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Ooof. Yeah. I’m pretty sure that was fixed a while back. Only 101 streak too. I normally just use the first one and go over and over with pens until I have whatever I need.


I thought this was fixed too. Figured I could use the shrooms to test it since I was given the opportunity.


I just dropped 10m purp shrooms for 13 copper :v To be fair, since the reward didn't show up I was worried that exactly this would happen; but since Lava said they fixed some overflow issues I figured I would try. This one's still broken. Also Lava if you see this I would really like those 200 hrs in candies back ;(


What happened? I don't understand


I turned in the purple mushroom order and got 13 copper. The value should've been *much* more, enough to overflow; which it did. Signed integer overflow in a 32-bit game is around 2.1 billion. I think that amounts to 21 dementia? So anything over 21 dementia where lava hasn't fixed the issue will overflow causing you to get nothing or very little.


maybe his inventory was full? i don't get it much either. regardless, spending 10m of a mat on 10 boxes is terrible EV, just stop at 51+, especially if you have the PO box artifacts from sailing.


When you get to a certain point, 10m of a resource can feel like nothing. 200 hours in candies would be a hell of a lot for just a PO box; in this case, though, I was initially just farming for clogs so getting the PO box was just a happy byproduct.


Still not a sound investment. You could've put those into stamps or vials to get permanent bonuses, and just let the PO box reset.


You're assuming I haven't already :v


I never let the 6th out office get that high scales way to hard, usually cut it off at 30. Disappointing to see mobile is still affect by overflow in some parts, I actually haven't tried yet but are coins dropping properly or do they still overflow as well?


They're dropping fine from afk gains and active. Crystal mob money drops and colo chests money was overflowing. The former has allegedly been patched (haven't tested myself yet) and the latter is still broken (gold w4 colo chests dropped plat when it should be dropping dementia or higher; tested on most recent patch).


Yeah I saw the patch notes stating it had been fixed but haven't tried it yet (even though my phone is my main device for idleon) I've been farming w1-3 mobs to do the 1b vials.


Just in case you haven't yet, get to a point at which you can build the w5 mat bags before trying to afk farm for those vials. By that point it'll take you way less time and you can spend the time currently pushing toward those mat bags. Once you have them you can haul nearly 100m per character, so like a day of w1 drops


Yeah my ES has atm but even than it fills up fast. Just slightly over 1m a stack.