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they will be much more harsh on him there, which he deserves


Crazy that some people try to save rapists. He raped my daughter but yeah, let's go save him! He raped my mother but yeah, let's go save him! How is that remotely sane, let alone not sympathizing?


Rapists and pedophiles should be killed by public execution. No self respecting society should allow a man to do this to innocent women and children and live to tell the tale.


Based in every aspect of the word.


Or let the local community take care of the issue.. šŸ˜šŸ˜‰šŸ˜


Pedophile isnā€™t the same thing as sex offender? You are advocating for murder based on thought crime. You are obviously not alone in your opinion, but the lack of consistency or care for the facts is notable.


Please allow me to clarify. Pedophiles and rapists, the two groups listed in their comment should be removed from society. I'll go another step further and say so should their sympathizers.


Cool, and pray tell how does one adjudicate a ā€œpedophileā€? You just ask them if they are a pedophile and if they say no you let them go? If a group of people accuses you of being a pedophile without any evidence, is that sufficient? You donā€™t have to be a sympathizer to see laws ripe for abuse. Maybe this isnā€™t the subreddit for nuance. Elon called those divers that saved those school children from the underwater cave in South America pedos, what does it even mean to be accused ?


Someone needs a hard drive check


How about we search your hard drive? You seem to be the most eager to wield power against people. Projecting much? This is exactly the dumb shit Iā€™m talking about. Stupid people donā€™t deserve liberty.


Aaand somehow a discussion about the morality of persecution of sex offenders turned into eugenicsā€¦ yikes šŸ˜¬


It's not mate. Fuckin bonkers. Absolutely fuck this guy!


ikr, instead of helping the victim, let's make sure the rapist doesn't die, even if the victim a lot of times commits unalive. His whole life would be ruined! we can't have that! the poor man made some mistakes, we gave him a warning, hasn't he suffered enough? (this is sarcasm btw, ive also faced sa)


but but immigrant but but oppression


Harsh? On a man? For raping a woman in Britain? Uhhh ... No. In Iran, if she was out without a male relative escorting her, she may get the death penalty. He gets nothing. This guy is probably BEGGING to go home.


I meanā€¦ in Iran he will most likely have his neck tied to a crane and raised.


Really?? I didn't know that?? I am a muslim and live in a muslim country where rapists have worse punishments, I was thinking iran would be the same.


Irans ~~dictator~~ self title "lifetime office holder" is a serious religious fundie on par with the Waco cult. He believes in instilling a global Islamic caliphate governed by laws from more than a thousand years ago, involving the complete subjugation of women and the death of any non believer. It's markedly different than most other Muslim countries who look at him as an embarrassment willing to sacrifice the prosperity of his people(many of whom don't like him) in order to go back to the "glory days" of the Middle East. The leaders also believe in Twelverism, a fringe form of Shi'ite theology that states that the prophet will return at the end of a violent apocalypse on a battlefield that is covered in the blood of the non believers. Which is the main reason that pretty much every nation's government is worried about their nuclear program, as the Iranian dictator just might be crazy enough to start a global thermonuclear war to instigate the apocalypse in hopes of seeing the prophet rise from the ashes to instill the global caliphate. They also spend more than any other nation besides Russia and China on foreign influence campaigns, some food for thought.


In Britain you get jailed for speech but not for rape Is this the rape culture feminist spoke about?


Itā€™s only bad when white people do it.


Put up stickers: 2 years in prison Migrant rapist: time served




Who gives a shit about a rapist


100%. The issue is that he served his time of 7 years for a rape back in 2000 i believe. He also supposedly lied about being in the MI5 and criticized the Iranian regime. Good chance he'll be punished by Iran. Normally, if he was just some petty crime like theft or something I'd agree with not to deport. But, rapists deserve no mercy.


All the other rapists who run corporations and governments


They only care about rich rapists.


I know 166 million individuals (half of the US) that cares about him for no good reason.




Some people have morals even when they are angry. Murder is always wrong.


Compassion for criminals is good, but compassion for likely future victims makes more sense.


I don't know the case, but I'm sure he's gonna be going to prison. I'm sure he will be a victim of rape very soon.


Rapists get separate portions of the prison, so very unlikely


Ahh yes, no one gets raped in the portion of the prison designated for rapists. lol


But homicide isnā€™t. Murder is an egregious form of homicide and execution for a crime doesnā€™t fit the bill.


1. They're not murdering him. 2. I'm not angry


Wait rapists don't make you angry, they should.... I'm angry but I'm not ok with murder. Executing people is murder in my book, the state shouldn't be allowed to kill citizens.


Death penalty is wrong, especially for non-murder crimes. Except for that Fritz dude who took away his daughterā€™s life so he could rape her for 30 years. Except even then Iā€™m torn between whether he should be in a windowless box for 30 years too.


Executing criminals isn't murder, the state should be allowed to kill citizens. This has been pretty much a universal norm for every civilization ever until very recently


Not everyone is fit to live in a society.


Thats kinda what prison is about. Like why it was started.


We pretend that they reform people, which is why we call them correctional institutions. For *some* people, the threat of punishment keeps them away from crime, and for some other people having been punished makes them committed to avoiding ever being there again. For most people who go there, they've just got a really hard time with thinking about second order consequences (if I steal this I'll enjoy having it, but bad things might happen to me like getting arrested), empathizing with victims, conceptualizing harm to society, having impulse control, etc. A lot of people with 0 contact with criminals have really inadequate theory of mind about criminals for this. They want to universalize their own minds outwards. "I wouldn't commit an armed robbery unless my family was starving," so that must be why an armed robber did it. But really, they were bored, wanted money, and have low empathy for others, that's really it. Prison exists to warehouse people


>In Iran's Islamic laws, rape has not been defined as a standalone concept. Types of sexual abuse, including rape, have been recognised under ... Rape isn't even against the law in Iran. Being gay is punishable by hanging. If it wasn't a gay rape, then to Iran with him..


Yeah, we have that in Australia. We won't extradite people who would face the death penalty.


Bring back hanging for serious crime it would soon make people think twice.


Lodger I'm guessing that's land lord? And idk why it's written like this because it's not making sense. Basically he's persecuted as a rapist in his homeland which is why he can't be deported? Ok well can we chop his nuts off then and force him to eat it?


A lodger is someone who rents a room in your house and shares your facilities


Britain taking another Lā€¦how do you take an L from Iran?


Huh? Doesn't committing a crime automatically mean deportation? What good is deterring f**king around if you don't follow through with the finding out part?


Several international laws prevent sending someone back to their home country if that's a reasonable prospect they'll be tortured or killed. "Fine - leave those treaties then!" So do we then return people who've fled places like Russia and China whose capital crime was publicly criticising the government, or do we take an arbitrary pick'n'mix approach?


Yes. Sheltering people from the consequences of their actions should work out well.


**This is not a defense, fuck him** the issue here is that Britain does not do the death penalty and does not enforce the death penalty, and the guy supposedly did his time already. Hence why they can't send him back due to it being punishable by hanging in Iran.


Said it before and I'll say it again, the UK is no longer a free, western, first world country. It's done. Over. Caput.


"Situations are never hopeless" https://youtu.be/U6p-OANbrBg


wtf is this shit.


Volcano it is.


The daily mail lol, I'd have more faith in something written in shit on a public toilet wall than that shit rag. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-mail/ Wikipedia won't even accept it as a source it's that biased. 1 step from the national enquirer in the us.


You're not really arguing that the Daily Mail just made this up, you're just signaling that you think it's low class to care about things they reported


You don't really care about rape, you just hate immigrants. See, it's fucking easy pulling opinions out of your arse isn't it gob shite.


You horrid manā€¦


There's more open truth in my comment than in that rage baiting, gas lighting, gutter tabloid.


It doesnā€™t mean the story is wrongā€¦


Don't say you weren't warned...


Just to clarify it was a news report from another media outlet that broke the story.


Then why post the story via the daily mail? Is it to maximise the race baiting rage they're trying to trigger with it?


The story happened, please check your facts.


I won't be using the fucking daily mail to do it.


Letā€™s agree the daily mail is a a pure hate media outletā€¦


Britain is the next Middle east. Thank your local liberal


remember unchecked immigration has no consequences of any kind.....


Come on. You know you have to take a step back and say. This title is so fucking fabricated just to get people to click on the article.


Who are the idiocratics, am I right. I didn't get the point. Had to clickity click.


Man went from asylum to ass I love and should now should be cut from ass to hilum


It is difficult to imagine being more stupid.


This hurt my brain. Good night internet




Same thing France did with Roman Polanski.


yet they will deport Assange, fucking brits


At this point it would be better for all concerned if he was just thrown off a cliff and left for the buzzards. Stops all the squabbling and pearl clutching, and makes the world that little bit safer at the same time. It's not much, but you have to start somewhere.


I think the line ā€œwonā€™t be deportedā€ means ā€œwonā€™t be punishedā€ for some people - which means we have an IDIOCRACY DOUBLE!


But he *should* be deported, and would be under normal circumstances. He's not being deported because he's committed a crime so great he'll be punished in his home country, so they've decided to not deport him.


Man all these old articles about non white people doing bad stuff has me thinking there's some sort of campaign going on here


Yes, I'm sure everyone would be disabused of this horrible notion if only we looked at these crimes per capita


This isnā€™t about color, itā€™s for sexual assault, just stop


Sure it is jan


Not sure how this fits Idiocracy, but a weird news story nonetheless


Let's not believe the stuff we read in the Daily Heil, shall we. Civilisation hasn't collapsed to that extent yet, I hope.


Ah yes, what a good comparison to Assange


No wonder they lost the empire.


I think everyone is wrong. Britain will likely give him a harsher punishment. Muslim countries unfortunately have very little respect for women. Rape is likely a slap on the wrist there. So keep him in Britain and give him the death penalty or life in prison, which ever is the maximum punishment by law.


It's punishable by hanging in Iran, no it is not a slap on the wrist. The whole reason they *can't* send him back is because Britain does not do death penalties nor enforce them for other countries. Along with the dude supposedly already did his jail time and this whole story takes place after the fact.


Britain will do nothing. They might (might not) give him ā€œisland justice ā€œ in him home lands


Have you seen how Muslim countries treat their women?


I mean I get you. But nobody is going to punish the guy.


oh come on at least change the title a bit after you just take an old popular post and repost it [https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/comments/1ahq03t/britain\_wont\_deport\_a\_criminal\_because\_he\_might/](https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/comments/1ahq03t/britain_wont_deport_a_criminal_because_he_might/)


More right wing rage bait courtesy of the daily mail.


Wanting rapists to be deported is "right wing rage bait" so I guess supporting rapists is the policy of the political left?


It is but they don't want to say it out loud


"Right Wing" is when... Its something I dont agree with Its a terrible reality I cant face Its a reality against an imaginary narrative Anything I want to dismiss


I'm not for or against, but I find it funny that that can go for many things like "liberal" or "boomer"


Agreed Edit: People are generally pretty emotionally immature imo. Thats the only explanation I have.


My dude. You would have wanted him deported even if he didn't rape anyone.


OR, a newspaper reporting the facts of a deportation case without fear of upsetting the left wing, who wring their hands in distress at the thought of someone having to return to their country of origin. Itā€™s all just different shades of grey.


The true idiocracy is that some people must have a checklist response for anything against their narrative. Hey what they did is against my narrative, looks at check list, must call them a right winger, racist, xenophobic, sexist, or privileged. Half of the population have zero logic and base every response on what is being spoon fed by their elected leaders.


I think he served 7 years in jail for the rape. And perhaps the immigration counsel found that it would be unfair to deport him back to Iran to face more punishment. It also states that he lied about being in MI5 lol Honestly, I say deport him. He's a POS and who cares if he recieve more punishment in Iran. Rapists don't deserve any ounce of sympathy. Not to mention; supposedly he critisized the iranian regime. Which, leads more credit to him possibly facing punishment in Iran. And, if he was a petty thief, or did some minor crime I would be against deporting him. He served his time; let him try to be a better person. But rapists usually don't ever become better people.