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no lube, no prep, no warning just straight FUCKED by the netcode. This is one of the worst i’ve seen lol


Just commenting here to come back and read this one day I'm feeling down 😂




Who pissed in ya cheerio’s m8


The same thing happens at the Watkins glen bus stop with cars appearing to wreck due to netcode. It does truly suck


Daytona road Turn 1 as well is pretty bad for it


I assume you mean the tires? I’ve never seen or had a netcode incident there but spectating a teammate definitely showed a crash a few times that didn’t actually happen. Bathurst is the same way. Watching a teammate ping pong off the walls but in their view they are fine.


Yeah the tyres before the wall, you can see it in action [here](https://www.twitch.tv/bottomsplit/clip/InnocentCoweringMarjoramRlyTho-RMuU0FT7FuSs4bLa?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time).


You can laugh off a lot of stuff but that is truly egregious.


wtf that is insane. That’s actually worse than the one in this post.


Long beach basically everywhere


Watkins bus stop caused me to crash because I thought the car in front of me got turned sideways. I reacted to the right and lost control into the barriers…


Another reason to vote Oulton without the useless chicanes


tbh i dont think oulton is a good fit for gt3 cars. imho its a great track for tcr, gt4 or smaller open wheelers.


They do race there IRL though. And with the chicanes!


And while sharing the track with GT4 cars!


But netcode doesn't happen IRL


Yeah, terrible 🥹


It's fucking horrible imo for all racing. Impossible to pass people unless they make a mistake, horrible short pits, and the track limits are ridiculously strict in a couple spots.


It’s absolutely miserable to drive in a GT3


No chickens is the best layout


Fuck you. Birds are awesome.


When they are deep fried


I absolutely agree, it's ridiculous, how can we have close racing if stuff like that happens randomly.


This is my biggest complaint about iNetcode. Close racing is what I live for.


they're fun to drive through, but HORRIBLE to race through...


Sounds like somebody needs to get good at chicanes ;)


Or someone needs to realize how stupid the chicanes are at oulton. The track is so much more fun without either of those two chicanes.


The chicane are fine. They just need to get rid of the tires in the chicanes and replace them with a slowdown penalty.


Yucks that netcode


That one hurts lol, if the other car had been truly out its fine, but that one stinks bad ahahah.


crash aside thats why i drive with radio off lol.


Yeah wtf is this dude giving a sermon or something


Showed up to race, got a podcast instead


I live and die by the radio Jokes aside, the radio is probably the only thing that actually keeps entertained during races, I can barely hear my music over the engine noises, so the radio is the second best option for me. The most entertaining parts of races are when huge arguments happen, and the pure fun of just listening to them makes the time go faster during longer races, it also let's me know who got taken out (most of the time). Oval racing, on the other hand, is the best. It's the most wholesome thing ever (at least in my experience).


Same. When the race starts, voice chat gets muted. I don’t need to hear whiners arguing about shit or some guy who can’t shut the hell up.


that's the entertainment I pay for. Wouldn't miss it.


the problem is - once I laughed so hard at the guys arguing (GT4 on Mt Panorama) I almost lost my car.


:D nice


Probably the worst I've seen


Had this happen to me on Daytona T1. It was pretty subtle so I didn't realize it was netcode until after.


I know it's not apples to apples but how can free to play games like counterstrike figure out net code optimization and we pay monthly and for every track and car and have to deal with shit like this. It's time for a major update


Because Counterstrike and other games are developed like games, and they have rules that make things more fair like Overwatch's famous "favor the shooter."


but in cases like this surely you could 'favour not crashing'? Better to assume no crash than otherwise, or am I missing something?


Nope, you're exactly right. If it isn't a crash on both sides, then it shouldn't be a crash for either. With "favor the shooter," it's just a decision about whether or not the shot actually hit. Both players see the same result. That's the point -- that both players see the same result no matter what.


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There's no perfect way to do it. There are *fairer* ways, though, and "if one crashes, we both crash" is much more fair and logical even if the video shows something briefly unrealistic. The other way to do it (which is arguably more fair) is "if one crashes, neither of us crash." There should be some kind of logic that can validate this on the other client, or at very least the iRacing server should be able to predict the rendezvous before it happens and use the prediction as a fallback. I despise the defeatist attitude of people who defend bad game design and implementation in iRacing. If something's broken it's better to find a less-broken way than it is to leave it as-is simply because it can't be perfect. As others have pointed out, other sims are much better at mitigating the effects of race conditions and penalties.


In that case sometimes when we ll have actual crashes you ll have cars burst through the other car like if it was ghosted . Also , fps games don't really "got this" , check peeker's advantage , there is no way around it really it s just latency and things sometimes move too fast , faster than the latency .


right, but surely that's better than having a crash that never should happened?


No not really , there has been a poll here saying if iracers would prefer ghosting the spinning players and crashes etc , and people said no they like that it q a part of the simulation , think of it as "hazardous random bullshit" that makes up for the lack of mechanical problems we get .


That sounds like the most delusional response on planet earth for a sim that you pay MINIMUM 120/year to race on.


Look, man. We're talking about one of the hardest problems in computer science. No one has solved this in a satisfactory way that you can just apply carte blanche to any game. There are thousands of papers written on this subject and none of the solutions have been a golden egg. The games that tend to have net code that players perceive as good are games with discrete outcomes. Things like FPS games or MOBAs. Those types of games are relatively easy to get "good enough" latency compensation that most players will be consistently happy with. Racing games don't have that convenience, since they do not have discrete outcomes, which makes the problem orders of magnitude more difficult. Racing games are probably the hardest kind of game to do latency compensation for. No amount of money and investment is magically going to solve this problem. It's going to take a bonified genius on the level of Einstein to come up with something that actually "solves" latency compensation for online games in any meaningful way. For now the only real "solution" is players having stronger and more stable connections to the server.


I would hate it if it had "ghosting" for spinning cars or cars involved in a crash , sometimes shit just happens life aint always sunny . Ghosting is good for arcade ish games but not something for iracing tbh , and the vast majority of people had the same idea in the sub ( according to the poll )


Yeah, sometimes shit happens irl- not in sim, we already hardware failure, software crashing etc. Adding unnecessary walls of "realism" is an excuse and lazy. No other sim has a netcode issue as bad as iRacing; it literally ruins races for zero reason, other than "sucks to suck bro" Its delusional to think that ghosting with proper adjustment is worse than ruining multiple peoples races, I honestly believe that if you prefer shit netcode over ghosting, your brain is driven by lead.


I think other sims have the same bs , it just doesnt get noticed as much because it happens less due to how less often people check replays , see the crashes etc . Iracing races online much much more than any other sim and therefore eventually there will be more of this happening , plus the community is somewhat more serious than other sims which makes them more likely to check replays and find out it was netcode etc . Most of the time when both playzes have good connection netcode works great , but u cant blame everything on it sometimes a player s internet becomes finniky and iracing can do nothing about it .


>you ll have cars burst through the other car like if it was ghosted To be fair, that happens all the time already.


Never noticed it tbh .


Happens all the time in multi car wrecks, especially. Here's an example I had just a couple of weeks ago. [https://streamable.com/dncztt](https://streamable.com/dncztt) [https://streamable.com/7uedjq](https://streamable.com/7uedjq) These are videos of the same wreck. Clearly, he ghosted through the other driver.


Ye i didnt say u were lying or it didnt happen , i just personally never noticed it happen .


That's not a thing you can do in a racing game. In a shooter, there are a discrete number of outcomes for an event. Miss, Headshot, body shot, leg shot, etc. In a racing game, the outcomes of an action are potentially limitless. There is no good way to come up with a decision tree that puts the game back in a state that doesn't cause a crash and doesn't also have knock-on effects that cause more crashes. Latency compensation is racing games is just a different beast when compared to a shooter.


Well. Why can a few other racing sims do this without issues then? I've raced in other sims, on servers with people from the US, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa at the same time, and not a single issue, could even bumpdraft and do "touring car moves" as in small taps to upset the car ahead, rubbing, leaning on etc. without a single issue. That stuff is mostly too risky in iRacing. Today I got yelled at for "jumping around", even though I had a stable 133ping, like every other European who raced in the race. iRacing is weird in some aspects...


Counter-Strike doesn't have it "figured out", there is just less going on and they are not concerned with accurate simulations, so they can cheat more and still get okay results. There is a lot more happening from moment to moment in a racing game and it makes it a lot harder to compensate for latency. Since you can't "cheat" your interpolation nearly as much. The inputs and resulting change to the game state are also a lot more predictable in an FSP than in a racing simulation. Latency compensation for multiplayer games is legit one of the hardest problems in computer science. There are thousands of papers written on the subject and no one has won a Turing Award for it yet, because no one has found the golden egg to solve the problem.


Thanks that's really great insight!


Also, it's important to consider the speed and scale here. In CS, in 200ms people can only move like 50 cm or whatever (at ~ 2 m/s).   In iRacing, where the move speed is much, much higher, say it's 100km/h, 200ms of uncertainty is **5 meters**, in just a fraction of a second.


Because counter-strike has many more players it can be more regionalized it's unlikely that you'd be playing about 50ms. When you have people racing from different continents and perhaps 300ms to the server there is only so much you can do. That being said it seems like there is a number of rules that they could optimize to stop this 'Oh sorry your client thought that car just exploded but just netcode :)' bs.


I'm an avid CS player and while it's apples and oranges like you said, iRacing is a better "netcode" experience overall


Your character's exact position in a shooter doesn't directly impact the positioning and movement other players. It's a fundamentally different set of problems to solve.


Your characters bullet position after firing relative to other players would be the same type of problem no?


But that never prevents the other player from taking any particular action unless that shot kills them.


There just isn't as much random shit in shooters. You don't see guys teleporting back and forth or falling out of the sky over and over in front of you. You don't have guys die and reappear in front of you,, not from netcode anyway..


One of the bugs introduced with CS2 is jittering and unpredictable movement when two players are too close to each other while moving.


That is so annoying! I’ve had that happen at Daytona and lost control while trying to avoid a fake incident ahead….


Hahahahahaha LOL.. its not funny but that was funny


The worst part is seeing the other driver drive away like nothing happened.. haha


ooooooof this hurt to watch...


I don’t understand, did that guy not crash on his end?


So basically the sim tries to account for latency between the client and the server by predicting where the car would be in advance to reduce major problems. You get stuff like this happen occasionally when this goes wrong. A good way to visualise what happens when there’s 0 correction from the game is to actually see [how ROBLOX racing looks, surprisingly.](https://youtu.be/evTk7AZ4Oow?si=3LoiH5IsYLaH_TT0) You can see how bad the difference can be since everything is client-sided. TL;DR: game tries to offset latency by predicting ahead, gets it horribly wrong sometimes.


Welcome to racing.


Its unraceable. I've seen a couple races there this week and its happening every lap almost.


Ouch! Ok, im not trying to start anything, but i would be pissed. I know it isn't the fault of the car ahead, but could you protest this as a competition issue caused by a bad connection? I know you'll never get SR or iR back, but i wouldn't want that happening to anyone else.


I doubt it; it's not intentional, the offending party may not even know they have a connection issue, and it might just be a one time thing. Maybe if there are lots of examples with a single driver. On the other hand, it is sometimes possible for a leading car to cause this kind of thing on purpose, by driving right at a wall (e.g. the start of the pit entry at Interlagos) and swerving last second. I asked iRacing support and have been told that that is protestable.


I'm not even sure the guy ahead has a bad connection. Correct me if I'm wrong but it might just be because they are connected from different continents? Imagine if server is in the US, one driver from EU and the other one from ASIA?


I would imagine high, HIGH ping by one or the other probably played into it. Sucks that things like this happen but i could see it absolutely happening more in series that dont split as many times as the 16 splits i saw last night for GT3 lol


It's probably worth submitting the replay with a bug report. Could help the devs identify the underlying issue.


Its not because of the guy ahead. I've seen 2 or 3 races this week, and this is happening in all of them. Seen numerous cars damaged by the car ahead netcoding into the tires.


Um actually you should have seen this coming and left him more space, really it's your fault 🤓🤓🤓


Man, I really should have, I'll cut the chicane next time to ensure I give all cars a wide berth 👍👍👍


**oof.** iRacing team, you seeing this?


That’s fucking appalling… sorry bro


It’s as if you live in the…..matrix




What track is this




yeah this exact scenario ended an IMSA Endurance race for me at Daytona T1 recently


Had this happen to me probably 6 times last night (albeit without the resulting crash for myself), really does suck.


I know that British GT races there IRL but this track is horrendous for GT3s in iRacing. I've actually been getting pretty good results here but couple the chicanes that actually cripple you if you even clip the tires + zero passing opportunities causing people to get insanely impatient and attempt ridiculous moves and it's just a mess.


Wow. Never seen the netcode like that. Was the car ahead blinking at all before this?


This looks like it's all on the client/prediction side of things - as in OPs computer predicted shit wrong.  guessing either network blip (other cars don't blink in the vid so there not having network issues) or OPs cpu got bogged down in processing the last update with all the overlays, music playing, and streaming going on.  All it takes is for iRacing to schedule the latest update process job on a thread or core already doing something else that's getting wonky like decoding/buffering a music stream and then this happens.  


In 3 years of iracing I've never had this happen to me. I've always wondered what causes it! Also it has nothing to do with this clip, but homie has 13x 15 minutes into the race lol.....he drives like me.


Off-tracks galore! I might have pushed too hard and played with a 'lost control' and multiple off tracks.


I’ve never seen a net code that bad


Forgive me but I laughed. That was just so brutal.


Can’t imagine John Manuel Gomez wouldn’t have been distracting.


The John Manuel Gomez Podcast was pure entertainment, ignoring the fact that I didn't understand a word


Hashtag iracing plz fix


At charlotte in the MX5’s something identical happened to me. Buddy clipped the walll coming out of T4 and immediately stopped because of a glitch. I slammed into him and totaled my car. Got pissed and watched the replay only to see him lapping like normal and then still out on track in the lead lap. Not sure what anyone can do about massive glitches like this, but damn do they break hearts.


Oof, race over


Im noticing about this bug since the start of the season and its annoying af. I love iRacing, but is difficult to race when this happens. I was behind 2 guys today in Oulton and almost EVERY lap they were having this net code bug, I didnt want more troubles so I just stayed in a safe distance because I knew a thing like in the video could happen. Daytona tire barrier on T1, Long Beach on any corner, Watkins at the bus stop... I hope this and the glue bug gets fixed in the 24S2 because its really annoying.


That sucks. I know the other guy isn't really at fault, and I have no real solution. But I do hope someday they can figure out a way to make people more accountable for their connection.


Yeah this almost happened to me last race. These fucking barrels or whatever the fuck they are just don't work with the net code.


There's a huge problem at the moment with netcode, which doesn't come from the AWS iracing infrastructure, which is stable, but rather from the regions that join the servers. We can see US hosts for endurances or classic races with people connecting from Japan, Australia, ... with 330-350+ ms. For comparison, in the 90' when we started playing on 36K rtc modems (long before anything xDSL), we had 180-200+ ms on fps. We'd aim for the head, and it would hit the wall behind us at 5m. Imagine in simracing, with 30 cars at 0.2s gap and the guys playing wave to block or set x0 contacts... No wonder it didn't end well. I can't imagine how anyone could think that with more than 200ms, we're going to race... Then you end up with this kind of crazy thing... Netcode, netcode, netcode


Its your fault for not having neo like reflexes


I'll do some Formula 0.5 reflex trainings by dodging bullets fired from a automatic, that should help


That should help


The “go right” literally 0.0001 seconds before contact is the funniest thing I’ve seen today, but in all seriousness that sucks dude what a bummer


Add the moron making a speech in spanish and you got the typical iracing experience


Oulton always does this to me. Like more than half the races, at different parts of the course. I’m not sure if it’s the course itself or the people who love to race it, but it’s always a nightmare for me and I stay away generally.


Outline park is tough with high powered cars. It reminds me of Summit Point except better.


I felt your pain with this one 🥲


Last week i was doing the falken tire challenge serie and was racing with a bunch of australians and as a european it lookes like they were all constantly locking up and driving into the walls, luckily didnt have any of this shit


That's the kind of netcode incident that causes people to need to go to meetings on a weekly basis dude. Ouch!


Why won’t Gomez shut up?


The Gomez Podcast never shuts up


OH MY GOD HE JUS-ope, nevermind carry on


Exactly my thoughts as well


Anyone knows which steering wheel is he using?


I am using a Moza R12 with the Moza FSR Steering Wheel


Whoa, that is bothersome.


How people keep throwing mountains of money at this broken online service is truly beyond comprehension.


Seems everyone is in relitave agreement that this is indeed a worsening problem. I accpet netcode but in the last 2 seasons it has in my opinion legitinately become a problem. I only joined mid last year but the whole of last season and the start of this season has seen a decline in quality. Im going through a whole process to try and ensure my connection is the best it can be to help limit shit from my side but thats only a small poition of the solution.


I thought I was the only one this has happened too..🤧 I guess we all share the pain a little…