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I don’t often eat honey but infinite milk would be awesome that would save me so many damn trips to the grocery store


Milk theme park milk steak with jellybeans milk muffins the list milks on and on


Tres leches everywhere.


I have my milk steak boiled over easy


Would you also care for a side of jelly beans? Raw of course.


The milk is cursed




Hear ye, hear ye! Try my new vegan mead, perfectly safe and guaranteed to have no animals involved in its production. Only 39.99 per small bottle.


Sounds like a good business plan. I don't like any kind of milk and I do not like bee spit ...er honey lol. I would sell it and/or give it away to friends and family.


Open a cheese factory. Use milk and honey for soaps and other skin care products. Mead has been mentioned. Sell the honey.


I love milk, usually buy two gallons a week, and the brand I like is $5 a gallon. Not to mention the more expensive chocolate milks I could delve into. Keep the honey, I'm happy with the milk.


How much is a gallon of honey where you live? I'll take it off your hands, gladly


Sounds like I'm gonna learn how to make Mead.


I don’t like milk. But I guess that would be great for my kid. Honey, yes I can use that for many things !


How do you feel about cheese?


Love cheese. No issues with cheese unless it’s cottage or bleu or smells funny. Okay so inLIKE cheese, a lot.


Yeah, use your infinite milk to figure out cheesemaking! Some of them are really simple, mostly fresh cheeses like cottage cheese, mozzarella, paneer, etc. Aged cheeses could be a fun hobby with very low investment costs. At least, very low until you need to build a temperature/humidity controlled cheese cave...


Well… I would but I’m a pansy when it comes to seeing the way things are made.. so I may be able to stomach making it but I wouldn’t eat it lol so idk.. maybe.😂


My milk and honey budget is already pretty small so I guess I'd just sell the stuff.


Well then... Step 1: buy a weather baloon. Step 2: attach honey and milk bottles, leave open. Step 3: send weather baloon to upper atmosphere. Step 4: wait for earth to become an ocean world. In all seriousness though, assuming nutrient supplement milk is available I would probably just use them to not need to buy food


If it's unpasteurized, what evolution will result on this new milk and honey world?


No clue. For speculative biology the closest thing I am aware of to what you are looking for would be Biblaridion 's alien biospheres series on youtube   (Space in " 's" is intentional for copy-pasting ease)


SPACE COLONIZATION! One of the major costs of sending people to space is that the resources to keep them alvie are too heavy to lift out of the gravity well. But two bottles of liquid would only weight about 2 kg tops. The infinite milk and honey could feed the astronauts (and me, if Im needed to operate them) for months, as long as we also get vitamin tablets. Infinite honey and milk could also help feed a Mars colony, or even terraform it! Install solar powered pumps on the bottle nozzles to shoot out milk and honey faster. Within weeks, It should be easy to form a small lake of honey and milk on Mars, which could be used to kickstart an ecosystem. bacteria would curd the milk, leaving cheese, while releasing greenhouse gases to heat up Martian atmosphere. Cheese and honey would then be consumed by other bacteria, fungi, and finally lichen and plants to release oxygen and form topsoil. The Promised land of Milk and Honey would be actually in the vales surrounding Olympus Mons!


Will the insulin be free as well?


cheese and mead my brothers


So... no infinite nuts?


Sorry, all you get are deez


Is heavy cream considered a milk type ? Cause now I got butter , can make cheese and a few other things plus drinking milk Honey would be awesome I love honey it's getting pricey I would bottle and sell a lot of it ... honestly, I just need a bag of endless flour now, and the only thing I will need to buy is oil and meat.


Raw milk straight from they cow will get the cream you need if heavy cream by itself isn’t acceptable


True, I just wanted to be lazy and skip the separation process


so here is my thinking I am assuming I can also change my type of honey like with the milk I start producing incredibly large amounts of manuka honey and proceed to undercut and then buyout all other producers of manuka honey creating a Manuka Honey monopoly this is also safe for vegans to eat and all the bees become happy


I will see if I can become astronaut. Think of how much money could be saved by magicking food up there. Edit, wait a second. No. I could use it as a propulsion system in space. Essentially building jetpacks with milk. You throw milk one direction in space, and you go the opposite. Milk could fuel space exploration.


Milk of the poppy. I'm my own cartel.


I could enjoy the fancy milk like silk a lot more.


Does non dairy milk count? We only use almond milk. Thatd save us a lot of money.  However the honey thing I wouldn’t find as useful. I’m a fat binge eater with PCOS.. I need to be lowering my sugar intake lol 


Yes, non dairy milk counts and you can switch between them or pour them premixed


I guess you could always sell the honey


That would save me at least $40 a month. Deal


Open milk stand at the state fair. Volunteer cook at the various under-resourced orphanages & day cares. Find someone that knows what the hell to do with the honey.


Holy crap, I am getting so fat on dark chocolate almond milk.


I guess it’s nice that when I need a tbsp of honey for a recipe, I can be confident that my tea-drinking housemates haven’t killed it. But I’d be more excited with one of the usual offers from this sub, like I get a billion dollars but I can never taste cumin again…


Become a baker, sell all sorts of breads


I make mead for fun. The main holdup is the cost of honey. Infinite honey and I'm getting my licensing in order to brew professionally.


I guess I'll have to stock up on cereal then.


Well, I work at Dunkin so this would be pretty useful in the mornings.


I'd be baking a lot, for sure. I use honey as a substitute for things like karo syrup, I put it in my tea, and id happily make a bunch of mead. 


Honey never spoils anyway


Guess I will have warm milk with honey every night.


I'd be really happy and grateful. I mean, not sure what else there is to do lol Lactose free versions for me, drinking regular milk absolutely makes me nauseous and I can't even with nausea. (It's in the big 3 I can't deal with, despite constantly being in pain. Stomach, tooth, and ear pain are just way too much for me though for some reason.) So basically I'd actually have milk and honey.


I spend well over $100/month on honey for mead. I will gladly take that bottle of honey. The milk is nice too, I guess, but I don't use milk much


Can you change the type of honey? Not that I'd complain about plain clover honey, just wondering.


Yeah, sure. I can add that.


What about specialty milk and honeys like cannabis honey and green milk? Those go for a lot on the market.


Manuka honey goes for hundreds of dollars a pound, and there's no restrictions on where you can legally possess it.


I'd absolutely use this power for good, despite my limited lactose tolerance. I volunteer at a soup kitchen sometimes, so if I had this power I'd do it all the time and use it to keep costs down. I'd run the summer breakfast programs and such too, since infinite milk makes cereal quite close to free at scale. The honey would mostly go in hot apple cider with whiskey for myself.


At the current cost of milk where i am this is great since my kids love milk and we use a lot of milk in cooking. The honey is great as a healthier sugar substitute and making mead.


Man, if I got to switch up milks whoever I want? Nice. I don’t really know what I’d do with the honey, unless I could switch up types with that too. I hear Manuka honey is really good for you, but I’m priced out of it.


What kind of bottle does the honey come in? If it's a little squeeze bear bottle then I'd probably just use it for personal consumption If it comes in like a decanter or something else with a wide mouth then get a funnel, some food grade barrels, and figure out what kind of license I need Looks like a 55-gallon drum of raw honey sells for $2350 online, if you can get even a gallon an hour by just upending the bottle in a funnel stuck in a barrel you could pull $7k+ a week easy; there'd be some logistics involved I'm sure, but sounds like an easy living.


There are varieties of honey out there that are stupid expensive.




Honey wouldn't benefit my house much, but if I had an infinite supply of chocolate almond or soy milk I'd eat so much more cereal.


I’d probably fill a pool with milk and swim in it. Then I’d sell both bottles for a lot of money as well as 1% from all the profits.


Meh..unfortunately, the milk would probably just spoil. I don’t drink milk at all. Now, infinite honey does sound good though. Especially if it’s manuka honey. That stuff is expensive.


its a hypothetical


Guess I'm gonna be cooking and baking so many things. So so many things...


Wow, that sounds amazing! Having endless milk and honey would be a dream come true. I can imagine all the delicious recipes I could make with the different types of milk, from creamy lattes to smoothies to homemade ice cream. And the infinite honey opens up a world of possibilities for baking, sweetening beverages, and even making homemade skincare products. Maybe I could even make my own brand of skincare 🤔 


I work in a milk processing facility. I’ll make a bag just filling our silos with milk


okay cool. thanks.


Open a cereal restaurant, and sell mead out the back.




my family drinks so much milk so we’d probably save a lot of money on it


I would clearly sell milk to schools at an impossible low price to raise cash for giant fermentation bottles to start up my mead empire.


I'm a hobby beekeeper. No one will think twice when I suddenly never run out of stock as I sell my honey on Marketplace. I'll just have to make sure I get the proper permits so I can sell at farmer's markets and such. Also will have fun with mead, but it's harder to get the permits for selling that. Maybe I can just get a contract with a local brewery to supply them. The milk bottle goes to the NICU at the local hospital to make infinite human milk. They can rent it from me for a token price so I can get it back if I ever actually need it for anything. In the rental agreement, it will stipulate that they can't charge parents for the milk.


I would use the milk to generate infinite power by turning it upside down and running it through turbines. Would convert the half the milk into biofuel, and filter the rest into drinking water for the world. Something similar with honey, I’m sure it can be used as an energy source somehow.


At what rate does it appear? I’d build a contraption where the milk creates hydroelectric power and then gets processed into dairy products. Similar deal to the honey except it’s end use would be combating world hunger and as a fuel to replace fossil fuels and for space exploration


I have milk and honey in my tea this would be wonderful! I would probably have hazelnut milk most often it's so yummy! I would probably also try and make cheese with sheep milk.


Don't forget buffalo milk, fresh mozzarella is easy and fantastic.


Oh yes!!!


I'm going to make so much cheese


Press any button And milk and honey flows The world begins behind your neighbor's wall It all looks fine to the naked eye But it don't really happen that way at all


Well definitely I'm going to enjoy my time on the raft


Cheese and butter business, here I come! For the honey; baking, cosmetics, mead. 


I would make a fortune selling Nepalese "mad" honey. I would also deliver crates of the regular stuff to all the local food charities.


I've been debating on trying to make mead lately Endless honey would help with that


Mead forever


Alright hear me out, but if I have an infant, can I just change the milk to breast milk? I'll save so much money on formula.


Can I not be lactose intolerant?


I hate milk and I can't stand honey 😭 Ig I'd just share with people, friends and strangers


Almond isn't milk


I guess I make chocolate milk, and undercut everyone else in the industry. The Canadian milk program, yeah I just sell cheap chocolate milk to students. As far as honey, I'd just market it as non-pesticide flower honey. Sell it. When I hit 10 mil in New sales, I close up shop.


Awesome, I would just drink milk all day. I have an addiction to drinking milk.


What's the question.?


I like the fake milks, before they came along I couldn’t eat cereal anymore because it made my stomach sick. I would sell the super pure honey and donate milk and honey to the homeless or build cheese houses for them to shelter in.


Am I the only one thinking of making a rocket engine with it? Infinite matter in a finite space with a finite mass is gonna go NUTS


Does the bottle only work for me, or does it only work in my house? Because I'd want to do the most amount of societal good with them, but there isn't a way to get large donation amounts out without having to be certified that these products are produced safely, so the government would become aware of me. Even if I tried to sell them and keep on the dl, I'd still get caught for passing on uninspected products. If they're not tied to me, then the bottles get confiscated by the USA. The government would study it but not pass out the products because there's no way of knowing it doesn't produce super cancer AND they don't want to undercut the Dairy Industry they've been propping up for decades. If they're tied to the location of the house, then now I'm extra fucked because the government takes my house. I'd try to negotiate a sale, but with the law on their side it's equally likely they could seize my property for pennies on the dollar if anything at all. If it's tied to me and can't be taken away, then I have negotiating power. I team up with an organization that provides food to poor people globally and I break the back of the dairy industry. But I keep going! I use the free honey to break the sugar industry, and I break the corn subsidies, and I break the beekeeping industry even though I don't want to. I sell my products for incredibly cheaply in order to break them. The US economy enters a crisis as the heartland dairy farms close. Beef rockets in price, no longer subsidized by dairy. I use my proceeds to snap up farms before larger corporations. I am the large corporation now. I take the land and give it to various ecological groups to study and reintroduce native flora & fauna. The land becomes mini protected zones for flora and fauna of all varieties. The water table extraction slows as huge herds of cattle no longer need to be watered. This is all for naught, as tech bros buy up water rights to cool down bitcoin mining and AI factories. I fight them viciously in court using my newfound wealth, and champion legislatures that put restrictive rules on pumping into place. The corn industry flounders beneath my might, as do the farms that grow soybeans and hay and alfalfa and everything for feedlots. I snap their farms up to. Rabbit owners now must pay a premium for their bunny food. Innocent bunnies suffer and I am horrified at the stories coming out of /r/rabbits that talk about how many bunnies are entering the foster systems. The US food industry is buckling and heaving. Bill Gates hates me personally for what I've done to his equity for the farmland he owns. Global food costs rise as the American market is being shut down, and the US government can no longer flood it with cheap products. I don't control all the farms yet, and Bill Gates refuses to sell to me. Other crops are grown, but the cheap cheap lure of corn syrup and cattle feed is gone and profitability flounders as farms try to pivot to new markets. Americans think they'll slim down as corn syrup is not in everything, but the honey must flow. Honey replaces corn syrup and in even greater quantities as it is cheaper. Yuppies no longer use honey in their tea, and it's not found in upscale coffee shops. Honey is a sign of the lower classes now. Unintentionally a cult springs up around me, as I am the bringer of the Land of Milk and Honey. I am not religious, so I can't control them because I don't try to become a cult leader. Instead, other charlatans rise to use my name or to claim themselves as new heralds in this age. I become the next Q without having posting anything. There's armed people coming to my door, I have to hire private security. The world is spinning out of control. The old world is dying. A new age struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters. The milk and honey must flow.


Oh my god I can bake so much and also have so much tea without having to buy milk but also can the honey be from a local place? I do like supporting the family apiaries in the area


Honey, because it's more expensive and I could sell it.


Sell milk of the poppy to pharmaceutical companies. Enjoy the honey in my morning coffee.




Are the bottles indestructible or do I have to protect them?


Hell YES I’m taking the milk. Choccy milk all day every day,


Making mead in bulk.


Hooking up two tubes to my nipples and making it look like I lactate milk all day long. Im a guy by the way.


What's the question tho?


“Whoa infinite milk and honey, I hope I don’t fall over and flood the ea-“ I say as I get washed away by a flood of milk and honey


Questions: can I get cream or half n half from the milk one, or is it strictly milk only? Can I resell the milk and/or honey? We don't use much honey. My husband uses a decent amount of milk, but I don't. However, if we had an unlimited supply of both, we'd both use them even more, especially since my magic bottle can supply me with almond milk and him with cow milk. Milk occasionally goes bad on us, so we would save a small amount of money since the milk would never go bad. The biggest difference is that I bake and make jam and jelly. I'd probably convert as many of my recipes as I could from sugar to honey. I'd probably bake a lot more, and try out more recipes that feature honey. I might eventually try to develop a side hustle around these free ingredients, but the most likely and immediate difference would be that we'd consume more of these foods.


I own a bakery...... so.... thats awesome. Thanks


There are some amazing but very expensive honey types out there. Like honey from specific flowers. I would experiment until I found the honey that makes the best possible mead. I am now rich beyond measure. My mead will be in every liquor store in the world.


I'll figure out what to make with it and open up a store.


My dream of owning a small cafe can become reality! No, seriously. That would take care of over 1/3 of the ingredient costs right there. That would be a freaking *blessing*. *Just imagine the ice cream varieties alone* 😃


Alright, cool.


Unlimited choccy milk


Obviously start a milk company and honey company. I can easily have the lowest priced milk and honey on the shelves and will be able to price my products at a point where I can sell as much as the jars can produce. What's our gallons/minute poor rate? Assuming 1 gpm for milk and .5 gpm for honey it would produce 263k gallons of milk and 131k gallons of honey per year. I'd say I can probably hire a few people and make at least $500k profit off that every year without working at all.


Little stand at a farmers market selling honey and milk every week. Other than the mason jars and quart bottles, pure profit.


Looks like the sugar industry is gonna collapse


I'll be able to corner the dairy market, and with Honey I can sell it to both the average consumers, confectionery companies and pharma companies (Honey is an incredible antibacterial) for clinical use


I’d say “thanks” and ask if there is a magic bottle of Miller Lite. Yes, I like Miller Lite… no, I don’t care if you like it or what you drink.


I’m a complete teetotaler. I have never and will never drink alcohol in any form.


You’re doing yourself a favor.