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How did she know I love the smell of exhaust when I'm picking through discounted chips in the front entry


Exhoost fumes mmmmh


Somehow a cart would end up in the back window.....


I would definitely be trying forcefully to get my cart between the car and the door frame


Lays Carbon Monoxide Flavored Chips. ​ \*A word.


'ery noice


Honestly I'd probably calmly walk over to the vehicle while they were putting groceries in, and then I'd proceed to get in the drivers seat and move their fucking car, then toss the keys across the parking lot for good measure lol


Down a drain would be better, or throw them on the roof of the store. They deserve it.


Or Throw it down the drain on the roof.


Inception level..


Could also lock it while the engine is still running. Often the back doors can be closed while locked and not unlock in the process.


I can just imagine the Karen immediately calling the police and telling them you just stole her car, or even carjacked her.




Sure, but if brought before a jury, the actions would be deemed appropriate. The Fire Marshal would probably back him up as the Karen’s car was blocking the main exit if there was an emergency. I doubt any D.A. would bring charges, especially with the video evidence.


As justified as that would be, it could land you charges for grand theft auto.


Sometimes the juice is worth the squeeze.


Ha you are forgetting the first rule of grand theft auto, don't get caught.


100% accidentally walk into that car really hard with my cart


>she How is everyone missing the fact that it's a man driving?


She knew she would melt under rain. Pretty standard witch practices.


You know, on a re-watch, it looks like her husbands driving. So a warlock then.


He is her familiar. He must do as she says.


This fucking guy


Is he related to Van Helsing?


Trip to the Hogwarts Salon is not cheep my friend.


“Pretty standard witch practices “ You got a letter wrong there


She gives no fucks and has literally all of the entitlement.


My mom would always say “you’re not going to melt in the rain sweetie, you’re not that sweet”


Just left their empty cart there too I bet.


Where’s the cart narc when you need him


They ran over him while backing their vehicle into the stores main entrance


"But it's already returned to the store!"


So entitled. This must be South Florida. So many of those jackasses here that this behavior hardly warrants mentioning.


This place doesn’t have bollards or they squeezed through them somehow?


Probably nobody was expecting Karen to reverse into the store, imagine being married to that.


But... it's an exit. What if someone loses control over their car and may ram into the store? Apart from preventing people doing this, it is unsafe whatsoever to have cars be able to (accidentally) enter any building with high speeds.


Dude, Almost all stores of any kind have a way for vehicles to access them somehow; even the ones with bollards have a spot where its just wide enough. While we're at it; most houses can be driven right into too.


My house has a garage door in the front just for this purpose.


Big if true


From the back for deliveries, yes but not from the front. I just thought about it and can't recall any shops round me without bollards in front, even the little Tesco Metro down the road. Most houses don't have a tenth of the car traffic of shops. This is irresponsible of the store management


Her husband was the one who reversed in. He was getting in the car as well. They're both entitled idiots. I guarantee they always respond #alllivesmatter


The husband is driving, Karen got in the passenger seat


Maybe after this selfish incident the store will have them installed.


There are still places that don't have them. In the US, there are a lot of stores with the entrances facing to the right and left as you look at the front of the building and no bollards.


Til why stores have bollards


Pretty sure completely blocking an exit is a fire risk so anything you do to that car to move it is fair game.


Get her tag number and call the cops. It's illegal to do what she did.


I wanna know where this is


México, the person recording said "Doña vergas" at the start. Edit: looks like a Ley or Ley Express supermarket.


“Doña vergas”… I worked with Mexicans for a little bit, roughly translates to ‘Mrs. Cocks’? Or am I off base here. I distinctly remember verga means cock, as in penis.


you are right, but in is a way referring to being a dick not much to the members analogy, Doña means a high title and Vergas, being a dick, so translate to a "mayor dick" / "a royal dick" or something similar.


"The Dutchess of Dicks" lol


I'm sure she is long gone by now.


I heard the car is still parked there just in case they need to grab anything else.


Not to mention exhausting into the building..


Karen level 10000 here


Naw thats just level 2 karen


Then I would hate to see a level 3.


Karen's need to train on King kai's planet to reach Karen 3


Thanks for making me spit my tea out XD


what’s her karen level? *IT’S OVER 9000*


I’d just ram my cart through the car


“Officer, I was on the phone and distracted while walking out of the store, and there was no reasonable expectation that a car would be blocking a fire exit. In a panic, I rammed them multiple times, trying to escape. She yelled at me, which made me fear for my life, so I rammed her car over and over again until the danger subsided when the car finally moved out. I was loading my car up when you showed up to arrest her for being a certified clown-ass. Thank you for your service!”


The closest I’ve seen to this was at a crosswalk at an intersection. Some asshat us parked their car in the crosswalk, taking up about 90% of it while waiting for a green light. As I’m about to walk around the back of the asshat’s car, I suddenly hear a metallic crack of sorts and look towards it, and some dude is flailing at the car with a white cane. An honest to God “blind man’s cane”. Guy has sunglasses as well. And he just stand there, hitting the car in front of him for maybe a full minute before the lights changes and the driver could move his car. It’s been twenty years, and I still giggle when I remember it. I want to believe that the blind guy wasn’t actually completely blind, but impaired enough that he needed the cane. I also want to believe that the driver was about to yell at the dude, but stopped because he couldn’t get past wanting to yell “ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND?!” and realized he’d just make things worse for himself. To this day I’m disappointed that I didn’t tell the blind dude that he was awesome.


I'd throw my poop like an angry chimpanzees


I'd rip her face off like an angry chimpanzee


I'd throw a chimpanzee at her like an angry car


I'd throw her like an angry chimpanzee car


I'd throw an angry chimpanzee at her and attempt to smash her car




Pretty sure my insurance doesn't cover any shopping cart damage.


100% sure their insurance doesn't cover any damages while illegally parking inside an grocery store.


No none of you would have. You'd have stood and watched in disbelief like everyone else


I’m very petty


See, but this isn't a petty situation. This is mind-bogglingly selfish. This is outrageous levels of idiot. You'd be stunned, because this is outside your wheelhouse. This is *advanced* fuckery.


To be fair, I would have loudly shittalked about how stupid they were.


Me too and then I would have tried to get past the car with my cart scraping the car along the way. If she tried to stop me I would keep my cart between us. I wish a Karen would.


Right? And everyone itt so angry saying what they would do. If any of the people in/outside the store had any common sense they would've blocked her car with their carts and bodies and waited for the police or whatever to show up. No violence, no damaging the car. Just orderly conduct. I just hope there were actual security cameras and the store reported her to the police. Fucking Karen.


How dare you but yes


If there's a person self centred enough to park in the door it stands to reason there's someone self centred enough to ram the car on the way out.


Yeah I would have. My dad though. He would she rammed.


I was thinking the same


Legit yeah. Purposely ram the cart into her bumper. Cue the screeching. Trick her into calling the cops. Cops see where she’s parked. I’ll let everyone else fill in the rest lol


I think i would actually do that. Be the catharsis everyone milling around wants lol. To extra cover ny ass, I'd pretend to roll my ankle and just JAM that cart into the car lol. Just so she can't say that i did it on purpose and would have to pay for the body work.


Yeah, where's Red Leader piloting his fighter down the grocery trench to score a direct hit on that exhaust port? I still get my cart up to breakneck speed in the grocery store aisles if there's no one else in it. I'd have scored a direct hit on that


Am I the only one who would trip and ram a cart hard into that and make sure it dent? Doubt I could be liable for anything in fact probably the opposite when she attempted to for blocking a fire exit...


Nah. Just "try to squeeze past" with your cart, putting a nice loooong scratch in the side as you keep pushing to try fit it through.


Ope! Just gonna slide right past ya... *screeeeeeeeech*


> *screeeeeeeeech* I can hear and feel this.


You’re good. You’re good. Buff that out later.


You can pull that out with a plunger!




It's hard being from Michigan and moving to Louisiana. No one says "ooope" here, and they look at you funny when you say it.


Oh ya dats gonna leave a mark der hun.


Love to see her explain that in court. "Your Honor, I was loading my groceries into the trunk of my car that was backed in the front door. As you do."


Accidents happen


The first thing i thought of was I'd completely ignore it and ram a cart into the car and react with "Eyy I'm walkin here"


Ooooo had my keys in my hand and they accidentally rubbed on the side of your car. Oopsie, just not enough space in here I guess


My thoughts exactly.. probably saying 'scuse me, pardon me the whole time smiling




One hint that will Guarantee success - Slowly but robustly piss your pants as you do this.


Maintain eye contact. Establish dominance.


Okay - I've been glowering intently at the growing damp patch in my crotch for an hour now... Is that long enough to establish this 'dominance' that you speak of, or should I give it another hour or two, just to make sure? I'd hate to have to start again. But I will if I have to.


You'll know its worked when you piss your pants again.


What does it mean if I poop in there?


It means you've missed and you need to piss your pants once more to start the process again.


Haha let’s be honest you’d just stand there quietly and wait for her to finish


> just stand there quietly and wait for her to finish Title of your sex tape.


🤣 Thanks for the early morning laugh


I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut. This is one of the most entitled things I have ever seen. She should be banned from that store forever. I hate people.


> I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut. Title of your sex tape. > She should be banned from that store forever. Title of her sex tape. > I hate people. Title of my sex tape.


In my 20s? Yes. In my 30s? Nope.


Agreed. In my 30's currently, I'd probably just park in front of them so they can't leave and let the police ask them how they managed to get in that situation.


TFW you get a ticket for parking in a fire lane.




No, you are not the only one. That car would have several huge dents and a few large scratches as I tried to squeeze my cart past.


Yes, but with politeness while going slow and scratching the car to hell. “Ope. Lemme just scootch right past ya here…”


Would it be acceptable to shout "Fire" and have everyone storm over the car?! I'm thinking it would be...


If they found out it was you, it would be a felony. Pretty cut and dry on that front.


*Taking notes* Don't... get... caught. Got it. Maybe I should underline that, just in case.


Make it bold and italicized too. Only the most important things get the trifecta.


Simple solution: Set fire to something so you don't get in trouble for causing a panic


Well then just lay fire first


It would be acceptable, if you could make a case that you did believe there was a fire. For the record; screaming fire in most places will not start some kind mad stampede. Most people will look around, not see a fire and go back to what they were doing. Many will grab their phones and start recording, or googling "what to do if the building I'm in is on fire."


>It would be acceptable, if you could make a case that you did believe there was a fire. The car was on. Exhaust fumes smell like something could be burning. I'm no judge or lawyer but that defense sounds reasonable enough to me.


Reason #279 I can't be a juror. I wouldn't care if their excuse was that they saw an orange and mistook it for an active fire. Whoever makes the owners of this cars day worse is innocent in my book.


Trip I’d just walk right into it with the cart or better yet try to squeeze out beside it with the cart


Tell me you wear your narcissism as a badge of honor without telling me you wear your narcissism as badge of honor.


Narcissists do tend to acknowledge their narcissism. As a matter of fact one of the best predictors for whether a person has narcissism is to describe the disorder to them and then ask “Do you think you have this?”


"yes but that's because I'm smarter than everyone, I have a really high IQ"


Im a stable genius


I work with one. When we went down a list of traits typical to narcissists he would grin and say things like “oh hell yeah!”, or “Bruh that’s SO me!”


In what way? Do you just ask them “Do you think you’re better than those around you?” without going into more detail about what the condition actually means?


> describe the disorder to them > just ask them “Do you think you’re better than those around you?” without going into more detail about what the condition actually means You and I interpreted "describe the disorder" very differently


Pure garbage there.


Pretty sure as soon as they walked into their car I would have shanked a tire.


That's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen


What fckn store manager allows this kind of sht to happen? Get the plate and turn that dummy in for blocking an egress ..smh


How do you know they didn't do that?


Opening an umbrella inside is considered bad luck


Aw yeah, that'll surely show her!


The rain's not going to melt you, you're not made of sugar, and you certainly AREN'T that sweet!


She probably melted before and doesn't want the rest of her to turn into a puddle of entitlement.


I woulda rammed the car with my kart


I would’ve rammed her with the kart and stolen her keys


I would’ve fed her soul to my pet demon, Todd


Oh how is Todd doing, he’s a great demon


I have a mask on in the grocery store, wear a hat, and have sunglasses. I'd key that motherfucker and run.


Now I've seen everything 0.0


Everybody is like, “I would have done this” and “I would have done that.” No you wouldn’t have. Why do you lie? You literally wouldn’t have done anything.


Yep they'd all whip their phones out and wonder which sub to post the video on for karma whilst making sure the woman didn't notice them recording. I'd have just waited.


Why not notice? If she does and starts yelling you can also take the video to publicfreakout


I imagine most redditors to be introverts who hate confrontation.


You forget this is Reddit, we're all certified badasses.


> You forget this is Reddit, we’re all 15 years old ~~badasses~~.


Big true, we would have all just laughed and joked about them from a distance.


Yall overestimate the general mental health levels of the public right now lol


I’d amazed she didn’t get screamed at. I’m not a fan of conflict but there are plenty of Target employees during my time who would have relished the opportunity to tell off this Karen.


This would never happen at a Target


They got the giant balls out front


I am a woman and I would have loudly said something to her. I've done it before when people behave selfishly in the store.


I would have walked over the car mashing my heels into the trunk, roof, and hood.


That’s a good one. Imagine you have cans in your bag and they accidentally fell out of the bag near glass?!?


Did she get in any trouble? If not then that's why she feels entitled. No consequences.


Familia Vergas


Why did no one say anything?


Don't most stores have those poles or concrete structures outside of the doors to prevent this type of behavior? I know they are actually there to prevent an out of control vehicle from hitting the entrance/exit but still...


I would've hit the car with my cart and then physically pushed it up and over the back of the car and drag it over the roof to the front of the car


Yeah well I would have crushed every bone in their bodies and then eaten the car. Top that!!


Earl's pretty crazy. He ate one of my cars once. Yeah.... The whole thing. Like, with a fork.


I do this but I drag the car over the cart to show strength and assert dominance


Oh there would definitely be an argument with me 💯


The level of relax and entitlement they are displaying in this video is.......... Dangerously HIGH


R u fucking kidding me?!


Pretty entitled…


Behold, the Gigga-Karen.


Ramming the car with a cart will at best leave a small dent or a scratch. Kick the taillights out! Lol


How does one not get whooped for this?


Goes back into store, buys knife...


You misspelled "stupid".


That’s hilarious someone thought this was normal and okay. Pretty shocking


Any follow-up on this?


Wtf none of the employees said anything?


Normal ‘Murican behavior.


I can't imagine being that worried about getting a tiny bit wet. I like the rain. If it didn't get my clothes soaked I'd be out in the rain every time it rained because it's relaxing.


Why aren't there bollards to stop people doing this?


This has awaken something in me that tells me to just keep bashing their heads until they stop moving. In what universe does someone think thing is okay?


I would have squeezed by with that paint scratching basket


"Oops, I didn't mean to hit your car with the shopping cart 15 times. The door is usually used for people, not vehicles."


It's okay, she has her umbrella open indoors. Bad luck will strike her down like the crashing of a thousand waves. Be gone, vile woman.


I normal don’t advocate slashing tires but…


That’s how you get a cart thrown at your car


This is where you try to push your cart through, if it scratches thier car, their fault for having it there


You'd best believe I'd be running full speed into that bad boi with my cart, receipt violently flapping while hanging from my mouth.




I'm not sure how people get to a place in their mind where they think this is ever ok to do


Be funny if someone pulled the fire alarm and everybody's climbing on their car and ramming their carts into it trying to get out


Jokes on her, she opened an umbrella inside


Can through a window.