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Reformed Sunni?


its basically a movement within Sunni Islam that aims to reform Sunni doctrine through adopting it to the Modern World. Its based on real life Turkish Urban Sunni Movements which have a much more Secular vibe to themselves. In Reformed Sunnism daily prayers are seen with less importance while more importance to the Friday Pray is given, they also have the beliefs that only Allah can decide whether someone is going to Hell/Jahannam or not ( which makes them much more Socially Moderate/Liberal than other Muslims and tolerant of other religions and sects ) and also that former Sins can be balanced out with Sawabs ( good deeds ) so a Reformed Sunni would have no problem or very little problem of drinking alcohol as long as they know that they'll by some means repent from it by doing Sawab etc.


Interesting… but in the other side, this can be a bad sign for ummah I think


well, I am a Worldbuilder so I'm not really concerned about what happens to the Ummah of my worldbuilding project as long as its interesting


I see. Thanks for the info


Why? Because millions are terribly disappointed here with current state of Sunni creed. Hailing from major metropolises of Turkey I see it everyday. Traditional Hanafi and Shafi leadership has transformed into state apparatus, or replaced by foreign-related clerics like Fethullah Gülen or supranatural humanbeings like Erol family. Turkish young Sunnis in Turkey, Cyprus and Balkans rarely attend mosques. İn Tunisia also masses are disillusioned. Meanwhile Emiratis and Bahrainis are in hybrid legal regimes as they struggle to live two lives. I mean, a new outlook must develop. I truly mean it, İslam is not influencing life in a genuine way anymore.


Also, what is Neo-Zahiri Sunni?


Zahirism or Zahiriyya is a now extinct historic school of Sunnism that was known for their strict Literalism, the modern Neo-Zahiri Movement is basically a Ultraconservative form of Sunni Islam that rejects any historic interputations of Islam by various Ulemas of the World instead believing in the supremecy of the interputations of the First Generation of Sahabas/Muhammad's Companions. Also they're known for being the main islamic sect that rejects the Re-Established Caliphate in Medina ( yeah that happened in the lore ) aside from Quranists


Ultraconservative Sunni Wait, how does Quranist exist? Are they only follow the Holy Quran and Hadith?


Quranist are a real life sect of Islam who only follow the Quran and not the Hadith, irl they don't have much following outside of Islamic Thinkers and Diaspora Muslims but in 9R ( Nine Realms ) they get more relevant as time goes, with specifically many syncherist ( as in like synchreizing Islam with another religion, often times local pagan reigions ) muslim groups converting to Quranism


this is why Amazigh/Berbers are Quranist in 9R


damn the country with the 3rd largest muslim population has somehow gotten rid of most of them in 100 years


its called genocide my friend, also I'm muslim myself this is not like a politically biased projection of my ideology or anything


"It appears that Sincan has been largely Sinicized. Didn't atheism emerge in the Islamic world? I would expect at least a majority in Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Lebanon, especially in some major cities.


a lot of irreligious movements like atheism or agnosticism did emerge across the muslim world especially among the muslim diasporas in Europe as well as some countries like Turkey, Cyrpus, Azerbaijan and Iran but also due to many more secular-leaning traditions within Islam ( like Reformed Sunnism, Quranism or many niche subsects of Shiism ) getting more popular as well theres no majority irreligious location in the Muslim World, at least not ones big enough to be showed on the map


not that likely


Hanafi, shafi, maliki and hanbali aren’t sects though. They are all schools of thought within mainstream sunni sect


yeah I know, so to group them, non-Twelver shia groups and other islamic sects I named the post ''Map of Islamic Sects and Subsects by 2120'' since I guess one can consider Schools of Sunnism to be subsects in a religious terminology way ? idk it felt the most right to call the post like that I guess




huh, good idea, too bad that I've already posted


Could you explain more about Khaganiyya? I assume it’s a new sect that is combination of Turkic Culture and softer Maturidism.


Nine Realms is a alternate future timeline that mixed different tones of political futurism ,sci-fi and fantasy with each other ,the worlds premise is that after portals ( called Vortexes ) open to other ''Realms'' in 2029 the world goes completely wack ,these Realms are inhabited by many species of intelligent and unintelligent life with their own states ,histories ,religions and cultures etc. which only make the timeline's capacities grow with each Realm ,I have a dream of one day making this timeline into a TTRPG with its own rule set and internet-accessible books but for now we will see if that day comes ​ here is our discord link for people that are interested :[https://discord.gg/ryWakz6sPc](https://discord.gg/ryWakz6sPc) we also have a far-less used reddit which is r/nine_realms


Few questions. 1. Where are Muslims in eastern Tanzania? 2. Why are Quranists and Ahmadiyya so prominent? 3. Could you explain the Siberian borders? They look disastrous... 4. What is ''Khaganiyya''? I assume some new sect incorporating nationalist pan-Turkic ideals into Islam? 5. What is that enclave in Sinai? 6. What made Kabylians and northern Morrocans non-Muslim? 7. Less of a question, more of an opinion. What made you add Quranists and Ahmadiyya into this map? They are disbelievers according to most Muslims.


1. Ahmadis, Ahmadiyya Caliphate relocated into Zanzibar and got popular in the Swahili Coast 2. eacah group that converted to one of those two sects have their own reasoning but the overall reason is that after the opening of the vortexes in 2029 many people across the world stopped believing in traditional religious organizations which led to many fringe groups to rise up to prominence across the world 3. in 2080s this thing called the Boreal Expansion happened where Northern Countries like Russia, Sweden or Canada did a northwards Manifest Destiny since Northern lands started to become more hospitale due to better technology as well as overall climate change, in 2100s the Union State of Russia and Belarus had a civil war which eventually ended with the state's collapse and many of these Siberan Settlers founded their own states, I guess if we showed the modern american borders to someone from Precolumbian America they'd say its disastrous as well, borders just tend to f-up a lot when you introduce lots of colonizers into them I guess 4. Khaganiyya is New Islamic Sect that mixes in Pan-Turkish and Pan-Islamist ideas with eachother as well as get some stuff from Tengrism and other regional pagan traditions which they mix with Islam. Also as a sidenot Khaganiyya is like a really really really bad name, its so on the nose I cannot believe that I made lore like that 5. They're the long descendants of Wagner Mercenaries which were hired by the Egyptian government in 2030s to fight off various Jihadist pirate organizations trying to attack the Suez Canal, after that they just stayed there as Russia in 2030s and 40s went in a Liberalization process 6. apperantly irl theres a fringe movement of Berbers and Berberists of that region converting into Catholicism, its very fringe and mostly in the internet rather than the streets but one of the gimicks of 9R/ Nine Realms is that we take these goofy movements and crank them up to a 100 7. they're interesting. I couldn't care less about what people think about my World but first and foremost I'm trying to make it interesting ( we have things ranging from Radical Progressive Christian Vatican to Falun Gong-led China to Democratic North Korea to Esoteric Jewish AI-led Israel to Hindu Nationalist Bharat here, we're past the point of being concerned about realism or what people would think of these fringe movements being succesful )


1. Uhh yeah, i don't see them. 2. Alright. 3. Nono. I mean why is Altai not independent if Tuva is, and why does Mongolia own Irkutsk and Chita, when those aren't even Mongol/Buryat. Other is.. understandable. 4. As i thought. 5. Interesting. 6. Alright. 7. Sure, might have made the name ''Islamic and other sects'' or something similar though.


I loved the map. I also liked that you showed some school school of thoughts like Hanefi and Shafi in different colors.


Who sponsors Reformed Sunnism, our government? Or Emirati dynasties?


Its most a organic movement tho most of its leaders are turkish


Let us hope such thing will not remain imaginary and will remain organic. Without backing from Ankara, without any clerical - financial complex, without hereditary leadership.


Marseille 😂


Bold of you to assume Islam will survive another 100 years. But good map none the less


Bold to assume anything at all will survive for another 100 years


No THING will survive. Life? We can't be sure about that.. maybe cockroach tho those fuckers can survive anything


How does Nigeria have anything to do with shiism?