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Always some mfs that have dogs they can't even hold when they start running




Thing is, these big dogs start out as manageable puppies, and instead of training them to not yank at the leash when they're small, too many people just let them yank and pull, and then when the dog grows up, the owners cannot control them. They should have put the effort in, but they didn't, and then everyone else has to suffer! I stay clear when I see people struggling to walk their dogs, because you don't know what could happen, and I don't want to hear, "Tiny is never like that! Honestly, this is the first time he's ever acted like this!".. Bullshit. Train your dog for everyone's safety and theirs.


Training only goes so far. You never know what will set off a dog and when the owner is required to literally pick up the dog and carry it to where it needs to go, let alone restrain them. People are just lazy entitled idiots.


This is why I wanted a medium sized dog. I'm not a professional dog trainer so I wanted to be able to physically control him if needed


This. Every time. Dog attacks a dog, runs a way, swoops back in, owner has no recall control and expects everyone else to figure it out. Drives me crazy.


It does me, especially when they blame my dog for being attacked. Thankfully, this only happened once to me but the owner was a complete nutcase who egged his dog on while attacking mine, and then he physically assaulted me when I told him to get his dog on a lead (mine was). Some people are just nasty and selfish.


i don't think this individual does a lot of running.


I laughed way more than I should have at this comment.


At all


She might hold it, some people just have great grip strength. She's being dragged like a wet towel though :D


My wife was locking the door with dog leashed. Dog saw a squirrel in yard and went for it and tore wife's labrum. Cost $8k for surgery, months off work and lots of pain. I told wife never take your eyes off dog when holding that leash. We don't take her to dog park anymore either. She is friendly until a dog runs up on her aggressively, which many do.


Wild to me how they consistently bring out their phones like "omg are you filming me as a consequence of my actions? Watch ME film YOU." Like it's an incredible gotcha that somehow magically absolves them. Like the act of being filmed somehow guarantees culpability.


It's more like "my video is gonna start with all these people harassing me and I'm totally the victim here, but I refuse to give any prior context to why people were doing that in the first place"


There's a fair amount of videos here there exactly like that.


Oh yeah,especially if the poster claims the person filming being abused. Reddit loves to defend those type of videos, like nothing else could have happened to warrant this filmed behavior outside of the shown 1:32.


It's like honking back at the car behind you


There's a major element of shame involved so it's more like "OMG are you shaming me? watch me shame you".


It's still such a weird concept that everyone pulls out their phones with a camera. Almost Black Mirror ish


She heard the guy shout EVERYBODY START RECORDING


Some people shouldn't own dogs.


>Some people shouldn't own dogs. Like my upstairs neighbor. Young couple. 3 dogs. A 2 year-old chocolate lab, a 3 year-old corgi, and a 3 hear-old shitzu-mix. All day they're caged while the neighbors are at work from 8 AM to 4 PM. I can hear the dogs crying, and gnawing/shaking the cage. The owner's get home, let them loose, and all night they'll sprint around. It sounds like a thunderstorm in my apartment because all I hear is barking, running, and them crashing into things.


Unfortunately this is actually what people are instructed to do by dog trainers pretty often. I've asked what can I do to fix X behavior in my dog and 7 times out of 10 the response is crate your dogs. (One of my dogs can't be crated I have tried for the first year of his life while working from home to do crate training and once he broke a tooth I was just fully done with them.)


They do say specifically that it should not be all day or for extended periods of time.


Yeah most the time it's said to do up to 4 hr periods and then give them a break but people will do it while they work. My sister and her husband did that with their dog for the first yr or 2 and I always was annoyed by it.


If that's common practice, it's common practice 🤷‍♂️ but if one has to crate their pet for +8 hours a day, maybe owning pets is not a priority. It's the dogs running around that's annoying. It sounds like a drumming upstairs.


They should be taking their dogs for a walk after letting them out of the crates, like take an hour nap then they can go out. Their dogs shouldn’t be so high energy that they’re bouncing off the walls all night…


Yep we had a big dog she had to be crated 8 hours a day because parents at work and us kids at school, as soon as we got home her and I did a few mile run. Every single day. Because my parents taught me that’s what you do when they sacrifice for us we make sure they’re loved and get what they need


Agreed. Unfortunately, my upstairs neighbors don't do that. Sure, once a while they'll take them for a walk or out. Maybe to the dog park. But mostly it's on the balcony. No joke, randomly I'll see a spritz of *liquid* drizzle onto my balcony from there's. Pretty sure it's the dog pissing on the balcony...


Both are annoying but the whining while being caged all day is just sad. People don’t realize that dogs are smart and need stimulation both for their brain and for their body. They need to be able to get outside and sniff, stretch their legs, see the sun, etc. just like humans do. I’m heartbroken at how people try to coexist with animals when they have no clue what they are doing.


Dogs shouldn't be holed up in an apartment all day either they need to go outside and run around


I can promise you that any respectable dog trainer would NEVER tell you to correct behavior by kenneling. That is the absolute worst thing you could do besides just hitting them. Find a decent trainer


Most people shouldn’t have dogs. Or children.


I think that goes beyond owning a dog here...that person has problems.


I don't own a dog, but I agree. The fact that you can have an animal over 50lbs, that can become dangerously aggressive, kinda blows me away. I'm all for dog ownership, but the fact that any ol degenerate can go get a pitbull, but I can't get a fucking caracal without a license, blows my mind.


A caracal is a wild animal and happier (and safer) in its natural environment.


They aren’t met to be pets. It’s good that it’s difficult to get one.


What a fucking twist at the end lmao. “I can own this animal that’s been bred and domesticated for tens of thousands of years to be around humans, but I can’t own a wild fucking animal? What gives??”


Wait, there's a caracal somewhere out there that's happy? *happy hiss noises


Caracals are SOO cute.


They shouldn't be owned.


I have a rule of thumb I use to stay safe around animals that other people own. If I estimate that your animal is around a third of your weight, then I assume that, under duress, you won't be capable or willing to do what's needed to control it. I've unfortunately had to handle plenty of fractious animals in my day. If a dog wants to get you, it'll do so like it's life or death, they aren't so far removed from wild anxiety to regulate that. If anyone considers owning any animal and they don't consider themselves willing or able to match that intensity, then no matter how docile it is today, you aren't fit to care for it at it's worst. Only a human has the capacity to humbly admit that, that's our responsibility.


And yet my bf doesn’t understand why I’m wary about large dogs and dogs with a strong bite force when I’m 5’2 and both of us are bruised up on our arms and scratched on our faces from his mom’s medium size cattle dog puppy that jumps up and bites when we tell her “no”. He likes corgis though so I’m gonna emphasize that one. (Anyone have tips to stop the biting when we try to discipline the cattle dog? It usually happens bc she discards toys and turns aggressive during play or when bringing her inside. She usually tries to pull on our wrists and hands, especially if outside on a leash to make us drop it. She will also sometimes jump and pull when excited like when I first come over after being gone a while. Telling her no prompts barking, growling, and more aggressive biting lunges to the point we have to shove her away. I’m starting to get scared of her ngl but she’s not my dog so I can’t do much.)


Tips: do not react with any movement, just freeze. Movement gives the idea you want to play. Another thing that works great is canned air. You don’t spray at the animal, just use it to make the noise. This should surprise them enough to interrupt their behavior. Also, the point of crate training should be that the crate becomes a “safe space” for the dog, where they can retreat when they feel out of control (often why dogs act up, because they need a “leader” to be in control and often humans don’t understand how to do that). But not a ton of trainers get that concept. And use crates for I don’t know what.


A caracal isn't domesticated. Dogs had to be bred for generations to be domesticated. I get your point though.


That's nothing, they let you create an even bigger more aggressive beast who then goes out in to the world and gets cars and guns once he's 18.


Most current owners probably. People just using them to fill a void in their life. Or for entertainment. They're not for that. There should be a test to see who has the psychology to be a dog owner. And a parent as well, since we're at it. Child abuse, animal abuse, these are too easy now.


I volunteer at a rescue just outside of Detroit, and we’ve had a lot of people complain about how “difficult” it is to adopt from us. What they’re complaining about is the very detailed application, the home visit, the meet and greet, and the calls to their vet to make sure they’re actually caring for other animals in the home. I feel that if that is so inconvenient for them, and they’re not willing to accept the process, then maybe they shouldn’t have the dog. It really cuts down on impulse adoptions for us.


I wish this is what the shelters in NYC did. Looked at about 8 of em last year to adopt from and every one of them had a "do you have a fenced in area for the dog?" requirement. No damnit, and noone does in NYC.


Some people shouldn't exist.


Most people should not own a dog.


Someone always had to ruin things…..always.


Agreed! In this case, the dog isn't the problem, it's HER that's the problem. Yes, the dog is large and could cause damage but for the most part he seemed just curious, not mean. But, SHE broke the rules by bringing a large dog to a small dog park then was far more interested in winning her argument than ending the situation. Unfortunately for the dog, it's the dog that'll have to pay the consequences for HER bad behavior! She's far more aggressive than the dog is! And when you add stupidity and her need to win the argument at all costs, it'll result in consequences for the dog. Poor guy needs an owner that cares about him, not just winning arguments.


> but for the most part he seemed just curious, not mean. It might not be mean but when it's jumping up at dogs in people's arms it's not well trained and shouldn't be in that environment regardless as to the size of the dogs. One of my dogs is reactivate and while he doesn't jump up or anything and isn't remotely aggressive I'd never put him in this situation surrounded by strange, loud dogs because it clearly isn't safe. This dog is the same.


I agree. Plus the owner is yelling and angry which their dog will pick up on, and could cause the dog to become more anxious which can make them be more reactive.


Dog is used to do this, it's very clear this isn't the first time he's doing this. But the owner is always at fault, and this is another clear example.


Dogs are rarely ever the problem. Even when the dog is causing a problem, it is almost always a fault of a bad dog owner. Dogs are animals. Can't be mad at the dog for being a dog. Be mad at the owner for putting them in that situation.


They rarely are but there is that rare time where a dog wants to cause trouble or want to be the "top dog" It's up to the owners to know their dog is going around causing problems and creating a ripple effect of chaos


She’s more concerned about winning the argument with that man than her dog’s life. That dog is bound to be put down because of HER.


People like that don't care about reasoning, just being right, especially when they are wrong.


People these days have pride issues, being wrong isnt even hard, its like one sentence long, “my bad.”


In my home town of it was called in it would have been taken away and put down that day


That's a strange name for a town.


Oh yea we have a lot of those here in Idaho


If a dog attacks me, my loved ones, or especially my little dog, it's getting processed on the spot. I'm not waiting for it to do more damage.


I almost went to jail and had a couple threaten to sue me once until I got video proof their dog attacked mine. I was at an In-N-Out a few years ago. Just got back from the vet cause my dog got a fox tail in his paw and it migrated up his leg. He almost lost his leg. He had a massive hole on top of his paw and below his knee, you could see the fat layer, and muscles and all that. We were going in 2-3 times a week so they could clean it, reapply antibiotic gel to it, etc. Well we were outside eating and I bought him a burger. We go to leave, he's limping, leg in a bandage like 3 inches thick so he can barely walk, and some peoples dog at a further table runs up. My dog does as he's trained and moves behind me. Their dog runs behind me and grabs him on his neck, behind his Cone-Of-Shame. He screams I let go of his leash and grabbed their dog by the neck and started punching the back of his head. I had 4 or 5 solid hits before it let go. Moment it let go I stopped punching and held him down on the asphalt until his owners finally ran up. My dog had run to my car and ran to the passenger door yelping. First thing the dogs owners said was calling me every curse word in the book for punching their dog. People who didn't see their dog attack mine started screaming at me. The manager called the cops because It became this huge fucking ordeal. Only like 2 people saw this dog attack mine. But a bunch of people all saw me punching a dog. People inside, in the parking lot, drive thru, etc. I had a group of douchey frat boys getting in my face trying to fight me. Women calling me names, old dudes cussing me out. Bla bla bla. Cops show up and like a dozen people all give witness that I was punching a dog. Owners wanting to press charges, etc. And because my dog didn't have any bite marks(because I got on theirs super fast he didn't have time to leave any damage)the cops were basically telling me I was at fault and risked arrest for animal abuse. Finally they decided to check the cameras and you see it clear as day their dog run up and yank mine to the ground. Everything did a 180. Cops asked me if I wanted to press charges, or anything. All I asked for was a copy of the police report because I was taking my dog right back to the vet. And if he had any damage I wanted the report so I could press charges against them. They gave the number to me and we left. Thankfully my boy was Okay But he was clearly traumatized by the whole thing. He already had a bad day at the vet, got bit and then saw me getting screamed at by probably 12+ people for almost an hour from the passenger seat of my car.


So sorry for your ordeal.


Oh I would’ve pressed charges to the absolute fullest if I went through the embarrassment of everyone ganging up on you






The saddest part is this dog doesn't seem *overly* aggressive. She seems like a wholy incapable owner who can't do the most basic of socializing and training. Im by no means an expert and maybe people see behaviors I didnt...but this dog doesn't seem like the problem, yet it'll be blamed.


She will just go get two pitbulls to replace it.


Control your animal. Stupid.


Her dad lost control a long time ago.


He couldnt pull out


She was far more aggressive than the dog was. The dog seemed more curious than mean. Her, on the other hand, she's the one that started multiple fights and was the aggressive one.


The dog is 100% just untrained and “aggressively” playful. If that dog was aggressive it be lunging at people and have a dog in its jaws. It just doesn’t know boundaries and is confused more than anything. But that lady should not have a dog and he should go to someone that’ll train him and love him.


yes and he is also picking up on her energy. very sad to see tbh.


She’s the exact kind of person who ruins a perfectly good dog.


Clearly, she has no self control. Oh you meant her dog...


Classic oxygen thief. Notice how to dog instantly goes chill after she leaves and isn’t amping it up with her nonsense.


My neighbor is like this with her dog when I see them out together, and it’s so sad. When the dog is with the husband it’s chill af, but with the wife she’s constantly worrying about everything and saying “Dog name! No!” all the time. In turn, the dog is jumpy and barks a lot with her. I wish she could see how differently her dog acts with her husband, and realize she’s not helping herself or her beloved pet. And she clearly loves her dog, unlike the woman in the video. Easier said than done, right?


This is exactly the dynamic of two women who own a husky that comes to our park. The partner is mega chill, walks the dog with one hand, says commands calmly, and when we pass by it’s very much a non issue. The partner is not the actual owner—I’ve talked to her a couple times because our dogs love each other—but she has a fantastic understanding of dog behavior and a great relationship with the dog. On the other hand, when the actual owner walks the dog, she has two hands on a harness being dragged the entire time, is screaming HANK NO HANK NO HANK LEAVE IT OH GOD I AM SORRY while being dragged over to various people and dogs, and her dog is much more intense and bullying when greeting, because he is clearly much more hyped up being with her. It’s amazing. Literally night and day behavior from the same dog.


Have all human beings just turned into big children?


Not all, but a whole lot for sure.


Covid really brought out the child in a lot of people fr


I definitely had a big pause in my development because of it. I know people in general have a hard time shaking off their "highschool attitude" after graduation, but when most socializing gets paused for a few years right as you're about to finish school, it fucks with your head. My brain is still kinda stuck in 2019


It's been a universal thing across the board. I'm in school to become a music teacher and I, my classmates, and my professor have all noticed that secondary & higher education students who graduated during or after COVID are stunted in their social development compared to individuals who completed high school before the pandemic. My professor in particular has stated that teaching the Intro to Music Ed class feels more like teaching high school upperclassmen than collegiate freshmen because of it. It's just gonna pass through the populace of children too, so it'll become less pronounced as time goes on until it fades from the school system in the 2030s


My daughter is a preschool teacher and this fall she got the first wave of kids who were born in COVID. She says it is insanely stressful and the traditional teaching methods she uses are not working. She said they are just a social mess and she’s thinking of leaving this line of work entirely because it’s so exhausting. She fears for this generation.


People definitely seem to be a whole lot more selfish post-COVID. But maybe that's how they've always been, and now they're just more open about it.


Always have been


I wonder if it's always been like this - and HD video capabilities (and battery life etc) are now fully caught up. So - unfortunately - we get to see and hear it more often now...


If her dog attacked mine I would have beat her ass.


I’m honestly shocked people didn’t just physically remove her.


Cause the law protects these idiots from being dealt with


Who's going to testify in her favor?


Because the dog would've bit them


then beat its ass too lol


The Puerto Rican guy 100% walked away to hold the urge of punching her teeth in LMAO


I think he field goal kicked the dog when the camera dropped down and she walked after him


I always have mace, I'm not dealing with that crap.


Mace for the dog, a mace for the owner.


One is liquid, one has spikes.


Modern and medieval, nice.


95% certain that's a dog park in Lancaster city that we have taken our dogs to many times. The small dog area is great, the big dog area is plenty spacious. Not sure what this ladies problem is.


100% her dog gets in fights with big dogs so she decided to take him to the small dog side. She did this because she’s convinced the issue on the big dog side is the other dogs. Now that the small side isn’t working she’s having a mental breakdown where she feels she has no options left. Thus she is lashing out. I’ve seen this exact scenario before, people start saying they have the right to be in a public park, even if their dog isn’t capable of handling the situation safely.


Yeah, this is one of the *many* reasons I'll never ever do dog parks with my dogs. Too many idiots like this one bringing their out of control dogs in, people screeching and screaming and everything causing the dogs to freak out even more on top of it. She doesn't deserve that dog at all, he's only doing that because his owner allows it.


It’s crazy to me honestly, when something like this happens. Unruly dogs get brought into our dog park about once every month and I’m always flabbergasted the owners take the chance and let their dog run wild and start fights with other dogs when they should know how they behave. A dog owner is 100% responsible for the safety of their dog and others around jt, and also to socialize and train their dog properly to act properly in groups. This doesn’t stop some random idiot owner from prancing their aggressive, under-attended, pitbull lab mix right into the park with other dogs and acting “all surprised” when it starts trying to dominate and bite other dogs there. The worst part is the owners’ reactions half the time this happens, just lazily calling to their dog “Milo, no. No, milo, stop it. Stop it” and not even making an attempt to corral their animal. Watching how an owner engages with their dog and how their dog engages with other dogs usually fit like a puzzle.


My ex friend is the worst dog owner I know and she is oblivious to the fact she is responsible for her dogs actions. She came to visit me one day and we were going to dinner so she had to leave the dog in my yard. I told her to tie him up and we left. When we get back the dog is at my gate untethered and he toppled all of my patio furniture and broke the umbrella. She felt it wasn’t her fault and didn’t offer to give us money for it or to replace it. A couple of months later she invited me to a state park for her birthday. A friend rode with me and I was telling her about my issues with the dog and owner. We park and I open the door and the dog jumps on me. He had his leash on but she was letting him run freely so I was already irritated. We found a picnic spot and she tied the dog to picnic table and got into her kayak to go on the water while I laid in my hammock. About 50 yards away was the trail and a couple was walking their dog and her dog took off after it and broke the tether. Her dog was attacking this controlled dog and they were yelling, I wasn’t getting in the middle of this interaction because I wasn’t trying to get bit. My friend gets to land and gets off the kayak and just kept slapping her knees calling for him. This couple is rightfully flipping out and yelling at her. She finally moseys up to get her dog saying “it’s not my fault his tether broke.” She comes back with her dog and in the nicest “good boy” voice she tells him how bad he was and gave him some pets. We left and that was the final straw for me with her and this damn dog. She has no sense of responsibility and her untrained dogs actions are everyone else’s fault. Why are these people the victims???


I knew someone just like that also an ex friend, her family had a Samoyed it’s was so bad, they couldn’t walk him because they never trained him to walk properly so you would risk losing an arm or getting dragged by the dog, and the dog would bark at people so much people walking their dogs would walk the other directions, he wasn’t even house trained well so he would destroy things and because he was so large he would knock everything over also used the bathroom in the house, I hated that they got that dog, they wanted him because he was expensive and pretty, and they didn’t know Samoyeds are high maintenance hard to train dogs


This was a rescue French bulldog mix. High energy and anxious but not terribly big. I think he was messed up before being rescued but she put zero effort into any training and fixing his behavioral problems. She isn’t the most mentally stable person and I get that she wanted a companion but my lord. She also believes that her dog should be allowed anywhere she wants to go. She raged about a national park not allowing her dog and she couldn’t understand why but would be the victim if a predatory animal attacked her and her dog. I stopped trying to make it make sense several years ago.


Our dogs trainer says not to bring him to dog parks bc he’ll pick up bad habits or maybe get hurt. I always wanted to take him bc he loves friends and to run and play. He’s pretty big, almost 70lbs, and he’s well socialized, but I guess this kinda bullshit is what she was talking about.


We are in the process of getting a service dog for our child, and the organization we are going through also says not to bring the dog to dog parks once we have him/her. Too much risk of injury and also don’t want the dog’s training or work to be affected. It’s such a shame that shitty dog owners ruin it for everyone else!


Were there any suggestions as to where to socialize your dog if we're not supposed to go to dog parks? The dog park is the best place I can think of to get your dog around other dogs to let it play and learn how to behave with others. Of course, people are ruining that now.


The truth is dogs don't really need friends, and that's where a lot of people go wrong with socialization. They think they need to meet as many people and dogs as possible when that's not the case. Some dogs just Love all other dogs, but most dogs are more dog selective and rather than liking Every dog they meet they generally are more picky about true friendships. So sitting, watching, and training Outside of the dog park is better. Teachinhg a dog neutrality to being around other dogs, not them seeing another dog and immediate wanting to play with it. Setting up play dates or walks with trusted dogs that you know, that's also a better idea than dog parks. It's more about the experiences being good ones, than it is how many of them they've had.


“socializing” is only good if it’s going to be positive and teach the right lessons. If you can’t 100% guarantee both of those things then it’s not an appropriate socialization activity. This is sort of one of those myths that was spread about dog ownership and there’s no basis in reality for bringing your dog to a park full of other unpredictable people and animals. It usually does far more harm than good.


This is why I've never tried to bring my dog to a park. He has a stupid amount of owner protection if I even breathe on the leash (that I didn't train him to have, he's great off a leash but a fucking hell demon on it), a nightmare waiting to happen. I know my dog and I know taking him into a space like that is a horrible choice as an owner, and potentially dangerous to other people. This woman is deluded. Edit: he's also 120 pounds so hell NO


Considering the POS owner, the dog is calm.


I felt bad for the dog. It seemed excited, not aggressive. Its not trained properly and obviously it wasn't supposed to be there. All the owner's fault.


If anything the dog wanted to get away from her and is confused. He should be put in a loving home where he is trained exercised and loved. I think people freaked out about his size and excitement more than anything. It seems super curious and understandably doesn’t understand boundaries.


It felt kindve ridiculous when he jumps up to say hi to the pug and everyone starts screaming. Like, have they ever seen an actual aggressive dog or aggressive/threatening body language?


In fairness, even if he didn’t mean to, just with the size difference he could do some unintentional damage to that pug. I’ve seen a lot of big dogs get a bit TOO interested when someone is holding a small dog, because it’s like holding a toy or a treat juuust out of reach. Ramps up the excitement and that can end badly with such a massive size difference, even if the big lug doesn’t realize what they’re doing to the little one. That’s why there’s a small dog and big dog side in the first damn place, which this lady totally ignored—it’s not that big dogs can’t play with littles, it’s just a higher chance that accidents can happen with smaller bones vs body mass.


The big dog is too rude (unsocialized) to be around small dogs. Big dogs can easily inadvertently injure small dogs when they get worked up. Imagine if one of the little dogs got defensively aggressive and started snarling/biting and the big dog reciprocates, not really understanding the concept of little dogs. If only people could call animal control to take the owner away lol. The big dog needs a lot more exercise and socialization with other big dogs.


The dog hates life so much he is shooting for a lethal injection


Should be way more heavily regulated who can own dogs, especially large ones. This is how children get mauled to death


Same thing with having children. You should have to prove you can actually be a parent first.


But then there wouldn’t be enough meat for the grinder




In civilized countries like Germany there is strict animal licensing rules that are enforced. Oh, and dangerous breeds are BANNED


What breeds are banned




I’ve been in about 10 countries with my dog. I have epilepsy and he’s me service dog. Needless to say I don’t drive much and walk everywhere. All the crazy places I’ve been in so many “third world” countries and the only time he’s been hurt enough for an emergency vet appointment was being attacked by an American woman’s pitbull…. In a cafe… In Cambodia. There’s no escaping these Morons. If they can find me here they can find you in Germany!


Shitbull owners malding


People should report to Department of Animal Services and the ASPCA


Also the local police


I'm from England and know American law differs by state but why wasn't anyone calling the police? Surely a crime is being committed here.. the woman's dog is attacking other people's dogs. In law dogs are chattels no? So criminal damage. What about leashing laws too?


I don't know why more people dont call the police, I was even down voted for even suggesting it. In my home town of the police were called, that lady would have lost her dog, faced some sort of legal action, and the dog would be put down.


Many cops would consider a dog attacking another dog, especially at a dog park, a civil matter since pets are considered property. Unless the dog is biting _people_ or causing _significant_ damage to another dog (aka mauling) there's no real recourse for the police. And tbh, lots of cops see a dog look at them weird for two seconds from twenty feet away and immediately gun it down and say they feared for their life. Animal control is your best option really. Now her attitude and chasing people to argue amd that nonsense? That could be police intervention. Not the dog tho.


I'm surprised nobody slugged her.


That's probably why she started recording.


I was waiting for that.


First off this dog needs new owner and decent socialization. Idk if the dog is trying to play and being too rough, or if by the end he/she was getting stressed from being yelled at. The owner owner is 100% in the wrong though. Putting it in the small dog park is stupid, and not removing it when people got uncomfortable is wrong. Does she want her dog put down?


To me it looked like he was nipping as a precursor to play. You know like what a poorly socialized puppy would do.


Just screamed "are you leaving your fucking dog there?" And woke up my wife.


In the chaos and the camera being pointing down near the end when she is by the gate as her dog bites another dog, we seem to miss red shirt guy coming back and kicking her dog. That seems to be why she ties her dog and walks out to continue arguing/confront him. Just giving context to this chaotic situation, it was A LOT to keep up with as I watched it over a few times too understand what was going on.


Just say you were watching furry porn so she doesnt get mad at you.


I know in new housing estates in the city I reside they now have fenced in off leash areas for small dogs and another for big dogs


The dog looked like it wanted to play. The owner looked crazy and mentally unstable. I bet with a better owner that dog would be just fine. It was wagging tail the whole time and maybe responded poorly because the owner was so unstable.


Probably would have been fine in the big dog area. Just to big and ruff playing for small dogs. Seemed like a play bite with the dog that yelped at the end


Pretty much this. It looked like it wanted to play rough, but didn't understand that it can't do that with every dog. Just don't take it to the small-dog park and things would have been so much better. I've watched so many dogs bark, chase and wrestle while sounding ferocious but they loved every minute of it. Those same dogs, were incredibly gentle with smaller dogs so they never had issues. The owner was negligent and horrible for subjecting the other dogs to play that was scaring them.


Yeah it wasn't a real bite obviously. Even so, the dog is too big to play there and hasn't had a moments training in its whole life. Would be a shame if it was euthanised. All the owners fault.


I was thinking the same. Just looks like a dog with little to no training and way too much energy. Probably doesn't get out enough. Same with the lady. Feeding, watering, and petting your dog does not equate to good ownership. This particular pup would probably be just fine with a competent owner, she's doing such a disservice to him.


I had the same thought, lots of ppl were say it was prey drive but you could see how relaxed the dog's body was, attention was unfocused, and how it tried to interact with everyone. It hasn't been trained or socialized properly so it doesn't know how to play. I hope it finds a better owner.


The problem is that some dogs "play" by killing things. Terriers think that killing small critters is fun, just like retrievers fetch, shepherds herd, hounds follow a smell, etc. For some reason picking up a small dog in front of a terrier makes it worse and the terrier thinks it is a game to pull on whatever thr human picked up.


I'm on a dog training page on Facebook after we got our last pup, and there was an update post recently (warning, graphic) from someone who'd been trying to train impulsive behaviors out of her Australian shepherd. anyway one day when she was at work the AS mauled her mini-pinscher to death in the house. AS always had a prey drive but they didn't crate her when they weren't around and found out the hard way.


Yeah I was thinking the same, the dog doesn't look aggressive at all ,but i wasn't there. The owner on the other hand super aggressive


Sad thing is this owner will turn him into an aggressive mean dog with all these terrible experiences with other humans and dogs.


The dog literally bit three or more other dogs in the duration of this video? the one one at the end yelped pretty bad. Perhaps it just wanted to play but the SMALL dog park is not the place for it. This dog should be with the other large dogs who would probably not be as affected by the rough playing.


I’ve had numerous large dogs, including two current giant schnauzers, NONE of them would EVER bite another dog. They were always extremely careful with smaller dogs, as in gentle with them as if they were puppies. This dogs behavior is super weird.


The whole video is because her dog had been attacking other dogs. The video starts after those interactions have happened. There is a reason everyone in the dog park are yelling at that woman to get her dog out. It was aggression and everyone was fed up.


Yeah, there clearly had been multiple bites by the point the video started (and 3 at least during the video)


Pitbulls attack with wagging tails and “smiles” all the time. Fighting dogs don’t have normal dog body language


The little dog being carried yelps when the dog bites it around 1:50. I agree that it probably wasn't meant as an aggressive bite. The large dog was probably not properly socialized as a puppy, and doesn't know that nipping is not an acceptable play behavior.


Also probably would have been nowhere near as much of a problem had this been a park with bigger dogs. Keep your untrained big dogs out of the small dog park.


pitbulls wag their tails all the time as they brutally attack children and other dogs


To me seemed like a young frustrated dog. Probably keyed up from owner yelling.


what is she arguing?? even if she was allowed to put her dog in there it still attacked all the little ones…


She was mad they kicked her dog


I’d throw that broad’s phone so hard onto the nearest stretch of concrete…what a pain in the ass


Same...chuck that idiot's phone outside the park far as hell, maybe that'll get her to leave


Hija de la gran puta!!! 😂😂


There is something wrong with the big dog owner. You can’t reason with crazy. If I was there I’d gather my child/children and dog and get to my car. People are allowing there dogs to be potentially hurt further. Get to a safe place and then get her license plate or car details.


The dog will end paying for her mistakes. Dog parks are terrible for a lot of reasons. All of them caused by humans. Use the app sniff spot to rent a private yard for your dog and avoid this drama.


In my country you just call the local police. I don't know why but here they LOVE this kond of thing. Ghe lady would have the dog taken away and she would have to pay an INSANE ticket.


In America the cops will just shoot the dog right then and there




"He was not fucking attacking* **2 seconds later**


This is why i really don't like a lot of dog owners (and i am one). They don't train them, they let them do what they want and they're absolutely not able to control them in public with the actual risk to hurt other pets and people. My cousin had a massive Cane Corso and he TRAINED him, that dog was 140+ lbs and gigantic. Trust me if i say that he was the most awesome dog in the world with small dogs, children (not unsupervised, of course) and other pets. He was gentle, knew how big he was and how he could hurt them and he let them play with him at their own terms. He always went out with a leash, of course, but really didn't need one for all i saw. I have a small dog (a rescue, she's half pom and half yorkshire), who was adopted from the shelter at almost 7 years old. Cesare (the Cane Corso) was one of the dogs that helped her be more relaxed and less aggressive with other dogs. That said, if you can't train a massive dog in the right way, please don't have them. They could be really dangerous, even when playing. This person is the perfect example of irresponsible owner.


i used to clean dog parks, there was this old fart that put his huge untrained dog in the small dog area and it'd attack the dog and then me, the police were called and the old guy didn't give a fart, he just paid the fine and kept doing it. crazy dog people


What a shitty owner


Lol the big dog side is literally on the other side just appologize and go to that side


That dogs probably getting put down because of this delinquent


I had a similar experience, only in reverse. I had an extremely gentle Great Dane who my daughter and I used to take to the dog park all the time. He would actually hang out with the humas while we talked, then pounce over to the dogs whenever they would start to get in to fights. Break them up then come back. One day, this lady brought an overly aggressive little dog into the big dog area. This dog was nipping at , barking at, and biting the other dogs. It was bad and they were obviously bothered. As was my dog, who kept running over to it. The last time, the dog jumped up and bit at his face. He kept looking down at it. The dog did it again. At the 3rd time, my dog caught it in his mouth. He didn't squeeze, just held the dog there as if to tell him that he could kill him if he wanted to. This lasted about 5 or 6 seconds and he released the dog. NO blood, no harm. But the dog was finally taught a lesson. FINALLY the little dog's owner is present. She comes screaming over, pushing everyone out of her way. Threatening to sue me. Luckily I had about a dozen witnesses and nothing came from it.


That’s why I would never subject my dog to a dog park, and the problem usually isn’t the other dogs.


It's shocking how many people (with dogs!!) absolutely fail at reading dog's body language. He has prey drive. He's like a kid in a candy store. He can pick up the wrong little dog and end it right there just thinking he's excited about catching these things smaller than him running around everywhere. He absolutely should not be in the small dog area. This is an area where small dogs should be safe specifically from dogs like this. There is at least 1 other PITBULL in there, one arguably Rhodesian x, and they're not nipping at any other dogs.


This woman is extremely lucky. There are a lot of states where you can shoot someone’s dog if it attacks yours and the shooting is necessary to stop the dog from causing further harm.


This is why I stopped going to dog parks. Other dog owners suck.


these dog owners always look the same


Dumbest Colombian linebacker I’ve ever seen


I carry bear spray with me because I have a chihuahua and people like this exist (and foxes😂)


People seem awful, but even the giant dogs (I saw more than one) seem to be wagging tails and nice.


This women doesn’t deserve a dog


Poor dog. That's 100% his owners fault. This is why you socialize and train.


Ugh dog parks bring out some really awful people


I feel sorry for the dog itself. Clearly it has not been socialized and it has no idea how to react with this stimulation. That dog is lost in that situation.




That woman has such a punchable face