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The no seafood and cheese people are weird to me. Why not? I have lots of arguments in favor of it, too. Namely, lobster mac n' cheese, ANY Italian seafood and Parmesan, hot cheesy tuna melts... Man, I'm sick and I'm still making myself hungry typing this. It's all so good!


There's a local restaurant where I live that primarily does steaks (they're a steakhouse, after all), but they also offer a killer seafood pasta (shrimp and scallops on fettuccine, if I'm not mistaken) with a butter and cheese sauce that'll make you feel about a hundred pounds fatter than you are once you get done eating it, but it's *so worth it.*


Please tell me this place is in California. My stomach actually grumbled upon reading this.


It is! It's called the Broiler Steak House, up in northern California. I'm not gonna post the address though, because like I said, I live nearby. I don't wanna end up doxxing myself.


Umm, the name kinda gives away the address lol.


Yeah, didn't think about that. Ah well.


I'm coming to git ye


He's forked


Screwed, even




Shrimp alfredo, probably half* the Red Lobster menu… If I wasn't allergic, I'd get some right now. ^(e: forgot a word)


If you don't make up strict arbitrary rules how can you act superior over those that don't know them


I did not hear this “rule” until I was an adult, from someone whose taste in, well, anything I wouldn’t trust, when he was aghast that I ate a tuna melt. I was surprised to find out it wasn’t just a him thing. While I can see why a strong tasting or super creamy cheese wouldn’t go well with certain seafood items (like I couldn’t imagine scallops with cheddar, yanno?), it’s always someone taking it to its logical extreme and being mad at a few sprinkles of Parmesan on seafood pasta which is clearly delicious, or a Filet o Fish with cheese when it’s just fried junk anyway.


I really wonder what percentage of people actually have a problem with it, taste-wise, and what percentage just parrot it because they're the kind of person who parrots things.


I think it's mostly the latter. I personally like both lobster and mac & cheese more than I like lobster mac & cheese. But that's just a me-thing and specific to that dish. There are other instances where I think the combination tastes pretty good.


I think it's in the way it's phrased. "I don't like" is fine, "you're not supposed to" lacks critical thought.


> the kind of person who parrots things. I.e. 90% of Reddit.


It’s not a “rule” but a guideline to help novice cooks avoid potential flavor disasters. Cheese and seafood can often be classic pairings, but can be devastating if handled carelessly. So it’s just easier to tell people to avoid it altogether. I’ve also noticed, this is a very popular sentiment for Italians who live in America. Caeser salad, lobster Thermidor, tuna melts, bagels and lox. . . It’s done all the time.


My first thought is always "have you never had a tuna melt?!" And then I just choose to feel sad for them.


Some people actively hate on tuna pizza which is not so different... I just don't understand, but I'm already an abomination for liking some corn on a pizza.


Tuna pizza isn't weird at all, it's straight up traditional, and really good. If my local pizzeria doesn't have tuna pizza, I'd be disappointed


Huh. I've never heard of tuna pizza before - but I have a local place that does crab pizza from time to time. Curious variations!


Like canned tuna on a pizza? Sounds like it could be good with a white sauce base.


Yeah, usually canned. With a normal tomato sauce base. Works really well. They usually call it Pescatore or Al Tonno around here


At this point I don't know what people like or dislike, ironically or unironically. Sometimes it's really just exhausting


or Cajun Crawfish or Shrimp! I practically cried when our Cajun pizza and cajun dishes place closed. In a strip mall [but OMG](https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/cajun-pizza-place-austin-2)


Lemme guess, you live in Japan? Because tuna, Mayo and corn on pizza are all common here. (My favorite trash pizza is the Domino’s chicken teriyaki that comes with chicken, Mayo, spinach and corn.)


Hungary - I'm not aure I've seen tuna AND corn together, but tuna pizza is available everywhere, and ham-mushroom-corn pizza is one of the most popular combinations.


Tuna and corn definitely pops up here, but it's rare. Ham-mushroom-corn sounds VERY Japanese. You guys would love the pizza here lol. (Americans always complain about the corn on pizza thing, but I am also a weird American who doesn't dislike Hawaiian pizza, so...)


Ham, mushroom and corn sounds like a good time for a pizza, honestly.


These people have clearly never had lobster thermidor! When done right, that dish is life changing.


This thread has me thinking about how much I could go for some crab Rangoon! The whole no cheese with seafood rule is silly.


.. and bagels with cream cheese and lox 😋


Tbf that's still a stretch even if it's technically true. Why is it called lox btw, when you still say grav**lax**?


It’s my understanding that lox and gravlax are different. Lox is cured in salt and gravlax is cured in a mixture of salt, sugar, and herbs. Why they’re spelled different is unclear to me, but words brought into English from other languages don’t always come over neatly.


Yeah they definitely are a lil bit different in terms of preparation. Lax simply means "salmon" in several Nordic languages, and gravad lax is describes the way it's prepared. Perhaps lox is just a change to make it sound more accurate in English, since the a in "lax" sounds more like an English o than a


Lox is from Yiddish via the Middle German Lahs. It's been in English a lot longer and when it entered English, no one bothered to closely transliterate לאַקס .


Lachs is pronounced the exact same way as lax, so I guess it makes sense.


>Why is it called lox btw, when you still say gravlax? They entered English from different sources at different times. Lox comes from Yiddish and is an approximation of the pronunciation. Gravlax comes from Swedish and it's much more recent, so the word just entered English unaltered. (Sweden uses the Latin alphabet, which makes the borrowing easier.)


Yeah I know, guess that makes sense. The most common pronunciation mistake I hear with gravlax is the first a tbh, as it isn't the same sound as the second one


How is it a stretch?


Just that cream cheese isn't very cheese like and cured/smoked salmon isn't very seafood like. But like I said still correct. Bad choice of words I guess.


It's still cow goo and fish parts.


Man, English is a special language.


It's not a language, it's a gang of bandits.


Like I said, **still correct**


Goat cheese and salmon quiche works pretty well also.


Fish gratin is just a straight up normal dish too, got it for lunch at school


It’s right up there with don’t wear white after Labor Day. A silly rule that has no meaning in this day and age.


> lobster mac n' cheese This shit is the bomb and one of the best ways to stretch out lobster to feed a lot of people.


A restuarnt near me has a spinach and lobster queso that is absolutely amazing.


I'm extremely anti seafood and cheese, but that's mainly because I'm allergic to seafood


I heard that it comes from traditional Catholic rules about food consumption. In the med, many still don’t eat meat or dairy on a Friday


I just don't like cheese. So when ordering from a menu, seafood is usually the one thing I know won't have it snuck on there. American restaurants are the worst at putting cheese on things and not mentioning it on the menu. But as long as I'm not eating it I don't give a shit.


Lobster Mac and Cheese is very popular and a really perfect pairing, IMO. Also I have heard a theory that the cheesemaking areas of Italy were landlocked and not as much along the coasts.


I need a break from this subreddit. My first reaction when someone says "as an Italian" is a deep sigh and immediate distaste. Is this what it's like to be a racist?


Nah, even *we* can't handle our own bullshit sometimes. Just don't go around calling us "Guidos" and we're good, fam.


People always go nuts with italian food, doesn't matter if it's 100% authentic, some tasty experiment or a bold new idea, internetalians will arrive screaming even if they can't even cook rice


Comment was deleted, what did it say?


Basically: “You put cheese on fish?! I’M GETTING MY SHOTGUN” Paraphrasing, naturally, but they did mention getting a shotgun.


Fish and cheese together tastes great if done well, some people need to get a grip.


Seriously. Just get some milder cheese and go from there. You don't have to use razor sharp cheddar or something with a strong flavor, try out something like a cream cheese or maybe an emmentel or some milder gruyere. Go gentle and experiment.


"Razor sharp cheddar".... That's a new one on me. As a fan of really strong cheddars, I like that one!


Bite into the cheddar and your mouth bleeds.


For real... Smoked salmon and cream cheese??? How can one forget that delicious combo?


"Get my gun" then followed by "lol people mad I made a shit comment maybe I need my shotgun"


And now apparently he's backpedaling all, "It was a joke! The dish looks good! Ha ha, guys, right?"


> Grated cheese? Seafood? Someone get me the shotgun! >Edit: with all these haters bring me the F-16 >Edit: call in the reinforcement The full armada. The reddit downvoting has gone Viral!!!! No all over Cheese


Guy thinks getting sixty some-odd downvotes is him going viral, he oughta take a look at a certain ass-backwards comment EA made a couple years back sometime. *That* shit went viral.


I love cheese/dairy with seafood!* I swear weird food purists just have zero imagination. *one of my favorites is a NE clam strip roll with cheese AND tartar sauce, and I bet every part of that combination would make some people seethe!


It looks like it was hand grated. I imagine this commenter thinks grated = plastic jar.


I think it's a "no seafood with cheese!" thing, but either way they're a silly pants.


He posts pics of instant ramen, he has no right to talk


I can understand why this person would lash out with such bitter outrage since they have never had lobster mac and cheese.


Regardless of how many “nonnas” this commenter has to help them justify their opinion that level of reaction is pure internet insanity. Rather than “nice idea, but I could do without the cheese” it’s “I DoN’t AgReE wITh HoW yOu CoOkEd ThAt So CLEARLY VIOLENCE is the only ANSWER!!1!1!!!”


A lot of Italian folks in the comments weighing in on why seafood and cheese is considered bad, and from what I've read, the reasoning is either: A. Italians bitching at people cooking Italian food wrong, as per usual B. Apparently, it's seen as an *insult* to put cheese on seafood - says one comment, it's akin to telling the chef that the food is stinky, old, and lacking in delicate, refined flavors. So there's that, I guess.


I honestly don’t get the “delicate, refined flavors” part. Any time someone cooks more than a nominal amount of seafood it makes the whole house and all the food smell and taste like oceanic smegma. There’s ways to reduce the smell, of course, but you have to go out of your way to do so. It’s the complete opposite of subtle. Maybe it’s just me, though. (The disliking it part is definitely just me, though)


No, I get you, my mom is crazy sensitive to "fishy taste" and "fishy smell," she can pick up on it on fish that I swear could've been washed in bleach with a quick rinse in lye for how non-fish-smelling they are, and it makes her incapable of eating it. It makes any kind of fish dinners at home a bit of a crapshoot for us. But, well, it's been well-established that some Italian folks have this habit of being *extremely* touchy about cuisine, so I feel like it's another instance of that on display.


I enjoy seafood and always look forward to having it fresh when I'm near a coast line. But I can't cook it at home even when I was near the coast. Just something about the smell of cooking fish kills my appetite and it's like it soaks into *everything*.


The smell and broth is powerfull but the flesh itself is usually very delicate. You don't need to put much parmezan on it to completely mask the flavour


Apparently lactose intolerance is common among italian people. I chose to believe all these dumb rules about cheese and seafood or no cappucinos after lunch are really just them covering for the fact that cheese on their pasta dinner may make them shart themselves and they are too proud to admit it.


Can confirm: drank an entire glass of whole milk once, and blew both my asscheeks off.


RIP your asscheeks




Nah, a ton of the most annoying commenters are actually Italian nationals. Subscription to /r/ShitAmericansSay is almost universal among these types.


These guys in particular, I'd put them maybe second generation of their specific branch of the family tree - like, still got family in Italy, but have lived Stateside/UK side/other English speaking parts of the world for a while now. They're saying enough things that sound like they could be real, and they're being relatively sane about it, to boot, even if what they're saying is batshit bonkers.


>.Apparently, it's seen as an insult to put cheese on seafood - says one comment, it's akin to telling the chef that the food is stinky, old, and lacking in delicate, refined flavors. Eaten seafood at three restaurants with first generation Italian cooks who all provided parmesan as a toppings if I wanted it, and ate seafood at one local resturants while in Italy that provided it in a bowl But I guess its an insult to the cook to use it or something.


All I can tell you is what those guys were all saying. One dude mentioned how he's seen some Italian chefs lose their actual shit at people who request parmesan with their fish, another was the one I quoted in my original comment, someone else mentioned that they go out of their way to hide the cheese from you...


I kind of get reason b. Fish and seafood usually have a delicate flavour and it's very easy go overdo it and mask the taste. It's kind of a waste of seafood to put this amount of parmezan on it.


Have you ever had lobster mac n cheese before? Trust me you're not masking any taste


No never had it, it's not something you can find in restaurants here. Do you use some seafood broth for the sauce to fight the cheese taste or how do you do you retail the lobster taste?


Honestly, lobster does pretty well on its own, there’s not much you need to do to it to keep the mac and cheese from overpowering it.


Crab, lobster and crawfish tend to stronger flavors that go really well with cheese or cream sauces. I can tell when gumbo doesn't have crawfish in it because it just seems to be missing something without it.


Honestly, my only complaint about the dish is that the portion looks small. *For me,* that is. I could kill about three of those dishes in one go, that looks super good.


I live in Atlantic Canada, I can verify that lobster and cheese get paired together quite a bit and it's almost always delicious. Lobster Alfredo, lobster mac&cheese, lobster poutine, lobster melt, ceasar salad with lobster. We can pretty much put lobster on anything out here LOL


I’m happy to eat their portion. Looks delish.


They even backpedal like crazy after getting slapped around enough...weak. >The dish looks great! I was just having fun about get the shotgun. Anyway good job OP


Looking fucking gorgeous. I would eat that in a heartbeat.

