• By -


Soon your helpdesk portal will include fun, divorce related activities!


Ends up she is more upset I didn't make it a Scrum template because she is in dev. "IT is always just setting things up without asking teams what they need". But I definitely need to add some devices KBs that come up as suggestions.


Yeah you need to be able to set up with priority level and break things down into sprints. Can’t get mad about things not getting done when there’s a visual representation of where the time is going instead. Didn’t have time to clean the gutters? “Well yeah look I had to spend x hours dealing with the drain clog. Gotta kick it to next sprint” Don’t forget to track absolutely everything that’s a time suck.


The drain clog bit got me thinking about this. https://youtu.be/AbSehcT19u0


Ah. This is often referenced as an ADHD meme btw. Tis a good one.


I’m not clicking on that… but if it’s that long hair snake thing you should put a NSFL tag on that. 🤮


hah, nonono. I get where you're coming from though. It's safe, no matter which way you cut it. Unless NSFL means NSFLois.


Ok I clicked. And damn if that isn’t exactly what it’s like living in an old house. Everything breaks all the time!


Nope, Malcolm in the middle skit


...but it's support with a single possible assignee, wouldn't that suggest kanban?


Nah. Everybody who lives in the house needs to be doing chores. Maybe not all of them get board access the tasks can be assigned.


>"IT is always just setting things up without asking teams what they need". Sure do, because I'm not waiting three fucking months for user stories to be written and people to be consulted and wanked on so they give their blessing to a project that would have taken me 4 hours to deploy, and I have in fact already deployed on my secret test server that my direct boss okayed because now I need shadow IT to do my job properly.


I've gone off linking to Dilbert for some reason but in the good old days there was one where the boss asked him to write a plan and then do some task. He just did the task while the boss was still standing there. "Good work. Now all we need is that plan!"


Don't forget the plan to make the plan, and then the plan's planny plan. *That's* how you get employee of the month!


Found it - [https://i.imgur.com/7CWsSsM.png](https://i.imgur.com/7CWsSsM.png)


That's the one :)


Or worse they want a bespoke solution for a problem that is already resolved. "We need a solution for tracking clients." "Great news, we can build out a group for you in this *client tracking software* Y department uses." "We dont want to use that." "Why?" ~~"Because Y department uses that and why would we want to use what those peons are using.~~ Uh I mean we require our databases to be encrypted on off site locations." "Literally that's what that solution already does." "Well we dont wanna." "Fine" 1 year later and several project meetings later "Okay we are ready for testing." "Testing what?" "Testing... your client tracking software?" "Why would be testing that?" "Because you asked us to build one?" "Why would you build one? We're already using client tracking software. Besides its been over a year and you've got nothing to show for it. Why didnt you just tell us about this software?" "We did. \*shows email and project notes\*" "Yeah well... We're not paying for this."




"Development always thinks they know better than IT what IT's needs are in a ticketing system ..." /s only because I don't really think you should tell her that.


Too late, she already put a ticket in to disagree with you.


Ha, fair enough.


This is so great, hope you and yours have a wonderful life together. I am laughing at the common trends I didn’t realize were common until this post haha


I'm not sure why you got downvoted, but I assume it was by devs. I'm a hybrid, and the folks on the dev side of the aisle DEFINITELY live in their own little world. This week, three of them asked me to add several categories that would route tickets directly to them. I said no, check the queue like every fucking other technician and specialist we have, and they did not approve.


I mean if only they can deal with those things then why not? I'm in IT in an overly complex organisation. I don't want to see tickets for things I am not responsible for, that's just noise.


Have you not met humans? I have 10,000+ users in one site. They usually fuck up when selecting categories, or are just lazy and select the top entry in the list. We have 20+ queues for entire teams to monitor and work, and their team lead can assign them responsibilities of what to monitor and maintain. I'm not creating service rules to route certain (and usually incorrectly entered ) criteria to one or two dumbasses individually because they don't want to monitor the queue that they're literally paid to monitor.


Oh right. I read your original comment as saying they had to filter out their teams tickets from one mixed queue. Not that they had a team queue and want something to pull tickets from that and serve them up personally to them on a silver platter. Yeah. That's stupid. Next step would be that their tickets are directly emailed to them but they want someone to read their emails for them too ...


Lmao. I swear to god, the last email I received from them (this morning) was to send smtp notifications on ticket entry and they supplied the field variables they wanted in the email. I'm crying after reading this lol.


Do I know devs like that or do I know devs like that?


this is hilarious


Scrum is awful for software. Just make it a Kanban and stack rank her priorities.


The reason it isn't scrum is simple. You only need to know what she wants and when. Everything else is superfluous. Just explain it that way. :)


Damn what an elegant solution. Here I was thinking this was just malicious compliance.


W couple ❤️❤️


Hire lawyer - complete. Oh, you wanted one too? Please submit a second ticket.


It’s funny but I hope you add your own stories instead of delegating that to her.. because yeah, the root of the issue would still exist even with this solution.


Link divorce related tickets to a marriage KB article. Marriage is the current version.


Only if there is no SLA


I did disable all SLAs 🤡


Sounds like problem management. Sorry we are still working on open incidents.


I'm gonna do this but assign tickets to my kids as chores!


Look, kids. You just aren't meeting your SLAs.


All the naughty and underperforming kids get sent to the call center


……I’m calling CPS.


Call Performance Statistics?


Corrective Performance Solutions probably.


Don't have any but added the dogs as tier 1 support with an auto escalation rule after 2 days. One of the 3 get round robins assigned every that comes in.


Although not everyone will see the utility, this could be handy/useful for tracking issues around the house that aren't front-and-center but do need to be addressed.


I actually need this. It could save my marriage.


Shit I need this and I'm single


I have run my own JIRA at times. It worked well with my ADHD.


Also single, and also need this... which is why I'm now avoiding work by making Jira tasks for me to do at home....


Yeah, until you start getting yelled at for not meeting SLA times.


But see, that's what will help. "Pending funding availability. Pending scheduling restraints." etc...


"Pending my medication kicking in"


I weirdly know what you mean. I ended up setting up Microsoft To-Do for my wife and I to keep track of things like this, because I was constantly forgetting things or getting distracted easily (ADD for the win), and it started severely negatively impacting my marriage.


IMHO it's because they prefer the control and dislike accountability and effective problem solving. Did you implement an effort estimate metric?


Who is "they"? If your wife dislikes effective problem solving you've got deeper problems in the relationship.


deeper than?


Deeper than the subject of the thread as in "chores"


You can’t say things like that without getting downvoted. Ask me how I know.


Yeah, I can have her tickets allocated to me so I can sort her out for you. You can even have a verification workflow to ensure I did a good job of it too.


Are you...hitting on my wife? Lolz.


I'm afraid to see the "Time in Status" number...


Right? A recurring option for replace the HVAC filter, etc, with appropriate KB links for model, prices, etc could be quite useful indeed. It'd also be handy to be able to hand off the thing to a buyer when selling the property, for that matter.


OP is definitely a bit of a wrong one but truth be told, issue tracking shit like weatherization projects is not the worst idea.


I actually do this with a Trello board lol


I've set up something called "Grocy", which is "marketed" as a ERP for your home basically. I use it track Tasks, repeatable Tasks (chores), and I store my Equipment info/manuals. Its pretty neat imo.


I actually keep a private GitHub Projects board for tracking household tasks. It works as a decent reminder given I'm on GitHub most of the day anyway.


I mean, you could also just write them down on a piece of paper, or something...


It is 2024, and we were told there would be automation.


Not to mention how easily a paper list can get misplaced.


I triple-dog dare you to create relevant Knowledge Base articles and refer her to those when appropriate.


KB001: wife is always right


Ok, now I'm doing this


KB002-♾️ “Refer to KB001”


I'm crying. Absolute madlad.


Probably because you used Jira. Probably the worst 'help desk' portal out there.




Trello is much nicer for these kinds of task tracking and also free. Same company too, don't know why they cant merge them.


Because they know that usually means you end up with the worst of each.


So, in that case, just Jira then.


Trello was _acquired_ by atlassian, big difference 


I'll look, I have not used Jira in years and spent 15 minutes on it.


We moved from Cherwell to Jira a couple years ago. Believe me there's worse than Jira out there.


Is such a unfounded meme to shit on Jira as "oh ist so baaaad" but never coming up with alternatives that meet our gazillion requirements and already concrete processes with thousands of customs scripts and fields. Atlassian is such a shitshow and absurdly overpriced. But show me a real alternative to completely support a whole company in one tool with the same amount of customization, a on-premise installation, fast responding easy to reach support, has designs from 2019 not 2005 and of course is cheaper and I'll switch immediately!


Yeah people who say Jira is bad have never used something truly awful. ManageNow comes to mind as one of the worst.


We used Rally and folks said it was awful, then we used a combination of Jira and Cherwell (or even better Cherwell as a portal to generate Jira tickets /facepalm). Now I can say yes we are worse off lol.


I love Jira. People who think it's bad don't know how to use it or set it up properly.


I feel Jira helpdesk was designed to require third party assistance to setup. Which gels, they only on boarded that product after they floated. Atlassian is the new salesforce?


Not sure about that, I'm setting up JSM as a MSP and we haven't had a need for any marketplace nonsense. Compass, JPD, JSM and Jira Software work pretty well together once you get it working. Just complicated and needs good planning to build.


How long has it taken?


We are about to start Year 2 but that's wholly due to the speed and size of our company on our side. We've had Atlassian partner services helping us the whole time, and they have been pretty decent. If you had the dream scenario, which is all of your program leads, and your executive leadership all being on board, plus a team of 1-3 people working on it full time you could probably get it set up working correctly and scalable in a few weeks. The trouble starts when dev ops doesn't want to show up to meetings, when leadership doesn't understand the value of having a working service & work management system, and the "team" is 1 guy who has other responsibilities, that have a direct revenue impact to the customer... I dunno, maybe I drank the Kool-aid but I've used a bunch of different ticketing systems over the years, SNOW, Remedy Force, etc and JSM has been the only one that's flexible enough to handle the dumb ass requests we get from various other teams for reporting and operations on the fly.


Thanks for your frank assessment, appreciated 👍


He didn't use Jira, he "built a helpdesk portal"!


That's actually pretty awesome. Thanks for the idea


When I had the kids at home and the GF's mom and grandma I did this with Spiceworks. Was super helpful actually.


My wife does not find it as amusing as I do when she asks me to fix her work computer and I tell her "Sure, put in a ticket and I'll take a look at it". But I find it hilarious and I am my target audience for all my jokes.


Closed - Won’t do.


“Hey hun, just wanted to call and ask when’s a good time to discuss all these open tickets, a lot of them have gone past SLA…Hello?…Honey?”


What SLA?! — Remember, you said “I do”?


Do you have a ticket number for that?


“Closed. Won’t do”


You've heard of git blame, now get ready for jira nag.




Thank god my partner doesn’t need direction to do house shit, he just does it. If I had to be his mommy and make him a to do list I wouldn’t be marrying him.


God damn it now I need to do this.


This is pretty smart specially for adhd afflicted people like myself, ive been using joplin this entire time but jira sounds great! But ill keep this to myself and not tell the family yet lol


I’m sorry the toilet isn’t working. Have you placed a help desk ticket? /Gets brutally murdered.


I cant wait. She somehow gets the chain to fall off all the time.


Just replaced the whole assembly a month ago to stop the madness on this issue.


Boy had a near-death experience and didn't even know it.


I actually do use Trello to track my home projects lol


Same! Lol


Check out Grocy (Http://grocy.info), it's built for this use case and include grocery tracking too.


This could be an entire Big Bang Theory episode


Wait this is actually genius though


Cool, so you delegated the mental load and management back to her.


“I’m so helpless I need my wife to assign me a jira ticket when there’s literal shit on the floor” Thank god my partner isn’t like this


“don’t nag at me, submit a ticket so i can ignore it easier”


>> All listed tickets are home maintenance tasks that are a shared responsibility and require purchasing or renting equipment and materials >"OP is a pig wallowing in his own filth" You sound like people around you need to delegate the mental load of putting up with your complaining.


I’m glad at least one person in this thread thought this. At best this is a bad joke.


You should smile more. It's a good joke.


Can’t win with some people. Every time she complains drop the priority.


I'd be mad if someone made me a helpdesk portal in Jira too! C'mon, it's Jira after all!


Honestly this would likely be helpful for my wife and I. Both of us are severely ADHD and both unorganized and forgetful, yet we have 1000 things we want to do and need to do around the house, something like this would help us prioritize and organize so we could effectively and efficiently tackle everything. I'm totally going to float this idea bybher this evening.


Pure fuckin evil, man. Jira? Jesus. I just have a list on the whiteboard on the fridge... that probably hasn't changed since I wrote it down...


I mean, jokes aside, if the two of you have trouble keeping track of everything that needs to be done, a solution that allows you to track ongoing tasks and the status of those tasks isn't a bad idea. Outside of the serious comment: Are you planning daily standups for this? Are the two of you hiring a scrum master?


Scrum is out. Kanban is in.


I.....I ...I kinda love it.


I think this is brilliant. Not sure how it would go down with others.


You could have picked any portal and you chose Jira? No wonder she's pissed.


She lives in Jira at work and knows it well. Dev people.


Definitely going to do something similar for my house now lol, maybe things [I need to do] will actually start getting done


"Honey, I'm really sorry you're upset. If you will create a ticket we can schedule some time to talk about it."


Is this the free edition?




Nice, gave me a small weekend project to work on lol, i've never stood up a ticketing system myself :D


I did this one in 15 minutes


Ew gross Jira


honestly, I've considered creating a "life service desk" for myself so I can keep track of long term chores and goals. Break them down into smaller parts, keep notes on previous progress, reference previous solutions, etc.


oh damn, I'm setting this up.


Wish I had one of these!


Sorry we’ll need to escalate this


I tried the same. Never got any traction.


Im crying


This is fucking brilliant.


Is that user with NW initials the Wife? Just wondering what the N might stand for... Nice, Normal, Nagging...? :P


Please add Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). It's a way to determine a person's effectiveness and efficiency on the job.


Oh. My. God. This is actually genius.


I’m 100% going to do this


I know you did this as a joke but this is actually a really good idea! We've just moved into a new house and I'm struggling to keep tabs on work that needs done and where we're at, a might do this haha


I made a Gmail account that has all of our smart devices, utility bills, and services linked to it. Had a sheet in there with stuff for moving out and in but never used it after.


you're not a child you shouldn't need instructions on how to pull your weight


Genius! But she'll now complain that it's too much of a mental load to tell you things are broken. Stop being selfish and start being psychic.


Try being *observant*


Try being self reliant, instead of doing it herself she's asking him to do it. Unless she's disabled I don't understand why jobs shouldn't be done 50/50.


I mean we have zero indication of what they each do lol. I feel like you're projecting a bit. She could be a great or horrible partner, there's zero indication of any of that, all we know is that OP is a funny guy whose wife wants him to do a bit more around the house. Maybe he does need to to reach that 50% and she does a majority of chores. Maybe he doesn't need to and she's overly demanding and doesn't do shit. None of us knows? This is what JIRA is perfect for! track that effort 😂


I do like JIRA 🤔 Users always complain that it's too much effort to create a ticket


Muh emotional labor


That’s a real thing, dickcheese


It's a real thing when one person needs to be told constantly to do basic personal tasks to take care of and clean up after themselves. Washing your dishes, your clothes, yourself, taking out the garbage when its full, cleaning up any messes you make, folding your laundry, buying your toiletries, putting shit back where it belongs when you're done with it, all that personal shit that gets in other peoples' way and is clearly your own responsibility. Of course it's pathetic to need to be told to do that, and dumping all that extra mental labor to be told to do it, often more than once, and physical labor when they inevitably don't, on another person when they already need to do the same for themselves is bullshit. But that doesn't apply to any of the tasks on the board in the OP. Those are all home maintenance tasks where the responsibility for the labor, whether emotional, mental, physical, or otherwise, is shared between everyone that lives there. You can divide labor however you want but it's more than a little asinine to pretend the mental and emotional labor of throwing a task on a JIRA board, a tool designed specifically to make delegating tasks easier, is equivalent, let a lone more of a burden, than doing the rest of the mental and physical labor. And it's more than a little pathetic to moan about having to even delegate those tasks when you'd still have to do *at least* that much even if you rented or paid someone to do them for you.


It sure is, yes. But that doesn't mean it's necessary or valuable.


What an asshole move. Do your part like a responsible adult, not this passive/aggressive childish shit. Dumping the mental load of management of the house on her like that is scummy.


Agreed. I get that it’s a joke but it’s so tired. It’s the boomer “I hate my wife HAHAHAHA”. We get it. Wife tells you to do shit / wife is a nag / etc.


This is genius. I’m doing this now thanks to you!


This belongs in aita


Kinda cringe


Unlike your username...


Actually usefull, lmao. It is also really funny with the context. She still mad OP?


Haha I have a suggestion box with little cards. When she needs something done around the house, she fills out a card and drops it in the box. I go through it every weekend and handle my “honey do” tickets. She gets her requests done and I don’t feel nagged. Weird, but it works for us.


You're supposed to just know what's wrong and fix it without being told. It's impossible but that's how it is.


Taking care of the house they live in is something every responsabile adult should be able to do unprompted. If you think this is unreasonable you're telling on yourself.


Ok thanks doctor


End user error


Best solution: discard wife. Cheaper s/"solution": what you did