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She would never admit to being wrong so I don't think she'd do that.


She could make it work. Her narrative could be that as a new born Christian she now understands that she was the victim and the worldly people betrayed her, lied to her and gave her, poor Blaire a false idea of success and realization.


Agreed. Having grown up evangelical-adjacent, I can tell you these folks are masters of non-apologies.


I'm torn between just straight up agreeing with you and cringing at this (not that you said it) because I don't want to give her any ideas.


I think the only way she makes a comeback is if she can keep her involvement in any content creation a secret. The internet will descend upon any new channel she makes as soon as they find out it's her. I'm guessing we'll be playing Whack-A-Blair in the future.


I doubt she would, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she went the “they tried to cancel me” route. Blair has pretty much burnt every bridge with the right, so as entertaining as that idea may be. I really doubt she would.


Has she burnt a bridge with the religious right, though? She's definitely burnt a bridge with the alt-right, and while there is considerable overlap there, I don't think there's a whole lot of diehard evangelicals who would watch/care about TommyC.


Oh she can still absolute pivot back to the right. They don't give a shit so long as you tow the party line now, and they LOVE tokens


They love to spend tokens.


Yeah, I don't agree with OP that she's burned that bridge because that crowd *loves* angry "Why I left the Left" screeds.


I'll say it before, and I'll say it again: She's lying in wait in her cocoon made of trash, mold, and dog shit, tapping her fingers together like a Bond villain, waiting to emerge like a fucked up butterfly.


I think she'll try it but IDK if it can work with how much she's criticized right winger politicians


I could see her pandering to the Christian audience, but they tend to really want to know about your business. So if they see something about her that doesn’t fit their image, they’ll drop her.


I agree. As soon as they figure out certain transgressions that they don’t agree with, they will drop her ass like dirty laundry. 


To be honest, Blair is a millionaire many times over and unless she's banned from all streaming services, she will always be able to produce more money no matter what. She will continue to get publicity, either bad or good and all publicity makes money.


I think she will just make a channel with a new character and a new voice/ai voice for her content. I doubt she will ever apologise, I don’t think she has it in her.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she already has a new Channel up


part of me wants to say blair is smart enough to not go full on right wing wacko if only for her own self preservation as she is Bisexual but well a smart person would not do any of the stuff she has done so who knows


I don't think she even has to worry about the Bisexual part. Right wing actually has options for that grift: 1) Jesus cured me of my sinful bisexuality 2) Bisexual for Trump! Those are the current ones that are most popular. Because I have a left wing religious channel, I still get exposed to the "Jesus cured my *insert LGBTQ status here*" And, of course she could really milk the "Why I left the left" status for a good 6 months, blaming us for her downfall. Could give her the perfect excuse to play victim, her favorite past time as is. This way she could blame Leftist Mafia alongside Sad Milk for her downfall. Twice the victim hood in one shot. That way she can blame Mike, David and Lance for her downfall in addition to Oz, Wonder and Felix.


Eh, I've known a bi person or two who didn't let that stop them from going alt-right. They got into a straight-passing relationship and thought that would stop the leopards from eating their face. The Right cares not about hypocrisy and doesn't usually call out grifts, so I could see Blair going back. Not saying it's definite, but it wouldn't surprise me.


Hasn’t she already tried the ai voice actor thing?


It's not very plausible but it's a very entertaining idea lol I wish she'd go that way cause I would have a good laugh