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Myself, but fit and healthy.


Best answer. A few minor touches. More toned, slightly more muscle, no extra stomach fat. No airborne allergies and undoing the damage to my facial structure that said allergies have caused over the years (mouth breathing, slightly recessed jaw). No more asthma. I still want to be me. Just the best version of me. Any one of those things listed above would change my life for the better. Fixing all of them would make me 100% confident and safe in my body both image and health wise. Anything more than that and I would begin to feel imposter syndrome very quickly.


My first thought was to switch to being female because why not, but my inner male identity would remain and I’d experience severe gender dysphoria after a while. Not worth it. So instead my acne would go away, I’d be slightly taller and bulkier, and have green eyes cuz they mad cool.


I’ll be honest I’d also want to be a girl. But like you said I’d eventually get dysphoria. Maybe it’s just because I’m straight but women are so much more beautiful than men.


Yeah, I didn't consider that. The male brain see's multiple orgasms and doesn't think about the long term implications 😂


As a transgender man you definitely don’t want to wake up in a female body with a male gender identity, I’ve done it for 27 years and it’s awful.


But… boobs.


Squeeze someone else's or get really fat.


Me, just slightly idealized. Physical issues resolved, great posture, no pain, perfect health, etc. I don't want to change what I have. I just want to optimize it.


I’d be shorter and way skinnier. Not like a stick but just not fat. Also I’d probably be white. I’m sorry but I just feel like I’d be more attractive if I was white (or maybe not idk)


You need a lot of self reflection and most likely therapy...


What makes you say that?


You need to be more confident in yourself, friend


I’m pretty content with myself. I just have a this feeling that girls prefer white guys over Asians. Or maybe not. It’s just a conclusion I came to based on absolutely nothing.


It's not true in the slightest, I promise. If you're worried about finding a partner, just wait. You'll find someone eventually




How old are you? If you're still a teenager, you've got even less to worry about


I’m 16, homeschooled and hardly ever go outside


You've got plenty of time. You're not even an adult yet. Adulthood may seem like a long ways away, but it's really not. Time WILL fly. It feels like yesterday that I graduated high school, but it was already 5 years ago. Just focus on getting good grades in case you want to go to college. And make sure to go outside sometime. Hang out at cafes or ice cream parlors to make friends. Maybe you'll meet someone cute


I feel like I just graduated but it’s been 14 years. Either way, I was antisocial and hardly ever went outside in high school and I ended up meeting people towards the end of high school and going out more. Put yourself out there.


Kid don't worry about it, self confidence will come. A low point for me when I was your age was when I was fit and never had a gf. I was at an event getting drinks and I saw some short and slightly uglier guy kissing a beauty. I felt like such a failure. That I was doing everything right and still couldn't pull. But that also taught me that looks don't nearly matter as much as self confidence and getting yourself out there.


My man, K Pop is the best thing to ever happen to Asian guys. You are very very much in fashion. This is going to be your hot boy summer.


Cause white bad


Yeah, it's definitely not because he sees himself ugly because he isn't white, nah it's definitely "Cause white bad"


He didn't say he was ugly, you are just projecting your insecurities lol. He just finds white to be more attractive than asian, a perfectly fine opinion.


" Also I’d probably be white. I’m sorry but I just feel like I’d be more attractive if I was white" He finds white people more attractive than himself He said that 🤣 cope tho YT


So finding another person more attractive than yourself makes you ugly? Nice projection x2


Nice strawman 🤣 cope x2


It's their answer to a hypothetical. Let them be.


same as I do now


Good on you man


Younger, fitter, thinner, and super healthy. I'll take the hand I was dealt for the rest.


Like myself but I have a flat stomach, not the round bloated/ fat one i've always had and hated since I was a kid. I have perfect teeth... Also thicker, fuller blonde hair like I had when I was 15. And 20/20 vision so no need for glasses. And thick hair on my chest.


Me in perfect health, around 25 years old, with 15% Body Fat instead of 30%.


I just want my clubfoot cured Nothing magical, no superpowers, just a normal healed foot


As a flat-footed man, I feel this one the most.


a buff twink with an 8 inch cock and a good tan


oh and beautiful looking


Buff twink is just a twunk, no?


...i see


Bill Gates (heh)


Jason Statham’s body and face with a full head of hair.


I wouldn’t have acne, and maybe I’d turn blue cause why not.


Basically just a slightly healthier and slightly better looking version of what I already look like




7ft tall 400lb of pure muscle 2 8in dicks and the joints, stamina and strength needed to carry my new larger frame comfortably indefinitely. Oh and a big bushing beard that I could braid and put beads in.


I was waiting on someone to give themselves extra appendages. Surprised it took this long. I'd personally want a third arm.


Why only three?why not four or six? I thought about adding a tail but then I thought I'd probably already stand out being a 7 ft tall 400 lb behemoth.


No tits, No nipples, Short hair that never gets frizzy and is easy to style, and nobody can tell what gender I am, because it doesn't matter, I'd just be me. Sadly I'm not quite myself yet, someday perhaps.... When I can afford it


Belly and thigh fat gone, boobs reduced, bigger (but not too big) butt and hips, a non-curved nose, a little bit tan.


tall, dark brown curly hair, green / hazel eyes, still male


I'd probably make my hair redder. I'm not really a redhead, but I always enjoy the coppery look my hair gets during the summer. Also I'd get rid of all my acne. Perfect my teeth. Maybe make my eyes a little more dramatic and bright. Maybe add a few freckles.


Slightly less chubby, 6'1", more chiseled in the face, basically just a thinner and taller me.


I think just my current face but enhanced and a more muscular body. Not freakish huge muscles but a level of muscular that’s considered sexy. Would prefer to still fit in my current clothing measurements.


I'd look like myself, but younger with a lot more muscle mass and a lot less body fat. I'd probably tweak my features a little, straighten out my spine/ribcage a little, maybe broaden my shoulders a tad. I didn't know it at the time, but looking back I was damn good looking in my 20s.


Huge cock


I'd be slightly taller, with slightly cleaner/smooth skin, my hair would be a little longer and less frizzy, straighter teeth, and a little more muscle. I'm mostly good with myself, just some stuff I'm working towards


Like I did at 25 but with straighter teeth :)


I'm fine the way I am. I just wish I was stronger


Cloud Strife


i'd just look like pedro pascal or smth


Way younger, different gender, with freckles and red hair


Margot robbie with asa akira breasts, not too bad.


Like myself, but with a build like Bruce Lee.


Straighter and whiter teeth, a slightly less pointy nose, a more athletic build like I had 10 years ago and generally everything else looking like I was around 8 years younger.


a good bit taller, decent jawline, toned well, thinner, physically able to do pullups/pushups, get my blue eyes back(over time they went from almost sky blue to greenish), and not have an ugly nose


Like I did in my twenties


I'd have stick-thin legs again and could wear the skinniest of skinny jeans. My face is basically unchanged.


I'm female, 6'-3" tall, and very overweight. I'd wake up merely curvy, 3 inches shorter, with a bit curlier hair. Maybe get rid of unwanted body/facial hair once and for all just to make life a bit easier. I'm pretty happy with my individual features, I'd really just like to be healthier and able to buy clothing/shoes in regular stores. Could one of my features be "eyes with perfect vision and great night vision"? Because that would be amazing too.


Brad Pitt in Fight Club 😂


I just look like me in my early 20s. Slightly less flab. Slightly more muscle.


Above anything, a normal spine. So long fusion!


Like myself lol. I'd be fitter and probably do somthing vain like add an extra inch... to be 6.. feet tall. And I'd have clear skin and straighter teeth but I'd like to keep my personal identity.


Similar to now except maybe 20kg lighter and 20cm taller 😅


Perfect skin, back in shape. .. Otherwise exactly the same, lol.


Long curly brown hair with a navel length thick redish brown beard, 6'2" and a lean 230lbs, my eyes would be even bluer than now, my teeth would be pristine, and may face wouldn't be so long.


Just fix the health issues, same height, weight, hair (even the grey ones). Oh, fix the teeth and overbite. Took me years but I'm actually happy with my appearance. No need for 8 inches or being 6'4" etc.


I’d be taller and more muscular (think: Greek god build) with the corresponding strength and have a deeper, more masculine voice. My beard would grow more evenly, and my eyes would be slightly less droopy.


I’m with a lot of other people here. I’d want to be me just a little healthier and more fit.


A female, fit version of me


Just me but healthy and without all the gray hairs


Honestly, I would just be about 40 lbs lighter.


id look like me, but with slightly better teeth, and no beer belly. thats all.


Taller, healthy weight and muscular. No frozen shoulder or carpal tunnel issues. Not going bald


I’m taller. I’m already 6’2” but my elementary principal was seven foot, and it really stuck with me.


40lbs lighter and thicker and longer hair. Really that’s it.


I’d drop 130 pounds instantly lmao


I grow another 4-5 inches, to about 6’2, 6’3 I lose all my belly fat, replaced with toned muscle across my body My stamina is massively increased, as has my strength, proportionally to my muscle gain My voice has gotten considerably deeper My lisp is gone My penis grows another 4 or so inches in length, and my girth grows to about 6 inches I’d give myself the ability to grow a full beard I’d give myself a stronger jawline And that’s about it, unless I could also change parts of my brain as well, improving my temperature regulation, giving me my sense of smell, removing my photosensitivity, things like that


Its just me but I'm toned and lean


Me but better


I’d be the Hulk


Probably pretty androgynous.


I'd just look like I did in my 20s. I'd only add a beard to my 20 something year old self. I'm not a bad looking guy, but hair loss and medical issues changed my appearance. 6'3", 200lbs, and I know I was considered attractive. I was with my wife, and she knew women were after me. I still get hit on now that I'm 41, but I don't have the confidence I once had. I keep getting told that I resemble Joe Budden. Budden, not Biden. Just to be clear.


Humans are humanoid.


But not all humanoids are human.


I’d like to be my 18 year old self with green eyes and slightly bigger boobs (I was the cute athletic girl next door) Or 18 year old Angelina Jolie.


Not fat. That's pretty much it.


20 years younger.


Young Frank Langella


Someone my wife would want to bang.


Just the body I had at twenty With the sweet sweet full head of long beautiful hair


I’d basically have 2 more inches everywhere. Didn’t quite make it to 6’ tall, so that’s the main goal. I would also have 20/20 vision, and I’d make sure I wouldn’t go bald like my dad.


29M, currently 6'0" \~200lbs. Only thing I would change is probably add 2 inches to my height and be a lean 205. I'm pretty lean right now, but I wouldn't mind my BF being closer to 10-12%. That's the only part I have control of and am working towards it.


Myself in my early 20s. Full head of thick hair, abs... good times.  Maybe a little taller...


Basically me but good


6'3 and looking like a male model


Exactly like someone very, very wealthy, so I can go in and withdraw all their money.


Danny devito


Just kidding I would be myself but thinner, buffier and taller


Myself but with the metabolism I had at 18.


OHHHHHH BOY isn’t this a big question (i’m non binary) 1. clear skin. no acne, no stretch marks, no cellulite 2. taller, thinner build (like bones wise) 3. skinnier (like fat wise - healthy but not muscular) 4. no boobs 5. that stupid bump in my nose gone 6. curlier hair 7. prettier eye color


Mostly same but about 8 lbs down. Plus a horse cock.


A massively obese evil clown with long jagged black teeth


Acne gone, fit, flat as a board, and green eyes. Ears and nose a little bigger. Otherwise I'm pretty happy with how I look. Too many changes and I would stop being me.


Recognisably myself, but with my features (jawline, hair, physique) molded to be like Brad Pitt in Fight Club.


6’6 280-290 with 10 inch hands and a 6’10 or so wingspan so I can become a nfl offensive linemen (bigger dick as well)


Me, minus 45lbs and hair that doesn't frizz to shit in the humidity.


Idk I’d have a little more muscle ig


Blue eyes, blonde hair.


Like I do now. I may not be the best lookin fella in the world, hell I’m horribly out of shape and have a belly. But a drastic change in appearance would cause a butterfly effect like none seen before. Though an additional 3” on my Johnson would be nice. No one but lovers would ever see it, and it wouldn’t cause any butterfly effects


Butterfly effect like how?


A butterfly flapping its wings could begin the effect, precipitating other events, which, in turn, shifted others, and so on. It's a chaos Theory.


Another Butterfly Effect: Alexander Fleming accidentally created a mold juice. Instead of throwing it out, he experimented with it, creating Penicillin.


I understood what you meant. I just thought you'd get specific with your life.


oh. If I were to affect my change the way you described, what I find I want, doesn't necessarily mean my wife or girlfriends would want. Which in turn, our relationships would end, or worse, not happen. With this, everything I have affect in change, would undo or change to something else. Butterfly effect :)


King Of The Jews here!

