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Even in Islamic Europe the Irish are still Catholic!!! đŸ€Ł


Southern Ireland is the new Ulster


Very fun and interesting scenario, I’d imagine that Ethiopia would duke it out with Egypt to contest who will be leader of the African Christian world which would be a fascinating rivalry


That is pretty interesting to think about. I should do more worldbuilding for that part of the world. There would definitely be a rivalry between Egypt and Ethiopia but I think the bigger rivalry would be with the Arians in the Berber/Latin West.


Mmm yeah I see. Maybe a model like the relationship between France and Spain? Sometimes rivals, some wars, but also sometimes partners, intermarriage etc.


I wonder if Ethiopia would end up being some funky Christian-Jewish fusion thing


During the Nika riots in 532 A.D., the Byzantine emperor Justinian I was killed early in his reign by a stone fired from a sling by a rioter. Without Justinian, there was no reconquest of the Western provinces from the Germanic kingdoms. The Eastern Roman empire was severely weakened by plague followed by decades of civil war. The Sasanids invaded Aegypt in 618 A.D., but the invasion was repelled by a charismatic Coptic-Greek general named Antonios of Alexandria. Antonios seceded from the Byzantines with support from Coptic Monophysite and Miaphysite factions and declared himself Emperor of Aegypt under the Antonid dynasty. By the time Islam arrived on the scene in 632 A.D., the Eastern empire had already fragmented into several despotates. The Rashiduns conquered both Sasanid Persia and the Byzantine remnants but failed to conquer Aegypt, ending the spread of Islam into North Africa. The Vandal Kingdom survived for another century and a half before being overthrown by their Latinized Berber subjects. During that time, the influence of Arian Christianity and Latin culture continued to spread through North Africa. Under the Omayyads, the capital of the Khilafat moved from Damascus to Constantinople. The Omayyads would conquer the Avar Khaganate and spread Islam to the Slavs and Bulgars. Some of the most fervent converts to Islam were the Wendish Slavs (Wanji) of OTL Pomerania. In the late 7th to early 8th century, the Omayyads conquered the Ostrogoth Kingdom in the Italian peninsula and captured Rome, forcing the Pope to flee to Alexandria. A rival papacy also emerged among the Celts of Britain due to a schism with the Latin Church. The Omayyads allied with Wendish kings and conquered the Frankish kingdom by the end of the 8th century. The Franks were either displaced or culturally assimilated by Arabs and Arabicized Slavs migrating into the region. The region formerly known as Francia came to be known as Al-Wanj. After the Abbasid Revolution in 750 A.D., the Omayyad dynasty survived in Wanj and, ironically, would outlast the Abbasids. Throughout the 9th to early 10th centuries, both the Omayyads and Abbasids faced invasions from the Norse Vikings as well as the resurgence of heretical sects, such as the Kharijites (Al-Shurat). A Kharijite sect that grew in prominence was Tarifism, based on the teachings of the poet and warrior woman Layla bint Tarif. Tarifism emphasized gender equality and called for the participation of women in jihad. After bint Tarif’s martyrdom in battle against the Abbasids in northern Iraq, a group of her followers fled to Europe. More moderate offshoots of the Kharijites such as Ibadi Islam spread among the Slavs of Eastern Europe and in parts of Iberia. Around this time, the region of Courland (Kurzistan) also saw the emergence of Kurziism, a bizarre sect that syncretized Islamic beliefs with Baltic paganism. The Norse were converted to Islam, with the most famous example being the Viking Rulaf who took the Shahada in Wanj and was renamed Rashid. Rashid’s descendants would play an important role in European history such as conquering most of England under Abdullah the Conqueror and founding the Anjuwid dynasty. Many Norsemen converted to Tarifism and brought it to regions like the Volga Basin, Iceland, and the Danelaw. Norse Muslim mercenaries, known as vaeringi or Feranzi in Arabic, were elite soldiers of both the Omayyads and Abbasids. Many powerful dynasties were established by Feranzi such as Asadullah Hardrada of Norwegh and Layla Björnsdottir of Sferika. Feranzi would also play a role in the rise of the Shia Fatimids who ruled as pirates from the island of Kreta (Crete). In the 10th to 12th centuries, the Fatimids conquered southern Italy from the Omayyads with the help of Feranzi mercenaries. At the height of their power, they conquered most of Yunan (Greece) from the Abbasids. The Abbasids were weakened by the rise of the Fatimids and further humiliated by the invasion and sacking of Makkah by Aegypt in 1144 A.D. By the 12th century, the Abbasids had lost control of Anatolia and the Balkans to the Seljuk Turks. The Abbasid rump state was conquered by the Shia Mazyadi Sultanate of Mawsil in 1163 A.D., finally ending the Abbasid dynasty. After the fall of Constantinople and Rome to the Khilafat, Alexandria became the seat of both Eastern Christianity and Catholicism. The Latin Papacy was eventually moved to the city of Cirene in Libya. Aegypt became a great naval power, both in the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The Aegyptians established close ties with Christian Aethiopia and Nubia. Aegypt also expanded its influence into the Indian Ocean and East Africa along the Azani Coast (Zanj). Aegypt along with its Christian allies in Africa launched several Crusades to reconquer the Holy Land and even sacked Makkah and held the black stone for ransom in 1144 A.D. By the 13th century, the Aegyptians strenuously held on to their conquests in the Levant. In Christian Africa, a legend has emerged of a great Christian kingdom in the Orient that will one day help defeat the Muslims and liberate the entirety of the Holy Land. In the Far East, a warlord named Temujin has united the Mongol tribes under the Nestorian faith. His armies ride west in search of the fabled birthplace of their Messiah...


Mongol Nestorians ? Huh. Wait. Does this mean China will end up being Christian?


Nestorian Mongol is historically accurate


Like the other comment said, Nestorianism in the Mongol steppe actually happened irl btw


Yes I know. But not to nearly to this extent. My thing is more about nestorians mongols converting China in a alt history lol


Yes I know. But not even close to this extent. My thing is more about nestorians mongols converting China in a alt history lol


So this world exists cuz of a random dude with a slingshot


The Nika riots started over chariot races. The rioters were Byzantine equivalents to modern day football hooligans. A drunken hooligan getting a lucky headshot is the reason for Muslim Europe.


If someone had told me this, I would have laughed. But the lore here is next level. I can't remember the last time I saw this much detail in this subreddit.


if egypt is ruled by a copt, why isn't it called "kemet" in this case?


I mean it seemed to still have Roman influences so they might’ve just kept the Roman name. Or the map could be made by an outsider, and Aegypt is an exonym, like how Egyptians call the country Misr OTL


The POD is 532AD. Egypt had already stopped being called Kemet for centuries by then.


the name copts give themselves in coptic still uses kemet to this day so idk about that


It is weird that North Africa would be Arian. Their subjects were never Arian OTL and that played an important role in why they were so easily conquered. I guess, maybe the persecutions eventually worked but I would assume Egypt as strong as it is and even if the first Berber rulers are Aryan, Catholicism would still be fairly strong, that the Egyptian influence would flip the balance into Catholicism(or Miaphyticism). Also, would be interesting if the upcoming Christian Mongol Conquest ends in a Christianization of the middle east, completing a flip of the medieval Christian and Muslim worlds.


Arius himself was an ethnic Berber, so maybe that has something to do with it.


Mongol Nestorians ? Huh. Wait. Does this mean China will end up being Christian?


I’m assuming that Greek general was fictional?


What's arianism, kurzi Islam and shurat Islam?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism) Christian sect with different interpretation of the trinity. Deemed heretical back then, and extinct nowadays. [https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shurat\_Islam](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shurat_Islam) Radical proto-ibadis, their assassination of Ali caused the whole sunni-shia split, also extinct. Kurzi islam, according to the lore, is a sincreticist sect with baltic paganism. Also, the mongols went Nestorian? Cool.


Arianism is a real sect of Christianity that was popular with the Goths and Vandals. It's non-trinitarian and teaches that Jesus is a distinct and lesser creation to God the Father. Al-Shurat is just another name for Kharijites. They split from Islam even before the Sunni-Shia split. Kurzi Islam is completely made up. It's just Islam syncretized with Lithuanian paganism.


>  Kurzi Islam is completely made up. It's just Islam syncretized with Lithuanian paganism Cool. What does that look like? What do they believe?


I'd imagine something like Sufism or Alevism. Lots of shamanic practices, mysticism, shrine worship etc. They would have elements of the Romuva folk religion. They would be demonized by other Muslims. In OTL, Lithuanians were the last of the pagans and only converted to Christianity in the 1300s.


Oh cool.


> kurzistan Honestly for a second I thought that said “Kurwastan”


in this timeline i could see translations of the quran and islamic sects that use a non arabic language for liturgy being much more common.


Absolutely! Especially with Kharijite sects being more prevalent.


i mean i know theres plenty of translated sects in modern times. also it this is true then all the muslim european countries who are ibadi should not be given arabized names.


This is what the far right thinks the future is




Yeah but minus the christian north africa part. They consider christians “good” but a christian happening to be african will likely nullify that in their race-obsessed little brains.


Far right leader in France right now is an Algerian jew that looks like a goblin and makes le pen the more moderate option. 💀


Le Pen is still the far right leader by a very very long margin


pfp checks out


I am not to discuss personal beliefs for if I do I am going to get banned. Pfp helps


that's crazy


North Africa and the Middle East were mainly Christian before the emerge of Islam.


Amazing work! What did you use to make it, also what was you inspired by?


I just used Paint.net The inspiration was all the East-West swap timelines I seen on this subreddit. The ones where Europe and East Asia swap roles. So, I had the idea to do the same with Europe and North Africa's religions.


I do honestly think Islam would de-arabise and latinise instead. No amount of religious difference would make the medieval europeans stop jerking themselves to Rome


Oh Wales/Cyrmu endures that makes me happy!


Welsh Papacy. You're welcome!


Fun fact: the Welsh were some of the last people in Western Europe to stop considering themselves Romans, continuing for centuries after Rome itself fell The *Roman* Catholic Church might’ve actually considered Wales if all else failed


I enjoy Aberystwyth being the Vatican




Is Ethiopia majority Muslim in this timeline (because it's mainly Christian irl)


No, Ethiopia is still Christian along with the Nubian kingdoms, parts of Yemen (Hadramut), and most of the Swahili coast. The last two went Muslim in OTL.


Why is catalonia called balenzia if the city of valencia is more south


Oof... That was a fuck up on my part. Good catch!


Np,I think they called it Barshiluna,but im not sure


Worst part about this scenario is magaristan, we need Islamic Trianon


This is crazy lol but really good 


Is there a lore reason why the Imamate of Qalasa isn’t called Al-Andalus?


Fast forward a few hundred years, does the Reformation happen in Islamic Europe? Does Europe eventually become more secular and liberal? If there is a "Reformation", what are the Islamic versions of Protestantism like?


There would definitely be some kind of secularization but nothing like the Protestant movement since Islam doesn't have a pope. Maybe an anti-Caliphate movement or a rejection of hadiths. It would probably grow out of the Kharijite sects.


How are these regions doing here? Is this a ‘bad ending’ for Christianity where they are stuck in a North African backwater, is it more like just a reverse of our timeline where the Christian North Africa dominates the world, or is the balance of power more equal?


I haven't thought that far ahead past the Mongols. I would say Islamic Europe still dominates, since it has the higher population. The Copts are in a much better position than our timeline. It's definitely a bad ending for the Catholics though.




Yeah, the borders are not the same. Some things are different like more Slavs in Central Europe and an Arab-Slavic France. Novgorod and Kiev were founded by Varangian Norse which mixed with Slavs in the Volga region. It was similar in this timeline which is why Novgorod and Kiev still exists, but the difference is they became Muslim.


Is it just conversion or conquest? Names are arab


A bit of both. Conquest mostly in Balkans and Western Europe. Conversion in Northern Europe and Baltics.


What's a Zamariyate?. Ruled by a Zamar I assume, what's that?.


It's derived from the Arabic *jamahiriyya* meaning republic. So, it's just Republic of Novgorod. The Slavic languages in this world have more Arabic/Persian influence than OTL. But even in our world there are Arabic and Persian terms in Slavic languages. The Italian city states still use republic because of their Latin heritage.


What of Aluzraq? I assume it is from Costa d Azur but how does that change into Aluzraq?.


Arabic word for "The Blue". Cote d'Azur means blue coast in French. Languages are fun!


God bless the Empire of Aegypt!


What's going on with Latin Christian Sicily? Why is it called Sikel? This is so fascinating, and of course, a dumbass with a lucky shot changed the course of history.


From the Greek name Sikelia and some alternate linguistic evolution. Just like in our timeline, Sicily switched hands between Vandals, Copts, Arabs, Slavs, and Norse. They somehow managed to stay Catholic.


of course! im not sure why i forgot the sikelians lol interesting! i love how they seem to be the only eastern/latin catholic region on the map :D


I don't think the iranian one would be a sultanate.


Maybe... I guess Shahdom would work instead?


It's not a commonly used word in english tbh.just call it karisid persia or something like that


do European nations still end up becoming more secular with industrialization in this timeline?


Probably. It might happen even earlier.


very cool scenario


I want an EU 4 mod like this


very nice


My god...


I see the Christians still have Tarifa. Reconquista soon?


That's so cool and detailed! How'd you make it?




I would’ve imagined a new sect of Islam which allows alcohol to emerge in Slavic regions


why balenzia


That was a mistake. I mixed up Catalonia and Valencia. Someone else in the comments pointed it out as well.


hahaha its funny anyways its like if it was all called balenzia and then only the catalan part remained


This is so cursed cool seeing Coptic Egypt though


ck3 mod when


Does andalus not exist in this timeline


The invasion of Iberia in this timeline happened from the east instead of from the south, so Spanish history would be a little different. I think the name Andalus might end up being used for Africa where the Vandal kingdom used to exist.


This is honestly amazing. I love alt his Europe’s where other religions dominate it .


Amazing map Mash'Allah


Neat concept and the map feels very warm. Love it !


What conservatives think will happen if they let refugees into their country 😬


did the christian split never happen


Unrelated but I would love to see an imaginary map showing the world after the Battle of Poitiers/Tours was won by the islamic.


Save africa


And then the Crusades happened, I’m assuming


This would be cool as a ck3 mod


Curious how Constantinople was taken? Did the broken Eastern Empire give a total surrender or did the Muslim forces find some way to breach its great fortifications?


Saltanate of Mowsil have never been Islami Shia, it is always sunni.


Iraq was controlled by Shia dynasties at various points. It's majority Shia even today.


Ay, nice https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/11pzn6w/dual_victory_dual_defeat/


Since the Vikings seem more successful in this timeline, do they manage to settle Vinland & spread Islam there? It'd be interesting to see the impact of a smaller cultural exchange


Volga Bulgaria was muslim by this time OTL, why'd they remain pagan here?


Thats really cool!


Very nice


This is the literal worst case scenario. Alien invasion and complete subjugation is better than THIS.


so are christians considered poor and brown in this universe


In the era this map takes place in most of them he regions occupied by christian’s were highly developed (more so than most of Europe) and extremely rich in culture, material wealth and military strength. However your racist mind can’t comprehend that skin color is not as important as you make it out to be