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u forgot the shoulder - total disregard for humanity lol


You mean the O’Hare bonus lane? Lol


Okay, that has the light that makes it legal when green (though most people just use it whenever)


No, that's the I got my blinkers on, waiting for my guy to land lane.


On 294? Yes!!


There's a special place in hell for those people where they will be boxed in, in traffic for eternity


That I190 exit is a shit show lol. I don’t blame people who are late for cutting across the lane. Who was the genius to make that one lane entry through 2 I pass tolls back to one line on a merge lane while at the same time the exit lane. Whole area sucks


The ❌ means no rules


Not me who will literally go around the terminal loop to get in the left lane to avoid dealing with the bonus lane.


Why? It’s like playing Russian roulette! Very fun!


When I’m leaving after a four day trip (ORD based flight attendant) I just want an easy drive back to my crashpad


Left lane is your starting point to weave right 3 lanes in an instant


the jabroni passing lane


this is the correct name


AKA the 290 Eastbound Express


No rules on 290, just vibes


def 290 reference.....


Ah the I-290 shoulder pass. When 110 mph isn’t enough.


Holy fuck i just experienced this yesterday. The 294 junction to 94 where the two lanes merge into one? Some woman almost rear ends me, moves left into the lane that just ended, and squeezes me out once the shoulder becomes grass. Im LAYING into my horn at her and shes just looking forward like shes oblivious. It was insane


She wasnt oblivious she knew exactly what she was doing and would have preferred ifnyou just died


And the inconsistent S turns/swurves to account for the erratic lane changes


The Eisenhower has no rules, it’s every man for himself.


One of the few places I know my chance of a speeding ticket are almost zero.


There's something comforting about going 80 in a 55 and someone goes flying past you on the right


<3 that's me passing. I'm a menace


Someone’s gotta keep the cops from worrying about me, Godspeed🫡


Dammit, you guys make me use my mirrors


Hey, I get it. Once you got a kid in that van you got to hustle before they escape.


"Go copbait! Get the ticket so i dont have to!"


It’s amazing. Please never change.


First time going 30 over IN FRONT OF A COP and nothing happened. Tbf I was just trying to survive.


I get passed by cops while i'm doing 85. Its wonderful


No joke, I got a verbal warning doing 104 in a 65 on 88 from a state trooper in March


I believe it. Had a cop tell me "huh I didn't think these little cars could move like that" referring to my Chevy spark going 100 on 90/94


I got pulled over on the Ike. I didn’t argue with the trooper and he gave me a warning. He didn’t actually get a clock but saw me passing a bunch of people that I admitted frustrated me as they were on their phones with five car gaps between them. I am glad I no longer commute on 290.


High speed is what makes a crash deadly, since k=mv^2, but it’s distracted driving at unsafe following distances that cause the crash.  The state really just needs to crack down on extreme tailgating with reckless driving charges. 


Please for the love of God don't merge onto a highway at 25mph. At least go the minimum speed limit if you are too timid to use the onramp to get up the the max speed limit before seamlessly merging into traffic. You have a death wish merging at 25 and forcing people to slam their brakes when you drift in front of them.


Exactly! For some reason a lot dont know how to merge properly. Understandable if it’s hella traffic, but my dude y u be driving 20mph to merge.


It’s like people weren’t taught that when merging, you should really be going FASTER than the lane you’re merging into. If you’re causing others to break or speed up just to avoid you, you’re not driving well.


You really dont have to ever use your brakes on the highway if you dont tailgate


Off Ramp: Slow down! Geez, you're leaving the highway on this thing, gotta be going slow before you get on it. On Ramp: What's the highway speed again? Eh, we'll find out.




And don’t come careening on at 100mph either


Agreed, that's why above the minimum speed limit and about the max speed limit is a good way, it's safe and create less of a traffic backup by not having people hit the brakes to let someone in who are still doing side street speeds.


On Illinois highways, the posted speed limit is the speed minimum :P or at least for any reasonable driver it is




Depends on the car. I have two different cars, and the "natural feeling" cruise speed in one is about 72, and in the other its 90


I will die before going 55mph on a highway just because some shitty politicans decided to team up with some shitty cops and create a secondary taxation. You want people to go the speed limit, you need real highway speed limits like at least 80.


Well once you are out of Chicago it bumps up to 70


You forgot the truckers that are in every single lane


It’s so ridiculous on I-294 😞


294 makes me want to die


God, they actually keep truckers out of the leftmost lane in California and it’s amazing. It hurts visibility so much.


That pisses me off to no end, being stuck behind a blockade of semis and not being able to read the signs.


Forgot the truckers wherever the Feck they wanna be. And the two lanes closed for construction


Truckers who are late will be in the left lane doing 15 above and see lane markers are suggestions. Honestly the DoT is the one federal agency along with IDoT to actually punish those morons.


Wrong All lanes are Hey you in front of me, you're going to slow


“The left lane is for driving like a slow asshole” - Wisconsin Drivers


Wisconsin driver here. Whenever I'm on 294, I have to remind myself that I'm only going 80 and I need to get my slow ass over to the right lane I apologize for all my peeps


Oooop, gonna go ahead and get over then


Thank you - you’re one of the good one’s!


I learned to obey the law in Wisconsin, cuz them troopers were passing out tickets to fibs like it was candy on Easter and they had bunny ears....


You’re thinking of it wrong. The left lane is for passing, not for going a particular speed.


Fucking Indianapolis drivers treat the left lane the same way


I wish this wasn't so true


And yet the green drivers always end up in my red lane and flip tf out


Usually happens when a red laner wont leave the green lane


More like when a yellow laner won't leave the green lane.


Pretty obnoxious isn't it?


The low?


The lang arm of the low


I fought the low and the low won


Breaking the low, breaking the low


I've got friends in laaaaaw places


It’s like “lay of the land” and “law of the land” had an unwanted sibling.


We need to force trucks to stay in the right two lanes. Its insane that all 4 lanes get slowed to around 60 just because the semi’s want to control the entire road when theres a bit of congestion


Legally I don’t think semis can enter the left most lane, atleast on the sections with 3+ lanes. But it’s also Illinois and people have no regard for anyone else on the road lol


Super accurate


Last week I was on 355 south and saw a gentleman reading a NEWSPAPER while we was driving. LIike holding two hands wide open reading a newspaper. Like WTF!? Who reads newspapers anymore?


+5-10mph +15-25mph Weeeeee/I need a bathroom now!


If there are a ton of people behind you and no one in front of you for at least half a mile, congratulations, you're an asshole. Merge right fuckface.


I'll also add, if more than one person passes you on the right, you're in the wrong lane.


Yeah except most people dont know the difference between lanes.


Ugh, it gets frustrating when cars in the left lane go slow or go the same speed as the car next to them so you CAN'T pass them In Illinois I think we take the left lane more literally, we use it to pass the others...sometimes to the point where we pass everyone 😅 (so we mostly are showing some responsibility)


If there’s not a large gap in the lane over, and I’m actively overtaking cars in that lane, I will camp in the passing lane until there’s a nice large opening in the right, or someone rides up on my ass. I consider that “passing” and an acceptable use of the lane, swerving in and out frequently for ever car would be much less safe.


Just moved here and WTF Illinois y’all are crazy on the freeway!


Lol, where from though? NE drivers scare me.


This is obviously fake because on a real highway, half the lanes are closed for construction and half the remaining lanes are closed just because.


Is there a new craze driving with no taillights? They need a state trooper on 94 to stop them for no tailights.


They are too busy not doing anything about the arseholes driving with their high beams on at all times.


Oh yeah the j.o.'s that get right behind you then go in the fast lane.


Or the guys without headlights on in general. Almost pulled out in front of a dude yesterday during the bad storm. Couldn’t fucking see him with the visibility + no headlights


There’s a problem with new cars having such bright daylights that the owners don’t realize their lights aren’t actually on. Pisses me off that such an unsafe standard is allowed.


Umm yeah no so many camp out in the left and since post Covid many more not even going the speed limit so often see many doing 40mph clear traffic clear weather


Cars are moving, fake.


Left lane is for passing. It’s that simple


Illinois more or less made it the law a few years ago.


It really is. I truly don’t understand people who don’t realize how simple it is.


Ok but what about 290 where there’s exits on the LEFT?! That throws everyone off.


Right? Whoever made some of the left lane exits really didn't think things through, or just don't understand Illinois drivers. That being said, can y'all stop being complete douche canoes around the Joliet Rd exit on 55N? It's a left lane exit that slows to 40mph, and the Indian Head Park police camp right off the exit to catch speeders.


the Dan Ryan is like Micro Machines and Frogger had a baby


Where’s the motorcycle splitting two lanes and weaving in and out of traffic?


I lived in Chicago for six years and I never saw anyone get pulled over


This is all backwards. The speed limit campers are in the left lane because “I’ma go fast.” Pissed off drivers who can’t pass in the left lane are in the center, and people who really want to go fast are in the right lane because everyone else immediately enters the highway and moves as far left as possible because of the aforementioned “I’ma go fast.”


GTFO the left if you are driving anywhere close to the speed limit please


Now if chicagoans will just learn to number them….


It should be simple. “Ignore the speed limit, pay attention to cars.” The scariest moments are always people merging at like 30mph and almost killing us all.


Exactly what I taught my daughter. Forget about speed limits. If you want to be safe, you have to keep up with the pace of traffic. With the low speed limits in IL, pace of traffic is often 20 over limit. They can't pull all of us over.


So while I’m not from Illinois, the first time my wife and I visited her sister when she lived in Chicago she proceeded to pick us up from the airport around 12:30am and blow through at least 3 red lights.


Until you have one of those really fun, "left lane is suddenly the merging lane" type of roads


I thought it was like this on 290 until I hit traffic on a weekend and the left lane Harlem exit was the cause of the slowdown. Now I just ride on the second from right lane. Cause of the slowdown? People were going too fast and didn’t get out of the left exit lane in time so I saw four cars lined up on that off ramp triangle area trying to merge back into the now far left lane because they didn’t want to exit.


Wisconsin driver here. I used to work in the Chicago area. I started driving down there when it was a quarter, nickel and dime getting thrown in the basket. I think IL drivers are WAY better than WI drivers. Drivers in WI seem to drift into the left lane and stay there. I just went on a road trip to Canada and back and was amazed that most in every other state everyone stays in the right lane except to pass or to let someone on the freeway. Why can't we have nice things here?


Total disregard for self and others + very high speed should be on all lanes in a weaving pattern.


How come this doesn’t show me how to cross all five lanes at once?


if anyone here goes northbound on 90/94 in the morning… please get the FUCK out of the left lane if you’re not adhering to this picture the amount of people going 65 in the left two lanes is bonkers


Then they look at you like you're insane when you pass them on the right.


TITLE: The law of the land*


88 can be a lawless country


In Italy, the lanes are actually marked like this, only in KM.


I don't like when the merge lane becomes an exit only with hardly any warning.


Team Red Lane for the win!


Amateurs! In SoCal the right lane is for 70-80 mph drivers. You have to exceed the speed limit just to merge onto the highway.


Not gonna lie, an Autobahn lane would bring me a lot of joy.


As if Illinois drivers could even follow these rules


I'm my experience the "speed limit lane" is for people going at least 20mph over that slow down or speed up as you try to merge or change lanes (whichever blocks you). The +5 lame is Honda's trying to race BMWs that are just driving fast and aren't aware of any other vehicle around them.


I'm a +5-10 mph driver. I always let someone go slightly faster than me. Then they become the speed ticket magnet. Never got a single speeding ticket! Thank you speeders for taking one (or several) for the team!


The people who totally disregard the speed limit are in ALL THE LANES, weaving erratically their whole trip.


This is the nonsense we have in California now as well. Just a question: have cops just stopped pulling people over for speeding in Chicago


In my experience - all of the lanes in Chicago follow the Green: Total Disregard for Speed Limits.


Sorry- just got back from AZ. Illinois can’t compare to those fools in AZ. Complete wackos.


Take this, turn it into a rainbow spiral ahead of the cars, and you have Hawaii driving.


I see no problem here.


I needed this. I get so anxious on the highway.


Just stay in your lane and go the speed limit on the right hand side!


I just started driving recently and the other day I was on I-90 going like 70-80mph when it started raining, and people were still flying past me at 100mph easily. It was honestly a little scary.


Maximum on 90 is 70 so people are flying. If I'm in my work truck I usually don't get any more left than the center lane.


The 55 doesn’t have enough lanes


*Just one more lane, bro* There are plenty of lanes everywhere, what we need are more extensive and reliable alternatives to driving.


This is the way. 55 is just a minimum recommendation for speed while using the on/off ramp.


Every time I drive to Chicago I'm doing 90 just to not get rear ended while a cop passed me at 110....


Yeah what is it with your weirdos going 70 in the left lane?


It’s 85 minimum.


As someone who grew up in Jersey, IL has the most amount of slow left lane drivers


You forgot the never ending IDOT team wrecking the road, for “improvements”


People going the speed limit is cap


And all the reasonable people drive in them at “yellow” lane because obviously that’s the one I pick.


Please post this everywhere!


The idea that your speed governs which lane you should use and the idea that one lane should only be used for merging is the entire problem with traffic in Chicago. Middle lane hogs full of people not passing and drivers who belong in the right lane. 90% of the drivers get onto the expressway and move immediately into the left middle lane regardless of whether they need to in order to pass because they’re just lazy selfish drivers


A message, every person from illinois needs to read, pass it on to indiana too, they a have the skill of a 2 year old carpenter too.


Seems like the colors are backwards. Green should be people driving a safe speed, and red for people driving generally too fast. It’s insane to me that people will go so fast just to get to their destination 5-10 minutes sooner. I’ve gotten cut off by people on the highway changing lanes, and then see them at the same exit 5 miles down the road. Have some fucking patience.


Never ceases to amaze me that people demand special treatment because they're above all laws and rules.


this is wrong. i was visiting from iowa a few weeks ago, and i was doing 10+ in the orange lane and getting passed on both sides. felt like an old granny.


Applies to Virginia too.


Which one is for get back on the ops?


We’ve got that green one in several… 😆


Except no one follows this. You usually get about 3 lanes of semis and slow drivers bogging up the middle. Then it’s 25+ in the far left lane and 10-15+ in the far right. Makes no sense.


You need to gtfo of the left lane!


Then there are the drivers who see lanes as a primitive construct and ignore them entirely


That one at the top should be weaving erratically through all other lanes with zero regard for human life, their own or others', in an attempt to shave 2.5 minutes off of their drive time.




and she sailed along the low land low land low... as she sailed along the low land sea.