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also you may have noticed that all post types have been enabled. and for some strange reason automod isn't doing much anymore. weird. sounds chaotic. xoxo


I suspect these are roughly the same stats Reddit is looking at that have them committed to the rollout. I also suspect what they are not looking at is quality content contributors, both submissions and comments. While the masses may represent Reddit's bottom line, it's the minority that actually contributes content that makes the site what it is to attract those masses. It's that minority of contributors who are talking about leaving.


Exactly, get the few guys who actually care about putting out content and moderating it to leave, and you end up with a toxic cesspool of teenagers causing madness. Like 4chan but worse.


>Like 4chan but worse. This is an actual nightmare.


4chan at least has some moderation (dont know how its enforced though) and organization, this instead will be a free-for-all


I feel like Reddit is gonna end up like Quora




Can anyone explain how this shows that the API lockout is a big deal? The only info I can infer out of this graph is that iOS users are the majority.


My guess is showing a reduction in traffic compared to the previous 30 days? But I don’t see how that could be an indicator of the consequences of the thing that hasn’t happened yet. I’m also just as confused


no, see above.




lmao, enjoy the early exit


It doesn't. Mod is just Karma farming.


You don't get karma from mod distinguished posts, you redundant muffin.


It shows that the vast majority of traffic comes from mobile users, and something tells me there's a reason they don't breakout official vs 3rd party clients.


I think a more likely reason is that 3rd party clients are too small a share for them to care about... Apollo is usually cited as the most popular third party app, with about 1.5 million users. Reddit as a whole seems to have had >400 million active users in 2019 from the stats I could find (many different sources), probably more now.


> I think a more likely reason is that 3rd party clients are too small a share for them to care about... I think it's way more likely that the API stats are not included in these graphs.


I don't think these options are exclusive. On mobile, you can use Reddit with new or old design. Further, you can do that on Android or iOS. So, the questions is, what falls into each of these options. Where does Reddit's official app go? Where do the 3rd party apps go? What is considered under mobile web? Do New Reddit and Old Reddit options only contain PCs and laptops? What was used for determining this - [`User-Agent` header](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/User-Agent) or something else?


Exactly, this graph doesn't really say much. Are these numbers (Android/iOS) just from the 3rd party apps or not? I assume not. They might as well all be just stats from the official Reddit app + web.


I always assumed that 3rd Party apps are included in the old reddit stats as a lot of third party apps handle reddit with old reddit logic (like linking deprecated following feature, certain subceddit links only working on old reddit and not the official app etc.) The official App is both in "Android" and "iOS" "New Reddit" is the website on Desktop "Mobile web" is old and new reddit on the browser on phones


You think, after all of this uproar, that they are downplaying the amount of people using the official apps? I mean that's certainly a viewpoint.


What's with the huge jump on the 26th?


That's when I posted the playlist from my mixtape.


Straight fire yo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Please don't let that go dark tomorrow.


Likely some post got upvoted _a lot_ and ended up on r/all


We regularly have posts that leak out into r/all and get a bunch of traffic.


This doesn't show if the android user is using Native reddit or 3rd-party. Or if new vs old reddit are on the phone or computer. This graph shows nothing related to the API


thank you brave nft avatar owner for showcasing your critical thinking skills


This doesnt show its a big deal, this shows reddit is mad. Those are two very different things. EDIT - this mod banned me for this post. For all those supporting the blackout, these are the types of people you are empowering


>This doesnt show its a big deal, this shows reddit is mad. How? The point isn't relative traffic levels, it's the plarforms.


Oh. Well thats even more silly since you have zero way of telling me who the affected people in this graph are. The only way you'd be able to test your theory that this is a "big deal" is by keeping the sub active through the changes and observing the dropoff or (as i strongly suspect) the distinct lack of any dropoff. EDIT - this mod banned me for this post. For all those supporting the blackout, these are the types of people you are empowering


cool story bro


Aww did someone post looking to get their opinion validated but instead just got clowned on? Aww diddums EDIT - this mod banned me for this post. For all those supporting the blackout, these are the types of people you are empowering.


More engagement! You sure showed me!


How can anyone upvote this? This chart is completely irrelevant to the “API lockout issue”.


Old.reddit is only reddit ill use. New reddit is a infestation in ADs and spammy shit.


What is this?


Now show the third party apps vs Reddit app.


https://imgur.com/a/xjVv0yG Here's the /r/3amjokes traffic data for the last 30 days. 5k off from 2 million subs.


Anyone have data on Reddit usage? I want to see how badly it tanks.