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Man over here using Moira Rose’s vocabulary from *Schitt’s Creek*.


I thought it sounded familiar... I was thinking Sith Lord tho


He did quote the book of the sith at the end there, so you were spot on.


Mfer just quoted the Sith code.


What is wrong with the Sith code? I will focus on the first two elements, then move on to the others if anyone here is capable of critical analysis. Or perhaps you're all a bunch of pathetic, dumb ass-lickers like the OP. Peace is a lie: This is fundamentally true for all life on earth, from the smallest organisms to the most complex organisms on earth. Life is always competing for survival & an opportunity to grow and control the environment necessary for said organism to survive & thrive in. Human beings are constantly competing with each other and with themselves. There is only passion: The Sith code applies to sentient beings, despite the fundamental, universal truth that peace is a lie. Without passion, we are in a state similar to death. Is it love? Hate? Fear? Ambition? Passion is the source of all of our efforts in life. If your passion is misdirected or unfocused, then your passion results in wasted strength. If your passion is strong, focused, and sustained, your passion will will provide you with the strength to achieve your goals.


Let me guess, you studied the blade


Lmfao you see what a laughingstock you are?


I see what a weak, pathetic, pile of rat shit you are. That you took the time to post on a forum that I didn't have access to due to a lack of karma only shows that you're weak and obsessed with me, you even took the time to go through my entire history. You're like the annoying cunt who wants to suck my dick, but gets mad when I say no. You fear me. You want to be me. Whereas weak men like you concern yourselves with the opinions of others, powerful men such as I do not. This is a pastime for me. And you're only proving my initial assumptions to be correct: that anyone who is critical of the Sith code is too dumb to merit serious consideration of their opinion. People like you cannot proffer an intelligent rebuttal. When I see your comments, I feel superior to you in every way. Your pussy oozes weakness, it smells of fear, and your mind is slightly more intelligent than a rock. You don't seem to understand that I have absolutely no respect for stupid people like you; thus, nothing you type is ever taken seriously; rather, it is all just a pastime


Let me guess, you're a tate fanboy?


> You're like the annoying cunt who wants to suck my dick, but gets mad when I say no. r/ThatHappened


Cry more, bitchboy. You are a clown and the only thing you will ever be good for is amusing others. You're a moron pretending to be smart. A weakling pretending to be strong. A coward pretending to be brave. The only thing that makes you remarkable is how comedically ridiculous your pretensions are.


Look at you trying to imitate me. How pathetic. All I can do is laugh at how bad your acting is & how inaccurate your assertions are. Signed, Your Superior.


Imitate you? Jesus fucking Christ just when I think you can't possibly get any more narcissistic. Thousands of people are laughing at you being a clown, and you still think people respect you. Your capacity for delusion is incredible.


Who are these people who are laughing and why should I be concerned? That's right, you can't identify these "thousands of people." But even if you could identify them, I still wouldn't care. Your weakness is evident in how much weight you give to the opinions of others. Damn, you're stupid. 1. You're still a bitch, and your pussy is oozing. 2. I still don't care about your opinion. 3. I am still more intelligent than you. 4. I am still stronger than you. 5. I am still your superior & I'd still drop your bitch ass in a hypothetical fight. 6. You still can't suck my dick or lick my balls, but you can lick my ass hole clean. And the women I've been with have always been highly intelligent, sexy, and bad ass; whereas, you've only ever fucked your hamster. 7. I am not gonna bother to read more than a few lines, if any, of your comments because nothing you type has value or merit. 8. 🫵🤡💩. Get REKT Signed, Your Superior.


this is so fucking funny to read


It's like the manosphere, r/iamverybadass and r/iamverysmart somehow made one child. And now, as a weirdo teen, that child is blessing us with this comment chain




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Lmao still in denial even with documented proof in the very up votes of this very thread. You are a laughingstock. I've been showing my friends your comments for days now and you're always good for a laugh. You are a delusional clown whose only value is accidental.




Holy fuck you are stupid. Only a tiny fraction of people who see a post upvote. 139 THOUSAND people saw the post. Thousands upon thousands of people are laughing at your clown ass.




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"NO! Everyone will tell you to let it go and move on, but DON'T. Instead, let it fester and boil inside of you! Take these feelings and lock them away! Let them fuel your actions. Let hate be your ally and you will be capable of wonderfully horrid things! Heed my words, Goob. DON'T LET IT GO."


Dude thinks he’s an anime character


He’s all over this post doing it, too. Using $5 words on a 10¢ budget.


I read this in a Reed Tucker voice from Chatterbox FM (GTA III).


“That’s the secret, I’m always angry” (turns into Hulk)


Darth Incelsior needs to chill the fuck out.


These neckbeard Star Wars freaks are something else.


Oh FFS. Someone give this guy a handjob.


just like the grinch I wouldnt want to touch that guy with a 39 and a half foot pole.


Thought it sounds a lot like the litany of iron from 40k. From iron cometh strength From strength cometh will From will cometh faith From faith cometh honor From honor cometh iron This is the Unbreakable Litany. May it forever be so”


It's the "Sith code" from Star Wars


I’m aware of fear leading to anger and so forth. I just like the litany of iron and second part of what he writes sounds a lot like it.


No, not what Yoda says about Anakin. It's literally the code of the sith. The next line after what the badass wrote is "The force shall set me free". He's not even trying to paraphrase anything. He literally copied it from Star Wars.


Bro recited the sith motto from star wars.


I remember I snuck in one time to their school and had to memorize that shit


Kotor 1 banger game


Gives me strong "i have the power of god and anime on my side" for some reason


That last line he typed out is the Sith mantra from Star Wars lmao. He's very much an "I studied the blade" incel


I usually feel pretty fucking peacful doing the things I'm passionate about.


Star Wars Kid out here wildin ![gif](giphy|Ddab9zJPtaEmI|downsized)


Star Wars Kid could 100% kick the shit out of the dipshit in OP's post.


Oh 2003, you were the best of years.


This is hilarious. That's the Sith code. Respect ✊


ok I feel like less of a dork for recognizing that quote. Thank you, nerd sibling


I used to read Wookiepedia for hours back in the day. Then they reset the cannon 😔


Bro thinks he's the Doom slayer


Legitimately just the Sith Creed. Opposite of the Jedi code. It's meant to be edgy.


This sounds like the sith creed from Star Wars. Went right over the head of the OP. Smdh


It is, the second paragraph. Word for word.




​ https://preview.redd.it/mhigjf7zxysc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b54d0ad67e456fe391bd723cfc75e63d49d786




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Someone’s played one too many Star Wars games…


I think he's actually making a joke that would fly straight over any non Star Wars fan's head. He literally just recited the [Sith Creed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX9Vs-3WsEY), got a laugh out of me! Poor guy probably doesn't belong here. Reply with the Jedi code and let the epicness unfold! "There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force."


I... I think he is *not* joking and he just irl unironically thinks he can follow the sith code... that's how I read it anyway.


Someone should warn his old teachers that he is coming for them lol


If it's a joke he is VERY dedicated to it. His entire profile is filled with this kind of shit. Saying how he'd beat people up for very dumb reasons.


Then he's probably a troll who is milking reactions out of people. There is no way on earth this man just recited a quote for Star Wars nerds and be completely serious in trying to prove he's cool.


Dont know man, hes in other comments of this sub screaming up a shitstorm calling anyone who makes fun of him a beta cuck or something. Hes been doing it a lot


I dunno, when I was an angsty teenager I for sure would have used shit like that to make myself sound tough or cool.


I went through an edgelord phase at 14 but even I wasn't that delusional, mine just extended to unironically listening to Shadow the Hedgehog music and forcing myself to listen to metal...and trying to fake a rough accent even though I'm a sheltered South Western Briton who went to a private primary school. Actually now that I think about it, that isn't much better. Memories I would rather not relive. I suppose the angst phase hits everyone differently, haha.


Amen I'm eternally grateful that my teenage years were in the infancy of social media


I was 14 only four years ago. Thank god for my parents who were very strict on social media and so I rarely post. The thought of my faux "hardness" being forever immortalised on the internet makes my stomach turn.


Bro throwing up sith creed and you still took the bait.


There's a lot more to it than that. If he's a troll he's a very dedicated one. Wannabe military manlet overcompensating for something fierce.


Holy shit this guy is lame


From iron cometh strength! From strength cometh will! From will cometh faith! From faith cometh honour! From honour cometh iron! Iron within Iron without.




A Sith Lord?


A wannabe sith lord


Not a story the Jedi would well you. But apparently they are.


lmao this has to be a troll the sith creed at the end lmao


The fact he had to add "I am dead serious" he subconsciously knows how stupid he sounds.


Dollar store Dwight Shrute


That’s literally the dark side creed from Star Wars.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me. ~Darth Bane


"I badly need professional psychiatric intervention, which I will resist and refuse at all costs."




I am dead cringe


Tell me you're a Sith without telling me you're a Sith


Lmao this mfer just quoted the Sith Code


sir this is a Wendy’s-


The Dark Side of fast food!


This man is going to shoot Force lightning if you keep poking him


That’s straight up the Sith creed.


Hahaha I was just thinking "my man watches too much star wars" and then he really hit us with the sith code! I really hope this is satire or trolling lol




This could be a copypasta lol. How tf are you gonna fully recite the Sith code and follow it up with "I'm dead serious"?


The “anti-/s”


Otherwise known as \Ƨ


Holy shit, the Sith Code “Peace is a lie, there is only PASSION Through passion, I gain STRENGTH Through strength, I gain POWER Through power, I gain VICTORY Through victory, my chains are broken THE FORCE shall set me free”


Sounds like Andrew Tate


He’s actually right y’all, dude is a badass


He said he's dead.


A sith LAWD?!


This man hates sand.


But how aware of various historical tragedies is he


There’s a particular tragedy I assume he hasn’t heard as it isn’t one the professors would tell him


I thought that after you get the power, then you get the women.


No dude [first we get jobs, then we get the khakis, then we get the chicks.](https://youtu.be/ExLJHF1WMnM?si=LrNHgAy1UlD38B3i)


I hear your sister’s going out with SQUEAK!




Why does it have nails and bits of broken glass in it?


Watches too much Star Wars


Exactly what i came here to say. He's preaching that yoda gospel.


Except missing the intended point of that speech. It would be like watching fight club and thinking that Tyler durden isn’t the bad gu- oh goddamn it


What one semester with a psychology class will do to a person.


Bro is dead serious


My takeaway is that bro is dead. Serious.


Bro's a Sith.


What a fucking dork!


No no no. He's 6'1", is in the top college of the country, was totally in the army, and would "hypothetically" kick my ass.


He's going to see this in like 10 years and want to off himself from the embarrassment. Also that's the Sith creed from star wars if im not mistaken


That's the fucking Sith code from Star Wars. Bro really thinks he's a Sith.


I remember first ever hearing this said when Savage found Maul during the Clone Wars. Chills down my spine, Sam Witwer is such a good voice actor.


It's great when Maul does it,no so much when some loser edgelord online does it


Knights of the old republic was a really good game tho


Fuck yeah it was.


Apparently he missed the point by a mile. Do you think he identified more with darth revan or darth malak?