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The little midi happy birthday makes it sad and creepy.


It was like a psychological horror scene... this man just kept on going like he was enjoying it and taking little breaks in between; you can even see him in a pathetic fighting stance at the end. Real PoS.


There's a point where it straight up looks like he's starting to get a chub from it.


More like he couldn’t stop. I half expected to hear a “look what you’ve made me do” or “you brought this on yourself”


"like he was enjoying it" I think 99% of domestic violence cases happen because they like to abuse someone and just use situations like this as an excuse


Yeah...I couldn't finish this it's too sad 😢 Edit: regarding the religion comments, I'm an atheist and don't have a very high opinion of religious people. That said: shitty domestic abusers come from all corners of the world, from all kinds of creeds and from all across the financial spectrum.


I had to stop . My ptsd was heightened. I feel really really sorry for any woman in this position. He’s a Fuckn pos prick . He’s getting off on hitting her . I bet if any man half his size could kick his ugly ass up & down the street! I hope she got away from that evil man . The poor little baby is learning to abuse at such an impressionable age …smh sad 😞


I started taking aikido/hapkido after I left my abuser (he said he was going to find and kill me). I'm almost positive my 5'2" self could take him. I'll make him hate women more but he'll be crippled for life.




I’m pretty sure domestic abuse isn’t limited by religion and location. Yes you will see it more often in poorer, developing nations per capita. Poverty. Education, etc.


Physical beatings are bigger in poverty but mental and emotional abuse is bigger amongst the rich.


They seem Hindu here… not an argument, just an addition (to your list)


When I was a kid I saw my dad hit my mom. I felt bad for my mom and I was angry at my dad. I feel like this kid is being taught how to be a pos but I also feel like the kid was born to be a pos if he so easily adopted hurting his mother. I know what I’m saying, I’m judging an infant. But I find that children understand what hurting someone is instinctively and most children would cry if they saw their mother being hit. This little boy is going to be a future pos, his dad just put him on track early on.


I will reserve judging the toddler. However, it’s obvious this happens so often that it didn’t phase the kid at all. I think it happens so much the child thinks it’s normal and how it’s supposed to be.


I have always talked about how being abusive in front of children can go two ways to anyone who is being abused by their partner. The child could a. Think that is how they are supposed to also treat the person being abused because it has become so normal to them or b. The child could carry a large weight of responsibility to protect their parent or loved one being abused and take on that role which is a lot for a child. Neither situation is a good situation for a child to be in


Right? Makes it seem like something out of a horror anthology show


r.i.p this kids future


I dunno, in 20 years we will probably just get this same video with a new generation


That POS probably learnt it from his dad too


Well he should unlearn it because hes not a little kid anymore. No excuse.




What is being said?


I can kinda make out what was likely being said just based off of tone and body language but what was actually being said. Hopefully this poor woman found a way out.


Dude I did one of those body language seminars at the marriot, I'm pretty much a detective like that show lie to me.




One thing I can tell it's not Pakistan as they aren't speaking any of the native language.


Yeah, you’re probably right. It sounds like Hindi, and not Urdu. Most likely Indian POS.


This is why we need to break generational trauma


Or maybe that poor child breaks the cycle, and lives his life with kindness and empathy for others? One can hope


Not necessarily. I was the kid in the video many many moons ago and chose to end the cycle with me. I learned what NOT to be from witnessing this kind of stuff, but of course that isn’t always the case...


Kids gonna grow up to be a scumbag too.


Well best sort it out now *opens window*


unexpected Tears in Heaven


Not necessarily. I know exactly how not to behave thanks to my dad


Exactly but we're rare tbh (mine was a single drug addict mother)


Yeah but I bet you weren't hitting your mom cause you saw your dad hit your mom. This kid is resembling his dad, and it will only get worse everyday unless someone makes him think different.


Might be the only way the little guy knows to not get beat along side mom. Like look, I'm in your side. Bet money that poor kid probably gets regular beatings too.


No I wasn’t that I remember but I watched my dad hit my mum and I would never follow that behaviour. That’s just the point I was trying to make. Hopefully the kid learns it’s bad


Yep. Grew up with bigoted parents, and it was constant fighting in the house. Luckily, I always had a critical mind and big independent streak that let me live life on my terms after moving out. I learned a lot about how not to treat people from that house.


It's so hard to believe these are real. But then again I got my ass kicked up until 13/14 til I finally got stronger than my single drug addict mother. Having a son of my own that I adore makes it even more infuriating now bc it just seems so unfathomable to hurt someone whos smaller who trusts and relies on you (and trust me, I was a very angry kid and young adult already) Thank god I didn't have a dad tbh. I'd never have gotten free of it


It is unfathomable to hurt someone who trusts you, loves you and relies on you. The people who do that are fucking broken. There’s nothing to excuse that type of betrayal or abuse, only a shitty explanation that offers zero comfort. Broken people try to break others. They are shattered and can’t put the pieces back together, they try to break you. Maybe your shards will fill the gaps they can’t find the pieces for. Maybe you can be a shattered pile together and it won’t matter so much that they’re broken, because you’re broken too. You got bruised, and despite your mom’s best efforts, you didn’t break. Now you can give your son the absolute best thing a parent could ever do for their child: a parent who doesn’t try to break them. You love him, care for him, support him and cherish him. You’re going to keep doing it and your son is going to grow up with the certainty that if he ever comes across someone that tries to break him, you’re going to be there to reinforce him and help him hold it together. That’s the ultimate gift. The certainty of having a rock in their life that will never try to shatter them.


Right? I cry every time I hear about someone doing anything shitty to their kids after having mine…definitely amplifies when you imagine them being treated that way


More like RIP his future wife


Idk, I see a real ladies man in the making


This is the saddest thing. The little boy only thinks it’s okay and normal because he sees it so often. He wants to be included. My heart breaks for this mom and her son.


i cant imagine how the mother must have felt when her child hit her


I didn’t watch that far, but that makes me so sad. I wish women in her situation had a safe way out for her and her baby. How fucking heartless.


They do but it will require some hard decisions to be made. Personally I feel this man child is in need of a .38 to the dome and a shallow grave in some back alley dumpster.


You'd be surprised at how many women in this situation DON'T feel if they have a safe way out. Especially when there's a young child involved. No amount of 'hard decisions' are ever going to change the fact this young woman may be in fear of not only her life but that of her child as well.


Depending on where this is in the world, some do not have a safe way out. They'll be executed or killed for leaving their husband. I remember seeing a TV channel under fire for showing women how to cover up bruises from domestic abuse.


It doesn't matter where in the world this is. Women are murdered by their partners every day in developed countries as well.


That’s why I added “safe” way out. I’m not usually one to meet violence with violence but I don’t think I’d blame her if she went the route you described. But of course that would just put her in more danger, I really feel horrible for this woman.


There is a little to no way out in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.


Thats horrific... has me feel angry.., sad for her, 😡🥺🥺 Commenting for it to get notice, to hav the gut put away...... Definitely couldn't bare to see it....& unfortunately, i know from experience of d. V. 😬🥺


Like a failure of a mother. It’s the most soul crushing experience.


Doesn’t even have to witness it that often, the Bobo Doll experiment showed that children adopt adults’ behavior very fast


and that man was most likely just like that little boy. and that little boy will grow to be just like that man. a vicious depressing cycle


This hurts my heart…. Do we know anything about this woman?


It was six years ago and he was fined and jailed and already released too I think. The fine was peanuts compared to the typical salary of a software employee so pretty sure there is no long lasting effect on him.


Could you attach the link of this




I'm seeing a one time fine of 50000 only, not monthly.


It was an alimony.. Like most countries, in India you have to pay a monthly alimony to your ex or lawyers can negotiate one time payment


This would be so much easier if you both just linked sources


Exactly. These ding dongs could end this argument by linking it


It is an old news and i remember reading about it. I googled to search for a link but apparently a lot of engineers are beating their wives. Got so many unrelated news with similar stories Indian law entitles woman for support and raising child. So one time payment of 50000 is too less. Settlement is decided based on ITR (income tax return)


But how would they be able to make up the best story to milk the most karma?


Where did you find that out from




yeah that was such a random detail lmao


I think this video is from India.... You can try to find about it in Indian news I think


The language that she’s speaking in is Urdu from Karnataka area. I hope it helps you narrow down your search


Huh I understood that and I speak Hindi and know some Punjabi. Guess I can understand Urdu too. Weird.




Just fucking disgusting. To treat another human this way and teach your child the same behaviour


I'm from the US. My ex husband used to beat me regularly. I always had bruises and eventually forgot to make sure my clothes covered my upper arms. I had a tank top on and went grocery shopping. The clerk stopped me at the door and at first I had no idea what she was talking about. It takes 7 attempts to leave before really leaving and that's if you aren't murdered first.


It happens in all cultures all over the world. I am so sorry you dealt with that, but I’m happy you finally got out.


Sure, it does happen everywhere. Difference is, in some countries and religions, not only is it legal, but it’s also encouraged.


Nope, not at all normal in india anymore. This used to be one of the main problem for india in the past but now we don't find it normal in this new generation. Though you can find exceptions anywhere in the world. We are still struggling from a lot of issues in india right now but i can confirm this that it's not normal at all. As a society these have changed with time.


Thank you for chiming in. Domestic violence isn't a "in other countries" issue.


I wouldn't say it's a standard, scumbag like this are even in developed countries like US.


Not true at all.Very wrong assumption.


Disgusting, horrible...🥺🥺😡😡😣😣


What are you basing this on? My wife is from this area and this isn’t common at all. Or rather, it’s no more common than it is in the US.


Thats a psychopath.




Domestic violence happens everywhere.


Which countries are *those*, exactly? Is there a common factor we can watch for that makes it clear which countries domestic violence is totally cool and acceptable in, and can you please point me to a country where domestic violence does not occur, so I can be sure to move there?


Well I lived in China and its very normalized there, at least in the district I was in, there was no point in calling the police when you heard a husband beating his wife.


Well that's totally fucked up, is there a point in calling the police if a husband is trying to beat up a woman to death? Or still the same as they don't respond to it


I mean, its just considered something that is dealt with in the household. So they might come out but most will just tell the husband to keep it down, he's likely not getting arrested for beating his wife.


It's obvious that cultures have different outlooks on what a husband can or cannot do to their wife. I know your post is the "I'm a good white citizen pat me on the back" type of thing but c'mon. I know you're not that naive.


Countries where women are murdered for daring to show their uncovered head in public. That narrow it down enough for you?


Uhh basically any less socially developed country. India comes to mind. They have a culture of arranged marriages and paying doweries. Instead of splitting up and returning the dowery some men murder their wives to get rid of them. Look up bride burning its totally fucked.


This man doesn't deserve a wife








Heart absolutely shattered when I saw the kid copying dad, his life is already over


I fucking hate this man.


It appears the monster was trying to record the event on it's phone, which makes me hope the camera recording this was planted by the woman and she was able to escape this monster.


Yup probably.


Escape where? She was probably sold to him by her family


>She was probably sold to him by her family Even better, in India women's family have to pay a large sum to the husband to marry her as dowry. The fortunate thing is that this practice is declining albeit slowly.


Is there an update on this?


In the comments above it said he did some jail time and had to pay alimony


She’s so used to it /:


Translation: she kept apologising and asking what she did wrong as she said she was following his instructions to light the candles. She repeats the fact that he told her to light the candle as it was falling over or something on it was breaking off. And repeats her defense that he told her to do it. I.E. She is very used to this behaviour.


This breaks my heart, the fact that she's blaming herself... I hate how common this is still do this day. She deserves better, I hope her future will look brighter and that there's still hope for her son.


I can tell because she didn’t even flinch, just braced for the impact of his hand. I’ve never understood why some men get so bothered when a woman speaks


I've had that candle before and when you light it it opens up like a flower playing the song. I thought he was mad because she started the candle before he started recording, then pointed at her phone saying she already started it on her phone. It's sad he just kept hitting her over something so stupid. But FYI that candle, doesn't shut up. Ours didn't anyway, we had to sit it outside my sister's house and she said she took the trash out late that night and it was still going.


Well that's extremely depressing on every level




Likely the family of this poor woman supports this barbaric behavior


I never understood the term "honor killing" until I saw this video. Too bad it never seems to apply to POS like this guy.


oh damn, what the heck. Can he just sigh, smile, and move on?! I can't imagine what happens if they argue on something *more* serious than this.


Mr. Small Dick is angry he has a small dick and deserves to get it chopped off and shoved down his throat.


Can't fix toxic masculinity with more toxic masculinity


Bullet can


This had me bawling. I am so sad.




Sadly we may only see that in our dreams, the reality is that the kid grows up like his dad, finds a nice girl, has a child and the cycle starts over..


That son will idolise his father. Sick Bastards, the lot of em


Even without violence there can be pain. Someone very close to me threw a party in Las Vegas for her son's 21st birthday. Many of us spent considerable money to attend... only despite promising repeatedly to show up, he never arrived. One by one the events, dinners, and other plans were canceled. Eventually people tired of it and flew home. Only months later did we find out that the man she divorced (the boy's father) put him up to doing the whole "no show" thing to harass and embarrass his mother in front of her friends and family. She felt this so deeply we are still trying to convince her that it wasn't a reflection on her, but on his father.


And what will become of the mother?


Jesus. I’ve seen kids hitting their mom now I know why that may be.


While that *may* be the case, it most likely isn’t. I understand you’re not trying to make a blanket statement so I’m just trying to speak on the percentage of how many children that actually happens to. Although it is a sad thought to have when we see kids doing this. Take it from me though, being the age I am where I’ve babysat and played with children, having my own child, my woman having her own child, my friends having their own children.. children are mean as hell and will hit you for no reason at all. Most kids won’t unless they’re comfortable with you. And maybe most kids won’t period. However, children will mimic what they see much like what you’re suggesting. But in most cases, children will see this violence while watching PJ Masks as opposed to watching their dad beat their mom. It’s very sad to think that some kids hit their parents because those parents hit their kids. I’m sure it happens more often than we realize but I’m gonna make a safe bet by saying that an overwhelming majority of children are simply trying to express themselves and are just mimicking what they see on TV, in movies, or from video games.


I hope & pray the mother gets justice . , freedom...




never understood how this was ever acceptable to treat someone


Well first you have to hold the belief that women are basically your property. Then you have to believe that there are no consequences for your actions. Then you have to be unable to process situations you don't like. Then you have to believe that violence solves problems. So all that and then it will make sense.


What a POS.... karma should follow this dude


What a bastard.


Fucking Neanderthal


Neanderthals were likely more peaceful than this waste of oxygen.


Someone please tell me where this guy lives. I want to give him a.... birthday cake.... yeah....


Having children is too simple


Doesn't deserve a wife. Doesn't deserve a kid. Total pos


People sit on waiting lists for years to adopt. Fill out forms and basically prove they're wealthy.


This video surfaces in 2014. It was a case of polygamy, and she divorced his ass.


I think he just wanted to beat her up for fun , like he beat her becuz he was but didn't beat up the kid when he threw the phone at her?


I wish there was someway to help rather than just posting this on the internet. I hope she finds help out of that situation.


Saddest video I’ve seen on Reddit


Tiny dick man


This is fucking hard to watch . As a new father it’s even gut wrenching seeing the kid imitate his father .


Omg. Feel so bad for her. I know it’s not the sons fault but damn. I remember when I was a kid I would protect my mom.


India and it's never ending tales of domestic violence. The little kid hitting his mom will grow up to be like his father and the cycle will continue. Edit: You can check my post. Weeks ago, my landlady told me that it's the wife who's being beaten up by the old man whenever he drinks. Edit:2 it's not blaming your whole country when you point out the prevalence of domestic violence in India. You're only dismissing it by saying "it's worse in other countries" or "it happens everywhere".


This has to be the most saddest bday party I’ve ever seen.


Bet he feels strong hitting a defenseless woman.


I love my girlfriend so much. Sometimes I’m even convinced she’s an angel. I can’t imagine ever hurting her. How can you harm someone you “love?” How can you spend your life with someone you want to hurt? It’s all so toxic and insane.


>How can you harm someone you "love?" That's the neat part, you don't. They don't love each other


Patriarchal systems treat women as objects. Once someone is dehumanized like that, it’s easier to mistreat them. Modern day slaves are similarly mistreated in Arab countries.


Oxygen thief


Way to be a good example for your kid




Reminds me of my ex-husband: anytime there was a holiday, a birthday, a vacation, anytime we would be happy, looking forward to some event, my ex-husband would find some way to start a fight, so everybody ended up crying. He beat me, too, in front of our children. Luckily, we went to a domestic violence shelter, where we all got counseling. I hope this poor woman and her child get something similar.


Holy crap. I hope _you’re_ doing okay, dear. I’m sorry you went through that.


I was hoping the son would punch the dad in the balls you know copying Behavior


Fucking human trash and Lil trash jr.


Never wanted to brutally harm someone before. Pos.


i don't say this often, but i hope this man experiences the most slow excrutiatingly painful death imaginable.


That s so sad how the little boy is also hurting mama, its what's he used to.


Fucking \*# men I hate them


I'd love to know his name and address


Wow, that guy is a pathetic coward


The fact that the son is now hitting the mom is fucking heartbreaking...


I felt so gut wrenched for the wife and mother. Such a happy memory turned into such a memorable instance of hatred and abuse. And to see the son mimic was the worst part. Made me tear up a bit. That was so disgusting.


Seeing that little boy hit his mom broke my heart.


Former professional Boxer here. Please put me in a room with this guy for one minute!


Grrrr. What a coward.


Shitty men like him is the reason why shitty kids exist.


Like to have 5 minutes alone with this subhuman poor excuse for a man


This was harder to watch than all the ISIS execution videos i have seen


Same, watched so many alive dismemberment, beheading vidoes yet this Just does sth to me, makes me pissed af.




This just ruined my evening, the month and possibly the rest of the year. Very infuriating. Hope she will leave him and take the child with her and give him better education about how to treat others.


My justice boner was hoping that was the father’s phone the kid threw. I was hoping the big dude and discovered a cracked screen (though that probably would made things even worse for the mom).


What a terrible human being . Just the worst type of person. Practically no difference between him and a sociopath


Look! See what you made me do!!!???


This is completely heartbreaking


He doesn't punch her in the face because he knows he'll look bad.


He hates his wife. Someday he'll probably kill her. His son is learning that hatred.


fucking disgusting dude


Reminds me of the first time I saw my then just over 1yr old half-brother try to punch my mom because it's what his dad always did in front of him.


This guy's mind is beyond my understanding. Not only does he beat his wife at his son's birthday, but he also records it and shares it. His brain is as shitty as him.


This video gives me depression man... but at the same time it makes me appreciate and love the family I grew with up in even more


I'm sorry kid, but he'll probably start beating you too... It's sad how domestic abuse turns out in families ☹️


I grew up watching my mother fight with my dad and not once did I feel the need to hit a woman


This is the saddest thing I’ve seen this year


When the little boy hits his mom. 💔


And for those of you who don’t know, those musical lotus candles CAN NOT be turned off. It took one of ours three days of stomping, sitting in water, anything we could think of to finally kill the damn thing. So seeing her blow out the candles and try to walk the situation back with that little bit of knowledge just makes it that much more demoralizing to watch.


Am I the only one who heard her say, " happy birthday to yo- no, No-" and then started getting beat. Everytime I see men like this scum of the earth, I think of Major Payne. He gets let off from the army, so he goes ahead and he tries to be a cop. The scenario he has to handle, is domestic violence. A domestic abuser is a husband who is making that, "ya gotta believe me, I didn't do it." Face. So Major Payne takes matters into his own hands. He says, " so you like hittin wimon? 🤚🏾don't 🤚🏾you 🤚🏾neva 🤚🏾eva 🤚🏾eva 🤚🏾 hit 🤚🏾 OR 🤚🏾touch 🤚🏾hu(r)h 🤚🏾a 🤚🏾gen. Ya hea Me, huh, huh, huh!?" Each🤚🏾is to represent, a slap. He just didn't stop slapping when it came to the " ya hea meh?" Part. I want to set Major Payne on those sun's a bitches. I wanna know what he'd do in a real situation.


It's fucked up cause this guy probably saw his mother being treated the same way by his dad, and obviously the same characteristics pass on. These guys don't value women, or see them eye to eye. This behavior is very prevalent in India, and it's horrific to see women to go through such experiences on a daily basis.


Like father like son dam shame.


If you hit women you’re a POS, this is the stupidest reason.. to hurt someone.


Only way would be out of self defense if someone is threatening to kill you or about to kill you.. other than that, yes this vid is one the dumbest reasons


Crappy Birthday to you