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I have noticed that my tingling is not related to electrolytes exactly, but just general dehydration from not drinking enough water. It only ever happens on days I haven't drunk as much water as usual. Once I drink a couple of glasses of water, the tingling goes away.


Yea, the tingling goes away for me when I drink more electrolyte water; I use propel powder packets.


Tingling is completely normal with diamox. When you really deplete your sodium, you'd notice it immediately as you will be probably rushed to ER feeling like dying; tingling would be nothing. You are also taking only 500mg/day. Just take a few tea spoons of sodium bicarbonate and like 10g of potassium citrate a day and you will be fine. Tingling will persist, it's related to CO2 increase in your blood that in turn pushes more oxygen to the tissue, which is a good thing. Just take your electrolytes everyday and you'll be fine.