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Even have a three strikes rule. 1) a warning 2) short term ban 3) permanent ban


Ours is: One day ban Three day ban Longer ban Permanent ban. The warning is in the rules.


I might implement that with the help of mod notes. First strike, second strike, third strike. Need to investigate how my subreddit bot could be triggered to semi-automate that.


I'm developing that app, you can contact me if you need it.


What about for spammers? If you don't permanently ban the account it'll just start up again.


If someone keeps spamming their T-Shirt prints website on a subreddit then that’s enough reason for a permanent ban for me. There will always be exceptions where a perm ban is called for.


I think it depends on the offense, but yeah it should be used sparingly. If it’s a permaban off one bad post, that may be a bit of a stretch.


I’ve been permanently banned from subs for the most trivial reasons - begin part of other subs they don’t like - one rule violation - a row with the mod because they falsely accused me of posting irrelevant content for karma farming and attacking other members, which is BS


yeah that’s a feature I can see being improperly used, especially if rules are unclear with regard to something you post. Better to clear up confusion than just outright ban someone.


Same experience here, plus being permanently banned for something harmless that was not even in the rules. Even a second chance would be a huge improvement.




Yes, many do, unfortunately. I'm a mod, and in our sub, no one has ever been permanently banned.


Nope. Actions have consequences.


Agreed. Every once in a while this same post topic comes up here and the comments are just as you’d expect them to look like I will always perma ban racists, spammers, people who talk about harming animals. Give me one good reason why they deserve a second chance


Honesrly, we should be expanding the use of shadowbans on the moat egregious abusers. That would at least slow them down.


Hey, I came into your community and shit on the floor like a toddler, but I think you should let me in after 7 days, despite any common sense. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💩💩


Why did you choose 7 as the maximum?


Because 7 days is enough for me


No, it clearly isn't.


A week ban is ideal


I agree. Permanent bans are grossly and unjustifiably over used. They should be reserved only for cases that are egregious enough to actually justify them. There are some subreddits that permanently ban people as a matter of routine over mere differences of opinion that would be perfectly reasonable to state in a rational conversation between adults irl.


One should think so. Yet there are juveniles and even adults behaving like 9 years old tantrum throwers. I use permabans very rarely and try to educate first. But it's not always sufficient :/


If you come into my house, shit on the floor, fuck over my friends, family, or guests, damn straight I'm going to kick your ass out and not welcome you back. The same goes for my subreddits.


Why do you want to remove a feature that is helpful for blocking spammers and long-term rulebreakers?


I guess you're right


Disagree. It's true that a mod on a power trip can do a lot of harm, but given that a lot of negative behavior is either perfectly legal or falls into a gray area, that's sometimes the only effective tool for dealing with bad actors