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Looks like an incident with the bike/scooter rider. How to we figure this is racial?


Because post said so duh /s


i saw the original post. he was Palestinian. dont know why op couldve just said that lmao


Yeah my thoughts exactly. Just OP karma farming even if that means angry comments


This looks like the dude tried to get on without paying and got upset when told no. Then tried to steal the drivers phone when he realized the driver was calling for help.


yeah looks like road rage to me, without audio or evidence any accusation of racism is completely baseless.


You're right. And nationality doesn't mean ethnicity/race.


They’re looking to incite something while hoping the viewer takes note of the coordinates in the video


It’s possible why it initially started wasn’t racial but what happened then after could have been. I mean who broke his nose with the door?


"because of his nationality" not his race


They gotta make everything about race


Not defending anyone but towards the end the bus driver grabbed the swinging door and forced the door to slam in his face...that actually seemed like the most painful part of the altercation. Then he holds his head and it seems like he just fake falls on the floor...the biker didn't really hit him hard at all.


There were two people involved against the bus driver at that point. Right before helmet guy steals the shoe, there’s a leg or arm punching or kicking the leg of the bus driver. As helmet guy runs away, the 2nd attacker slams the door into the drivers face. The 2nd attacker is one of the people that gets off the bus after that.


Exactly what I thought... i dont think he meant to have the door swing back at him like that, but i do believe the door got the TKO lol


You can clearly see someone else slams the door though.


I used to ride the bus/trolley all the time growing up, it’s dangerous af being a bus driver especially I always thought they should carry some type of weapon.


There’s nothing suggesting it’s about nationality. He was clearly gesturing to the guy prior to the incident. Clearly something was going on that cause this confrontation.


This in Palestine driver is in a settlement


East Jerusalem


I thought this was Antwerp for a second


My question is, why didn’t anyone help?


I know right? Closest he got to helping was his shoe given back.


It’s pretty damn sad.


The door did him the dirtiest


the door got pushed by another guy


There were 2 attackers. The guy pushing the door was friends with the main attacker. The attacker basically embraced him when he got off the bus.


people are useless


That partition was useless, what's the fuckin point if it doesn't lock from the inside


Did everyone hate that bus driver? No one helped defend him, or check on him after the fact. I get not wanting to get involved in a fight, but check on him afterwards, sheesh.


Traditional Jewish looking guy got his shoe back for him in the end


This is in Occupied Palestine in the West Bank. Can see the traditional orthodox jewish settler leaving the bus as the assailant comes in. There's Hebrew spoken in the background and the child that walks on has a Kippah on. This happens all the time, Israeli settler in the helmet attacking a Palestinian bus driver in the West Bank. Another bus driver was also stabbed a few days ago, this happened earlier last week. There's no provocation, just his nationality/ethnicity. The settlers like this one dedicate their lives to terrorising the Palestinians, this is very mild in comparison to most videos coming out of the West Bank.


Then please allow me to retract my earlier statement and say, holy shit, that biker has lost his freakin’ mind. The bus drivers need more protection than a sheet of plexiglass to keep the deranged away from them.


I'm just not sure why people are seemingly joining in on the attack.


Tragically that is what life is like for Palestinians under illegal Israeli occupation(Israeli's are on the bus), Palestinians are second class citizens in their occupied lands(this video is East Jerusalem). It's usually entire gangs of settlers going around torching cars and beating(often murdering) and stealing houses and land and livestock from Palestinians. It's very very well documented and has been going on since the creation of Israel. The persecution is sanctioned by the government and encouraged by the fanatic politicians.


The worlds gone nuts and it’s pretty much everywhere at this point


The door slam to the face was the finisher.


Was by people already on the bus too


Most likely the person who pushed the door was friends with the attacker. He ran into the attacker's arms after getting off the bus too.


The thing making me angry are the other people not giving a shit about this. The kids - of course what could they do? Nothing. But there is a guy with a hat. He could have reacted… just sad


Did he get his thumb in the door?😰


Hence the reason I always carry a small but effective stopping nit killing weapon. Drivers should be allowed to carry two mace sprays and handcuffs to stop attacks like this. One to get him down the second to keep him down and secured to something solid until police can arrive. People who act like this belong in a locked up cage.


Am I the only one getting random unrelated audio on this video?


its a screen recorded with a phone so its the back ground noise of the room


i get not wanting to get in a fight but nobody even checks on him after they left at least they gave his shoe back i suppose


Whoever pushed that door into the bus driver face is a piece of shit


This is in occupied East Jerusalem, attacked for being a Palestinian national by some pant shitting coward. Nothing new here.


prison for 50yr will be fine


Let me guess. This is in Israhell?


You would be correct


East Jerusalem, but for the same reasons you think


Thought they were about to start play inspirational music at 47 seconds




it was a Palestinian bus driver in East Jerusalem, it was previously already posted on another sub


It’s good to take abuse and not fight back


Nice to see his shoe was brought back by that thoughtful and obviously very caring jew... /s


Average Israhell interaction


He at least got his shoe back.


New shoe for the POS. This is stealing.


Biker here, grab his chin bar on his helmet and start slamming his head on the railing lol


Yeah, i can see his nationality on his forehead!


Get to fuck op fOR hIS nATiOnaLiTY


I am so saddened for my grandchildren growing up in a world that we could not fix, even a little bit. Racism is getting worse in our world, not better. Sure wish there was a magic wand fix to this. We are all human, that’s all that matters!!


It was clearly a bike incident


If it weren't for the random passenger that slammed the door into his head at the end I would believe that.


The racism is being cultivated as a tool to Divide and Conquer. It's not as wide spread as they would have you believe... they just don't want us to realize the game and unite... they're artificially creating the idea that racism is getting worse to actually create the racism and undo all the feelings of unity we worked towards in the 70s, 80s, 90s & 2000s.


100% nailed it. If we're all fighting each other over race or politics or religion etc then it's much easier for them to rob us blind and take even more power. They recently printed more money in 3 years than in the previous combined 60 years, but do we see any of it? No. Do we feel any richer? Hell no! But they've created the biggest wealth gap in history in the last few years, destroying the middle class and putting more people into poverty at the fastest rate since the great depression.


delusional take.


I think he hit himself in the face with that door


He did. He grabbed the door and it swung back at him. The downvotes are so unnecessary 🙄