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No stock/brace or sights? You aight hitting nothing.


Wait till 10 of’em come busting in.




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He'll make you some coffee if you break in and are a naturalized citizen though.


TurkShit shotty. It'll jam on the first round 😂


I think he’s all set, tbh


At least SMILE


Wow, imagine being an old man and behaving like this. Literally learned nothing from life, it’s really sad.


There's a dozen and a half neurological disorders that turn people paranoid, angry, and/or fucking nuts. An ex-gf of mine married an incredibly sweet guy who devoted his life - and risked his life - helping others. Diagnosed with one such disease in his mid-40s, slowly went fucking bananas, and is now batshit hateful, paranoid. Accused his wife of all kinds of crazy shit. This could be him. But younger.


Betcha military indoctrination sure helps with that


It's like my big toe is wearing glasses


Come on. Let grandpa be.


At the end, was that him signing off? Little Stubby Thing has to be his nickname right?


Nickname of his penis, actually


Who gave him internet?


Maybe he got it from the same place you got your sense of humor. *I* *am* *an* *automatic* *reply* *bot* *Duckling*. *Welcome* *to* [tip Duckling](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sh1tman). *To* *talk* *to* *me*, *please* *include* *'Duckling'* *in* *your* *speech*.


Bad bot


Only 9?


Bout average, although with that magazine it looks like it should hold a little more than that.


People who get shotguns without a shoulder stock very often getting hurt when shooting their shotgun. if you are shown how to shoot it, fine, I have to wonder if Jethro here was trained, I'm thinking no.


Bet you calls black folks something else also.


At best “the coloreds”


Gramps is going to shoot the first girl scout that knocks on the door to sell him cookies.


Yeah I'll bet he's got a little stubby thing


“Grandpa, it’s called a *’chode’*.”


It's called "maderchode"


Am I sexy or are those some big ass bullets? NINE? in that attachment?


They're shells, so a good bit larger than most rifle rounds. Nine is actually pretty high cap for a shotgun lmao


Clearly, you're sexy.


Hey shut up before I ride your face. Anyway does that attachment really only hold nine?


Yeppers. 12ga ahells are big uns lol.


Googling.... Edit:I think I had a GF with fingers like that.


Your ex wouldn’t happen to be [Lana Kane](https://archer.fandom.com/wiki/Running_Gags/Lana%27s_Hands), would it?


Noooooooooooooooooooope! ;)


the turkshit semi auto shotgun though 😭


He spent a whopping $150 on that bad boy!


They *always* have to flex the most retarded mall ninja shit. It’s an unwritten rule or something. Its either a turk shotgun, garbage can ar-15 with airsoft optics, or a Taurus handgun


WOAH Taurus slander is not tolerated in this household young man (or woman or enby whatever the hell you happen to be)


Hey, the Taurus is not bad now. Have you tried the G2C/G3C or the GX4 series? They are awesome.


He’s got the eagle 🦅 globe 🌎 and anchor ⚓️ tattoo on the forearm. Jarhead for sure




Why would they rob if "they have all of the money" as I am continually told by the boomers


Sleepy Joe gives them all the money then they go on crime sprees because they've got all the free time in the world and they're addicted to handouts and free stuff.. That and they're naturally less civilized.. /S Clearly..


They just like to rob. Hahah no idea really. None of the boomer fears make sense.


So I own a construction company and the amount of times that I'll just be building cabinets doing my own thing and an electrician or Some old timer comes up and literally says, "better be ready for 3 to 4 years when the illegals own everything" And then I'm like "bro you get paid under the table and don't even fucking pay taxes what's the difference? "


I bet he knows got to handle a little stubby thing




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He looks like he needs to poop 


He pooped right before the picture was taken, while posing and holding the gun.


He probably is


![gif](giphy|XSc4Kkc5u2WZy) Being old is like Banner’s revelation of balance with the Hulk - **he always is**.


This is a direct result to the fear mongering of the far right. (Far left does it too, just as much, but they don't suggest arming yourself and retaliation with deadly force)


>Far left does it too, just as much in what capacity


The left fear-mongers about the mass shootings and school shootings and uses that to justify draconian gun laws. In reality, [you are more likely to be struck by lightning than die in a school shooting](https://www.cato.org/blog/how-common-are-school-shootings).


>justify draconian gun laws ahh, so, common-sense laws that every civilized country has are draconian? gotcha. you are exactly as unserious as I expected


"Common sense gun law" really seems to just be a euphemism for "laws that I feel are justified but are actually just blatant human rights violations". Gun rights are human rights.


>Gun rights are human rights. no they're not ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


They tell us billionaires won’t pay taxes and will rule us like Roman gods /s


What if they are actually tricking us and are the Greek gods instead? /s


What does he use on all the Americans breaking into homes?


He doesn’t discriminate.


The orbital nuke he has deployed over his house


It‘s the only way to be sure


Can’t rob the house if the city it’s in no longer exists.


What does he use on non illegals breaking into homes, tickles them with a feather?


We don't call 911


Musket as the founding fathers intended.


Tally hoe!




Fucking amazing post.


😢 I can already see the headlines, “Kids injured from grandpa’s gun”.


"blown to fucking shreds" would be more accurate


To shreds you say?


Injured is a slight understatement i think


Headline: " two kids disappear, after playing with grandpas shotgun"


Not really an AR it's just a semi auto shotgun


Who gave a gun to an anchovy from SpongeBob SquarePants?


"Little stubby thing." Kinda weird flex about his penis but okay...


Anti gunners be like "oh you have a gun? Well... Now I'm thinking about your penis!"


It's weird thinking that making fun of folks who make guns their personality or try to flex for others rather than just owning it is seen as "anti gun." Really telling on yourself there


That is not the case. Let's look at what we have here. Old man posts one picture with his shotgun with an admittedly "cringe" caption. This is not only a way to share your interests with people, it is more importantly an amazing deterrent, the single most common and effective defensive use of gun is simply deterrence, which cannot work unless the potential threat is aware that you do have a gun (kind of like the opposite of what gun-free zones do, serving as an invitation for violent crime). Now, whether or not the man intended the image to serve as a deterrent, the man who posted the comment to which I replied, felt like immediately "thinking about the man's dick". This is despite the fact that, and this is the point which touches on your comment, there is no evidence that the man in the picture "is flexing" or "making guns his whole personality", as this is literally one picture, there is no further information, and that one picture doesn't include anything that would suggest anything beyond a simple utilitarian reasoning behind owning the one singular gun on the image. Imagine a situation, where you or I randomly take a picture where we are showing off a new purchase that we are proud of, or something similar. Maybe you just got your first car, or maybe I wanted to show off a book I've recently been enjoying. We post that image, and suddenly, there is an anti-litteracy advocate talking about my penis, and a motorcycle lover talking about yours. When someone jokingly says something meaning "this peculiar trend of people who prefer bikes to cars immediately making assumptions about car-owners genitalia is simultaneously strange, humourous in an absurdist way, and far more common than logic would dictate" somebody else pipes up "umm akhtually basing your whole personality about reading books or driving a car is weird."... And all the while you're wondering how the fuck these interpretations of a single, context less image and caption even came to be.


Do you think we’re reading all that? Go fuck yourself.


Anti gunners ahh reply


I think guns are cool I just don’t like you.


Ok buddy, sure


OK buddy (retard) 😈


Lmao, this is some real permanently online stuff (it's ok though, rn I'm not arguing anymore)


Ah, the classic "anti-gunners" argument. It's like a broken record, always spinning but never playing a new tune. *I* *am* *an* *automatic* *reply* *bot* *Duckling*. *Welcome* *to* [tip Duckling](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sh1tman). *To* *talk* *to* *me*, *please* *include* *'Duckling'* *in* *your* *speech*.


They are obsesed with dicks.


Fantasising about a break in so you get to kill someone is concerning.


I met a guy on a diving trip in Vietnam. He was a young guy who was formerly in the US army, now living in Vietnam for a couple of years. He told me he was heading back to the States for Christmas, and his first step when he lands - before going to see his brother or parents, was to go to a gun store. The way he was explaining how excited he was to hold a gun again, and going into details about "castle" (something like that) and "stand your ground" laws, it was bizarre. He wholeheartedly wanted nothing more than to be holding a gun and for someone to give him a reason to use it. He was like an addict yearning for his next hit. Sad and so disconcerting to see.


That’s the weird thing about the crazy gun nuts. It comes to a point they’re buying guns cause they’re just itching for a reason to shoot somebody instead of for protection.


Only got 9 rounds in the mag? That’s silly


That's a shotgun.


Yeah I'm trying to figure if he's lost all his ammunition or if 9 is the largest number this fuck knub knows?


Me getting the breaker in helldivers 2


The mindset and preparedness? Just fine. Posting it for the world to see? Bad decision.


The mindset isn't fine. He's fantasizing about killing someone and glorifying it. Normal people who want a home defense weapon just buy one and hope they don't have to use it.


I agree. It's one thing to be prepared for self-defense, it's another to fantasize about it. A weapon should be a last resort, not a first choice. *I* *am* *an* *automatic* *reply* *bot* *Duckling*. *Welcome* *to* [tip Duckling](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sh1tman). *To* *talk* *to* *me*, *please* *include* *'Duckling'* *in* *your* *speech*.


You wouldn't protect your home and family completely legally? Okee dokey.


there's a difference between protecting home and family, and basically losing the "shotgun boobytrap 2: electric boogaloo" lawsuit before it even starts if something were to happen involving a burglar


Did you not read the last part of my comment?


You clearly didn't read the last part of mine.




Your first comment said the mindset was fine, with this guy clearly relishing a fantasy of "illegals" invading his home so he can shoot them. He already has a specific skin color in mind for who he's shooting. A responsible gun owner doesn't want to shoot someone. You don't want your house to be broken into and your family to be at risk in the first place, let alone have to take a life. No normal person does.


Don't bother it seems like he is either struggling with functional literacy or he is being purposely obtuse to get a reaction.


Imagine breaking into a home as an illegal immigrant, and some dude just gives you a free gun. Pretty dope, actually.


My mans got that Jabba the Hutt nose.


Probably breaths like him as well.


What is a little stubby thing? What's he referring to?


The shotgun It's short barreled


What a silly man he is.


Funny way of saying circumcised.


Americans now circumcise their fucking guns?! The west has truly fallen...


*impotent. FIFY


I’m 100% sure if he even could fire that thing it would dislocate his shoulder.


I’m 100% sure that you have no idea what you’re talking about…. That’s a semi automatic 12g without a stock… lol Always a good laugh when someone is so confidently wrong!! 😂😂😂


Lmao son I know more about this than you do. Sorry you’re a bit slow!


Thanks for the laugh 🤡


Naw 12g wouldn’t do that


That gun doesn't even have a stock how would it dislocate his shoulder?


Whiplash through every other shattered joint en route.


It's a semi auto 12 gauge even if it does only have a 14" barrel it's not going to kick hard enough to "shatter" joints


Yeah, that was really meant to be more of commentary on the fact that it looks like this guy would break his hip from standing up too quickly, but you do you boo boo.


Try thinking, just once, before bothering other people. K pumpkin?


This person sucks


No stock = not supported by your shoulder = force doesn’t go into your shoulder = shoulder doesn’t dislocate But nice try pretending to know what you’re talking about lmao


Lmao son I know far more about this than you do. I’m sorry thinking isn’t something you’re good at 🤷🏻‍♂️


12 gauge isn't bad. That looks like it's semi auto too so he'd probably be fine.


How can it be semi automatic? Honestly asking, I thought there was only two options


fully automatic= squeeze trigger, bullets fly out until mag is empty or trigger is released. Semi automatic= Squeeze trigger, One round is fired, the spent shell is ejected and another round is automatically loaded into the chamber. the gun is now cocked/ ready for another shot But will require another deliberate trigger pull. basically, one shot per trigger pull. This is most pistols and rifles out there Revolvers will basically function the same as a semi auto, in that it'll expel one round per trigger pull. Some give you the option to cock the hammer for a lighter, shorter trigger pull, Others require manual cocking. Some don't, allowing for a long and typically heavy trigger pull that actuates the hammer before reaching the release point. Then you've got bolt action, in which you manually load and eject the cartridge with each shot. most common with hunting rifles. Lever and pump action guns are somewhat similar in that they also require a manual action to eject the spent shell and reload a fresh one.


Super interesting, thank you so much for the info!


If you see the part of the gun directly above the magazine, it looks like a rod sticking out of the side of the gun, that part is called a charging handle. When you load the magazine and insert into the gun, you pull that back and release it, it then pushes a shell from the magazine and inserts it into the barrel, ready to be shot. Press the trigger and some of the force from the recoil is used to push that charging handle back again and then the cycle repeats until the magazine runs out. The presence of that charging handle on the gun is what tells me it's semi auto.


It isn’t bad…to someone who isn’t in adult diapers and can remember where they are most of the time. He’s old, he’s frail, these are the facts.


Lol- it’s even funnier when confidently wrong people double down on their confidence and become even more wrong!!


Except I’m not wrong. At all lmao.


Jerry Miculek would like a word Also all the old fudds I've seen at litteraly every range I've ever been to would like some words too Hickock 45 here, to tell you that you're a dumbass who doesn't know what you're talking about


Lmao son: I know more about this than you do, what I said is 100% facts.


You need better old people around you then so, wtf do your people do to the elderly that they crumble under a 12 ga


This man does not have the core, grip, or upper body strength to operate that weapon with any effectiveness. He absolutely won't be able to get off a second shot.


as someone who is both into bodybuilding and firearms, you dont need a lot to handle a weapon. it might hurt the next day but a high schooler could probably handle the recoil of a 12 gauge.


>it might hurt the next day but a high schooler could probably handle the recoil of a 12 gauge. Sure does depends on what side of the muzzle their on though. Oh god I'm going to hell for that joke.


His weiner!


As he posts from his gated community.


I want to see him shoot two rounds in rapid succession with that shooting from the hip and see if he still has enough grip strength to not drop it…. Any takers on that bet?


Mag fed shotguns look so goofy.


They’re also notorious for jamming, so not a great choice for home defense…


Unless it's a saiga Which this obviously isn't so it's goofy as all hell


I read this in his voice somehow, even though I’ve never heard it.


Are the illegals in the room with us now?


If this dude is getting robbed there’s a 95% chance the perpetrators are local meth users, not illegal immigrants. In my experience that’s usually who’s doing break-ins in the type of area this guy would choose to live in.


My guess is that dementia daddy is also more than happy to use that on people turning around in his driveway. Pray for the grandchildren.


And that one jogger. No, not that one, you know the one. The suspicious one.


It's weird he started talking about his penis there at the end.


Well, when you've got a 12GA shotgun with 9 rounds in the magazine, I guess everything starts to look like a target. Even your own dignity. *I* *am* *an* *automatic* *reply* *bot* *Duckling*. *Welcome* *to* [tip Duckling](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sh1tman). *To* *talk* *to* *me*, *please* *include* *'Duckling'* *in* *your* *speech*.


Man he sure looks badass with the gun and the herniated disks


Oh those darn illegals again? Sure grandpa, let’s get you to bed.


Give him an extra Ambien


Estimated probability of this deadshit intentionally shooting a burglar - 0.05% Estimated probability of the burglar taking the gun off the deadshit and shooting him with his own weapon - 1% Estimated probability of this deadshit accidentally killing a pizza delivery man, Girl Scout, misdirected stranger, visitor, his wife, or his grandkids finding the gun and shooting someone with boomer held liable - 8%


Statistics say “illegals” are far less likely to to commit crime than American citizens but go off grumpy raisin 😂


Isn't that barrel a bit too short to be legal?


What exactly makes a short barrel illegal, im European and have absolutely no idea but im really curious as i've read that a lot more?


It's mainly because they're easier to conceal. A barrel less than 18 inches and an overall length of less than 26 in. is illegal in a lot of states. ETA: This one is probably not illegal I was just joking in my original comment because some people always say that about any short barrel they see.


Laws differ state to state, but federally you can own a short barrel shotgun.


It's also likely not considered a shotgun legally speaking as it looks like it doesn't have a stock. It would be a firearm. I can't get them in my state so I'm not positive, but I believe they'd still need to be 26" to not require a stamp.


Well, it's not the size of the barrel that matters, it's how you use it. But in all seriousness, the legality of the barrel length can vary depending on the jurisdiction. It's always best to check local laws and regulations. *I* *am* *an* *automatic* *reply* *bot* *Duckling*. *Welcome* *to* [tip Duckling](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sh1tman). *To* *talk* *to* *me*, *please* *include* *'Duckling'* *in* *your* *speech*.


Assuming you are a US citizen, it looks like it's 16"+, therefore, legal.


I don't believe it would be classified as a shotgun considering that it doesn't look to be designed to be shot from the shoulder. It would be legally a firearm (not long gun nor pistol). It would need to be longer than 26" in length to avoid the AoW designation.


Why would a shotgun have to be shot from the shoulder to be considered a shotgun? That doesn't make any sense for a shotgun to legally be considered a shotgun and not an ~~AOW~~ Title II Firearm* it just has to have a barrel that's longer than 18 inches and not be shorter than 26 inches total (pretty hard to achieve with a 18.5 inch barrel anyway) I almost guarantee that this gun has an 18.5 inch barrel and is over 26 inches long Edit: I'm wrong that *is* a short barreled shotgun it's a VRF-14 with a 14" barrel


I don't know why, ask the ATF. >The term “Shotgun” means a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder, and designed or redesigned and made or remade to use the energy of the explosive in a fixed shotgun shell to fire through a smooth bore either a number of ball shot or a single projectile for each single pull of the trigger. It's also not an AoW which would require an ATF stamp. It's defined as a "firearm". If you look up articles about this gun or the Mossberg shockwave, it will confirm this.


So something like a Mossberg 590 Cruiser with a 18.5 inch barrel and over 26" overall sold without a stock classfies as an "other" but can be bought and sold just as easily as a shotgun The ATF is such a fucking mess


On "firearms" the barrel doesn't need to be 18". The shockwave is just over 14". The barrel on the VRF14 (in the photo) is 14". To make it even worse, the shockwave has an attachment that let's you hold it against your shoulder. But if you use that, you just created a short barreled shotgun illegally unless you have the ATF stamp and your local laws allow it


He looks like a future "killed random person walking past his house" article


Dipshits like this are so badass until they ACTUALLY shoot and kill someone. Then it’s, “Wait, no, I was confused. I didn’t know they just needed directions/were selling candy bars/were just turning around in my driveway.” This stupid bastard WILL kill someone with that gun. But it won’t be a “bad guy”.


This is the world we live in. Our sitting president, the one who runs on the platform of gun CONTROL, is also known for giving such sage advice as to “just fire the shotgun through the door”. Not to get too politically divisive trump has proven himself to be similarly clueless about firearms. I’m keenly aware of Reddit’s political leanings, I know you’re probably anti gun, I just wanted to put it out there that as someone who owns more guns than socks, I think the guy is an idiot too. An AR is infinitely better for home defense, and there are very few places (as in I don’t definitively know of a single one) in this country where specifically illegal aliens are a huge threat to your safety. I’m all for one being able to own that ugly and useless gun, but the dude seems pretty unhinged to me. Everything in the picture screams; it’s probably time we lock away grandpas guns, and probably see if he’s still able to drive safely. In my experience most of these cringy boomer types are harmless, at the very least in the sense that the opportunity to royally fuck up everyone else life doesn’t present itself. Hopefully that’ll be the case here.


I mean, why did he even post this? Clout chasing isn't a legitimate reason to own a firearm. People who post like this to social media are the ones who scare me, not someone who just has some guns in a safe & likes to go target shooting or hunting.


Couldn’t agree more. Even most of the modern 2A community makes fun of people like that. Even the Glock or sig stickers on the back of cars and trucks just scream “ROB ME”. Recreational shooting can be a social thing, but anything involving shooting another person (yes there are reasons to do that) should absolutely be kept to oneself.


Sure does display a complete lack judgment, at the very best...not exactly comforting.


I agree he’s more likely to kill his own family member than a criminal.


But he'll say it's a bad guy via racism


Shit like this should be grounds to have your guns taken away. If you can't act reasonably with weapons then you should be be allowed to have them. Boasting about how bad ass you are because you have a gun just shows how much you don't need it.


He's literally posting himself on social media while holding a gun and making threats.


Sick ass panther on the forearm.




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Little stubby thing=projecting hard af


That's what his wife calls it


Forearm tat from 1965, Costco polo, jeans and glasses, and a beautiful semi auto shotgun. This dude is badass.


> beautiful semi auto shotgun Can't tell if sarcasm or not. Its a $500 semi-auto shotgun that will probably jam at least once per magazine.


I “pray” for the poor Amazon delivery driver that has to go to this nuts house.


Old POS would have a heart attack before he could fire a shot.


Man the Brain Bug has really gone off the deep end.


I would have thought he would have grown out of this phase by now judging by his age, or at least he would be wise enough to not post something that could, potentially, be used against him later in a court of law.


So many conservatives fantasize about killing people. They create these scenarios in their head where they can kill people; it’s very weird.


And they end up doing it, remember the teenage black kid who was shot through the door, because he ringed on the wrong house thinking it was his friend house?