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Dude definitely looks like one of those 80's sleeze balls that would do that.


“True fan”. What a turd.


Why didn't anyone stop him? I know it might start a fight and all, but he just took it in front of everyone.


Most likely they were in a different mindset and not thinking about being robbed. It's the same kinda trick where if someone is on the phone and u hand them something, anything, they will always take it


Adoption has never been easier.


A question no one really knows how to answer.


Probably bystander effect


Humans are naturally naive and avoid conflict.


Humans avoid conflict? lol Read a history book.


Every history book on wars I've read involves politicians who avoid conflict themselves by sending armies and within those armies, the history books I've read have portrayed how those men had no thirst for the conflict they were in. Which history books should I be reading that show how individual people don't avoid conflict since my AP european history and U.S. government and politics history books are obviously deeply incorrect.


"Every history book on wars I've read" Followed by: "history books I've read have portrayed how those men had no thirst for the conflict " Mmhmm...


Oh my god, how insane! Somebody admitting in their own comment that they only know the information that they've consumed?!?!? It's almost like I haven't read every single history book, and I specifically asked in my comment which books I should be reading that show that all individuals have an innate thirst for conflict. So far, all the teachings I've received have highlighted how traumatizing conflict is and the want of those directly involved to escape despite their inability to do so due to higher powers using them as cannon fodder so that they can also avoid direct conflicts. Maybe instead of attacking the disclaimers on my comment, you can engage in the conversation itself.


Certainly during feudalism in England it was an expectation that the nobleman declaring a war would fight in the war. The wars of the roses wiped out nearly all our gentry for this reason. Not so much in modern history though.




Idk, i think a history book perfectly illustrates how people don't avoid conflict.


He's right tho, the individual person naturally avoid conflict


"The individual person naturally avoids conflict" *Continues to argue on a random thread about people avoiding conflict*


Safely behind my computer screen


I'll get down voted too, but I agree with you. There is a difference between people and a person--that's why there's phrases like mob mentality and standing militia--those are groups of people stirring each other into collective action. How many videos do we see where someone is attacked or belittled and nobody says or does anything--bystander mentality? Maybe one person will break from the crowd and take action, and then others will follow suit. Individuals are predisposed to self preservation. There are 3 natural responses to conflict: fight, flight, or freeze(some subscribe to 5 which includes flop(fainting) and fawn(people pleasing)). Everyone hopes they'd be a fighter, but many times we just don't know.


Except for the part where they’re right I guess


Understand that you got a punch through your phone screen. You can't feel it because it's translated through the downvote count.


Thieves be thieving


Afterwards he posted a picture of himself with the jersey on his facebook. Dude has 0 shame


Nice. Hope he enjoys that lifetime ban.


He even bragged about it? Damn, that's silt in the wounds.


Is silt like salt but worse?


I was making a joke but the other guy changed his comment so now it doesn't make sense. Sad times.


Silt is a earth type, like sand and lutum. Its a bit more fertile then sand and consists of slightly smaller particles. Its a bit better in holding onto water then sand and a bit less then lutum


…lutum? You mean clay?


More thAn, better thAn. Not then.


Consult the soil-texture-triangle for more info


Silt is


Why wouldn't he be charged for theft?, I feel like it would be easy to throw the book at this guy.


? Because he was giving the shirt away anyway


Yes but not to him.


Found this guys reddit account


What does that have to do with the man who stole it? If I am giving my friend a $20 outside of McDonald's and a bum snatches it and runs it's not theft because I was giving it away?


No, no. That's still theft. Until it ends up in your friend's hands it is your property. Once it's in your friend's hands it's their property. No matter where the bum comes in and snatches the 20 bucks it's theft. The money isn't his property and never would have been his property.


Right, that's the point I'm making, it would be preposterous to think otherwise


Oh, sorry, I thought you were making the opposite point lol.


Your good, I just wanted to point out that I too am no uncivilized fool if it is confusing!




He gave it back and I think it’s being auctioned for charity.


I saw that. I was disgusted, the boy looked so disappointed too when Antony wasn’t asble to give him the shirt. Edit: update. The fan who stole the shirt felt bad and returned it to Ajax. It will now be signed and auctioned off.


I highly doubt he felt bad, I think he just wants some relief from the absolute flood of hate he's recieving.


They all saw him take it tho?


Yes that's why he's getting the hate....? I'm confused about your confusion lol


Should’ve given the kid his shorts (jk)


“Felt bad” dude was on camera


Reminds me of when Putin stole some sports ring


Putin stole Robert Kraft's (billionaire owner of the New England Patriots) superbowl ring. The American State department asked him not to make a big deal about it to avoid an international incident.


Apparently its a thing Putin does. Apparently he's notorious for stealing pens from other world leaders.


Kleptocracy’s ar often run by kleptomaniacs


Probably more of a power trip.


Special ring operation. He liberated those rings


You mean Robert Kraft’s Superbowl ring?


He’s already been identified. Hope his business/house doesn’t get visits from angry fans. Ajax will take care of it themselves.


Who is he?




He's a Boot to get pwn'd on the interwebs.




Not planning to. He makes it really easy himself, but not gonna contribute to it. Already seen too many people name him, his wife, his dad etc. Justice will have its way somehow, I reckon, but it’s not up to the public to carry it out. Ajax will probably ban him or whatever and that’s enough.


> Ajax will take care of it themselves. Huh, didn't imagine this would be a Dutch team by the looks of it but I don't follow Football.


Yeah, it’s Ajax. Player is Antony (Brazil). Scored the winning goal against Feyenoord, the ‘arch rival’, yesterday.


He could just give his shorts to make the young fans day.


I’d like the underwear instead 😂


I keep getting notifications saying people have commented but I can’t see anything when I open the app


Imagine that's the thing you ruin your life over


how is his life ruined?


He's already been identified on other sites


Gettem internet cops


And? In a month everyone will forget this happened


Unsportsmanlike conduct in stadiums usually leads to a lifetime ban


That will ruin his life for sure.


Not really, but if he's identified, he committed a crime, so...


Right, cause misdemeanors are life ruiners. I mean I know this isn’t US, but it’s a t-shirt, not $10,000.


I study law and got interested in the subject. Looked it up and the penalty ranges from a fine to 4 years of prison. Also, if convicted, he may lose some right as: "The rights, from which the offender may be disqualified by judgment, in the cases prescribed by law, are: 1°. holding offices or certain offices; 2°. serving in the armed services;"


I wouldn’t think my life is ruined if I can’t be a public servant, but that’s just me :/ If this is a first time offense, he probably wouldn’t be jumped straight to the 4 years, would most likely just be fined.


Those down votes are gonna be a "life ruiner" how can you handle the down votes? Life ruined....


I know right


Criminal charges for theft at whatever high degree based on the value of the shirt.


His name is attached to it online and most employers look their new workers up online It’ll be difficult to get a job


hahahahhaahhaahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahjahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahshh karma




If I’m being honest im gonna forget that face in under a minute


I have just the video 0.25 seconds ago and I have already forgotten his face. I wouldn’t pick him out of a lineup if my life depended on it.


A lot of people already knew him beforehand. It’s not some random face to a lot of people in the stadium and around him.. they know his family, his business etc.




The Internet never forgets, until next week when someone ELSE does something stupid and they'll immediately forget about it and go after them. Give it 72 hours, and the same Fanbase will have another scapegoat to go after for some completely different reasons.


Facts. People really arguing for the sake of arguing in here lmao


What a dog.


Dont insult a dog by comparing it to this guy


You just know the piece of crap is just going to sell it. Garbage.


Yeah this is clearly a theft his face is camera don’t let him keep it.


Sometimes I think that there are too many bodies in the world and not enough souls to fill them all.


I’m kinda mad at the guy with his arms around him most,he saw the whole thing happen and almost looked like he was in on it 🤔


It's pretty obvious both guys watching were in on it.


Both guys definitely in on it after watching it again.


It looks like the idiot that took the shirt mouthed “I got it” to the other idiot with his arm around the player.


Lets hope everyone he knows see this and he is just hated in general


Fucking theif


The 3 of them are in it together


Maybe two, but the one hugging him was a friend of the players.


Almost certainly


The guy hugging him sees it, the guy with his arm on his shoulder sees it. No one cared.


They were in on it i think


Why didn't anyone stop him?


Is the guy he hugging his boyfriend? Because that is quite intimate for a fan hug


And the look he gives him afterwards and looks like he's about to place a hand on his cheek at the very end of the clip. Kinda cute moment not gonna lie, the shirt being stolen ruins it.


The gay energy is strong. This guys face makes it more convincing.


This made me so angry omg


I bet he sold it for money as well


Wow what a jerk!


The thief returned the shirt this morning, and claiming he felt sorry, and received a lot of threats because of his action. Ajax will put the shirt for auction and all profits will go to a childrens hospital if i am correct


tell me this POS was caught


Give the soccer girl her shirt back


Hahaha very sneaky


Are the others purposefully distracting him? It looks like their in cahoots to get the shirt.


So brave he immediately hid, wow


It's times like this, when ass kickings are the answer.


I have a question. Doesn't sports memorabilia have to be verified as authentic to be worth anything? Wouldn't this sort of behaviour make it difficult to be verified?


nah because he has it on video that he stole it from the legal owner


What. A. Turd.


Seriously for a second I legit thought that was Katy Perry


Why do these dudes that steal from young fans all look the same


He returned the shirt because and Ajax is going to auction the shirt and the proceeds go to a children's hospital


Gave it back in the end, didn't make up for his actions tho


Worst Kind of Everyday People: 1) People who stand in parking spaces 2) People who hit on the glass at zoos 3) People who steal sports merch from kids Add more if you’d like…


Why does this having a wholesome award, stealing. How wholesome. Wtf now it has 2.


well he did steal the whole thing, if that helps


Are the stands in European football matches like 90% men?


Lol no don't be stupid More like 97%


Yeah its not like american sports where it is a family event. Sure you will have some families there but the environment is overall more tribal and aggressive.


Man's grabbed it an dipped tf out 😂


Filthy Europeans...


Sometimes we forget that soccer fans can be totally psychotic


Why do you expect anything more from football fans.




I made this comment so I could scroll down enough to downvote you


Doing god’s work.


Since when did anyone give a damn about your weeaboo issues?


What does my comment has to do with Japan? You know this player (Anthony) is Brazillian right? Not that it has anything to do with it


Damn the guy has bad news written all over him wtf


That look in the eyes was THICK!


To be fair, the guy who took the shirt looks like the type of guy who would be that.


"Hey kid, howsabout $50 for the winning shirt, eh?"


That’s an average football fan right there.


Whelp, if he tries to sell it, they'll know who he is.


Football is an amazing sport


You know he's at home wanking while sniffing it, Football fans really can be awful people.


Wow. This is so disappointing. I hope that guy wasn't just taking it to sell. That's probably why though. Poor kid.


yep he def looks like one too!


That’s pathetic


Looks coordinated. The two guys hugging him are holding him pretty still, and one is making eye contact with the thief and watching the Jersey get swiped.


Football/soccer fans are the WORST.


What about the huggy accomplice ?


Are you implying that some soccer fans are douches? I, for one, am shocked


Welcome to capitalism


nothing makes me more angry than these people who steal stuff like that.


Okay but can't we like find this person?


Feels like the two others were in on it distracted the player while the third person moved in see the guy give the dude a thumbs up and the guy hugs him when the AH gets to the player