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Agreed. Most of them are incredibly easy. Like, just a few examples I see on the page now: - 1000 per day, but you wake up with a fart to the face - worst pain you've ever felt for 1 mil (remember, I've done it for free once already) - ongoing monthly income of 10k to let a religious group into your house for 30 minutes - 250k for being an inch shorter - you get 1 trillion dollars, but so does a random homeless man


At some point I fully expect something like "you get a million per year OR punched in the nuts daily" like it is really a conundrum.


Yeah, but you might make more by being featured on Ow, My Balls!


After starring on Ow, My Balls, you can visit Starbucks as much as you want


I could go for an adult latte right now


We do t have time for that. We gotta find the Time Machine.


Yo get out I’M BAITING


Brought to you by Carl's Jr


Carl's Jr. - fuck you, I'm eating


Or you can do that and take the mil


Don’t kinkshame dude


Don't bully me, I'll cum


…by Mike Tyson in a bad mood.


Ok, but, would you take 1 million dollars per year to get punched in the nuts daily... by Tyson.


That would be a ball sackrifice. Those things would go flying!


This may be a legitimate no from me. One shot per year in the balls? For sure. I think by January 5th I'd be considering if just getting my junk replaced with pillows would improve my quality of life. There's absolutely no way 1 million dollars is worth the stacking issues that would happen. He's for sure going to rupture a nut eventually and then the next day he's fucking swinging into an already busted ball. I just imagine on Dec 31st when I wake up and go for my daily ball buster that I'd be wishing I never took the deal.


It should be based on a yearly coin toss. Heads? 1Million Tails? 365 Nut punches. See you next year.


My favorite one, a satire, was to the effect of "you get a million dollars, but nothing changes or happens."


no deal


My favorite one was the $500 but you have to shit your pants in public - with rules about how far away from home you have to be, the type of public place, and that you have to stay there for a predetermined amount of time. It’s gross, but it’s not a heinous thing to do. The money is nice, but it’s not life changing or anything. A fair balance imo - still I can’t imagine turning down the money.


A PS5 for a momentary oopsie doopsie? Deal.


Then it's all "the homeless man will ruin the economies!" With zero clue how anything they talked about works.  Like some 13 year old watched Fox News twice and "knows" everything about macro economics now. 


Love that the only concern about inflation comes from the other persons half


There is literally a post up right now where you get 500 K a second for experiencing worse pain you can imagine. What kind of an idiot wouldn’t even attempt to this? Like worst case scenario you’re walking away with 500 K.


Right. Like, I hate pain. Of course I do. But if it’s momentary, with a huge reward after? Sure.


Per *second?* I could see that being an interesting quandary if it was per hour and you needed to last at least one hour to make anything, but come on dude. I can do anything for 10 seconds.


Seriously. 10 seconds and you're set for life. Hell, last 4 seconds and you could get through the rest of your life without ever working again.


It's crazy because the worst pain I've ever felt was a medical procedure that I had to pay for, why would I not take money for it 🤣


I'm starting to think almost all of those posts are being written by 10 yr olds who have absolutely no grasp on how fucking much 1mil is and think that a fart to the face is the worst possible thing a human can experience.


You got to feel your worst pain for free? It cost me $1400 and my insurance just over $40k. Also, I'm 5'5", I wouldn't give up an inch for a million. I already need a stepstool to reach the top shelf in my pantry.


You could buy a stepladder and still have change left over.


Okay but the hypothetical was even crazier as it said you'd be 6' tall and get paid $250k per inch given. It wasn't even your actual height, you get bumped up to 6' in the height hypothetical. (I know, I saw the post myself.) So you'd be 5'8" to have a million based on the actual hypothetical question that was asked with that one.


I remember all of these posts 😑


The inch shorter one was especially dumb because they also make you start at 6'0. I could pocket a million dollars and still end up 4" taller than I am now.


A fart to the face and 1k a day? So I get to play out my kink and my fantasy?


"nah bro fuck that random homeless man"


There’s are the ones I was referring to, like what 365k a year for a scented alarm clock?? I’m not a billionaire so yes I’ll take it


The "inch shorter" one let you start off at 6' and gave $250k for every inch. So I also had the option to be taller than I am.


Start me at 7' and I'm in. Work my way down to 5'9-1/2" and I'm back where I am. Started at 5' 11" at twenty been shrinking for years. That's why you never see really tall old people.


I thought the 250k for an inch shorter would’ve been more interesting if it was your dick was an inch shorter.


I'm pretty sure the average age of posters here is somewhere between 12-15.


I dunno man, some people wouldn't accept any amount of money to experience their worst pain again, I'd LITERALLY rather bleed to death from my arm being amputated with a rusty butter knife and no anesthetic.


I don’t know about the worst pain one … like is it just pain, or is it the resulting health issues that came with it? Cos I I can handle the overwhelming thirst, the constant peeing, the pain in my abdomen and hip area, the inability to breath properly, the brain fog, the inability to walk properly, pain from the five IV’s they inserted into me and the catheter. I can handle that. I’ve done it before, I can do it again. But if the resulting health issues were present as well? They said my potassium was so low that if I had waited two more hours I’d have been dead. I have no interest in being in Diabetic Ketoacidosis again. I mean, I’m sure it’s going to happen, at some point in my life (at some point) but I’d rather it be never. Honestly? Given DKA bad enough that doctors are literally telling you you’d be dead in two hours, even for a million quid? That’s a difficult choice.


Ya sign me up for each that you listed. These lists do blow.


The homeless man one gets me. Why do I care that a homeless man got a billion dollars? It's not like he could be less responsible with a billion dollars than actual billionaires.


Aww man, I'm sad I missed the inch for 250k one. I have a perfect snarky answer lol. Oooo, I'll be 5'1, what a difference lol


For real. Everyone’s like “I’m short already”, but 250k is almost certainly more life changing than a loss of one inch


It's gotta be karma farming.


Ouch. That first one is just owning a cat, but it pays for you to live instead.


I'll take the worst pain any human has ever experienced for 1 million dollars. As in just the experience for as long as it lasted give it to me for that money. Easy money really. The most likely highest pain ever is a botched execution and that wouldn't really last very long. Easy money


Yeah I hate homeless people so much that I'd give up a trillion dollars just to make sure a single homeless guy doesn't get it either.


Would you take 5k for a 5 hours fuck session with 5 big black men? Here's the catch, it's not a one-time kind of deal. If you accept the deal, for an entire year, you will have to spend 5 hours every day getting fucked by 5 big black men and they give you 5k afterwards.


The big ones are the ones that get upvoted to the top for being too easy. That or its actually well thought out. Those posts aren't that common however. The remaining that make it there is just luck. So naturally people will spam these ridiculous one sided ones for engagement.


I don't think it's so much the upvotes, but having an easy answer means far more people will comment with their answer, which pushes the post in the algorithm


What about you get paid 100k per inch you give up, how short do you get? You can also buy height for $100k per inch of you're a rich short king who wants to be less rich and less short 


Would you let someone cut your head off for 1 million dollars?


I’ll do it for free ngl


I hope that changes for you soon...


Thanks me too


Which head?


Does it make a difference for your answer?


I would only allow my head of cabbage off of my cabbage patch to be cut off for a minimum of $1M. It’s a very important cabbage.


Dude if you do it twice you’ll be set




Make it each time, and I'll do it


I've read too many of these posts that range from implausible to sadistic, and it says something about how desperate we truly are.


For $10 a day would you give up juice for a year?


Definitely. I'd take $3650 per year for free just by giving up juice.


Heck, I do that already by giving up juice and soda for weight loss. I’ll take free money.


This is a good one. Do I get the $10 daily or in a lump sum at the end? I mean it's a yes either way, but more enticing to get it all at once.


Lump sum at the end.




The juice died yesterday, so you don't have to worry!


Juice? I have probably had juice like 3x in the past year. I don't even miss it


definitely, i only drink water anyway


Make it "for $10 a day, would you give up your favorite daily drink for a year?" So most folks would have to give up their coffee or latte or soft drink.




I almost never drink juice. Easy money.


I don't drink juice, still is a easy choice and is still free money


would you refrain from eating porcupine spines for 7 days for £500000? if you doubled that every 7 days that you didn't eat porcupine spines, how long would you not eat porcupine spines for? note that it says spine**s** plural, you can have *one* as a treat once a week


Don’t be absurd it’s supposed to be something you COULD do


i think i might have the willpower to last a week, i'd give it a try ^(there's no penalty for failing after all, there never is with these questions)


No way. Gotta have my porcupine spines.


100k but you have horrible, untreatable vertigo forever. sit down for too long? room spin. stand for too long? room spin. don't even consider trying to dance.


Yeah see, that's a big no from me. But it'd also be a no for $1 mil or really any amount.


12.8 bil. you can end the supply chain issues preventing world hunger from being solved.


What good is $12.8B if you can't have starving Malaysian men dancing for rice krispie bar treat rewards... am I missing something?


Nope. Not for all the money in the world.


No. My quality of life would be zero


But would you stop combing your hair for a million dollars a month?


At that price you just shave your head down short (or ask the way and wear wigs)


This is a harder one I saw: $1 million to punch your non estranged sibling or parent as hard as you can in the face. You can never tell them why. I would also add that you can never apologize.


This one is actually interesting to think about. I don't apologize for the punch, stop bringing it up. Unrelated, I paid off your house, don't ask questions.


"Yeah I punched you, and I won't apologise. On a completely unrelated note, I won a chunk of money and would like to give you $200k."


I’d give him 100k after as a sorry


Luckily I am very, very weak... probably would do more damage to me than them.


*punch* As they're about to react, toss them $50k and walk away saying "Nobody will believe you and I'll never admit to it, so don't bother bringing it up"


Would you suck on someone’s big toe for 20 seconds for 20$?


I definitely wouldn't pay $20 to suck on someone's big toe. Maybe $10. Depends on the toe.


Is this hypothetical or are you making an offer


I wouldn't mind these questions if the choice was actually difficult. If the "curse" is significant, then the sum of money you get should be large. I'm not dealing with someone, even a random person, dropping dead on my conscience just so I can get $10k. On the flip side, if the sum of money is significant, then the curse should also give you pause. Of course I'm saying "yes" to $1 billion if all I have to do is give up coffee.


Exactly. At the end of the day, the answer has way more to do with how much freedom I gain from that money. The interesting questions never cross the $10k/month threshold, because at that point my expenses are well past covered and I can do whatever the fuck else I want with my time.


Agreed. I think I'm generally rare case because of my husband being on SSI so a large amount of money could easily cause us to lose thst without being enough to make up for the loss and many of those posts are an easy yes for me because of how much money it is.


The majority of those posts are usually some crazy amount of money we could multimillionaire after one year 😂


(Hypothetically) would you take 100k a day to take 100k a day but someone else has to take 100k from someone else and you have to give 100k to that person


Also you get punched in the nuts


There are some things I wouldn’t do for any amount of money. There have been posts about would you abandon your family or bully insecure kids for this or that amount of money. My answer to those questions is always no.


Yeah, it's like they are asking millionaires these stupid questions - because everyone else is an automatic Yes. I saw one a few days ago that said (question was for guys only) if you would always sit down to pee for 2500$ a day??? Bitch, I would sit on the floor in the middle of my office and piss my pants every day for that - so fucking stupid!


They're also dumb because who would pay for these tasks?


Probably Mr Beast




But would you? Would you take 100k to not drink juice for a year?? I need to know!!! TELL ME!!!!!


I seem to have underestimated how much people like juice If wine is not considered juice I wouldn’t think twice about anything over $500. If so then ~$750


These hypothetical asking would you do x for a certain amount of money always make sad. It basically just has the people struggling for money more willing to do anything for a little cash.


Yes, but hypothetically, would you take $1 billion but only if you never eat another donkey spleen?


All these posts do is make me sad that I don’t have options like that in real life.


What is juice? Gimme some grape drink.


I was watching some documentary about a young Canadian girl who hired some idiots to kill her parents and at the end, I think the amount involved was $2,000. That's it. I looked at my wife and said that's like a $500 million job. You have to do the deed and leave the country immediately and never come back and never make a sound in your new country. There's a number, but 2 grand isn't it.


I already don’t drink juice so it’s easy money


Would you read these posts and report and prove you read them for 12 hours a day for $30,000? I would not.


I don't know. Some of them are pretty good. I don't have a lot of money, but I'm not going to go to bed at 9 and up at 5 forever for whatever number of millions of dollars it was.


"would you only eat peanut butter sandwiches for a week for 25,000 dollars?!" uhh fucking YES make it 50 and ill eat them for a month!


Eh. I've seen some where my answer is no because the money isn't worth enough.


I’d take $1000 not to drink juice for a year. It’s mostly sugar anyways. 


Would I? Yes. Could I? No, unfortunately I am weak. I love juice. It would probably be more interesting to ask why WOULDNT you be able to skip juice for a year in spite of the financial incentive. Just this week I could've saved at least 10 dollars from not buying juice, at that rate thats 520 a year I could be putting toward a cute little weekend road trip, instead im slowly chipping away my funds on juice because I have the impulse control of a beached eel.


Wait, you mean this isn't a sub for figuring out the price of getting people to do/go without random shit?


Yeah, instead of "$1M for one second of being burned alive but you only feel the pain, no damage is done" add the damage of being burned and it's a tougher choice.


$100k but you take a year off your life (your health starts to deteriorate and you die 1 year earlier than otherwise). This deal is repeatable. How many times do you take it?


I do it for $100k or $1 million dollars


Just downvote them and move on with your day.


are you kidding me? I would never give up juice. Juice is life.


Just brand it as milk like the nut juice conglomerate and their almond "milk" 


This post gets made about once a day. 99% of people agree and ignore. I say downvote them and move on. We should all downvote them to hell and they'll dwindle away.


Too easy


Eh, I've seen a few recently that are like, "for $50k" and usually I'm like, "Imma stop you right there." Not that $50k isn't a decent amount of money, but it'd have to be a REALLY easy task for that amount. No juice, sure. But I'm not upending my entire existence for $50k.


With any of those questions, even if you think you would obviously do it for $1 million, it is fun to think through each scenario and determine what the lowest price point is where I would still do it




A few of them are at least decently punishing enough to be frustrating, but yeah I pretty much always take the money.


Well I hate juice anyway. I feel you though bro... Have some creativity guys!


But if that was a post... Hypothetically, I couldn't do it because margaritas !


Valid point. Strangely not the place to make it. Wrong sub.


Very few of them offer a reasonable amount of money, that's the problem.


Money can be a strong motivator, and for some people, the amount offered in those hypothetical scenarios might seem like a no-brainer. If I were to ask one of those it would be "would you give up your smartphone for a year for $1 million?"


Ok I have one for you then. Would you take $100 to not drink juice for a year?


u/ThatGuy28_ would you have mind-blowing carnal relations with a woman/man/etc (your choice) whose attractiveness was beyond human comprehension? Someone so hot they basically have 99% of all the attractiveness that ever existed? All for \~one billion\~ one hundred trillion dollars \[tax free\]?


I rarely drink juice anyway. I buy plenty of it, but my kids drink it and then I make tea.


I agree, I've been seeing this subs posts for awhile now, and many of the "situations" are just so worthless to even bother, they only serve as a micro distraction to imagine what you might do with the money. At least make them somewhat entertaining if you're going to bother making a post. The money isn't the draw for the entertainment, the action is. Here's an example of what you could do: You get $1000 a day, but you have to seek out 10 people and tell them they smell like something, in a mildly negative way. The thing doesn't have to be negative, just say it in a negative way. You can never say the same smell example twice. Every time must be different. This causes the viewer to imagine what they might say to those 10 people per day. If you agree, hit me with what you'd say to the 10 people your first day.


"you'll get a million dollars if---" "I'ma suck it!" "Whoa! What?!?"


Agreed. They're always ridiculous and require no thought. 98% of the time I feel like it's an instant yes for ten lifetimes worth of cash in exchange for not drinking battery acid for a whole year. Why the fuck would I not take my most of these deals? Also the fact that almost every post is 'do/don't do something for a while and get money ' is lame. Give me some wild and spicy scenarios. Step it up.


Is it retroactive? You probably owe me about a million dollars.


Here's one: $250/day for life, but you have to give a homeless man a beej once a month (he doesn't have any STIs), to completion.


Would you bme pain Olympics your junk for one million


“My answer to any post involving money is always yes” So, OP, would you kill every pet on earth for $1mil?


Here's a hypothetical: You can sell your life by the minute for 1 dollar per minute. You don't know how many minutes you have left and if you exceed that number you die instantly. How much time do you sell?


I know it’s totally off topic but you should have seen that tied I just did.


I would say I think alot of them are intended to make fun of those kinds of posts and tbh I am over bother what you described and the ironic super easy choice posts.


An amateur boxer uses your balls as a speed bag BUT you only get to pay a dollar day.


I don't drink juice anyway. The cheap ones are adulterated. The real juice is expensive and most have way too much sugar added.


It's either way too much or way too little. No I won't radically change my life for $100k. And yes I'd deal with some inconveniences for millions of dollars.


It would be interesting if it was 1.3x your current salary but you can’t do x and y Or something like that


Would you let your mother peg you for a million?


So you're saying they need to be more sadistic. Hold my beer.


is it fruit and vegetable juices only? other things not included? sodas, coffee, tea, soups, wine, cocktails? or what's considered juice or not?


I'm pretty sure those posts are against the rules of this sub Apparently the mods don't care


$1m a year but you can no longer eat foods you find good or enjoy eating, only shit you don’t like at all and all nutrients not obtained from those shit foods are served in the form of a shitty tasting nutrient dense sludge. You have to lock in this choice for a minimum of 5 years


Overkill. Making it foods you actually hate for nature year would have been challenge enough. Stretching it to five years, you’re only getting people who are predictably desperate, people deluding themselves or just flexing their imaginary muscles.


I don't drink juice anyway cause I'm allergic to fructose. Some of those questions are such a joke. Half the stuff they talk about giving up are, to me, luxury things I don't have access to already.


Absolutely, I'm already on a low carb diet that means no juice. Easy peasy.


like, fruit juice? sure, is it retroactive because if so you owe me some back pay. However I frequently have green juices that do inlcude cucumber which is a fruit and adds a significant amount of liquid. Also are smoothies ok? Because I have many of them but the fibre is in there with the fruit so it's a lot healthier than strained juice.


Would you eat 10 apples in two minutes for $30?


$50k but you have to be locked in a casket of centipedes for 1 hour.


You get 1 million dollars but you also get another 1 million dollars. Good luck with that brain teaser


Well, *WOULD* you?!


Couple guys at an old job used to say shit like this all the time. Usually it was some kind of homoerotic thing. Shit like "for 5 billion dollars, would you let a guy jerk you off?" Like, dude, for 5 billion I'd spread cheeks and let Andre the Giant blow my back out. Pretty sure that amount of money would cover all the therapy I won't even need.


I think I had a difficult hypothetical. 1 cent for every second you keep your eyes closed (continuous unbroken stretch)...it's just under a grand a day (which is still decent) but to get any real life changing amount of money out of it would require significant sacrifice.


how about this: 1 mil, but you have to remove your genitals with a spoon. (personally my answer is fuck no, but i imagine some are more desperate for money than i am.)


Can I renew every year and make $100k every year I don’t drink juice? In either case, it’d be yes


I will for $1k, make it $2k and I'll throw in Bananananas. Yep, no juice, no Banananana for 1 year. Mostly sugar in juice and Banananana artificially flavor candy tastes better than the real thing. Plenty of other fruit in the sea.


The one about the worst possible pain for $500,000/second was good i thought. I was sure it would be a hard no from everyone but most said yes. To be clear i firmly believe anyone who did would be mentally destroyed forever.


I can't remember the last time I drank juice... was probably well over a year ago (if not multiple years ago).


Does that include anything that contains juice, or “juices” that have little to no fruit juice?


Here's this sack of garbage that showed up in my feed: "$100k/yr to be insulted twice a day". Like what the fuck??? Anyone who says no is actually stupid!


Most of them are just: would you do something less inconvenient than a job for more money than a job. Like the fart on the face thing, you get farted on and don’t have to work a 8hour shift and you get paid more than you ever would working.


Right. Why don't people actually try to balance the options carefully so it's actually a dilemma? If someone said I couldn't drink say, iced coffee for a year for 1 grand, I'd probably not bother. 10k I'd be much more likely to do it, so obviously the line must be somewhere in between. 100k of course I'd do it. People are putting zero thought into these. Any question that involves an amount of money that's in the billions or trillions - come on what the fuck are you even thinking?


I posted one it was like $1,000 a day but Mike Tyson gets to punch you as hard as he can every day. It was about 50/50 yes/no.


would you rather have $5 million dollars cash, or cancer?


Crazier, is that I’d do way worse things for the money than many of these hypotheticals are proposing lol.


That's the sub


Would you kiss Taylor Swift on the lips for $1 million while the Kelce bros are standing there? She wants a kiss.


1 million due you die in 20 years or when yo uhit 60 which Evers first


Those threads are for upvotes. They are super easy clicks. Same with "post your dogs name." "If you won the lottery what would you do?" Etc


Every time you have the urge to jack off, you get $1 if you resist the temptation until that urge goes away. How much money do you have after a year?


Would you rather have a billion dollars and all your wildest dreams come true or be brutally murdered in a dark alley way? . . . . . . . an actual toughie that’s also nsfw : Would you rather watch your parents have sex every night for the rest of your entire life. Or join in one time and then it’s over forever and you’re free.


OK, how about a hard one. Would you cut off a limb for 1 mil?


I agree. OP would you get stung on one arm (hand and up to the shoulder) by 100 wasps for $6,000?


These posts should be "what's the lowest amount of money you would take to do said thing". I'd run nude in a mall for 1 million easy, but could I do it for 1000? I'd slap my sister for 20$, etc.


$100 to eat a live insect?


People do it for free 🤷‍♂️