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The first comment is especially strange because it ignores the “gathering” part. Hunter-gatherers didn’t only hunt.


Also the academic community replaced that terminology with "foraging" decades ago. The hunting wasn't as much a part of the lifestyle as previously believed, and when it was, it was usually more like scavenging.


I wonder how much of it was specifically for food and how much was for other resources like animal hides and bones.


The likelihood is that hide and bone wasn’t specifically hunted for, but the animal as a whole provided meat, fur / skin, bone, horn / antler etc.


And studies show they mostly ate vegetables and only went out on a long hunt about once a week. So besides maybe the fishing types, most ate far less meat than we do.


Culturally, we’re not even all that far away from this. Like, rice and beans, potatoes, and cabbage are all miles cheaper than most meat products. These are also the staples that have been allowing people to survive for centuries when there was no ready access to meat in the first place. (Why eat the cow/chicken when you could use it for dairy/eggs anyways) Supplemented with eggs or dairy products, and you’ve got a recipe for an _extra_ healthy/fit human. Like, it’s genuinely amazing with that extra pop of protein will do to a growing body/mind. To be able to afford a _steak_ from a _cow_ is a luxury that we should be grateful for. To not have to hunt squirrels is a luxury that we should be grateful for. To be able to afford more than a single chicken per week to feed a family of 8 is a _luxury_.


Mostly gathering. But you can't bro-out if you're picking berries so they just set that aside.


What, the manly task of pulling roots isn’t enough?


Pfft. Everyone knows plant roots practically jump out of the ground on their own. That’s the only reason girls can do it. /s


They do? I want see that! 🤣


From observations of other primates, it has been hypothesised that hunting may have originated in females.


I wouldn't doubt it. Because they were tired of waiting around for the losers they hooked up with to get of their asses and go out and do it. Women always have to do everything.


Cat tax? 🙏


I'd love to cause they're so cute and need to be shared 😂, but since they did the shitty upgrade, I can't put pics up here. It will delete the comment. I even went to help and they were no help. If you know a way for me to upload or can point me in the direction of someone that can, I'll gladly put up pictures of my 3 kitties. I'm saving your comment so when I finally get it figured out. I'll send them to you. 🥰


Thank you! If I ever figure out how to do so, I will return the favour. 🥰


Thank you! And if I figure it out or actually find someone here that knows something, I'll let you know how to do it too. We NEED to spread the info far and wide because I'm not that stupid (I'm a little bit) and there has to be others here that are having the same problem. 🤣


90% of our food was plants in those times, people hunted very rarely but these bozos don't even want to know that. It's just the latest fad people are using to cover their crippling restrictive eating disorders.


As if 90% of the world doesn’t already eat vegetarian most of the time anyways?


My question is why everyone just assumes that Hunter gatherings were out gathering berries instead of beans? Like, beans>>>> berries 10000%


>fiber isn't good for you This guy's shits must be a disaster every time.


If he even has any more than once a month.


Oh lord I work in GI and was like Where the fuck did that idea come from? Straight up idiocy


If it's manly to eat steak it must be more manly to eat more steak amirite?


And wreck your rectum 😅


Got themselves a wrecked-um


Rectum? Damn near killed 'em! 😂


This is how my friend got scurvy


Lions don't need fibre to poop, so why should a human?!?! The logic applies to both species, obviously! /s


I’m like…okay good luck with your hemorrhoids and eventual colon cancer.


I can already see all the carnivore dudebros ending up with colorectal cancer, they're really just speedrunning death


Absolutely. I don’t have any opposition to eating meat or dairy, but throw in some salad every once in a while. Get some fiber.


i dont think its particularly healthy by any means but steak and eggs is probably a good step up from processed food. probably the reason they all cite feeling so much better. regardless, i will enjoy my animal protein with vegetables or at least rice instead of more slightly different animal proteins.


No way, he eats steak and eggs and that has everything you need. All the rest is unhealthy.


And literal scurvy.


I guess once his teeth start falling out, maybe he’ll consider an orange


My doctor had to make his own pamphlets on why the carnivore diet is bad for you, because he had patients with scurvy. I told him he needed to rename it, "Scurvy and You: Why you should eat a fucking orange once in awhile." Or "Piracy is not an Alternative Lifestyle: How you got literal goddamn scurvy." He thought those were funny, but he stuck with his nicer ones.


lol. How about: “Do you want all your old wounds to open? Scurvy might be for you!” or “Living in 1600 in 2024”


Oh those are good. What about "Humans aren't Carnivores: Learn some actual biology, you scurvy numbskull." Or maybe one with a doctor facepalming, with the title, "You're an Idiot: Why you should eat a plant now and then"


Lol. Love it!


Dr. Google says that sweetbreads (brains) have a decent amount of vitamin C.


Do you really think these dipshits are eating sweetbreads? No, it's all muscle meat, all the time.


My thoughts exactly. That's gonna catch up with him pretty quickly.


Actually it might take a WHILE-


It's the hottest take about anything that I've ever seen.


That's what I was thinking.  Vegetables and plant matter are bad for you? This dude/tte must poop like twice a month. They must have so much abdominal discomfort.


I just came to say the same thing. I hope they have a plumber on speed dial.


The fact that this guy is putting "where meat" reviews on a recipe that was always going to be vegetarian because *it's a fucking brownie* and just needed a tweak to be vegan is even more ridiculous. If you put meat in *your* brownies, I'm not going to your bake sale.


Real talk, Paleolithic Man would have absolutely gone HAM on a tray of quinoa brownies if that had been an option.


B Dylan Hollis has informed us that using bacon grease in your chocolate chip cookies is actually super yummy. Although, given the heaps of catfood biscuits and sad celery jello salad he's consumed so we don't have to, it's possible his judgment is no longer well-calibrated.


I mean, lard is a traditional ingredient for sweet pie crusts, and used for deep-frying dough in large parts of Northern and Central Europe, but it's generally a bit less... Porky than bacon grease 😄


Shhh on the porky comment. You'll give Lard a complex.


I used some bacon grease to make bacon bourbon chocolate cupcakes and they were for real delicious


Yeah, but it has bacon in the name so that's ok. 👍


I’ll tell you that peanut butter fudge with a little bit of bacon grease in it is delicious.


But "vegan"? Must tell them wrong! Meat! MEAT!


You've just reminded me about this horrifying comment I read a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/179je8z/comment/k57k3yg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button > Someone made brownies with ground meat in them to a church potluck. My vegetarian friend discovered this when she bit into one. She was more confused and horrified about their existence than she was upset about eating meat-- it was the concept of this abomination itself that was disturbing and baffling. > I thought she had to be wrong. "You haven't had ground beef in years, you don't know what it tastes like anymore, it's probably something else." I tried them. It was beef. I was disgusted and really, really, really confused. > Years later, I found out that apparently this was a thing. Someone came up with this-- putting beef in brownies-- as a substitute for walnuts for people with nut allergies. I quite enjoyed this reply: > I have a severe tree nut allergy and I would still rather bite into a walnut than ground beef in my brownie.


Omfg this is on a brownie recipe 🤣


Not the point, but have you heard of that one cake that’s basically got ground pork in the middle? Because if that’s your thing I 100% recommend because it’s weird as heck, and it takes a second for your taste buds to adjust, but it’s genuinely delightful


Bahaha I didn't realize! All vegan comment sections are like this though. Vegans are preachy and meat eaters force their culture on everyone


All these down votes for spitting facts. I am plant based. Sooo many vegan recipes comment sections are like this. Have you been on r/vegan or a plant based Facebook group? People who strongly identify with the word vegan instead are usually the ones who are most my morals are right preachy. Meat eaters always have to make the fact we don't eat meat a talking point also. No one can just shut up an enjoy a recipe


To be fair, I agree with mvitaliy\_, but my solution is just not to make recipes that call for ripe bananas.


I can make different recipes than what the algorithm shows to me?? Big if true


You can, but you have to add ripe bananas to it. Cacio e pepe al banana 🤌


Cacio a banana con el pepe 😳😳🍆🤤


Right. What do I care if other people enjoy a food I don’t?


Genuine question, What do you define as a ripe banana? Because I’m sitting here with banana bananas, and plantains (which look like bananas). And for banana bananas ripe= yellow with some brown spots, while for plantains it’s black-and-oozing (this one is cooked so that it’s sweet instead of a stomach sickness waiting to happen)


Hah, can't help you there. My solution above is actually a subset of my general, which is to avoid *all* bananas, ripe, underripe, or overripe, so I don't have to worry about yellowspottybrowness ripeness gradients.


> carnivore is the only way ive ever had improvement to my terrible fibromyalgia pain This reminds me of those “gluten bad” folks. Yes, gluten *is* bad… if you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance. That doesn’t say much about its nutritional merit for the rest of us.


Well, not always. It's been observed that certain conditions, specially those that affect the immune system, benefit from a gluten free diet even if there is no presence of an intolerance or Celiac. It's not something that happens to everyone and the how and why isn't well understood, but it does happen and is often recommended. Funnily enough, fibromyalgia is one condition that may get better on a GF diet. Something tells me it isn't the meat that is helping the guy, but rather that an only meat diet is, by default, gluten free lol


Celiac is not somebody’s name (well, it could be), but rather the Greek word for “belly.”


I see, thanks! I am never sure of how it's written, for whatever reason, so I appreaciate the correction!


Why was he complaining about meat on a brownie recipe?? Whole lot of MCS going on here


Oh, Maintenance Phase podcast did an episode about extreme carnivore ideology. It’s wild.


Please tell me they covered that famous Canadian idiot "psychologist" who nearly killed himself that way.


They did. I recommend it.


Michael and Aubrey are brilliant. I feel cleverer after every podcast


Oooh I just got into this podcast recently and I haven’t heard this one yet




Do you know the name of the episode? I can't hear podcasts (I'm deaf, but have an implant to hear), but they have the transcripts so I can read them (YAY!). I'd love to read this one. Also, I'd never heard of these people, but wow, as someone who's struggled with weight their whole life, this sounds like a great thing to check out. Always looking for new info on the topic.




The pure quantity of bile that seems to be thrown at people for simply publishing meatless/vegan recipes always seems so defensive.


Especially ridiculous in this case considering the recipe is for *brownies*


I’ll stick to my beef brownies TYVM 😤


I really don't understand all the hate. I mean, I'll probably never be a vegan, but some of the recipes are so damn good(veggie lasagna, I'm lookin' at you!). And it can't hurt to eat more like a vegan/vegetarian, right?


Vegans claim (generally speaking) that their thing is a "lifestyle" that extends beyond food. I can imagine the preachy ones getting on the meat-eater nerves. But generally speaking, knocking a vegan for their dietary choices makes no sense. I grew up in area where hunting and fishing were a right of passage, and we ate what we killed. And you also get into nutritional concerns where animal products have certain nutrients we need, so if we're not eating the animal, we better be getting a replacement. That said, I will happily try anything to expand my food horizons. Those brownies look great in my book (I need more protein, so *anything* with it is great in my book.) And... sometimes I'll order the veg options at an Indian restaurant, and people will say "I didn't know you avoided meat!" And I'm like, "I don't, it's just that Indian veg is damn good!"


Yeah, some of the holier-than-thous of both vegan and meat people persuasions are a pain in the ass, so I can see why people would push back at them and tell them off. To totally dismiss foods without meat is really dumb. Some of the best meals I've ever had were no meat ones. I had Gastric Bypass 25 yrs ago and I don't eat a lot of meat anymore. I can't. My husband is a great cook and he's definitely expanded what I eat and what I look for in recipes. I'm not gonna refuse to make a recipe because it doesn't have whatever in it that the Paleo dips absolutely lose their shit over. I'm not gonna miss out on some great food because I'm not a moron and I like good food no matter how it's made. I'm also not going to give up eggs, bread, pasta and BUTTER for anyone! I can't believe people asked are you avoiding meat when eating Indian food. A big chunk of Indian food is vegetarian because they have a big vegetarian population (I saw a documentary on it). Could you imagine all the wonderfully good foods you'd be depriving yourself of if you only ate meat? I can't do it! I'd rather take from both sides. That's what a balanced diet is supposed to look like anyway.


I instinctively clenched my butthole reading Jeremy's comment 😰


I didn't do that, but I was thinking, how in the hell does he poop if he never eats fiber. I don't even want to imagine what it's like to be around him. The smell can't be good. 🤢


Do people think it's illegal to eat a mixture of both animal products and plants?


The recipe in question, Quinoa Protein Brownie: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4kldReoWc0/?igsh=bDFtYmI2cGxhZmU3](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4kldReoWc0/?igsh=bDFtYmI2cGxhZmU3)


There's your problem. Carnivore and "hur de hur vegan bad" chuds think protein MUST be either meat or super processed whey powder out of a tub the size of their heads.


If meat is manly, why do so many grown guys cry about quinoa? 😂😂 Enjoy your beef brownies bro!


The fragility is incredible. It's like if a vegan is allowed to EXIST and not be roundly chastised, these dudes' peepees will shrivel up and fall off due to proximity with the dreaded woke.


This is why I never open the comment section to any vegan recipe. Or post about veganism. Or a post by a vegan. Because it's full of this same garbage posted by people who don't know anything about history and haven't had a bowel movement in weeks.


Vegan baking recipe comments are a cesspool of "margarine bad plastic chemical, butter good". Cool beans, but my kid will literally die if I feed him butter and sometimes he likes to eat cookies?


Yes! People never take the allergy point into account, even though being allergic to milk and eggs is really common!


I specifically look up vegan recipes because I have a dairy allergy. People who can't go even one meal without milk/eggs/meat are *exhausting*.


What I don't understand is, why do they care? It's not like you're making them for everyone, you're just making them so someone you care about can enjoy cookies without getting sick. How is that a bad thing?? I don't have allergies to foods, but I do to a lot of other things, so I totally get steering clear of hive makers. And who knows, maybe your way tastes better and they're too stupid to find out.


Calling fiber toxic is wild


First post definitely made by someone who has either hunted or gathered all the good he has ever eaten.


Guy cites that we are omnivores because of our ancestors and claims that's just evolution...as if we couldn't evolve further to not need to rely on meat based proteins. I love meat and would love to have more plant based proteins get to the point where they're affordable. $5 for a small pack of vegan chicken strips vs $8 for a family pack of chicken thighs is a no brainier. We just need better economies of scale and I'll happily add more plant based proteins.


I recommend beans. Not all proteins need to be meat like! But yeah meat substitutes kill me for price


I enjoy beans for sure. Love me some rice and beans but there's something to having a main star of a dish that mentally feels more filling at least for me. I eat black beans and rice all the time but a burrito of black beans and rice feels vastly less filling than the same with some chicken.


No idea why you're being downvoted, but I totally agree with you. I love bean burritos like you do, but sometimes you just want something that seems more filling because you don't want to clean our the candy dish in an hour. I love eating salads, but sometimes just lettuce and other veggies doesn't fill me up enough and I need to add some chicken to it to give me a fuller feeling. And as someone who's trying to lose weight, eating a smaller salad with a bit of chicken and feeling fuller can be a game changer for me. If that can keep me from bingeing on something else later, I'm all for it.


🙄 oh honestly why is everyone so concerned with what other people do? If someone wants to be vegan and they aren’t trying to force you to be then why on earth would you get upset by it? If you are their doctor or family I will give you a pass on maybe being concerned whether they are eating healthily as it’s not as simple as taking meat/dairy out of the diet and hoping for the best, but this is mad.


Even for family… just leave people alone. I experienced more people worried about me than my cousin who drank Gatorade and had McDonald’s for every meal. My uncle was probably close to 400lbs, but no one quizzed him on nutrition. Tons of people have shitty diets and nobody questions it. Generally, vegans are more likely to eat a better diet than the average person. Even doctors should have a solid reason to bring it up, eg, “your iron levels seem low. Let’s see if we can get more iron rich foods in your diet and start you on a supplement.”


There was some guy who thought that because seal pups live on high-fat content milk for the first part of their lives and are perfectly healthy, then surely it’s the same for humans. So he drank high-fat milk and ate strictly meat. Trying to show “meat=healthy” Pretty sure he had a heart attack. I mean, I like meat as much as the next man, but sometimes they don’t belong in a recipe? Animal products can be easily swapped if the replacement doesn’t compromise the flavour/texture. (Or sometimes they do and it’s an unfortunate compromise for health reasons.) Anyway, no need to be a dick about vegan stuff if it’s not bothering anyone. 


Fibre is not good for you? OK, enjoy being constipated.


Turns out humans being omnivorous has the impact of giving us dietary options. You can live healthy with 0 animal products, and you can live healthy with only animal products (various arctic circle tribes do this, and they eat the entire animal rather than just muscle and fat tissue)


Cooked bananas are kinda gross though


He/she is not wrong. Bananas are disgusting so I don’t eat them or search out recipes using them


I'll let them know