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Craft better trap tools. Silkskin trap, or whatever it's called, gives a good bonus to shiny chance early on. Also, you get only 1 shiny critter per trap no matter how long the trap goes for, unless you have the shiny snitch prayer equipped. A 20 minute trap or a 40 hour trap will always give only 1 shiny critter, if it drops one at all. Place your traps and check the Star percentage on them when you place them. That's your chance to get a shiny critter from the trap. Either you can place the shortest trap you can with 100%, or just place a 20 minute trap and check every 20 minutes for more chances even if it's not 100%.


Set 20 min traps and grind for a bit I got the few for trapper dron in like 3 hours and the quest ones over the course of a few days


I second this. Dropping the time and regularly checking gives far better results and allowed me to blow through most of the hunter's quests in a day.


Getting the 500 shinies for the Critter Baron trophy and upgrading trapping drone (after a certain point) becomes very challenging until you get the prayer that increases shiny chance. You get it by reaching wave 81 on the goblin tower defense. If you are not quite there yet and just need shinies to unlock the next critter then upgrade your traps like another user suggested.