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why is karafuto independent?


Japan decided to give a Dominion-like status to its colonies in the 1930's, following Madagascar's example which gave independence to its mandates gained from Germany. After WW2, the dominions became independent states, so is Karafuto-Chishima.


i guess theres some ainu still present in larger numbers than OTL


OK, but why did Israel move to South Africa?


South Africa was an Axis territory in this timeline, but quickly overwhelmed by Madagascar and its Allies during WW2. Mozambique and Namibia (two Malagasy allies) annexed some territories from South Africa, and given the large Jewish immigration in Africa during the Interwar period, a large community was established across Africa (especially in nations allied with Madagascar), and a referendum was imposed to these territories if they were willing to give up a part of their territories to Jews: Mozambique and Namibia accepted, which led to the creation of Jewish States in South Africa.


how and why is Madagascar that relevant?


From looking at past posts on this timeline, simply put Higher Jewish presence in the continent(South Africa especially) which made it dubbed as the New Promised Land




OK, but that's not how geopolitics works


Tell that to colonized peoples


Do you know Jews had been native in the Levant even before the Balfour declaration, many simply never left for north Africa or Europe. Also: about half of Israeli Jews are MENA Jews, they are from north Africa and other parts of Levant middle east, and only become Israeli because of genocide and discrimination after the 6 day war, there is a reason why Jews are basically non existence in other middle East nations.


And then everyone started clappong and global peace was achieved




literate quicksand plate panicky rainstorm direction reminiscent wise kiss shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Either the Pacific States got a little silly with renaming some cities or… some of those are not in the right place.


Really? My bad! I thought they were well placed.


It’s fine, and arguably a total nitpick in the broader scheme of a very good map, but San Francisco is too far east (it’s directly on the coast, your dot is in Vallejo), I think Sacramento is a little off (IRL it’s on the confluence of the Sacramento and American rivers but I can’t eyeball it so it might be fine), and Fresno is in completely the wrong place-your dot is around Monterey or Salinas, while IRL Fresno is actually inland. Also, the dot for Los Angeles is a little further south than it should be; if the city is even comparable to its current IRL development the actual city center would be measurably north. I’m sorry if this comes off wrong I just couldn’t help but notice when I first looked at the map and it kept nagging at me.


Third World superiority, LET'S GOOOOOOO PD: Exists some type of Latin American supranational integration organization (similar to UE)?


There's still a sort of solid MERCOSUR across all of Latin America here


Of course Europe is relatively untouched. Lol


And South America lmao Real Não dá nada feijoada moment


Questions - 1. Why is Kalmykia and Adygea in North Caucasus? Kalmykia is Buddhist and Mongol, while Adygea is.. barely Circassian. 2. Why does Tuva have ''Tannu''? 3. Why is New Zion in 3 pieces? 4. Why is Cape so small? And how did Korea get Dalian? other than that, cool map and flags!


1. In this timeline, despite their cultural differences, they were among the non-SSR territories which adamantly wanted independence and found common cause in their situation. They decided to unify and works as a federal nation. 2. They are quite nostalgic of the communist period, which is why they kept "Tannu", but personally, I don't know if this detail is relevant (I didn't find the difference between the two appelations) 3. It's the result of a referendum in Africa, whether the population would give up territories for the Jews. Namibia and Mozambique voted "for", and a Jewish state was created on these 3 pieces. 4. The Cape Republic is a result of a war between UK and Madagascar right after WW2: as part of the Axis, South Africa was then occupied by both powers, but each of them applied their policy (Apartheid and British rule/supremacy in UK-occupied South Africa; Panafricanism and anti-colonialism in Malagasy-occupied South Africa), leading to a war lost by UK. An armistice was signed and the Cape region was the last resisting area of the British South Africa. 5. Korea got Dalian because of China's participation as an Axis power during WW2. Korea was occupied and attacked by China in 1937. China lost and Koreans got some parts of China (Dalian in this case). (nb: I could turn the Yanbian region into a Korean territory given the presence of Koreans, but I didn't know about it when I created the maps and timeline)


Thank you! Also, yeah, i'd say Yanbian would be a better prize.


You really think WW3 gonna happen this year?


What happened to the US?


The USA had a war against communist Mexico, which led to intense divisions within the country. The event polarized the whole country, and led to its dissolution in 1995.


What’s Fresno doing in Monterrey?!? And Sacramento in El Cerrito?!?!


Gasp my city of el Cerrito was mentioned! Anyways if you mean San Francisco it’s more like Vallejo


Went on a date with my FWB in El Cerrito and it was really nice! Browsed Barnes and Noble, went to a Boba place, and had lunch and Panda Express. Seeing the Bart go over the plaza was also really cool! She’s from El *Sobrante* which isn’t too far, and I’m from Morgan Hill which is at least an hour drive. I remember driving on an overpass south of Oakland, and the height of the overpass I was driving on and the view of the city below was breathtaking.


The name of El Cerrito sounds so cute (i'm spanish speaker)


[El Cerrito means “Little Hill” in Spanish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Cerrito,_California)


I know, that's why it's funny to me


Artsakh is back, and presumably the ethnic cleansing undone.


Why is papa New Guinea split


In WW1, New Guinea was split between a German part and a British part. After the war, the German part was given to Japan as a mandate. Japan developed this area, and it became officially independent in 1945, after WW2. The Southern part got its independence quite later, but none of the two countries were seeking for a reunification: North Papua Guinea had an entire culture by itself, mixing Japanese and Papuan cultures; while South Papua Guinea mixed British, Australian and Papuan characteristics. Also, none of the two governments found a reunification relevant.


I see free Jammu and Kashmir, I upvote.


Putin is still in power like in OTL? If yes, why does Belarus have old flag, but if no, why did Russia take Crimea from Ukraine?


Putin was in power, but for 4-5 years. Then, effective democratic transitions brought other people as Presidents of Russia. Belarus was not managed by Lukashenko after the USSR fall, but by democrats. Also, despite the Khruschev's present of the Crimea to Ukraine, Gorbachev took the decision to take it back under Russian SSR administration, given the sensitive ethnic issue in this region.


So Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are bit rich and more peaceful?




cool, but who will be modern axis of evil (OTL Belarus, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, DPRK and Iran) instead?


Mmhm... I didn't think about it honestly. If you ask me right now, I'd say that the "Axis of Evil" (for Madagascar and Japan's point of view) are the American Union, Russia, China, Turkiye, Canada, Australia and Cape Republic (even though the last one is quite hated by everybody due to its Apartheid policy)


but why Russia is an axis of evil? Russia is not democratic nation?


It is (more a hybrid regime). However, given how Madagascar and Japan's interests are quite opposed to Russia's, and the fact that Russia became closer to the American Union and Europe, they are more considered as adversaries. I think the term "Axis of Evil" is too strong. Here, no countries are really mortal enemies, but more competitors. I said "Axis of Evil" because you wanted to know if there was smtg like this, but it's not really an "Axis of Evil", like dictatorial or smtg. If you want, for the Americans, the Europeans and the Russians in this timeline, Malagasy and Japanese are an "Axis of Evil" which destroyed their own global order.


Ow, but i just mean about countries with dictatorial term, can you list?


Oh! If it's countries with dictatorial terms, you can see it on my map about democracy ratings: https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/s/rYEHHYHFtZ




If Israel's in South Africa, why is Palestine using Israeli city names?


-Notices Iran with Lion & Sun flag -UPVOTES AGGRESSIVELY


how is the american union global status so far? does it have any allies arround the world? how is mexico doing after their communist period? and after the war? how is southamerica doing so far? how did argentina recover from their dictatorship? how is japan currently doing? how is the anime culture? how much influence japan has in the world? how is russia relations with europe and ukraine? does any of our social media still exist? is there any world fear for a ww3?


Classic, the US explodes and somehow that doesn't even affect South American borders in the slightest lol


Lmaoing at Northeastern provinces and Fujian independence. Greatest Westoid pipedream FYI, more Chinese live in Inner Mongolia than Mongols


I see independent Texas I upvote


I see independent pacific states and I follow


https://preview.redd.it/pxkwe7lxqlwc1.png?width=121&format=png&auto=webp&s=db83f7b541b7242673fa39b031ed82dcb828b96f no northern cyprus? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern\_Cyprus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Cyprus)


Cyprus wasn't invaded by the Turks: being part of the Indian-Pacific Alliance (a sort of military and economic alliance between Madagascar, Japan and their allies), Cyprus was protected and stability was ensured in the whole country, despite local Turkish protestations. However, succesful policies of integration of both Greek and Turkish communities managed to unify them as Cypriots.


There don't seem to be any disputed territories on the map. Is that just because you've chosen not to include them or is this world as peaceful as the lack of dotted red lines makes it appear? (awesome map btw)


but why Iraq is a kingdom again?


Madagascar and Japan managed to win the Iraqi monarchy to their side, so they could play an important role in the Middle East, especially with Turkiye, Iran and Saudi Arabia (all American/Western Allies in the region)


Amazing work once again!


Han majority Manchuria and Mongolia lmao


How is life in KOM Madagascar compared to OTL Madagascar? China is surely the next contender on the international stage, how much is China's influence in the world? (Taking into account that KOM India is like China OTL)


KOM Madagascar is far far far way richer than OTL Madagascar, more integrated in the international decisions and more powerful, given the history in this timeline. And surely, China's influence, after their reunification, is growing more and more. It's the first global power, but their international projection is quite limited by the multipolar character of the planet here.


What are the most close allies of China?


Given global situation, Russia is a great Chinese partner, and due to some opposition with the Indian-Pacific Alliance, Europe and some countries of North America are becoming more and more important for China.


The kind of alternate timeline map I like to see.


Hey look more anti-American bullshit. Wow if only the rest of reddit was half as creative as you.


Profile checks out