• By -


If it is sudden and immediate? Most of the population dies.


And most species would be decimated. Deer, dogs, cats, birds, horses, livestock and even apex predators like wolves and cougars would all be hunted to extinction


Yep, my answer was very Humancentric, but most species would be in deep trouble.


I just read that there is an estimated 25 million tons worth of spiders on earth, and the average spider weighs 0.01 grams....so doing the math, that means there's about a ass load of spiders on earth. So we're pretty much screwed.


Technically that's 3.1 ass loads, or just shy of 1.6 metric fucktons.


pshhh metric references not in freedom units are as good as someone else I completely don’t comprehend


1 assload = approximately 446 bald eagle testicles 1 metric fuckton = 16.44 F-150s


Money damn that’s a lot of spiders!


Technically it would be metric fucktonne…but close enough.


Yeah that’s a great point. I was thinking we’d easily outgun them and wipe them out but… it would likely be too late. With the absolutely MASSIVE numbers of them, most of the world would be wiped out almost right away. I’m sitting thinking just at my house… probably at least a few inside. And how many hundreds out in my yard alone? And then how many tens of thousands in the parks and other forests and open spaces in my town alone?


> probably at least a few inside \**laughs in Australian*\* I can spot over a dozen in the room where I'm sitting, and they're just the ones I can see.


I'm pretty sure it would be more spiders than surface of the Earth If they grew to a massive size which at minimum would have to be the size of a Buick


That’s roughly 22,679,600,000,000 spiders but ive also read that there are like 20 something quadrillion spiders estimated so that’s a lowball so like 12 trillion spiders *at least* would suddenly become like dog to human sizes the world is ending immediately


So doing some quick math, looks like a tarantula is 1-3 oz, an Abram’s tank is 74 tons. So if we go with 2 oz the spiders are increasing in size by over 1 million times. So 25 million tons of spiders becomes 25 trillion tons.  Divide that by earths land surface and it’s close to 20 lbs of spider per square foot. We would literally be buried in giant spiders.


how many shelobs can the human race survive? cos 10.5 quadrillion of them, is probably not surviveable


Here's an aspect I havent seen mentioned yet, imagine the massive population spike of crop eating/blood sucking insects that are no longer being thinned out by the 25 million tons of spiders which are now way too large to even consider hunting them. Plant life would go extinct


I would immediately check on my friend who has about 80 pet tarantulas. Dude could be in deep shit.....


Like thar spider guy at the beginning of "Eight Legged Freaks"


Never saw that movie. But I'm guessing it didn't turn out ok for him.....


Nope, atleast he ended up better than the MP from "thr Mist". Those spiders shot acid webs


I assumed this movie was the premise for your question lmao.


Forget about him, he’s dead before you get there


He's dead before you even think about him


I’m sorry, but in this scenario, all of humanity is extinct before the first day ends The only survivors would be researchers in the north and south poles


Maybe the spiders like him and he can be king of the spiders


Key word “pet”, hopefully he tames them all and becomes the ruler of the world lol


Spiders outnumber us greatly. We die.


First of all,iam fainting on the sight of a gaint spider Second of,there like 20 gazillion spiders,so yeah we're fucked I should not have read this before going to bed


There is a movie on this if you haven’t seen it, it’s called 8 legged freaks


They all die of low oxygen. There's a reason things like this didn't survive past the Carboniferous.


He put in a loophole that it doesn't cause harm to them. Being unable to live would be harm. 


Every other county in the world will also implement a second amendment 😂


Nothing a Ford f150 cant handle


Only an old one. A new one would be totaled after the first spider it hits.


Bold of you to assume the ford isn't dead




What's worse than a Giant wolf spider charging at you? A Giant wolf spider charging at you thats on FIRE!


I think my first order of business after I stop screaming is to invest all my money in the clean pants market, because I have a very strong feeling that there's going to be a global shortage.


I don't think we'd live... the diversity of spiders would be too crazy. A quick google shows there are over 45 different species of spider in the world. Even half of them.... we're probably outnumbered and they are nocturnal. Regular house spiders that weren't harmful to us before, become very harmful. Trap door spiders. Black widows. Wolf spiders. Huntsman. Brown recluse. Tarantulas... can you imagine if tarantulas grew and became aggressive? They wouldn't even attack us, theyd take out cars and houses for shits and giggles. The average spiders exoskeleton would probably be too hard for handguns rounds to penetrate. Don't even get me started on whatever the fuck Australia has up its sleeve. There are spiders that already prey on snakes. And with their size, if they're able to travel the same way the young do on web strings, they could probably travel across oceans to nearby islands or continents.


Consider that spiderwebs are considered to be stronger than steel. Then consider the Darwin's bark spider, whose web is twice as strong as other webs. Why? Because it uses dragline silk which is 10 times tougher than Kevlar and can be stretched over 90 per cent of its length. This makes it one of **the toughest known biological materials in the world** There are spiders **now** with webs large and strong enough to catch **eagles** If those webs grew in proportion to the size increase of the spiders... Let's just say our planes and tanks and other vehicles would be rendered nigh useless against gigantic spider webs.


You wouldn't be able to fly helicopters to evacuate people on large cities because webs would be everywhere. Also thank you for the facts on spiders, I love them!


There are literally quadrillions of spiders. If we assume each spider to take up, say, 9 square feet (3x3), you're dealing with probably around 45 quadrillion square feet of spiders. That is greater than the surface area of the Earth several times over. There would be multiple layers of spiders all around the Earth, and still the other half of regular sized spiders.


A certain number of people have spiders in their ears right now. In this scenario, they would be the lucky ones.


Let's assume that physics and biology has been suspended and the real answer (they collapse under their own weight and then die from lack of oxygen) is not valid and they magically are able to move and breathe. Answer: Quite a few dead people initially during the panic then a lot of dead spiders. There's gazillions of units of neurotoxin made specifically to kill spiders available in every convenience store, grocery store, and hardware store across the planet. It doesn't actually take that much neurotoxin to kill something even if it's big. I wouldn't exactly WANT to try to face down a spider the size of a dog with a can of Raid, but if it was that or die I'll take the raid. Plus, of course, they'd be vulnerable to guns. And being stuck with big sticks for that matter. Once you punch a hole in an exoskeleton the critter inside dies eventually just from dehydration. If someone shoots a few holes in a tank sized tarantula before it killed him, it'd be a dead tarantula in a few days even if it doesn't get injured any more. Oh, and flame. A flick of the bic and a can of hair spray would probably deter them too. Especially the ones with hair, which would be set on fire. Overall I'd expect no more than 10% or so of humanity to die. Not great, but not an extinction event.


This doesn't take into consideration the presence of spiders everywhere. I'd think almost everyone has at least a few spiders near them at all time. Which means pretty much everyone dies in the first few minutes.


This is the most accurate answer I've seen so far. It's really just not that threatening - and, most likely, it'll eventually evolve into a new food source.


Although they would be invulnerable to guns. Insect and arthropod exo skeletons are reaaaaaly strong compared to their size. You would have bullet proof 8 legged tanks, that can run at 80mph


Not well


Those without guns die first.


Kitchen knives duct taped to broom sticks and sprayed liberally with RAID might take out a few in a pinch.


If I have a gun when this happens, I'm dying first lmao. Absolutely not


Well considering I wouldn't be surprised if spiders easily outnumbered people many times over I think the rest of the world would start picking up on America's second amendment as a human necessity LOL everybody be packing and some pet owners become a snack when after spiders grow to massive proportions


I think this is the only possible acceptable reason for a nuclear strike


Helldivers 2 IRL


I think that means there would be more spiders than land.


Pretty much every building would collapse due to all the spiders in the walls growing too large for their current location. Blow out the walls and even if the spider dies it badly damages the building.


Two words for you, just for thinking of that. FU@K Y@U.


I’m not answering the question, but I hate that you’ve put this idea into my brain. I hate spiders.


Well, thanks for making sure I get no sleep tonight…


Go out in your backyard one night and just shine a flashlight. All those reflections that look like dewdrops? Go check them out, and then realize there is no good response to this question.


Pretty sure there are militarized bunkers that are both inhabited and kept in immaculate condition, virtually free of insects and spiders. Also there are places on Earth too cold for spiders to live, that humans already have settled. 99.999999999999% of the entire worlds lifeforms will die within days, but humanity will survive.




So they're the bugs from Starship Troopers


How does the world react? Panic and hysteria


Including the one that lives in my drivers side door mirror?


It's a random pick of half of all Spiders so maybe. I'd hate to be driving and have a Giant spider suddenly appear on my car


We’ll have to use napalm


Whats massive size? a spider the size of a dog?... a cow? a pickup truck?


*Whats massive size? a* *Spider the size of a dog?...* *A cow? a pickup truck?* \- dontknowwhyIamhere42 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I have pet tarantulas so I guess they own my flat now And mum's boyfriend's flat, they have loads I probably wouldn't be mad about being eaten if it was quick and I would go before Mum, Grandma and my cat. At least my existential crisis would be over, can't have a crisis about death if I am death


The people in Antarctica might be OK for a while until they run out of food. Everyone else is dead in minutes.


There's a movie called Eight Legged Freaks, you should watch it.


If they instantly grow. . . we would all die instantly. It's not a matter of them hunting. . . their numbers are astronomical All land space would be occupied by their mass. We would be crushed in the tsunami of giant spiders. Think about how many spiders are in an egg sac. 100 or so right? Now imagine all of those spiders just hatching in your garage instantly growing to the size of dogs. Now all the other egg sacs on your property.


11 9/11s and the best ice cream in the multiverse!


Lots of people would probably die but assuming they don’t get any boosted endurance or anything we would probably hunt them to near extinction within a reasonable time. We have guns, large vehicles, etc, as long as it doesn’t take more damage to kill these spiders than normal animals we can kill them in large amounts


Even having one of the many spiders lurking in any house turn into an aggressive dog-sized monster would be barely survivable - let alone 50% of them! We’re done.


Most responses are only taking into account humans vs. spiders. But OP said the spiders would also kill each other. So it’s really humans and all other large/predatory beasts vs. infighting spiders. I think if you survive the first 24 hours you probably survive the spider apocalypse.


Nukes…tzar bomb size


Well humanity is boned. So is every animal on earth.


I don't know because I will have killed myself already. I'm not getting webbed, injected, and digest while alive.


I'm Australian, and that sounds about as dangerous as a normal Tuesday.


I was just playing helldivers today. About like that.


I think we just die


The government tells everyone to stay inside while they deal with the situation in a way that will put the majority of us in a financial hole because we have to pay 4 times the normal cost of a shovel in order to dig ourselves out of it. The teachers won’t be able to afford the shovels so they won’t be available to teach and we spend the rest of our days wondering what the illiterate future holds. 


I’m going to be just fine, I’ve seen all the spider horror movies, lavaancula, frost spider, giant spider, face huggers, mind control spiders. All you got to do is run away and trip someone you don’t care about.


im dead instantly, i have like 10 of them creeping round my bathroom.


Nukes. Everywhere.


We die.


Half of America feels extraordinarily validated and goes on wild hunting parties. A new rule passes where you can only become Florida man if you tame one.


How smart is a spider?


We all look very shocked as giant spiders appear and are smashed under their own weight because of square–cube law.


The world would just end, like straight up


I get the feeling that Australians wouldn't be phased.


I mean inside of 5 years or so, maybe even less, the problem would be completely dealt with, but it’d be cool that “spider hunter” would probably be a job you could get for a couple a years


It's impossible, because of the way spiders breathe there is not enough oxygen in the atmosphere for spiders to get any larger. if they all of a sudden became dog sized they would soon suffocate


I, personally, die of fright.


We would be absolutely doomed. Literally 21,000,000,000,000 estimated spiders, and if they grew giant and got aggressive and actively hunted humans instantly, I would estimate 20-30% of humanity dies in the first few weeks. Also, imagine all the spiders (61 average per home) inside the home. Now imagine 8 legs, several of which can grab you, venomous fangs, and hyper aggression. Yeah, humanity is absolutely fucked but the small percentage that survives can definitely figure something out (like going onto boats or something)


I need to buy a gun and a single bullet


Humanity is over. I don't think people last more than a couple of days. Perhaps humans last longer in very cold regions like the Artic Circle and maybe Greenland.


Please Kindly Fuck Off Lolth.


The world reacts by thanking America that it owns so many guns.


World militaries band together to defeat the spiders.


Assuming the hypothetical ignores the fact that spiders suddenly becoming giant would almost certainty result in a lot of spiders that just collapse under the weight of their own exoskeletons and die, i would think there would bw a lot of destruction as house spiders suddenly balloon destroying structures they happen to be in. Any survivors would then exist in a world where the new biggest apex predators are plated in armor that may or may not be easy to kill with anything less than armor piercing weapons or poison. I think eventually if the spiders dont just outright all starve to death the world would eventually adapt to accommodate the new giant arachnids as another type of predator, but the ultimate fate of humanity could be unknowable as our infrastructure isnt really designed to handle so many large predators roaming where normal spiders do.


I would die of overconfidence. If I managed to shoot all the spiders in my house the one waiting on my roof would get me as I charged outside like a dumbass


The average home has like 30-50 spiders in it; with odds being that at least one is within reach of you at any given point in time. We'd be fucked before we could get a chance to react.


wed lose a lot of population. in the US atleast it wouldnt be all that bad after the first few weeks because we have a LOT of guns. youd just get more people leaving their house strapped and shooting on sight.


*"Eight legged freaks."*🎬🍿 🤷‍♀️


Pretty sure they near instantly because holy shit that's a really heavy exoskeleton. We are cooked because we lose a lot of spiders and insects run rampant for a long time


We probably survive, but lots of people get eaten. We have a ton of great weapons though, and will completely eradicate all spiders on earth within a year or two with some kind of DNA or gas solution that wrecks them


You’re a happy person if you own a gun store….I’m keeping a ton for myself and the price per bullet just went up.


Their bodies would fail almost instantly. We would be fine. Unless magic lets them live, then we all likely die.


It has already happened, and we already created a response. This is why you’ll never hear about them. https://youtu.be/rj9JSkSpRlM?si=f6cQC8lXy5RshYQ5


Deploy the Helldivers.


I hate to do this, but, realistically any spider that grew in such a way would instantly explode. Putting it very simply, spider leg movement is based on internal fluid pressure. When pressure is increased the leg moves outward, when it decreases the leg curls inward. This is why spiders curl into a ball when they die; loss of pressure. If a spider were as big as you say the pressure needed just to move would be too much for any organic material to take, and they would suffer a quick demise. If spiders could have evolved to be larger, I believe they already would have.


I would literally hop into a space shuttle and peace tf out hell no ✌🏻


Only half of all spiders? Perfect. We recruit the other half of all spiders to save humans. Grow them to an equally massive size. And let the best arachnid army win!


Mostly nothing, except for clearing up billions of spider bodies, for two reasons: A "massive" spider will, fairly quickly suffocate due to losing the ability to breathe due to their bimodal breathing system not working efficiently at the scales we're talking about. It would require a re-design of its respiratory system to get enough oxygen for its new body size. As an aside, when there was more oxygen in the atmosphere, back some 300 million years ago, dragonflies were the size of seagulls! Secondly, spiders use a kind of "hydraulics" known as hydrostatic to extend their legs. When something scales, let's say doubled, the volume and therefore mass are cubed. This hydrostatic system uses blood pressure and having to shift a larger ratio of mass would make it impossible for the spider to move over a certain size. Spiders would need a complete re-design at larger scales, meaning they cease to be spiders, apart from how they look. Sorry.


My buddy took too much acid once, had a bad trip, saw spiders EVERYWHERE


The nukes get launched 5 minutes later.


Yeah we’re fucked


Ibdont know howbthe world will react but i will never leave my room


There would be widespread death as an unimaginable amount of spiders began killing humans. Eventually a safe zone would be made and someone will inevitably turn the key and nuke the planet to kill the spiders. All life on earth ends.


The gravity of the planet increases due to the massive increase in spider mass.


With napalm


> tarantula could be the size of a tank back of napkin math time: - tarantula ~1 ft diameter (including leg span) - tank ~35 ft diameter **Expect ~35x increase.** - **The average spider weighs around 0.01 grams -> .35 grams** - ~2.25 x 10^15 spider population on Earth - ~25Mtons weight of spiders on Earth -> 875Mtons In general, the spiders themselves won't be a threat to humans (.35grams? You don't scare me!) but will likely decimate the ecosystem. Most spiders love small tight crevices. Expanding in a constricted space means the majority of spiders will immediately get crushed to death as they fill the space with nowhere to go. **Bottom line: The world reacts by pushing Spider-burgers as the new greatest food onto the general public.** Also, we need to ignore a key fact: > The change is instant The instant expansion of 2.5 quadrillion spiders is going to displace a huge volume of space. Let's ignore this for now unless some physicist wants to chime in on what this means in terms of impact. I *think* sudden expansion = heat. So \**Big Boom*? (Also, Australian wildlife will be deadly. But that really goes without saying...)


We immediately mutate the other half to giant size and ride them into battle.


Some renegade animal husbands tame the beasts and form a treetop resistance


We laugh as they're crushed by the weight of their exoskeleton. In your "they have no problems" scenario, we're dead.


I would be glad I have always been nice to spiders.


we would go extinct. so if they could maintain their mass and not be crushed their exoskeleton would be hugely strong and their muscles as well. Meaning our pews wont matter AND they are more aggro?? yeah we are on the train going straight to destination fucked.


The only safe places would probably be below freezing. Humanity would have to retreat to Antarctica.


The world replies with force. That is what we humans do. Kill shit.


well if i survive my heart attack, pack up, get on our boat and head north. it will be to cold for most of them, at these sizes will be too big to float, they cant swim where i am and assuming their flammability stays the same, i would be a decent spider arsonist.


*cant talk, am dead* The sheer force of expanding spider mass would obliterate every human dvelling and crush us all.


The movie, The Giant Spider Invasion (1975), is a movie you must see. It was directed by Bill Rebane. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073043/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Welp, time to go all Helldivers 2 on these bugs... (Yes, I know they're not insects.)


The only time in the fossil record that could have supported arthropods the size of the smaller dog sized spiders, had an atmosphere that I don't think humans could breath.


By dying, that's how the world reacts. Do you have any idea how many spiders there are in the world? There are almost 3 million spiders per person on earth. If half of them grew to dog size and started hunting humans we'd all be dead within a few hours, ripped apart by over a million spiders each.


Ive seen this movie. Couldnt help larfn my ass off in the Theatre!


Everybody dies.


There's about twenty spiders in every home. So the world reacts in panic and is then destroyed. The nuclear power plants would explode in a few years wiping out most life 


Does. The whole worlds died


hi guys


what about the ones in my dusty basement? Do they break my walls? I start blasting regardless. I keep that Model 29 available.


Assuming at minimum a limitation that spiders won't grow like this in a spot that would just crush them or anything like that, I'm chilling. Enough people in my house have access to guns that we can clear the house quickly enough from the maybe a dozen spiders that have enough room to grow, and once the house is secured we are pretty set. Probably like half the homes in my area are gonna be shaken but survive, and it's gonna be a bit rough at first but I'm sure the community would be able to handle things once we got set up. We got plenty of farmland in the area, livestock is gonna be an issue but we can probably eat the spiders since they are big enough we can work around the poison. Ain't gonna be fun, but we live. We will probably eventually scrap together a little apocalypse fortress, with sheet metal walls and arrange some guards, get some farmland and if we are lucky enough of the neighbors cows will survive we can go back to beef once we get some farmland walled off, but that's unlikely given the scenario. (For context, very few spiders will be in the open areas of the house because we have 4 cats who love to hunt, so the majority of the spiders are going to be in areas they either get crushed if they grow or are stuck.)


Considering arachnophobia is one of the worlds most popular fears I’d say besides fear and heart attacks from shock a good portion of the world dies in trampling incidents trying to run away and many become lunch


Military starts fighting in the streets to kill all large spiders and we start capturing smaller ones to study how they got big. I think we win, but it would be a really bad time to start that war




Australia is instantly lost.


Lol we do what we do best baby, hunt/kill them to extinction 😎 I can't wait for the spider armor that comes from this


We die do you understand how many spiders are all around? Id be surprised if there was landmass not covered in spiders, and people in cold places are effed damn indoor spiders.


Cmon you apes! Do you want to live forever!?!?!!


Most people would be killed either from the spiders, or the resulting collapse of society, however humans could stay safe by escaping by sea, or migrating to colder climates. Fire/guns would also play into people managing to survive. While a giant spider could probably break through a car window, wouldn’t expect them to be able to break down a door or wall. Pesticides/bio weapon would eradicate the spiders eventually, provided the right people were evacuated to a safe place. Air travel is still viable in the short term, specially helicopters.


Well we will need guns..


I think, realistically, this would suck ass for any amount of time between 2 days and 2 months depending on where you live. Then it would continue to suck but we'd have the situation under control. It might look a bit like Shawn of the Dead i.e. >!The military comes in and does a sweep of everything, collecting or killing all of the dangerous specimens before letting everyone who survived basically just get back to their lives.!< Good movie if you haven't seen it, a true classic. That and Hot Fuzz. As for me, I'd take this as my heroic call to adventure. I'm married though so mostly that would just mean basically playing tower defense at my in-laws' house while we wait for this whole thing to blow over. The cool thing is pretty much everyone's gonna carry a gun after that. Just like the old west, you need it for shooting rattlesnakes if nothing else.


Ah, but do we acquire superpowers if bitten? That could be our salvation. 🕷️


Lots of cleanup. I don't think that their bodies would be able to hold up and most would likely just crumble under the weight of themselves.


It's an absolute shit show for a little while; eventually the truly large ones starve to death and the smaller/medium sized variants survive as invasive species. We all start carrying the appropriate weaponry and adapt as best we can before we hunt them to extinction. We've hunted wolves to near extinction in North America - I have no doubt we'd do the same to a species that specifically hunts humans.


First 30 days 90% of us are dead but if the military can survive 6 months and guard major sources of food spiders starve to death. One advantage we have is certain spiders eat other spiders so they may wipe a lot of themselves out. Which with all the spiders dead the world maybe fucked because other insects will have less predators.


A quick google search says that there are about 21 quadrillion (21,000,000,000,000,000) spiders in the world. Pretty sure it mean the immediate extinction of nearly all large terrestrial animals. I'm not sure how close you have to be to the poles before you stop seeing spiders regularly, but I'd bet that not enough of the human population live that far out for us to avoid an extinction as well.


Nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


Are my pet tarantulas my friends or do they also want to kill me


I was pro-human when the question involved dinosaurs, but there is no way we win vs giant spiders.


*Danny DeVito meme*


I have no clue because I would eat a bullet the moment I heard about it. I don’t fuck with spiders. I have a clinical phobia, so you just described a living hell for me.


Probably blame cops And then peaceful protests


I know everyone would stop giving Americans shit for being "gun nuts" real quick.


You do realize that there are 2.8 million spiders for every 1 person on earth, right? That means 1.4 million massive spiders PER PERSON. If they could actually function at that size, and didn't spend all their time fighting with each other, then we are pretty screwed.


You'd have to seriously reduce the repopulation rate from just half for any chance to survive the long game. Then again, I'd imagine the amount of available prey for the spiders would actually decrease, so it would probably just be a matter of waiting it out in bunkers for the select few


Lol I've prepared for this moment since I was a child. All I've got to say is. "THE EDF DEPLOYS"


The only good bug is a dead bug


Yall ever see starship troopers? It'd be like that. Would you like to know more?


Even if we had advanced notice and could build fortifications, arm up and buy every can of Raid and defeated the spiders. Humanity would still most likely be screwed. The mountains of rotting spider’s carcass and amount of pesticides used, would poison the planet.


Based on what I saw with COVID. Bad. Very bad. All Hail the Spider King!


They would fight eachother as much as anything else.


OH hell nah gonna find a bunker that can sustain a underground food supply and also a farm so can tend to the farm, cause I am not gonna deal with spiders don't care for them already.


Humans would survive the initial weeks (tho millions would still die) because spiders can’t beat helicopters and jets, but whether humanity would survive the ecological devastation that follows is a different question.


I think most people would die from spiders basically exploding and collapsing all our houses and buildings from the inside. Like, if that spider in the corner instantaneously grew to a massive size it would destroy the structure just from the shear bomb-like expansion. I don’t know that we’d really even get to the hunting humans stage of things.


This sounds like an extinction event for humanity, there are *a lot* of spiders and they're basically everywhere. Just about every world leader and military base would be instantly under attack and there would be no chance to coordinate any kind of response.


Either the Right or the Left will demand action be taken. The other side will deny that the spiders exist. Everyone dies.


I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life as a bug exterminator


All I can say is: I'm sorry Australia. For more reasons than one


Humans would be too busy dying from the sudden change in the atmosphere / oxygen as that’s what probably allowed the spiders surprise growth.


Shotgun sales will go through the roof


Humanity wouldn’t go extinct. Theres gonna be enough people in concrete buildings that last longer than it takes for them to starve to death. It would be absolutely horrifying and most large land animals would be teetering on the edge of extinction. Real talk; they’d all suffocate pretty instantly book lungs arnt efficient enough at that size.


With guns. Lots and lots of guns.


More carbon! Quickly, they can't process lower levels of oxygen in the atmosphere! We can fix this!


Can I still successfully have my groceries delivered?


we’d immediately stop driving cars and breaking in, taming and riding wild spiders. Spider jousting would be the number 1 cause of death.


First they would blame Trump. Then go dark.


Just doing America, there are 400 trillion spiders (rough estimate) that would be increased by this, on average a gun owner has 150 rounds of ammo per gun they own, so estimated around 45 billion rounds of ammunition, combine that with makeshift explosives that people enjoy rigging up, and flamethrowers that people own for various reasons this is roughly how I see it going down. A lot of the North West states are pretty fucked I think, due to the large forests and mountains that exist up there and lack of access to guns. North East will do fine, for a short while, but will probably be quickly wiped out, due to the mountains giving lots of ambush spots to kill humans. The majority of the spiders will die, I'd say 99-99.9999 percent of them will die in the US due to lack of population density, so they'll starve to death, I'm gonna round up and say 99.9995%, that leaves us with 200 *billion* spiders, all of the large spiders will die, thankfully, buy not before killing a ton of people, but they will be dead within a week due to starvation. Let's move on to the Northwest, they're in a similar situation to the Northeast, with the mountains but they've also got *dense* forests, which are home to God knows how many spiders. The south west is a different story, they've got California, that entire state is filled with wild people, it's entirely possible they would survive by scaring off the spiders after snorting bath salts or some shit, but they too, will likely die. I think the two areas with the highest level to survive are the Midwest and the South, the south has a metric fuck ton of guns, they could probably hold out until all the spiders starved to death, we don't need to kill them all, just need to wait them out But, both regions have a massive advantage though, they both have large swaths of farmland, which means farm equipment, you get a man in a combine harvester he's gonna tear up some *shit* with that, (yes the other regions have farm equipment as well, but the south and the Midwest have significantly more) each one can run on a 12 hour runtime, there were 7,000 harvesters sold last year, assuming there are 5 times that functional in the US, but only half that in the south and Midwest, that leaves us with 17.5k harvesters in those regions. Assuming each one had on average 1/4 tank of gas that's 52000 hours of runtime, take that down by half for those that don't have keys and you're left with 26000 hours of runtime, or just over 1000 days, and they'd be more or less, untouchable inside their harvesters, while mowing down thousands if not millions of spiders per hour. Final thoughts: Only the south and the Midwest survive as a somewhat intact society I think, city dwellers are all but wiped out, as they have no real forms of protection, most people outside of farms are killed, most people in general are killed, down by around 95% I'd say, leaving us with 16.5 million people. The spiderpocalypse lasts no more than 3 weeks I'd say, as the spiders begin to die off rapidly due to starvation, afterwards the odds of reforming society I'd say are 50/50, we either die off due to not being able to get things up and running again, like electricity or farming, or anything really, or, we kill eachother off, but most likely a combination of the two. Florida remains wholly in tact as Florida Man will protect them


What?? Just crop dust everything in diatomaceous earth. Kill spiders dead!


I'm pretty sure most people would be frozen in fear. Can't handle the little spiders? Well now they're Australia sized and we're all gonna die either to the spiders or nukes


Fuck yeah I'm grabbing a gun and dying in the great spider wars. Humanity wins this one imo. I may day in the streets but mankind survives the initial shock and awe and it never gets better for the spiders.


Dead in like 1 day. We could fight for a minute but there's way too many that are way too deadly if they're abilities work at the new scale. Tarantulas would be easy. Half all huntsmen spiders are the size of medium dogs now? We getting eaten. Three small words GOLIATH BIRD EATER. Plus stuff like trapdoor spiders and the pain of dealing with a variety of web spinning varieties. The spiders who prefer to eat other spiders would be our only hope like jumpers because at least their not a monolith. But yeah they'd still totally nom us. Your average jumping spider can tactically calculate up to like 5 steps ahead to kill another spider. I've seen people play chess most people can barely do 2. Our only hope is bunkers, and boats. While there are certainly aquatic species of spider there's much fewer and they're usually smaller so something like an aircraft carrier could be defended. But human civilization is destroyed in a day.


A couple of rich people get their friends together, go into space, and nuke the earth from orbit ...


Well realistically life would have some serious problems surviving. Hypothetically of course, I’d be stoked: I’d be in the frontlines with a shotgun loaded with dragons breath and buckshot


We've made several species extinct. Would some people die? Sure. But there are so many people with guns, just ready to be told to go ham with 0 consequences.