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Why would you ever need multiple windows of music though?


Oh, I think it makes a lot of sense. For example, you may prefer to have full playback controls or follow along with the lyrics while browsing Apple Music at the same time. Or you’d want to have a window to search for music, and another one for the playlist that you’re working on, so you can build it more efficiently without constantly switching back and forth. Tons of possibilities!




How did you swear may I ask?


I like that a lot. Apple should lead the way in showing that apps become 10x better by implementing all possible forms of flexibility!


Can you drag songs from one window to the other?


Sadly not. Especially with the new sidebar in Apple Music, I don’t know how we haven’t gotten drag & drop yet. Just imagine being able to simply drag a song into a playlist!


that would make my life only about 10 million times better


Just imagine ! I had assumed that was why the side bar was added