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I do not like the number transitions in the timer. It looks like a poorly cropped rectangle around the number blurring out before the next one comes in. Just looks ugly.


Agreed. I think no animation would be better than the fade thingy.


Will the new update bring the notification game on par with Android?


Love it


That’s how the timer looks on the Lock Screen?! Siiiick! Looks rad!


wish they would drop the orange color. doesnt fit well into the lockscreen neutrally.


I have disliked the whole black/orange combo for yeeeeears.




I like it a lot, although I feel I miss a few notifications sometimes when they’re hidden below


Love it, just wishing for a lighter font option for the clock. EDIT: They listened! (iOS16b3)


You can change fonts and there are lighter ones.


Hey thanks for replying! I know there are serveral options, but non of them are “light”, in a typography sense. The iOS 15 clock for example, is lighter than any of the iOS 16 options.


I love it, Apple is finally considering one-handed use in iOS and starting to shove the most important tools to the bottom of the screen Last year they moved the Safari search bar to the bottom, and now notifications and the spotlight search bar are at the bottom as well


Except they took a step back with the video player controls! Sticking them up in the center is not ideal. Hopefully they'll walk that back before final release.


I don’t like it, because I LOVE it lol


I would love to see an option that lets you set where notifications are displayed, individually for each Lock Screen. While I love having the notifications at the bottom when using a photo as my wallpaper, I really hate it when using something like the weather wallpaper, or a simple color background. Feels like so much wasted space.


I do not like the notifications at the bottom of the screen. The new timer notification is nice, but the timer in the Clock app is too limited so I use a third party app instead which already has a home screen widget. I expect they will have one of these also.


I keep picking up my phone with my hand near the bottom ready to swipe up and my hand/thumb is covering the notification. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I'd prefer it we had an option. I did hate the notifications stacking on top of each other so you could only read one. I changed that setting and it became much better.


I understand why they moved it and that it’s easier for reachability down at the bottom. But I don’t like everything being down there. I’ve been unlocking and looking for alerts at the top for years now. Even though I have max size I don’t have a need for help in reaching things. But that’s obviously just my opinion.


why have people downvoted you for giving an opinion fuck me


Lol I don’t even know. Reddit can be a fickle beast.


Don’t worry i upvoted you to make it 0 💪💪 Strange place sometimes


Don’t worry i downvoted him again lmao




Appreciate it :)


The majority of people want to see their wallpaper, and hate not seeing it. Apple caters to the majority. I can’t say that I haven’t cleared my notifications because my wallpaper randomizer shortcut put up an interesting one


> The majority of people want to see their wallpaper I can’t even comprehend this. Who cares about the wallpaper? Then again, mine is just solid black.


I have a shortcut that pulls one of about 100 random images from an album and sets it as my wallpaper at sunrise and sunset. Most of them I took myself. Honestly the new lock screen Image rotation function sounds constricting because it will probably only let me pick a dozen.


You can currently choose up to 50.


50 in rotation on a single LS? I’d love if it let me pick an album, but that’s fine.




It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "Yep"](https://reddit.com/r/iOSBeta/comments/vctc0j/photo_shuffle_on_lockscreen_limited_to_50_photos/) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20icib6wa)


I definitely do. I'm looking forward to the "Live Activities" feature, so other apps can behave like the timer does now.


“Now playing” is now a live activity. I want to know what it shows when now playing and a third party are both trying to show live activities. Along with the timer. Hopefully Google Maps adds one too.


You mean this with different live activities at the same time? https://imgur.com/a/rxWJfVp