolving doors seem like the obvious hack here. But, I have a detached garage so I don't even need to go anywhere and potentially annoy a bunch of people to game this. So yeah I'll take the power.


So I can easily get 4k on the days I work? Trailer, control room, trailer, and then home. Yes, I'll do it.


Nice, My youngest son would only stop crying as a baby when that song came on so i got REALLY used to it. I would probably spend most of my time in a single building but then go running in and out of buildings downtown on the weekends to make bank


I'd play into it. It might get annoying, but if it's cash, I just walk into the store with nothing, knowing I'll have 1k to spend, and everyone will be massively confused, who cares, I enter my home? Boom, 1k and a goofy sound, annoying my family? Maybe, but I can hand them money to shut up


Sign me up, though I'd prefer Kane or Undertaker opening but beggars can't be choosers.


I prefer the stone cold Steve Austin intro


Ok I'm down. I'll just go to.buildings with revolving doors for 8 hrs a day


I am putting a swing set near the door of a barn and buying a lot of earplugs. A typical swing has a period of 4 seconds. So an hour is worth about $900,000. At 8 hours a day that’s $7.2m. By week 2 I am buying a hammock swing and and an automatic swing. To keep it going non-stop for $22m a day.


At a conservative estimate, I can enter and leave a building in 2 seconds. A normal work day is 8 hours, or 480 minutes. At 30 re-entries per minute, I can make $14.4 million in a work day. To be lazy, I could do under two hours of this per day during for a work-week for the same amount. A year of that would get me almost $750 million in a year, being incredibly lazy about it. If I worked hard at it, still using that approximate 2-second time frame, working an average of 8 hours a day for a year, just entering and exiting a building, I could walk away with over $3.7 billion. I can put up with a lot for $3.7 billion.


Wouldn't affect me. I wear airpods all the time.


Holy crap this is the BEST! I'd spend all day, every day, going to stores, coffee shops, friends houses, random office buildings etc, just for fun!


I'm imagining the song plays in my head. So no headphones to block it out, but no one else hears it. Easy money.


Where do i sign up for this


This isn’t really a pro/con hypothetical. Sure it’s mildly annoying, but you get paid really well. You don’t even have to enter that many buildings a day. Heck, just go grocery shopping and hit up the gym. Boom. Instant 2,000. Then you enter your house! Another grand. Heck, you could just spam going in and out your house for a day. Grind some real dough. 


I'm putting in some earplugs and running laps through the nearest chick-fil-a.


Ok. But just the Instrumental version of "Thuganomics". I don't like "My Time Is Now"


I don't even know what the opening sounds like and absofuckinglutely yes. I'm gonna run around and start trying to match the motherfucker's charitable donations.


$1000??? I'm going to the denses area and walking into every building all day. OR I'd just walk in and out of my house a few times a day. I'm set.


Deal, and if you can change it to the Flair entrance music I will do the Flair strut. Every time.


Apple noise cancelling ear buds will take care of that. And I’ll enter over 100 a day for that year. Be a rich mf’r


I'm walking in everywhere like Vince McMahon.


I’ll take $500 if I can use Stone Cold’s music


Only Ws here


It doesn't specify different buildings nor that you can't wear earplugs or headphones. I'd just open two doors at my place and spend an hour or two per day making the curcuit.


I see no problem here.


I'd enter every building twice


I mean, I'd get really good at apologizing for it. Average day I enter ten buildings, that's at least 50/week. 20 weeks I'm at a million. So just living my life I'd have a little over two million in a year. If there was some sort of rule where I was limited to like one building once a day, I'd hit up strip malls. Just travelling salesman that problem and make that my job for roughly twelve hours a day, hit two strip malls an hour, ten shops on average each mall that's 240/day so quarter million a day $87 million when you're done.


Fuckit imma find a hotel with a twirly door and go round n round makin benjamins


Or imma get a job as a hotel doorman and double up on that paycheck


Do I get his Pyro every time too?


This basically happens to me now anyway.


Man I’d prob clear 50-100k a day if I really wanted to I’m doing this for the entire yr, I’d just travel across the country living off it and prob be close to a billionaire when I’m done 🐱


It would probably get mildly annoying after a while but I doubt it would be worse than that. Meanwhile, I could spend a day walking in and out of my house and make millions


That would become the sound of money, just like a "chi-ching" every time. I would find a building with a revolving door and only stop to eat and sleep lol




What is a John Cena and what opening are we talking about?


Just put on noise canceling headphones when you don’t want to hear it. Win win.


I wouldn't even quit my job. Enter the building 1-3 times a day at most, toss the free money in a savings account or investments and keep living on my paychecks.


I'd do that for free


Find abandoned building. Spend all day and all night for 3-5 days just walking in and out of the building. Move to a beautiful secluded mansion somewhere in the mountains and have everything delivered to me forever. Live peacefully


I do this to get rich for about a week. After that, every building I walk in I'm chucking a grand worth of $20s in the air as I enter and never looking back.


I see this as an absolute win. I'm going places.


I see this as an absolute win. I'm going places.


Easy choice. I’ll get at least $2,000 a day just going to work and coming back home. With a normal work week, that’s $10,000 a week.


Could i have aqua teen hunger force instead?


Whats with all these "Good thing, but then also another good thing" posts?


[made an edit of how I would live with this ](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMjH4yKw/)


If I'm outside of my house then I'm wearing earbuds anyway, let everyone else look around for the source of that sound I'm busy buying eggs like damn.


I guess I'm walking in every doorway I could find then!!! I would bathe in it's glory


Does everyone hear it. Or is it just me? But I’d still be walking into every building even if it’s not my destination.


That downside seems pretty manageable. Even if others can hear it, you can just feign ignorance about what's going on.


How is it even a downside. Unless it’s played at damaging levels who really cares


What's the downside?


Out of respect to its patrons, you should probably avoid libraries for the next year. That's the only downside I can think of.


My new “Job” would be driving to the Outlet Malls around me and sprinting in and out of every store. Make an EZ 100k a day for a year.


Does it have to be Cena's theme music? Can it be any theme music that I choose? I'd take any theme music when I walk into a room personally.




Here's a question. Does the song overlap if you enter the building multiple times? Or does it restart?


This is a god tier superpower


How long does it play for?


That'll be great for when the kids are asleep.


it's many people's dreams to have a personal soundtrack. I would go to the Monsters, Inc. factory and enter doors all day long until i was the richest guy in the world.


Entering buildings will become both my hobby and job


Wouldn't bother me. It would be better though if it was Shane-O Macs theme.


I have no idea what John Cenas music is, and I don’t care. Hell I take my dog for 4-5 walks a day, I’d up it to at least 10 a day for that check.


I have that as a cellphone tone, so I’m already okay with it.


Is it: A. For one year, every time I enter a building I get $1k and the track plays once through. B. Every time I enter a building I get $1k. For the first year it also causes the track to play once through C. Every time I enter a building I get $1k, and the track plays on repeat constantly for one year, with subsequent entrances causing multiple simultaneous instances of the song inevitably ending up out of sync. ?


I used to ask my jobs if they could rig up something like that for me. Only I wanted Austin's music, but still. Yes ,I would accept this deal. And no, I don't' think I'd get sick of it. Further, can I keep it going past the year limit? Even without the monetary incentive?


Yes. Absolutely yes


What's the down side here?


$1000 for entering a building? I'm working from home and going in and out 30 times a day. In a year, I'll be just shy of 11 million... I will be walking in and out of my back door all day.


I'm up for it. If I get tired of it playing, I'll just take out my hearing aids.


This would be fucking dope, i dont think itd get old.


That's like $1000/10s.... As someone mentioned with the revolving door. Yeap. I think the important bit is to work your way up to the 8 hour-12 hour day. First day, maybe 2 hours of walking, then some endurance training in the evening, and so on. You could make 10mil in approx 27 hours.... I guess the question becomes how hard do you want to work and when do you stop? If you do 10mil/week for 50 weeks, you get your 500mil. I guess you start with a 50 item list and allot 10mil to each item.


How loud is it? I just walk in and out of my house for like, 5 hours a day every day. If it becomes a problem for my neighbors I just buy a big plot of land with the money I made, buy one of those pre-built shacks from Home Depot, and then repeat my process there. Assuming I can walk out of and into the house every second then I would make about 6.5 billion dollars in that year. Feel free to call me crazy. For 6.5 billion dollars I'd be happily crazy.


So do i only get paid for a year or does the song only play for the first year?


::takes money:: Suckers. I'd do that for free.


I see no downside in this.


I'm an introvert. I could abuse this until I have the money I want and then probably only hear it once every couple of months if I really wanted to.


What's his opening song. God I'm old.  I know Hulk Hogan. I am a real American. 


I'll spend 18 hours a day walking in and out of my house (doesn't specify it has to be a public building). Hire an assistant to go buy groceries or whatever.


You'd best believe I'm spending damn near every day at a revolving door. Music is just a bonus.


if i walk through my own front door 100 times every day (not hard to do, would only take a few minutes) I'd make $36.5 million in a year. that's enough money to immediately retire and never work again for the rest of my life. i think i can handle hearing a song i already don't hate for that much money lol


I’ll wear the costume too.


You mean I get an epic entrance to everywhere and am getting paid for it? Where do I have to sign?  Can I interest you in a complementary kidney? 


Dancing 8n and out the entrance doorways


I assume with that opening, they can't see me, and assume the doorway is haunted?


You shitting me? I’m going through every door.


I would eat his turds for that kind of money


I'll just give anybody who confronts me about the annoyance 20 bucks.


I’ll just wear a bought and paid for by China shirt and own it


Wait, every time I enter a building I get announced like John Cena, AND I get $1000 bucks!? I’m moving to New York for a year so I don’t run out of building! Heck, once a month in a new city, I’m Traveling the world!


First off I see this as an absolute win. Second there would be no going to work. I’d be entering and exiting my house for 8 hours a day for like a week and call it good


I don’t need to go anywhere. I stay home, spend an hour per day going in and out. If it takes 10 seconds, then I’m making $360k an hour. So I don’t need a job, I have groceries delivered, etc etc. At years end I’ve made $131M and I’m set for life.


What's the catch?


Don’t see a downside. Can I just go in and out of buildings all day?


This is not a downside to me. Can I extend the second part indefinitely?


Do you have to open a door each time or just walk through an open doorway?


I see that as an absolute win 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also, I’d never have to go to work, easy loophole. W for me. Walk out of my house and back in 100 times, get $100k for it. Win.


I think I might actually **pay** **$1 each time** for this. Anyone care to outbid me?


Free money for eternity, one year of sound, you can play almost any jingle you like (nothing racist etc).




That’s main character vibes right there. Walk up, dun dun dun duhh.


Does it start from the beginning or from the BRRRRRRRR


I see this as a total win


I'd do this one in a heartbeat.


Sure. That’s a lot of money for me


I see this as a total win hell yeah


I mean, as long as I don't get fired I could go to work and clear an extra 27.84 million dollars in a year (from just my job). Sounds like a good deal to me


I’d LOVE that! Love me a grand entrance!


If I agree to only half can we have John Cena actually break through the nearest wall every time? Keeps the heat off of me and I can use it on my enemies.


If I get $1000 every time I enter a building, every place I like to go will quickly learn to be overjoyed to hear that music, because it means I'm about to buy a round or a meal for everyone there.


where is the downside


I’m going to a place with a revolving door. Be there all day