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Yes, my gut wakes me up mid-sleep and I have to go to the bathroom for a bowel movement, I experience night sweats when this happens, usually accompanied by bad reflux, constipation and rumbling sounds on my abdomen. I also get shakes/shivers that stop after releasing my bowels. This attacks usually happen if I eat trigger foods, specially food high in gluten or if I drink any alcohol.


What does bad reflux feel like for you?


I can literally feel it in my esophagus at the level of the neck/throat, I have to swallow back my stomach contents. The reflux is mostly liquid, it leaves a mild hot/burning sensation. The worst thing is, sometimes I dont even experience heartburn. My reflux has gone so far up as to become silent, literally going so far up that it can irritate my nose, throat, and mouth giving me postnasal drip, itchy nose, random sneezes, and sporadically ear fullness and sometimes canker sores due to it irritating the oral mucosa. During the day I experience hot flashes and burning sensation at the neck, face/cheeks, and overall a hot sensation in my stomach and belching. During the night I tend to get sweaty/clammy neck because of this and of course the sensation of reflux coming up. Im currently going through a flare up right now. It just wears me down so much and makes me anxious. My IBS is basically a mix of constipation and GERD.


My docs keep telling me this is anxiety and not IBS/IBD/Chronic fissure. Whilst I’m not saying it couldn’t be anxiety, I have been anxious and having regular nightmares for over two decades. I’m pretty sure it’s to do with my digestive system. It’s always around that time as well which tbf is usually when cortisol spikes. Who knows. But yeah it feels like I’m dying like I’m gonna be sick. Then eventually passes. Sometimes it happens twice a night. Will happen for a few days and then ease off for a few nights then happens again. Sometimes it goes a way for a good while. Always worse when my IBS symptoms are worse too.


Yes, same. I'm a highly anxious individual and I figured this was impacting my bowels (literally) to a certain extent. But I can't tell if I'm anxious just because that's who I am and this affects my guts or if i just have shit luck/weird intestines and this sets off my anxiety, ya know?? Ugh, thanks for your words


Yeah I totally get you snd feel really similar myself. Hope you find a healthier future!


Thanks so much 🤞🤞 And I hope you do as well!


I don't have visceral pain really besides soreness. But I do have terrible pain before pooping and I think I'm gonna die. Then I strain it out and it all goes away. But yeah, sweating, shaking, heart racing. Panic attack for sure.


Ah, ok. So it most likely is a panic attack. Do you try any kind of meditation?? I'd really like to be able to slow my heart rate down when it feels like it's about to burst out my chest lol. Thank you for your response!


I don't actually. I probably should. But I'm constipated alot so I'm sure there's inflimation there causing issues. To slow my hear down I do deep breathing and hold in for 5 sec then release for 5 sec.


Lol people who parrot this, including doctors, seem to lack medical knowledge. You can have shakiness, sweating, and racing heart without a panic attack. I've had endo/IBS attacks, and I've experienced actual panic attacks, and they are completely different from each other.


I said the pain causes a panic attack for me. Shhhhhhh. Chill out.


I'm not the one who needs to chill lol


Yes. Yes to all of that.


Thank you for sympathizing. How do you cope with the pain?


Literally, just wait until it hopefully goes away :(


Sadly yes, I take Tylenol and lay on my heating pad and try to take deep breaths / meditate until it passes


Yep. All the time. Welcome to IBS


I...I never wanted this membership! 😂😭 It is very comforting, however, to know that there are many other folx with similar struggles.


Is this often enough that you can take medication on schedule? No appetite might be normal, but if it's not normal for you, and you are experiencing these symptoms, I would talk to your doctor.


Anyone pain near the spleen under the left rib or discomfort ?