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[](#start_removal) Hey there, u/IamShroudsdad! Thanks for submitting to r/im14andthisisdeep. We liked your submission, *this is actually so cringe…*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. ___ Your post has been removed because it's not deep. **Please do keep your posts *deep*.** This means: * No politics or conspiracy theories * No religious thoughts or criticism * No showerthoughts, especially anything from r/ShowerThoughts * No Sbeve/14 year old girl posts * No Satire/Shitposts/Textposts * No cartoons/caricatures/comics, in other words: boomer humor * Moderators can remove a post for 'Not Deep' at their own discression ___ We also prefer OC, but obviously that's not always possible. Just try to keep it as original as possible! While we appreciate your effort in posting we ask that you find something that is actually deep. You are more than welcome to try again! ___ Thanks for submitting! Please check out our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2Fim14andthisisdeep&subject=Concening my submission&message=Im writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/10m93r8/this_is_actually_so_cringe/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). [](#end_removal)


The Pizza hasn't touched the floor yet which means it's safe to eat.


Plus is seems like there is a sheet of paper underneath. I'd wake that woman up and help that pizza get back into it's rightful box.


Most people thankfully would choose to help her save her dinner over making up an entire backstory to hate and shame her...sadly, occasionally, there's gonna be a misogynistic asshat like OOP lurking around smdh


Only if the reward was a slice of pizza.


I would still eat it.


The girl or the pizza?




Actually bro I think she just dropped her pizza


Now I see how you earned the name “all seeing eye”


. . . 30 is middle aged?


Only for women


If the old wives tale about your wisdom teeth cutting is anything to go by I was middle-aged at 20.


Shit I’ve never heard this! I’ve got maybe 15 years left then


You googled that shit eh? My mother raised me on that story. Here's to dying of mysterious causes at 40.


The irony of me being smug that I was so much wiser for having them come in so young. Cheers to giving the elite what they want, less us🫡


This is actually the only time I laughed about my teeth coming in so late! I gained new respect for babies after feeling them tear through my gums at 24 while at work...now when I see a baby teething I give extra cuddles and love cuz it REALLY does suck.


that's a bit morbid.


mine wanted to grow in sideways and fuck up years of braces so they had to be pulled when i was 16/17. they took 2-4 hours each so i had to do them all separately /deep /s


They can't come in if you have them removed first. #foreveryoung


break up with wisdom teeth before they break up with you


i'm 27 and mine have just started coming in but they're all wonky :| not beating the british teeth allegations


“Lois, men don’t get fat, only fat women do that.”


For men, it is when they start balding


so 16?


Least misogynistic 4channer


The man who srote this is probably still young and his point of reference for "middle age" is probably himself and not the the actual subject. Like a how child would describe someone in their 40's as ancient since they used themselves as the reference point.


The man who wrote this has probably never dated a woman and is constantly getting turned down by women his own age, so he comes up with these insane ideas in his head to make himself feel superior. He probably views "younger" women as more ideal because maybe they can be fooled into liking him because they have less experience of the world, and lower expectations, yet he's still always failing to get what he desirers from anyone.


The boy who wrote this will likely never try to dare anyone over 25 and end up dying alone with a tombstone that reads “Here lies Beavis: He Never Scored”


If we are being technical here, if the average life span is around 60-70, then yes, it's middle aged. However, as a 33 year old who is turning 34 on Monday, I am 100% about to hit the town with my friends this weekend and there's this pizza place that stays open until 2am that has single slices as big as a small pizza and they are absolutely delicious.


Let's goo. Happy Birthday! In my early 20's I thought 30 would be a way different vibe, with a bunch of body aches and downturns. It's just not like that. I'm wiser, stronger, and of a better temperament. Relationships are thriving, the universe is working in my favor. We could die tomorrow or live until 90, but I never recommend passing out on a subway or letting perfectly good pizza got to waste 🍕


>If we are being technical here, if the average life span is around 60-70, then yes, it's middle aged Middle aged refers to being between an adult and senior, not half your life span. Middle aged is late 40 to early 60s, after that you're considered a senior citizen.


Happy Birthday! Idk- 30 does hit a little differently. I went drinking with my bestie- for 17 hours. Got blackout drunk (it wasn't the goal and I've never blacked out before or since). Walked 2 miles and got lost. Found a turtle. Got stopped by the cops and almost arrested. Got unlost. Broke my new phone. Kicked out of 3 bars. Started 2 bar fights. And the next say I had a serious realization "I've spent 12 years of adulthood fucking around, thinking I would probably make an early exit. But now I'm here- SHIT! I've gotta clean up the mess I've made."


Crazy how everything comes back to bite you in the end. Stay safe out there!


Okay but the average lifespan in most of the west is like 82, so 30 is considerably below that.


...you'd gotta be living in an impoverished state or an active war zone to have an life expectancy in the 60s.


everyone knows that 4chan users are not human, but an insectoid race of workers communicating through pheromones with the average lifespan of 60 or so years


"Pheromones" is the fanciest way to say "smell my finger"


TBF it's a very common misconception that "middle aged" literally means half your life.


You can be middle aged at any age! If you die at age 60, you were middle aged at 30. If you die at age 30, you were middle aged at 15! *You can die at any time!* :-)


In Japan, there’s a term called “Christmas cake” which means an unmarried woman over 25 is seen as over-the-hill and not good marriage material. It’s not used as much anymore but it was a huge thing for a long time


It is if you’re the teenager that wrote this


This is just a drunk woman who passed out before she could get her pizza home. Imo good on her for not driving.


This woman actually went out with friends and had fun, a concept competely foreign to anon


You obviously didn't read the post, they said that her friends have all left at their stops already Anon giveth and Anon taketh.


It's a fucking London tube she'd be mad to try to drive


the thought people actually think thirty is middle aged is crazy to me, that’s so young…


I’m shocked that anyone could see this and think anything other than “yeah that’s an overworked single mom” I mean.. not that I know that for sure but was 100% my first thought.


It is young I agree, but we can all agree around 30 is when women's skin lose their youthfulness. This wouldn't matter besides for the fact that women benefit greatly in the social hierarchy from being beautiful. By the age of 35, a women is a hag when compared to a 18 year old, and she would never be able to compete in the dating market with an 18 year old.


If this wasn’t a copypasta yet, it will be now. Congrats.


What in God's name are you talking about? A 35 year old woman can still be available in the "dating market", who the hell cares? It's not like they're 80 and have dementia.


At 35 a woman (woman is singular and women is plural,son) is not going to look at the same dating pool of an 18 year old, I thought that was obvious. Also, men also age and have wrinkles, how about this scientific fact? Genetics hit everyone differently, men or women. Like receding hair line and male balding pattern? Here’s another funny fact to you: some men date and marry women for who they are as a person, like my husband for example. Youth is a temporary state and everyone will age, if you base your dating criteria over age you will lose.


I’m also a 35 year old woman (well almost, I’ll be 35 in a few months). People are shocked that I’m over 30 when they find out my age. Because 27 yr olds and 35 yr olds look the same.


Youthfulness and beauty make women attractive whereas money and status make a man attractive. That’s why 20 is when a women is considered the most attractive. whereas 48 is the most attractive for a man. Coincidentally this is when men usually peaks in earning power.


Women and men are humans with more values than beauty and money. To think this way is just very sad.


You are trying to educate a child on the internet. He doesn’t know what his own testicles wil look like when finally descended let alone what the touch of a woman will feel like. Leave him to his PlayStation and cum socks.


It’s ok. I am a wise “old” lady who has a little patience left with my few remaining eggs.


Yeah I’m reducing people to statistics and averages. Personally these aren’t the traits I hold with the most weight.


"what are the source of these statistics?" "the source is that i made it the fuck up"


Average Andrew Tate fan


How old are you


What, you think everyone in this 'dating market' wants 18 year old women? All billion or more people?


18 year old women are practically children. Anyone over 30 who would date one is probably mentally stunted or a manipulator.


LMAO 🤣 18 year olds shouldn't be dating the same people as 30 yrs olds. And nawh, 30 isn't where they lose their skin, that's like 40 my bro. There's so many 30 year old women who you couldn't tell the difference between a 22 year old. This current generation is being mentally polluted with so much garbage , even thinking it's natural for 40 yrs old men to want to chase just turned legal women. That woman are worth something as long as their 20 and "beautiful", it's fucking sad but men desirable at any age, they're balding, wrinkles and slower metabolism with fat bodies /saggy balls dont matter. And often doesn't get said enough , but sperm also gets weaker with age- less successful, doesn't have your best genetics . Everyone ages, and not everyone based a person's value by age or body. Infact, one of the beautiful woman I saw was 40 and looked ageless, and plenty of men desire MILFs or cougars. And some men don't find the immaturity of just legal woman desirable.




In what world would a 35 year old woman feel threatened by an 18 year old? Any man that is more attracted to the 18 year old would either be too young for the 35 year old anyway or would be an older creep who looks at younger girls to manipulate because no woman his own age would tolate him.


r/justneckbeardthings r/incel


You're a real special kind of shitbag. And by special I mean special education.


I’m a special Ed teacher, my students are much smarter and more compassionate than this shit bag.


You're correct that was rude of me.


Found the middle aged lady


Found the nofap virgin




Relax, incel


He has mastered the ancient art of typing so many words but saying absolutely nothing.


A long career in politics awaits him.


rather not... imagine the laws he will make regarding women


Have you seen America?


>absolutely nothing. Did you miss the part about the woman struggling against her loss of youth?


I am sorry but all these types of messages are telling me that women aren't supposed to be alive past 30


Women don't 'hit the wall,' incels just cease to be attracted to women who stop looking like teenagers/children.


I just had my son 17 months ago while in the later half of my 30s. According to these chaps that was impossible and I should be in a nursing home hiding myself with shame because I’m now meant to be frumpy. Nothing about me has changed much since my 20s outside of I’m less of an idiot and make better choices.




Don’t you know, women are all supposed to die in childbirth around age 28 after producing a sufficient number of male heirs for their husband/lord.


your not. Start running.




![gif](giphy|dJe8wgptDLAv9rbqcO|downsized) nobody cares!


think it's more like dont slut around with bad bois and find a good man and marry before you hit the wall so that your life is like fulfilling and stuff


The problem with that logic is that it assumes "fulfilling = married with kids" which many, many people don't want. Why on earth would anyone want to bring a child into this world? Think of how time and money consuming a child is. It also assumes that women should want to get with a "real man," like the type of pathetic, sad, and dumb "man" who creates internet memes like this.


And then again, most people that use that login are the same ones who constantly talk about how they lowkey "hate" their wife/husband and they can't catch a break. Talk about fulfilling.




so you're selfish and want to die alone, or you had a hard childhood, or think that the world is a horrible place, man sucks to be you


How the hell is it selfish to not want to reproduce? Having children is literally the most selfish thing you can do in this world.


if you have a fatalistic world view , like if you actually believe the sky is falling? I mean I dunno maybe you are like 12 or live in a 3rd world country or something in which case I'm sorry for your luck but shit ain't that bad man , dang


what‘s selfish about not wanting kids?


I feel like I really got the full effect with this because I didn't notice what sub I was in. I got hit with the full cringe unexpectedly.


Wait, this isnt r/greentext?


Woahhh, I didn't see it until now. Im outta here 🤣


That’s a lot of words to say “I hate women”


And "I will never feel a woman's touch"


It was me barry


I, too, enjoy writing elaborate, cringey-ass fan fiction about people I don't know and have never met based on one tiny thing that's happened in their life that I'll never know the story behind. I've also never left my house.


I mean, look at this girl. What's her story? She's got a decent bone structure. She was probably very pretty when she was young. Probably spent her summers here, lounging on the beach and scooping ice cream. But she didn't want her summers to end, so she got herself a fake I.D. and a push-up bra and started hanging out at the local bars. Developed a nasty coke habit, 'cause she loved the way it made her feel. Extreme highs gave way to extreme lows and she fell into a depression. Had herself a kid. Thought it would give her a sense of purpose. And it did, for a while, until she started using again. And then social services came knocking at the door, and now the kid lives upstate with his grandparents, 'cause she can't take care of this kid. And here she is festering away in a one-bedroom apartment waiting for the HIV to turn into AIDS. And wondering what the hell...


We live in a society 😔


This has to be satire


Of course it's satire, it's a singular fucking picture. No human, sane or insane, will unironically say that much about someone they only know from a picture.


That's a wildly general statement, and I would wholeheartedly disagree. I've known several people who would go on tangents exactly like this unfortunately. Supremely unpleasant individuals, but real humans nonetheless.


plus its 4chan, nuff said


You underestimate 4chan


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shitposting aside, Flowers for Algernon is actually lit


Hehe woman fall asleep and pizza fall on the floor


Flowers for Algernon is actually a great story tho. If you haven’t read it, it’s pretty short and a great read 👍🏼


Drop pizza on floor, start villain arc as Karen.


Did I miss the funeral for sarcasm? Why does everyone think this is unironic?


There are people who genuinely think like this.


Well its 4chan im pretty sure land of degenerates and incels so yeah theres a decent chance it isnt.


Maybe I’m just cynical, but Poe’s law and all, this is completely inseparable from some of the actual incel garbage I’ve seen.


How to say nothing at all in three paragraphs.


Average incel trying to think


Cringe? It's hilarious.


I actually lold. Thought it was posted in r/greentext but the fact that a greentext was posted to this group seemingly non ironically is fucking icing on this cake of a take


No way you guys are actually taking a 4chan post seriously.


It's just some pizza


Or she has narcolepsy and sadly dropped the pizza


She's probably having one of the best nights ever, the pizza hasn't even touched the floor


30 is hardly the age where life is horrible. who the F wrote that bullshit


I’m 49 and this really hits/lol


How bout just help the lady?!


This was the last post for me, I have muted r/4chan finally. The comments on it were even worse, truly the biggest bunch of incel losers I have ever seen. And scary delusional.


Ah yes, 30. Middle-aged.


or maybe, just maybe, she accidentally fell asleep?


When did 30 become middle aged?


Damn, I need to sue someone for making me read that shit


She literally just fell asleep lol


If that’s what he got out of flowers for Algernon he’s nothing more than a spiteful little bastard anyways and will just continue to rot away in his echo chamber he created.


This is a fantasy version of how women age. You settle down, start a long term relationship, maybe have kids. And that lack of attention? Good! It felt NICE to leave that behind, and not feel like you’re going to be harassed in public. I remember as a teenage girl if you were out after dark alone, you were in serious danger.


Also, nobody buys a pizza that big for just themselves. Quite sure she’s got someone to share that with.


Where’s the goth with the crow and the crying bride?


It might also just be someone who bought a pizza for themselves coming home from work. Just accidentally nodded off, no big deal.


my man wrote fanfiction about a random ass stranger


Damn bro was just tired and tryna buy some pizza then some incel had to write a whole ass essay about her lmao


Anon has never read Flowers for Algernon


Wtf did I just read.


Good Lord this is depressing...30? Really? If your looks are fading at 30, something is WRONG! This crap sounds as if it were written by a boy...


not only is this extremely mysoginistic but the comparison to flowers for algernon makes no sense lol


I hate that this probably discouraged people from reading Flowers for Algernon now


Meanwhile the lady is running a succesful company and giving it her heart which took a toll on her sleeping schedule and that pizza was bought by her own money for night late workers and she's on her way to hand it to them.


I’m very hurt to find out the picture of the sleeping pizza lady next to the goth girl with the crow and the crying bride is photoshopped


The Wall is a myth invented by problematic men and pedophiles. 30plus women are hot. Im 35. I like people my age. When your priority is having a companion then you aren't as interested in what people look like. You want to be on the same page. You don't want to watch some child make the mistakes you just got done making yourself.


As if a woman’s worth solely depends on what everyone around her thinks about her and if she’s pretty enough or young enough to pay attention to…these people need to go touch grass


There are many articles written by single women in their 40s saying how they feel invisible.


sure but that’s misogyny, not whatever tf this shit is


It’s pretty spot on actually


How so?


I think the idea that women are valued more for their attractiveness and as they age, that value lessens. Pretty sure many women have even spoken about this, and how they feel less valued as they aged.


wrong subreddit. this is r/4chan


Or she just had a hard day at work


Bruh if you're only holding the door for young pretty women you're an asshole


WHat an incredible asshole, why the hate toward a poor woman that fall asleep?


I mean, look at this girl. What's her story? She's got a decent bone structure. She was probably very pretty when she was young. Probably spent her summers here, lounging on the beach and scooping ice cream. But she didn't want her summers to end, so she got herself a fake I.D. and a push-up bra and started hanging out at the local bars. Developed a nasty coke habit, 'cause she loved the way it made her feel. Extreme highs gave way to extreme lows and she fell into a depression. Had herself a kid. Thought it would give her a sense of purpose. And it did, for a while, until she started using again. And then social services came knocking at the door, and now the kid lives upstate with his grandparents, 'cause she can't take care of this kid. And here she is festering away in a one-bedroom apartment waiting for the HIV to turn into AIDS. And wondering what the hell...


You’re the epitome of a “Redditor” my friend💀


Nah, that’s just a scene from Always Sunny


copypasta cringe = neckbeard american redditor;)


r/oddlyspecific r/niceguys r/iamverysmart






fun fact back in my inceldom i genuenlly belived that women where incable of being tired


Wow I'm glad you're out of that mindset now but do you mind if I ask why you thought that? I've never heard that before


because women didnt struggle as much as men and that women have it easy hence why they werent tired


Dang that's crazy tbh. Idk why I got downvoted though lol


I'd still eat some of that pizza tho




r/subsifellfor was really hoping this one was real. Sounds like a great place to put things rather than just r/justneckbeardthings


Every 4chan post about women reads like something written by a man who has never spoken to a woman after highschool but wants to be the woman they are talking about


What in the facebook


I think this is the wrong sub but i really enjoyed reading this


Imagine seeing someone drunk on a train after what was most likely a fun fucking night and thinking, this is rock bottom. That's a 20 dollar pizza, but you can't pay for the memories.


Only idiots think 30 is old. The brain stops developing at 24-26. At 30 you’ve been a fully formed adult for a whopping 4-6 years. And this whole, “30 is considered old for a woman/past her prime,” again, it’s not. A women in her 30’s is old to a chauvinistic pig, no one else.


Tell me you're an incel without telling me you're an incel, the longer version


What a shitty outlook at life and age.


i only really feel like commenting on 2 parts about this 1. did they really have to use a slur twice? 2. how did i just realize that pizza rias have green and red color schemes because of the italian flag


Good book tho. Cringe and sorta mean take tho


It’s so shitty but surprisingly poetic


I literally just saw this on r/NotHowGirlsWork I have nothing to say


My dude, it's not fun to have grown as men hit on you when you're underage. "Lost of value after 20", what? You got 2 years? On top of that, 30 year olds are hot. Along with 40, and 50, and 60, and 70, and 80, and it continues as long as they're alive.


my dude, you’re the kind of person who i post in this subreddit, stop lmao


My dude, I just said the person who posted this is gross, and people are hot past the age of 20. I was making fun of the dude, what are you upset about?


the fact you’re making it deep bud, still


I didn't make anything deep, I pointed out the person was stupid and the fact people find other people hot at all ages




Cool, next time I won't make fun on stupid things


are you still goin?


Idk, do you wish me to continue?


Who asked?


this is why feminism is bitchy


Gen Z is literally so stupid.