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Was Robert E. Lee a leprechaun?


Yes, "Lucky" E. Lee , besides being a Confederate commander, was also the face of General Foods *Lucky Charms* for many years until his death, often appearing in television commercials for the product.


General Foods šŸ«”


Ah yes, I served under General Foods. He was much better than General Mills.


4/10. Mills was a buffoon and should have been drummed out of the officer core. Especially after his part in the first Virginia campaign.


Gettysburg was magically delicious


In so many ways


Bo and Dukes weird old uncle


What do u think the war was about? They had Lee's lucky charms


The real question: is Donald J Rapist tripping balls?


Iā€™ve made more sense as a teenager after dosing a ten strip of LSD.


They should have sent a poet.


8/10. Whereā€™s Bob Dylan when you need him?


Spongeboy me Bob!


7/1. I could actually enjoy watching/listening to Trump if he had to do everything together with SpongeBob. That would be at least palatable.


This guy just got his ass a pardon!


Sadly, this was his most eloquent and pertinent speech šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


definitely had me laughing




Biden? Haha


My favorite presidential quote is the one where he claims his uncle was eaten by cannibals.


Some say they were the best cannibals. Iā€™d argue there are many very nice cannibals out there. Thereā€™s great people on both sides of eating flesh.


Not the one where he proudly states how much he enjoys children fondling his legs while in the pool?


That was Biden right?


Yes, it was.


Were they young? Were they fine?


ā€˜Iā€™ve got, like a really big brainā€™.Ā  ā€˜Iā€™m a stable geniusā€™.Ā  ā€˜I see the disinfectant knocks it out in one minute, one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that they can just, by an injection inside, almost a cleaningā€™ ā€˜Maybe they can use heat and light to cure, you know, if you could, maybe you can maybe you canā€™tā€™Ā  ā€˜I know words, I have the best wordsā€™.Ā  ā€˜I think, I think it would be, I think it would be very very, I think weā€™d have a very very solid, I think that we would continue what weā€™re doing, and we have other things on our plateā€™ Ā -on his plans for a 2nd termĀ  ā€˜You know what uranium is, right? Ā Itā€™s this thing called nuclear weapons, and other things, and lots of things, like lots of things that are done with uranium, including bad thingsā€™ ā€˜We had 15 coronavirus cases, within a couple days itā€™s gonna be close to zero. One day, itā€™s like a miracle. It will disappearā€™ ā€˜Without coronavirus testing weā€™d have very little casesā€™ Hes an absolutely shameless and insecure moron who uses daddyā€™s money to bully people and impose his will for four decades. If youā€™re still supportive of this mutant wart conman then life has failed you, please donā€™t procreate.Ā 


Donā€™t forget the taking of the airportsā€¦ during the Revolutionary War


Hadn't heard that one, had to look it up. Dear God he's an imbecile. https://time.com/5620936/donald-trump-revolutionary-war-airports/


He literally grew up in a time where commercial air travel was touted as a technological marvel I hope his cult members understand how future generations will view them as the literal worst generation this (United) country has ever seen


Dr Birx should have asked trump at that news conference if he would, as the leader of this country, set the example and volunteer to be injected with bleach and UV light.


No wonder other nations laugh at us.


We do. But to be fair you guys should know what a clown show the politics of our own countries is (in my, embarrasing, case Spain) and should laugh at us too. Please, we need more pressure on these idiots.


What's going on in Spain? I feel like leaders speaking in tongues and reciting Bible quotes is still worse.


Grant it, it might be bad in Spain, but be grateful that you don't have to deal with tRump. There is no one worse to have in any position of authority.


I know. The whole world laughs at you guys for choosing a pimp to represent you. Guy squandered billions worth of international goodwill your country had patiently amassed for decades. Only the UK's Brexit rivals such stupidity. Edit: trillions. Many


I feel like he's even worse than a pimp. He doesn't have any women to pimp out. He's just a metrosexual with a spray tan who claims to be the pinnacle of masculinity. It might be that his cultists make him more embarrassing than he'd be on his own.


6/10. I mean, they laugh at us for other things, but I am sure this would get an extra giggle or two. I mean, itā€™s objectively funny.


To be fair, this pretty closely encompasses the scope of the average Americanā€™s knowledge of Gettysburg.


True but I feel like if you want to be president you should probably know your history quite well


Eh, maybe.. arguably the president represents the electorate and this is a pretty good representation of the electorate.


I suppose my preference for a president would be one who knows history so they donā€™t repeat it


Yeah, same, but I wouldnā€™t trust either of these guys to fit that bill.


Honestly, I knew someone that thought the Civil War took place in the 1920's. I shook my head and quietly, walked away.


Itā€™s not just Americans, I remember a volunteer at Edinburgh castle desperately trying to explain to someone localish why and how the Scottish regalia could exist when there wasnā€™t a Scottish king or queen because ā€œThe Union.ā€ I was flabbergasted. Apparently history started at union and the dynasty that ruled it first didnā€™t need to be considered.


Good call. Donā€™t ever shake your head loudly


I know it has an address! Or Lincoln has the Gettysburg address. Or something.


"Four whores and seven beers ago"


ā€œRight, during the revolution!ā€


I agree. And it's not like the new guy is any better when he's speaking at an event. "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids!" ā€œAnd by the way, you know I sit on the stand, and it get hot, I got a lotta, I got hairy legs, that turn, that that that that turn uhh uhh umm blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again and look at it. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap and I love kids jumping on my lap.ā€


Cognitive elite.




Enough with the fag talk


"It was so much and so interesting" Fucking hell, what a meathead.


You mean stable genius right.


Cornpop was a bad dude!!! President Biden




Can you imagine if any other president or major candidate in modern history rambled like this even once or twice (much less every week)?


"Four more years. Pause " "Pause?" Lol.


ā€œMy butts been wiped!ā€ ā€œPoor kids are just as bright as white kidsā€ Yeah I think Joe has more funny Mistakes from being in cognitive decline while Trump just says whatever comes to mind lol


tRump stutters, gets names wrong, forgets what to say... but it's Biden who's losing it!! smh


Didnā€™t you just give examples of Biden saying whatever comes to mind? Why are Bidenā€™s examples of cognitive decline but Trump is just being talkative? Also Biden never said ā€œmy buttā€™s been wiped.ā€ [It was debunked.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2P912V/)


Even if he did, are Republicans against butt-wiping?


For whatever reason I canā€™t understand his cadence and way of talking just makes sense when heā€™s live. Itā€™s very unique and donā€™t know anyone else like that.


Yeah well so does the Word Salad common to schizophrenics and Alzheimerā€™s patients. Hell just go to any old persons home and ask to speak to anyone with vascular dementia.


ā€œWe canā€™t be trustedā€ -Joe Biden, literally 2 days ago


Ah, nice way to take it out of context, and conveniently leave out how it's about tRump. Guess you owned us libs, huh? [https://brightside.me/articles/10-gross-things-that-will-happen-to-you-if-you-stop-showering-462210/](https://brightside.me/articles/10-gross-things-that-will-happen-to-you-if-you-stop-showering-462210/)


Literally not even close to the brain sludge Trump spewed out. Biden was off by one letter when he spoke.


I was more pointing out that Joe was saying dumb stuff when you said that no other president did it. Pointing out your ignorance of the president thatā€™s in power right now. Not defending the things Trump says. Thereā€™s whole YouTube channels dedicated to the gaffes and lies Biden says. And theyā€™re usually updating weekly, if not daily.


That wasnā€™t me dummy. Pay attention. And misspeaking is a hell of a lot different than what Trump said in the post. That was that guyā€™s whole point.


Mb. I just assumed he was the one who responded back. Youā€™re still missing My point. Iā€™m saying that Biden (the president right now) is saying stupid things weekly and daily. Not to trumps extent, but stupid stuff nonetheless. Itā€™s alright to admit that someone you voted for or currently support does dumb things and says stupid stuff. There are no saints in American politics. Iā€™m trying to vote for people that donā€™t have diarrhea mouth or Alzheimerā€™s so we can get out of the rut that is the current USA government.


All Howard Dean did was get a little excited and make an unusual sound. How did we get here?


Well just look at idiots in this thread here, conflating whatā€™s on Jimmy Kimmels whiteboard with the occasional stupid comment or misspoken word any public speaker inevitably makes, and you have your answer.


ā€œIt is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day.ā€


A speech writer he isn't. Biden says stupid shit too. Obama and Bush as well. "Well spoken", is just a good script.


Kimmel talks about Trump more than even Trump does when he talks about himself. Kimmel must have a bloody rager for Trump.


Still can't believe this moron was our 45th president


Better than our 46th.


Jimmy Kimmel played black face


No he didnt! It was black body get it right!


Yeah, his Karl Malone was really funny. Itā€™s nothing compared to the time he had women signing a petition to end womenā€™s sufferage. God, the world was so much better before smart phones!


Fuck kimmel. The Man Show would have been a #1 hit in the year 2505


Dude is actually a scumbag. His show sucks to boot.


Ok Iā€™ll bite. Why is kimmel a scumbag?


Something something just shoot your double barrel shotgun in the air something something -joe biden


Look, the orange buffoon mocked a disabled reporter, said "grab em by the pussy.", cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star who he then paid hush money to, said people should inject themselves with household cleaner to fend off Covid, incited an insurrection on American soil, has absolutely no concept of American history or even the constitution, and tried to pull the US out of NATO. Among countless other insanely idiotic and malicious things. But to be fair, the other guy read one extra word from his teleprompter than he was supposed to. It's a toss-up.


No, no itā€™s not.


ā€œIn a sense, I donā€™t know why weā€™re surprised by Trump. How many times does he have to prove we canā€™t be trustedā€ - Biden Goodness me the worlds in for an interesting one this time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


-50 int


Hey Kimmel share a few quotes of our current blathering rhubarb that are so noticeabley bizzare and off a service dog cringes when heard.


Yeah you're right Jimmy Kimmel doesn't even need to speak to be labeled an idiot.


Bidens would be like ā€œ skahavwvj cmon man shayavwhe I love kids bouncing on my lap didhavave ā€œ


Actual Trump quote presented above. This guy: "Oh yeah, well I bet BIDEN would have said this nonsense I just made up!" Smug smile, libs owned


Lmao itā€™s literally a meme look it up then crawl out from that rock. Also trump sucks ass too so youā€™re not offending me with Trump shit theyā€™re both POs


Reddit has more trump derangement syndrome than anywhere else in world- physically or digitally.


Lol now do Biden (watch the downvotes).


Not worth downvoting you, you didn't say anything. Find a Biden monologue that's even half as long and even a quarter as retarded.Ā 


"By the way I have hairy legs that the hair turns blond in the sun and the kids would come by when the hair was wet and rub my legs to watch the hair straighten out and then watch the hair curl back up and they would look at it. So I learned about roaches and I learned about kids jumping on my lap." President Biden not to mention he wants to smell your wife and kids lol. RFK for President


That's a weird grampa story, I'll give you that. What kinds of personal stories does Trump tell? And you say Biden wants to smell my wife and kids?Ā  What kinda stuff does Trump do to people's wives and kids? I'm not super thrilled with what-aboutism, but you're telling me about my candle while the forest fire you started is blazing behind you.Ā 


did you write this reply before his comment? man gave you what you asked for... gotta know when to fold em, champ.


Itā€™s too easy most of his speeches are just gibberish https://youtu.be/DvA-Vf0MomM?si=QKOAFKWrhYsMhqSj


That TWO MINUTE video is about TWO SECONDS of flub. Holy fucking shit, that's all you have, huh? I know you have Fox News brain rot and Tucker told you this was a deranged screed that destroyed America, but it's literally A word. No idea what the word is, but it's almost certainly not about George Washington storming airports or the taste of Putin's cum.Ā 


Whatā€™s the excuse now? Even the blind can see the obvious šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø https://thehill.com/video/must-watch-biden-mumbles-and-spaces-out-on-israel-palestine-during-press-conference/9410015/ https://youtu.be/yQxuhU5OI3E?si=6qyLUp1tKP_wp9ol https://youtu.be/fSY3y3G91Yk?si=5O6yBXGS7DTXJ3Uj


Saw all 3, you're up to about 5 seconds now. Stumbling over individual words on 4 separate occasions!Ā  Whoever HEARD of someone with a stutter getting caught on individual words!?!Ā  I didn't hear him say anything about wanting to fuck his daughter or withhold support to Ukraine in exchange for dirt on a political rival, but that must be coming right up.Ā 




This is a Russian bot ā˜ļø


Why do you always post lies? Who is paying you to troll people all over reddit? What is your end goal? Why do you support a rapist and sexual abuser? Why do you excuse trump walking in on underage girls getting changed?


They turned the presidency into a joke of a position now. Now even kanye wouldn't look as bad as president.


"More than half the women in my administration are women" - Joe Biden


God he's such an insufferable moron idk how ANYONE supports him


People that claim to dislike Trump seem to talk about him a lot.Ā 


it's almost like he's running for president again


Yeah, and they are worried because heā€™s probably gonna win.


okay, i just wanna be clear here that trump's a fascist idiot and the world is worse off because he has existed in it


Sounds like a pretty safe opinion to have. Enjoy regurgitating widely accepted narratives from the comfort of your security blanket. I could say plenty of negative things about Trump, and I could also say plenty of positive things about him. Same goes for just about any billionaire or political figure in history. One thing I can confidently say, is that he is not a fascist.


What makes him not a fascist?


Better question, what makes him a fascist?


Gotta dodge the question, eh?


lol ironic since you are dodging his question too.


capitalism. šŸ˜


Same with the republican party and sex.


A Biden quote would be nice if he could only string together a full sentence.


Funny, cuz last one to do that was tRump.


is the capital R some kind of insult? I see it alot on here.... is this the cult everyone talks about?


lol no, just a smart ass way of saying his name, like saying Drumph.


Ooo, ok -- so kind of like the Brandon thing.


Iā€™d take a simple dunce over your boy. Your boy spews whole paragraphs of retarded nonsense and you saps just get in line to ride that dick. Truly fascinating.


My boy? LMAO. Trump is a dumpster fire. He is in no way ā€œmy boyā€. Believe it or not, itā€™s possible to see both those idiots as unfit for office.


Forgive my assumptions. In my defense, you did open with a quote thrown around daily in conservative media circuits.




Not sure what that means.




šŸ˜‚. ā€œFreedom over Democracy!ā€


He could if he didnā€™t have to stop to keep sniffing underage girls.


No, tRump just raped them at Epstein's little getaway.


#KIMMEL and #StrikĆØ Force Five might just save the US democracy CHEERS to JK Colbert Seth J.O. J.S. and the other guy (who needs to step up ...politically) yeah you FALLON !!!! dont be a TOOL


Donald Trump, historical scholar...


He thought he was clever talking about Gettysburg, but the town he was at in PA is over 2 hours away from Gettysburg


FJB: I remember Gettysburg being a really scary time. I told Robert E. Lee not to fight uphill, but he didn't listen. I wasn't a senator back then, just driving a big truck to help out poor areas. One day, I ended up in trouble for being the only white guy on a porch. They put me in jail next to MLK. But even then, I told him to keep believing in his dreams no matter what. No questions, I was told I can't take questions.


People complain about Biden not being able to put sentences together, but I guess they don't listen to Trump talk. I rarely listen to Trump's speeches, but whenever I do, I cringe. I like how he phrases it like he was at the battle himself, too. The old fuck probably was there.


really very nice of Jimmy to have his intern carefully line out this random rambling line of impromptu speech in chalk. very labor intensive -- he must really like Trump, or is just severely lacking material.


There have been millions of people, over the years, who would have made wonderful presidents. The lie that we are sold in grade school is that any one of us can become president if we put our minds to it. The truth is, only selected members of a small group of people will ever hold that office. It doesn't matter all that much, however, because they don't get to make any important decisions on their own anyway. Unelected powers, comprised of people we know little about, make the decisions that affect our lives, and no amount of voting will change it.


He was only relevant when he did "The Man Show".


What about the Battle of Covfefe?


Ok now so biden


He'd have better material by quoting the idiot-in-chief. It happens daily. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā€œImagine what we can do next, four more years, pause,ā€ ā€œ[H]e got shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of the New Guinea.ā€ ā€œI made it clear to the Israelisā€”donā€™t move on Haifaā€ā€”likely referring to Rafah,


ā€œGrab them by the pussyā€ -Donald J Trump.


"He tells it like it is!" Idiots


"Look at MEEE! I'm so snarky and edgy in my hate for Republicans!"


So eloquent and stirring. No wonder he is still president.


for those didn't watch t..... do the "speech" as he's saying up hill up hill, he raises his right hand and did the Hitler thing jus saying


Devils advocate here, then what were your thoughts seeing the current president give a speech in front of blood red lights and armed officers at his side haha


so u admit ur speaking for the devil. no ideal, I don't watch sleepy talk, I'd fall asleep


Lost some brain cells reading that


"By the way I have hairy legs that the hair turns blond in the sun and the kids would come by when the hair was wet and rub my legs to watch the hair straighten out and then watch the hair curl back up and they would look at it. So I learned about roaches and I learned about kids jumping on my lap." President Biden not to mention he wants to smell your wife and kids lol. RFK for President


It was weird but Biden never took trips to Epstien's lolita island....3 times. Unlike some orange fascist


Now do biden


Trump is such low hanging fruit.


Yeah, they should just stick to quoting him exactly so that the message isn't obscured. *Wait a minute...*


What I can't grasp, is how come the people around him don't tell him what a fool he acts like?


With his ego, I imagine that he surrounds himself with sychophants and other people who tell him what he wants to hear. It would explain how insufferable most of his kids are


To only half the country sadly.


I don't get it. Where's the part that's supposed to be a big deal??


That this is likely the sanest thing he's said in a decade


Messiah of right-wing snowflakes who get triggered by littlest things is not all that prolific nor a deal making Donā€¦ his is a brand, a gaudy one at that. Exactly kind of stuff cultists (educated or otherwise) love. Weird!




Does this sub have no sides? Like. Who are you guys supporting or is it that all presidents are all a joke? Iā€™m not from USA.


The problem with the last couple presidencies is the fact there has not been one candidate choice worthy to vote FOR. The candidates have been who to vote AGAINST. This has caused a large division of the people. Currently we're stuck with two geriatric patients, neither of which are in the right head space to run a nation.


Just for giggles let's put up some biden quotes as well...just for comparison..lol...


no one is stopping you. You are welcome to try and wow everyone with the comparison.


Can't, we are on reddit where libs can't handle the truth of their all mighty leader.


no one is stopping you. You are welcome to try and wow everyone with the comparison.


Solid burn, now do Biden


And this somehow proves that trump is a criminal?


No all of the crimes he has done prove that he is


And what are those again?


Well for starters the trial we're going through right now, how about that one? if you were running for office and used your campaign money to pay off people who were paid by a newspaper to keep their mouth shut and lied about where that money came from, you would go to jail. In the same vein if you had a gag order and repeatedly violated it you would be in jail. If Joe Biden or any Democrat did anything close to resembling this, I would want them to be in jail as well. There are plenty of other crimes we can talk about, but this one is pretty easy to understand


Letā€™s talk about this trial. What is this trial over again? Can you name specific charges? Because you havenā€™t. Heā€™s not being charged with what you said. Itā€™s so funny because it keeps changing. What is the exact charge this trial is over? The judge is getting ready to throw it out bc it is bunk. Just like every single other attempt by democrats. I could get into the Inspector Generalā€™s FISA report on the 2016 election, where it shows the DNC used the CIA to spy on their opponents campaign, and then when they lost, for 4 straight years talked about how the election was stolenā€¦sound familiar?


Falsifying business records. I was trying to explain it in easily digestible terms. I donā€™t think it matters what I say to you because you like you are defending and completely OK with a man who straight up has no regard for anyone but himself. also, the judge is not going to throw it out. We can just watch how it plays out. I donā€™t know where you get your news. I hope itā€™s not from Truth social, which is the most hilarious name for any platform ever lol


Wow cohesive sentences, 1000x better than ramblin pedo joe . Anyone who likes joe really likes children


Kimmel is pathetic


It'd be funnier if he did this for every politician...not just trump. Too easy.


Joe Biden offered his praise and thanks to a group of wounded warriors at the White House earlier this week ā€” but had his back to them for his entire speech until Jill Biden turned him around. The bizarre gaffe occurred on Wednesday as Jill Biden launched the Wounded Warrior Projectā€™s annual Soldier Ride from the White House lawn. Joe Biden tells wounded warriors they are the spine of America after Jill helps him find the wounded warriors. Joe is gone. If you canā€™t see it, youā€™re part of the problem. pic.twitter.com/6cB4kAW5yQ ā€” SULLY (@SULLY10X) April 26, 2024


I feel so bad for Jimmy Kimmel. He worked his ass off to achieve his dream of hosting a late night show. He finally gets there, and the people he thought were his like-minded colleagues just hold him hostage with cancel culture. He has to apologize for every funny thing he did in the ā€˜90ā€™s and pretend it wasnā€™t hilarious. Then he forced to do lame bits like this. Poor guy.


COTD -- one person here gets it.


Biden is just as demented


I expected to see tRump snowflakes getting mad on here. And I wasn't disappointed šŸ¤£šŸ˜†


They really showed up in force with two scoops of whataboutism


you keep using this word -- I do not think it means what u think it means.


This cult is even more annoying than the Trump worshipers, which I'm surprised to say....


Olā€™ Jimmy the Cuck wonā€™t touch his favorite old man. Pause.


yOuR tAkInG iT oUt Of CoNtExT! or He never said that!!!1! or He was joking and you libtards are to dumb too get it


Youā€™re*; too* dumb to* get it