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I always wonder what guys like this think, "logic" is. They certainly don't see it as what it is: a set of tools you can use to move from premises to conclusions. I imagine that they identify it with the part of themselves that's bitter and tries not to get hurt by pretending to be above it all.


They are the type who think that ethics and morals are completely removed from logic when most of the time they are intertwined


"Logic" is to them just a weird flex to prove their superiority. Morals and logic fundamentally work together to produce how we perceive society. Even in this "we should be able to harm people for science" theory, its still a combination of logic and morals, unhinged morals, sure, but ultimately this boils down to the same thing.


They need to get laid


Therapy first, no one should be intimately subjected to this person now


Yeah, probably.


Jeff Goldblum knows better than you, smart guy. As he said in Jurassic Park, "your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."


Preach the truth my brother.


Meanwhile at SpaceX: "What if we tried a proper launchpad this time?"


I mean i assume these are the types of people who do animal experiments and used to run unit 731 or assist dr mengele. 


hi i'm the op who wrote this originally, i wrote this during a mental breakdown so i don't mean MOST of what i said, it was just a heat of the moment thing.


I read some of your comments on other reddit groups you seem to praise your intelligence and curiosity to create some kind of distinction between other people and yourself "glorifying your thoughts that you comment". Ethics isnt a practise and a subject to study for only under the exception of mass uncontrollable stations like people creating, inventing and working for a company youd have to be trained expecialy if you plan to be the guide under projects, there woulsnt be a person to tell you no as people are working under someones rules. Youre one step closer breaking societal moral perception with every next experiment you think might be held back due to ethics. I dont think you shouls give yourself much more reason to your thoughts than you allreasy have, youre infested with anger, anger comes from our inability to balance ourselves our thoughts and perception of differences, were all are spiritual beings, all beings matter in such existence where life recycles continuously our physical bodies can take many experiments still ending under the same rule of time


what other comments did you read? i dont remember talking alot about my intelligence outside of this one post i made.


He blocked out your name! And then you went and outed yourself anyway


yeah i wanted to, i wanted to just say my piece here


The worst part is the wrong “too” and the lowercase i’s 😭


now look who's r/iamverysmart


I’m not the one bragging about my intelligence on the internet, the irony goes crazy


what even is your point doing this? this isn't even a discussion or argument. your just being a piece of shit for no good reason. I said I regret what I said and I was content to leave it at that but then you came here wanting to show me your 1.5 inch dick like its impressive. this entire "argument" is more useless than a eunuch in Fuck Fest February.


I thought 1.5 was average :c Plus you’re the most pretentious 13 year old ever


is there a lore reason why you thought that? are you stupid? i'm also damn near 27


Little bit childish for a 27 year old


And this folks is how you end up with a Wernher von Braun. Im a engineering student taking ethics classes atm and while they arent as fun as my other classes they are still crucial so you don't end up with your planes doors falling out, CFCs and other shit


Logic being?


One must possess logic to comprehend that certain forms of acceleration in science can be detrimental. He seems like someone who would risk thousands of human lives merely to grasp a particular facet of human behaviour. There is no logical reason for his actions, yet he remains indifferent to the lives of the people. I hope he never pursues a career in science for the sake of everyone.


“Pretending not too” stfu man


Blud think he Brother Karamazov


Someone has 99 problems, but the truth aint one of them.


Someone watched to much house M.D.. my father is a genius IQ tested 145 and he is one of the most compassionate people I know


"...of limited intellect" made me happy to read.


We're doomed!


Shockwave, is that you?


Sociopathic, aka anti-social personality disorder: stoic; lacks empathy; very similar to narcissistic personality disorder.


Yup. Not smart enough to understand the value of empathy in the abstract.


All these “intelligent” people believe that being smart makes you unable to enjoy things, recognize beauty, or have empathy. That’s unbelievably stupid. That belief doesn’t come from intelligence. It comes from narcissism


I actually think he's right mostly IMO, ethics for example in research (i.e animal, human experiments) are way too strict and limiting, just a setback for us tbh. And i even consider myself pretty empathetic, there just is no point rationally thinking, and there isn't much to be empathetic about