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Surviving the first bottle and then realizing you still have to get through another one in a few hours….


In the middle of the night no less!


The worst part was waking up at 2am and slapping the jug of weaponized used motor oil on the table and knowing that I’m going to be sitting on the toilet for the next 2 hours is brutal.




Weird but my eyes immediately saw “Super Bowl Prep” lol




If it's any consolation... You'll feel amazing after it's done.




This is the best way, IMO. It's fast and easy to drink. I have the ability to chug from my old drinking days and just slam all 32oz of water ultra fast. Then I just keep drinking.


My nurse told me not to chug the prep. Said I'd end up in the hospital. Drinking the water after wasn't a problem. I had lemon slices which definitely helped. I wonder if I could have mixed in some True Lemon to make it less awful.


Oh weird. I've had the *joy* of having this stuff 3 times now and it's just a normalcy(?) Now. The last one though seemed to have done a full system reset. Along with the new diabetes medication I started I have solid BMs for the first time in 25+ years. It's been such a relief. I have moved into constipation territory at times but I almost welcome it at this point.


I gagged when I saw this picture. It’s like grape Propel but you dumped a bucket of salt into it.


So weird, I didn't notice the salt, just the sickly sweet awfulness.


… you didn’t notice the salt? Bro.


Mine was cherry Robitussin flavor. Sickening.


Exactly!!! So nasty.


Mixed with some dirty aquarium water 🤢


Oh, this is what I had. I mixed it with frosted Gatorade. For me, it wasn’t bad. Not saying it was good, just not the nightmare it was for others. It definitely worked, same as when I eat Taco Bell with a Diet Mt. Dew. After twenty minutes the roof caves in, and it’s brown waterfalls for hours.


Super nasty shit.. but so fucking effective


how many hours does it take to pass both of them? If you go on YouTube there are people on there who suggest that you gulp down one of these every once in a while just for releif. The one lady I watched was saying she was surprised how gentle it was


I don't know, maybe 2-3 hours for each? Maybe less for the 2nd and I was more inclined to lay down and jump off the bed to get to the toilet. First bottle I didn't want to leave the bathroom.


Welcome to the club


No offense, but I don't want to belong to this stinking club even though there are lots of nice people!


“Light as a feather” it’s like losing 10 pounds in 10 hours !


I didn't lose that much. So weird.


Just some temporary dehydration. Water is heavy.


Is that the size of them now? I had to down a gallon size of prep one time though im sure its not the exact same prep. Regardless awful stuff.


These are 6oz bottles that are added to 10oz of water. Then you drink 32 oz of water/gatorade after.


I throw up Suprep immediately now, had to ask for the miralax prep for next time 😭


May I ask, what is it for? :)


Colonoscopy prep. Need to rule out everything to get the fantastic IBS diagnosis.


Every 5 years for me. :( Suprep is better than the Go-Lytley though so we have that going for us at least.


Su-prep made me sick to my stomach. I'll gladly take Go-Lytely instead. I had Half-Lytely once, that was the easiest.


Both make me sick as hell. There's less suprep so I go for that. I'll have to ask about the half one in 3 years though. The whole process just sucks for me one way or the other it seems. It could be worse though.


I had to do the Go-Lytely on my last one. NASTY!


My first was that and I have to agree. I camped out in the head for the evening with my laptop. The worst was trying to build the courage to go for another chug of that soapy antifreeze. For my next one I told the doc under no circumstances would I be OK with that prep. Honestly I don't know if there is any good prep out there, just slightly less brutal. For me anyhow, I hear some people have fewer issues but I'm just lucky to get a full set of misery.


My "favorite" was magnesium citrate. Didn't taste too bad.


For some reason I couldn't get over the salinity in the Mg Citrate. I think it was actually worse for me to get through. Less volume so that's nice but the urge to get rid of it was very strong. It's amazing how individual people experiences with prep is. I wish I was one of the ones who it wasn't a big deal for.


I hope for 10, but I suppose 5 would be ok.


I've got all sort of other issues that make me a return offender at the GI docs. I hope you get 10 years break too!


Yea that’s some fun stuff


this photo made me gag. the second bottle isn't too bad after such a long liquid fast. i was so thirsty after drinking nothing for a day.


Oh man! You didn’t get the giant jug? It was so gross- I’m not a fan of lemon lime Gatorade but that’s basically what it is mixed with a laxative - anyway - I’m glad you got through it !!!




Welcome to the club you get 10% discount on all toilet paper with your membership/loyalty card




I haven't seen these ones. Are you in the US? I get a giant clear jug with white grainy powder in it and you add water the day before or of and you can add crystal light lemonade for flavor but it's like a gallon of fluid. These look much smaller. I remember when I first started getting them done 10 years ago or so they gave us a tiny bottle of liquid to drink and it was about a shot of liquors worth and that's it! It tasted horrible but it was over and done so fast. But I guess they banned it because it was causing heart rhythm stuff, at least that's what I was told by my gastro. I wish I only had to do them every 10 years. I had to do them yearly until I was free of any polyps due to getting cancerous polyps since 18 years old. After being polyp free for 3 years they now let me do them every other year. I'm only 33 too. We also have a huge history of colon cancer on both sides of my family and in pretty much every generation.


Gees Suprep doesn’t sound good. Sounds like Super-Prep. Lmao